~The Unremarkable Life of Higurashi Kagome~
She never had any extraordinary powers nor did she have a mysterious past. In fact, she was failing at math, owned an overweight cat and a annoying little brother. However, she was remarkably plain looking. Here's the story of how such a girl enchanted the anything but less than remarkable Uchiha Itachi. –Ita/Kag-
~Chapter One~
I Killed Him
"-gome!" Mama Higurashi hissed with a ladle pointed at her daughter like a sword. "Not in front of your brother."
"Gomen ne, mama," Kagome hummed as snapped her calculus book shut and slurped the last contents of her morning soup. "I just hate integrals…"
"Where are you going, now?"
Kagome slipped her calculus book into her messenger bag and hoisted it over her shoulder. "Swinging by the hospital on my way to class. There are openings for nurse's assistants."
"Hm, you do mean the civilian hospital….?"
"Of course not!" Kagome shot back as she stepped into her sandals at the doorway. "Shinobi are much more interesting."
The waiting room was brimming with battered and red-blotched men. Ironically the wall paper was pink and inviting with a floral pattern along with a little crystal bowl of truffles on the receptionist's desk.
Kagome was so busy filling out the application she failed to recognize the spectre that had walked - limped in.
Uchiha Itachi was scanning room with a strategic glare. The only chair available was next to some pale girl in the corner. Her chakra signature was weak and imperceptible.
He was already injured and with a migraine forming, he really did not want the last straw to be some mindless fan girl who sent him into a killing frenzy.
So he did what anybody would do with a fractured tibula.
Uchiha Itachi would rather stand in the middle of the room than sit next to that girl.
Kagome jotted her initials for the twenty-seventh time before she realized a man was staring at her. She looked side to side before noticing the empty seat.
She motioned welcomingly with a lopsided smile to the vacant chair.
Uchiha Itachi did not budge.
"Is there an issue?" Kagome queried.
The light hum of conversation dimmed in the room.
Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose in a grimace. Her voice was making the piercing sensation behind his eyeballs sing like a freshly sharpened kunai. "Please cease speaking to me."
Kagome's cheeks blossomed red. "You think you're better than me?" Typical shinobi superiority complex…
Itachi's ears began to ring. "I don't think—" he snapped. "I know."
Maybe it was the blood loss, maybe it was the crippling migraine or maybe it was his blatant disregard for her potential…
All that we do know of this momentous day was that Uchiha Itachi did not dodge—
–the clipboard hurtling towards his left temple.
Uchiha Itachi was knocked unconscious.
Kagome squeaked. "Kami… I killed him."
The entire room erupted into laughter.
Author's Note: Little shorts here and there to fill up the spaces in between MOAP updates. A bit cliche of a beginning but I have plans for these two. Thank ShikiKira who gave me the idea ages ago. If you have an idea or prompt I'm always open ears. It's good to be back :) I've missed this! ~KK