The necessary move to Terminal City had been hard on everyone. The transgenics had settled well in to an old hospital building but movement was restricted, accommodation cramped and resources constantly short. Max had unintentionally fallen into the position of team leader. It was in her genetics to lead. A few other alpha's made themselves obvious from among the ranks, including Alec, and they were currently leading raiding parties collecting, food, medicine and other amenities. For all that Max had tried to flush Manticore from her system and being, she had to admit the transgenics were surviving on their training.

But Max couldn't help but thinking Logan was taking the whole scenario especially hard. He was restricted in how long he could spent in the city walls due to radiation levels, he was living in squalor and Eyes Only's soldiers of fortune were no longer at his beck and call. It had been months since the last eyes only pirate streaming video. There were even rumours among the Normals that Eyes Only himself was a transgenic and had been subtly 'disappeared' during the riots.

He was calling again. Max sat in her makeshift office, her clunky mobile at her ear. There was no noise coming from the receiver but Max was sure it was him. Nothing as creepy as heavy breathing or grunts. Just a moment or two of silence then a gentle click as the phone was hung up. Max hung up the phone with a sigh.

"Telesales again?" Came a voice from the door, Alec strode in and took a seat on the one armed swivel chair in the corner of the room "Tell them we could be doing with some double glazing and a new roof, this one's leaky as hell."

"Whatever." Max sighed, not wanting to approach the subject of Logan "Did you get the supplies we were after?"

"Done and done." Alec smirked, "But I have to say Maxie it's getting harder. They're posting sector police patrols on all major shipments, Jess took at bullet to the shoulder." He began swivelling on his swivel chair, "She's fine, just a graze but we'll be left holding up 7/11's if they up their security much more."

"Get smarter." Max ordered, "We've got more people arriving daily. People to clothe, people to feed."

"Sure thing Maxie." Alec laughed, "I think I've just about figured out how out how to sweat Cola and shit ham sandwiches."

"Not interested." Max said sternly, "Now if it was red wine, you'd have me interested…" She pressed her fingers to her temple.

"I'll get on it." Alec replied, standing leaning on the desk. He spun Max's phone in circles on the varnished desk, "Maybe you should get out for a bit. Go for a ride. Give Logan a visit." He suggested, "He might know what to say if he actually saw you."

"Maybe." Max sighed, "But not tonight, I'm backed up to the wall." She shuffled papers to emphasise the point.

"Okey Dokey." Came the reply, "Catch you later."

Max watched Alec go then set back to work. Her mind uneasy about how to deal with Logan. Things were definitely less… complicated with their necessary distance. There was a part of Max that was happy to let their situation lengthen the gap that had appeared over the last year. But she felt she owed him more. Maybe she would give him a visit. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight she had three new transgenics to record and find accommodation for. A family nonetheless which, although lovely, came with new housing and feeding problems. The next raid would have to include diapers and formula milk.

Around 1am Max finally slumped sleepily into her tiny bedroom. A rickety bed and a hospital dresser it's only furniture. But something was there that didn't belong, someone had been in her room. Sitting along on the dresser was an unopened bottle of red wine and a lonely glass. A note was stuck to the bottle.

Max smiled for the first time that day.

Shat this especially for you,
