A/N: Moi!

Meaning Hi! Here's the last chapter of the first part! Yes, it's finished and I can start to publish the chapters written to the second movie! I'm so excited! XD And am so happy to be inside in my room right now writing this note as outside I can see a horrid blizzard going on just outside my window. Ugh, I am a Finn but hate snow. Am I weird? :P

Well without further ado, enjoy and PLEASE comment at least now when the last chap is up! I want to know do I suck at this or do I make some readable stuff... :D

As there has been readers to this fic concluding by the views, I thank ALL of you for sticking with me these chaps! It has been fun and hope you read the continuation to this story!

As they slowly made their way out of the cave under the moonlight, Elizabeth then leaned closer to Eve.

"Can I ask you something?" she said, looking at Eve straight into eyes a bit weird expression in hers. Eve was surprised as Elizabeth had been quiet for a long time now, even mostly they had been talking about Elizabeth's kidnapping and some other things almost all the time before that. Eve smiled and nodded.

"Anything", she answered. Elizabeth returned her smile, but it wasn't complete and she looked away briefly before spoke up again.

"Do you... like Will?" she then whispered, glancing at Will as to make sure he didn't hear. And he didn't. Eve's eyes widened a bit and also she glanced at Will briefly.

"As if… do I love him you mean?" Eve stated questionably. Elizabeth looked away but nodded.

Eve blinked a couple of times for confusion, but then she just let out amused breath and shook her head in denial.

"No, no, nothing like that!" she answered. "As I said, both of you have grown very important to me. And so has Will and he is special. I do like him. I like him very much and he is very close person to me, who I can trust and depend on with everything. But only as a friend. I do not love him as a man."

Eve smiled reassuringly, as she had guessed where this Elizabeth's question had come from. And she did notice relief on Elizabeth's face when she then now smiled back that full smile, until turned her attention to the cliffs which started to come in sight a bit farther away. Eve examined her new friend for a moment until also turned her eyes away.

Truly, Elizabeth wouldn't need to worry about such things. Yes, Eve and Will were close, but not in romantic way. They cared for each other a lot, but it was not love. And besides, Eve wasn't even sure would there ever be anyone else to gain her love like John had. For that thought she let out a sigh, which no one noticed except Jack, who gave her one more examining look as the boat made its way toward the place where the Black Pearl was waiting. He had heard Elizabeth's question and Eve's answer too even Will hadn't, which was peculiar.

Soon Will rowed the boat between two high cliff formations, and the sight what waited them did not make Jack happy. The small bay was empty and the Black Pearl was gone. Eve directed a sorry look at Jack's back, who only stared at the open sea as if defeated, disappointed.

"I'm sorry Jack", Elizabeth said, also feeling pity for the pirate captain who now just sat there with his treasures, completely abandoned. But Jack tried to act brave so to say.

"They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that", he answered not turning around. But Eve could tell that inside Jack felt somewhat sad for his crew to just leave him there. But well, they did what was right with the Code. And Jack owed them a ship. But still Eve felt sorry for him, as it was the Black Pearl in question, and it was priceless to Jack. That much she had learned.

"What you're going to do?" Eve asked, reaching out a bit to see Jack better as waited his answer in interest. Jack sat silently until took off the crown, placing it next to him on the boat.

"I guess my dear Evie there's only one thing to do…" he said finally, trying to sound cheery. "I'll turn myself from infamous to famous Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Eve made a blue smile. Jack's black humor wasn't that great. But as a signal Will now continued to row toward Dauntless, it soon coming forth behind of a rock wall not so far away. Eve lifted her gaze and she noticed it to be indeed what Jack had said in the pirate cave. Pride of the Royal Navy, even it didn't match with Interceptor. It was also smaller but very neat ship, and no wonder the pirates had been afraid of it.

Will rowed straight to it, some officers on the deck noticing them a bit farther away and there were some exclaims and orders shouted on the deck, as they prepared to take the four people on the ship from the boat. As there was next a rope latter thrown down to them to climb, Jack was the first one to go up and of course got shackled immediately as his feet touched the deck.

Eve was starting to get very nervous, as she feared that some of the officers might know her and who she truly was. But noticed herself being wrong as she and Elizabeth were next to stand on the deck. But even they didn't put her in chains, the navy men did give her odd looks, as they hadn't expected another young lady to show up with the governor's daughter.

Eve stood there next to Elizabeth, also giving the soldiers a bit uncomfortable glances, until then saw a middle aged man wearing a long wig run toward them, grabbing Elizabeth into a hug.

"Oh, Elizabeth!" the man exclaimed, clearly relieved and his smile was broad. Until he turned serious and he separated himself from Elizabeth, giving her a hard stare. So, this man must've been governor Swann. Elizabeth's father, Eve reckoned as examined the man.

"How could you disappear like that?!" the governor said very upset and angry. "Do you have any idea how worried I was when you had vanished right before that attack? Oh, I thought you would've got caught by those… skeleton pirate things or whatever they were, but still! You should've stayed here, and I strictly forbid you to do something like that ever again! Am I understood, Elizabeth?"

"Yes, yes, father I am sorry!" Elizabeth answered smiling a bit, but clearly annoyed for his father's fuss. Will then landed on the deck behind them as Elizabeth then pointed at Eve smiling. "Father, this is my dear friend Eve."

Governor Swann now turned to eye this another out of the blue showed up girl in awe. Eve just smiled at him, making a polite curtsey.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, governor Swann", Eve said as well politely and then glanced at Elizabeth remarkably. "My name is Evelyn Crooke. I have heard a lot about you from Elizabeth…" Obviously it was a lie, but it made the governor excited. He started smiling contended.

"I am honored to meet you too Miss. Crooke. But what on earth are you doing here far from a decent residences out in the sea?" he asked, glancing at Elizabeth also. But Eve was there to continue.

"I was abducted by those same pirates as your daughter was", Eve said, trying to look a victim and faked a shocked expression, which she noticed amusing Will quite much and Elizabeth too. Eve was a natural actress.

"Oh dear me it was awful! I was lucky enough to meet with Elizabeth, because otherwise I would've gone mad in middle of all those frightening, stinking pirates in fear of my life! Thank god for the British Navy for their blessed timing and skill to have saved both Lizzy and me!"

"Yes, yes I understand Miss. Crooke. It must've been very horrible for both you and my daughter", governor answered sympathizing but then smiled. Eve answered the smile.

"But now both of you are finally safe and can go rest. Come now…"

Then suddenly another man rushed forward. He was wearing uniform that told Eve him to be in higher position than the rest of the men on the ship. Yes, he was a Commodore by the looks of it. And he was frozen on his spot for a quick moment by the sight of Elizabeth, before he now rushed to her, all pairs of eyes following. Eve saw Will twitch and he looked gloomy once more, as then this man took Elizabeth's hands into his, looking at her with the utmost gentleness and worry.

"Are you alright, Elizabeth?" he asked, examining Elizabeth from head to toe. "You were not harmed I presume?"

Eve saw also Elizabeth go stiff for a short moment, until gave the man strained smile and nodded her head. "Yes James, I am alright. There was no harm done to me, Will or my friend Evelyn…"

Elizabeth exchanged another remarkable glance with Eve and she gave her a smile, happy that she had understood to use her married name. But James huh? So this man was Elizabeth's fiancé Norrington? James Norrington… But wait…

Now Eve suddenly realized she knew that name after turned it over and over in her mind. And her eyes next widened as Commodore Norrington also next turned to her as surprised, but both getting dumbfounded as their gazes met. Eve wrinkled her brows in astonishment.

"Evelyn?" Norrington asked, in as big awe and took a step closer to Eve. All others stared at them now questionable, especially Elizabeth and Will and their gazes traveled between the two. Eve let out a breath.

"James?" Eve asked in turn, half noting half questioning, making slowly a smile. "You are the Commodore of Port Royal?"

So it was this James Norrington she had heard about from both Will and Elizabeth. Eve shook her head and now also the Commodore smiled, bowing a bit as took Eve's hand for in everybody's surprise. Elizabeth gave both of them a look.

"You know each other?" she asked, her eyes questionable. Both Eve and Norrington met her eyes but then they smiled, Norrington delighted.

"Yes, I used to serve with Mrs. Crooke's husband in the Navy", Norrington answered, turning back to Eve. "He is a fine man, and I met Evelyn over a year and a half ago when I was visiting England. His husband introduced her as his fiancé during that visit."

Eve gave him a smile. Yes, she remembered. He and John had been great friends by the looks of it, as they had enjoyed each other's company so much during that meeting. She smiled at Elizabeth too who was now looking at her questionable.

"It's true. I met your fiancé Mr. Norrington a long time ago in London as he just said", Eve agreed, meeting Commodore's gaze again which now was also questionable.

"But what on earth are you doing here in the Caribbean Evelyn?" he asked. "Shouldn't you be with John in England?"

"Mrs. Crooke was kidnapped by the same pirates that took Elizabeth", now governor Swann cut in, correcting Eve's title to a married woman's and got a nod from Eve. Norrington wrinkled his forehead.

"That's horrible. John must be distraught for worry over your life", he stated seriously. But then his face brightened and he gave Eve another polite smile. "But what is essential is that both you Evelyn and Elizabeth are safe now, and you shall be taken back to Port Royal. But tell me, how is John? I heard you got married a little after I met you, and that you had a son. Jason was his name, if I remember correctly? How is your first born?"

Eve froze. Norrington looked at her quizzically as he saw Eve's eyes darken suddenly. But she only gave him a sad smile, then after a short pause answering. "John is dead, James. And so is our son. It has been many months since I lost them both."

Norrington was shocked and he stared at Eve in awe. "But how? Evelyn, what happened?"

Eve shook her head, looking away briefly. "I desire not to talk about it", she only said sadly, turning her head.

She really suddenly felt more depressed than for a long time while thinking John's death. Maybe it was meeting Norrington that brought him back to her mind, and she was reminded of his clear absence. But then Will and Elizabeth saw her only utter a sigh and she smiled at Norrington politely.

"Someday I'll be able to tell you what happened, James. But not today", she added, then silencing as a sign of that topic reaching its end. Norrington understood.

"Yes, of course!" he said straightening and making that serious face again. "I am sorry for your loss, Evelyn. I wish there would be something to be done to change that. John was a great man."

Eve nodded. Then governor Swann stepped up to Eve. "So is this young lady the wife of John Crooke, the holder of the British crown's Silver Rose?" he asked in awe, eventually smiling broadly for admiration as met the girl's eyes. Eve's serene stare faltered a bit.

"What is this Silver Rose father?" Elizabeth asked in curiosity.

"Silver Rose is a title and a tribute, given by the king of England himself to the most loyal and respectable servants of British crown", Norrington answered, meeting his fiancé's gaze until gave Eve a smile. "Mr. Crooke was very honorable man, and one of the king's most trustworthy confidants."

"Yes, and that title is very rare one to obtain. Especially in such young age as Mr. Crooke's!" governor cut in smiling.

Elizabeth nodded in understanding and she then sneaked a peek at Eve. Eve suddenly looked very shaken as she then turned her eyes away from Norrington after answering his smile weakly. Also Will noticed this and he and Elizabeth saw Eve finger her wedding ring, both of them being able to tell Eve was in pain by the expression on her face. Even she tried to hide it. But then both Norrington and the governor started to shoo the girls to the cabins.

"Come now, you girls must go to rest!" Elizabeth's father said, waving his hand remarkably as offered both his arms to Eve and Elizabeth. Eve gave him a smile. And then as she turned to smile at Norrington politely with a nod, she saw him then direct his hard stare at Will still standing behind them.

"Gentlemen, please escort young Mr. Turner below in the brig and make sure he stays there, as long as we arrive to Port Royal", Norrington then said with as harsh voice, clearly irritated. And immediately two of his men came forth and took a hold of Will. Not roughly, but they did grasp Will's arms. And indifferent look on his face Will let them, knowing of expecting this to happen from quite a time already. But both Elizabeth and Eve noticed and stopped, Eve marching straight back to them pointing at Will.

"James please, arresting Will would be of no meaning!" she said and met the man's eyes. "Without him either Elizabeth, your future wife or me couldn't have survived alive from the hands of those pirates. He saved us! And it would be wrong to judge him, as he did it only to save Elizabeth's life!"

Eve stared at Norrington a serious expression in her eyes, but her face was a bit pleading. Even Eve had met this current Commodore only once before, she knew Norrington was a gentle and equitable man in his heart, who saw reason when there was it. He answered Eve's stare for a moment in surprise, but then he sighed and gave her a slight smile.

"You have not changed Evelyn", he said, motioning his men to release Will. "You are still fair to everyone around you, no matter of their crimes and other doings. I shall do as Mrs. Crooke asks me and set you free Mr. Turner. But do not make me regret my decision made out due a friend's plead!"

After saying this Norrington nodded his head to Eve and to Elizabeth with smiles and walked away, his right hand man following him. Eve also sent him a thankful smile but she then turned to Will momentarily, seeing him stand surprised himself. But Eve only gave him a small smile until then stepped away, one of the soldiers giving her his jacket for warmth.

"Thank you", she said and walked to Elizabeth, now continuing their journey toward the cabins. Elizabeth hooked her arm around Eve's, squeezing it.

"Thank you!" also she whispered, and Eve saw her smile now thankfully to her. Eve answered it.

"Don't thank me! Thank the Silver Rose!"

Elizabeth realized Eve's sarcasm and both of them laughed as Elizabeth's father led them to one of the largest cabins, which the girls could use together for resting.

It was less hot morning in Port Royal according to Elizabeth. Eve was standing at the window. Staring at the far away sea as waited her friend finish to be dressed, still furiously fanning herself to feel even a small breeze on her face. Not so hot said her? Dear lord, then the dress Eve was wearing must've had some extra layers in it because she felt like boiling. But maybe it was caused by her mood. Today indeed was the execution. Execution of the pirate named Jack Sparrow.

Eve let out a sigh. Jack didn't deserve to die. Yes he was a pirate, drunkard and backstabbing liar when it suited his plans the best, not to mention a two timing Casanova. But he had also been a key player in the rescue of Elizabeth, and without him either Will or Eve wouldn't have gotten out of the cave of Isla de Muerta alive. So Eve couldn't help but feel guilty. She was a pirate also and been involved with the happenings as much as Jack, but here she was. Standing in a expensive English style dress, waiting to go to see him to be hanged. It wasn't right.

Then the door of Elizabeth's room opened and she stepped out, wearing pretty cream colored dress buttons attached on its torso, with short lace sleeves, which cascaded down from her elbows. Elizabeth looked as gloomy as Eve felt about today's hanging, probably also thinking the same as she, concluding by the conversation they had had last evening. But now smile came on Elizabeth's lips as she saw Eve.

"You look beautiful!" she said truthfully and stepped closer to Eve, examining her from head to toe who smiled.

"Thanks to your father! After all it was his kindness which brought me upon this dress. It must have cost way too much!" Eve answered, making a slight face. But Elizabeth only waved her hand and hooked their arms together.

"I'm sure it didn't do much damage into our funds!" she said back sarcastically and the girls did laugh a bit, until the gloominess came back.

They didn't then say a word, but just walked downstairs and joined governor Swann by stepping into the carriage, which took them to the main fortress. Where the execution was about to commence.

Eve let Elizabeth and her father go ahead as she herself stood to look around from the entrance, glancing over at the aristocratic and poorer men and women already present waiting for the hanging. About half of the square was full. And when Eve let her eyes wander higher, she saw that there were guards everywhere. On the platform of the wall behind the hanging stage and near it on the sides. More hidden in many other places. Eve sighed. Now there wasn't even the slightest hope Jack would be able to get free and escape miraculously.

"Eve?" then familiar voice called out behind her back and Eve turned, only to see Will who now walked to her, his light brown hat shadowing his eyes. Eve lifted her eyebrows by the sight of that extremely big feather sticking out of the hat. Maybe even a little too exaggerating, which made her smile in amusement. But those very good-looking clothes... Will seemed completely different.

Also Will froze for a moment by the sight of her as examined Eve in turn for a couple of seconds, seeing her hair now combed in a trendy fashion, differing by her more casual look. Eve smiled.

"How did you know it was me?" Eve asked sarcastically. Will smiled.

"I didn't. But somehow I thought you to be only noblewoman to be sighing at the hanging of a pirate…"

Eve shook her head. But then she examined Will again and smirked. "Aren't you all flossy!" she then said measuring Will's clothing, but then smiled the third time nodding. "It suits you. That look."

Will half smirked and pointed at her outfit his eyebrows up. "Same goes to you. Except that that look fits you much better than me. You look really good in dark blue, Eve."

Eve let out a laugh and shook her head. "Well yes. I think buying this dress for me wasn't that big of a loss in money to governor Swann, as he did get complete counterpart of them as can be concluded by your words, Mr. Turner! And yes, you could not be stuffed into a corset I reckon. So that one argument was quite accurate too…"

Eve's curled hair bounced on her shoulder by the headshaking and she pushed one curly wisp of hair fallen under the hat away from her face, now smiling sadly. "I wouldn't have wanted to come today. To see Jack hanged… It is not right Will", she then continued, now also Will turning completely serious and he glanced behind Eve at the gallows. He nodded.

"I know. I feel the same, even it is true that Jack is a pirate", Will answered, looking now to the ground. Eve wrinkled her brows and nodded, that same wisp falling back on her face. But then Will lifted his head and looked at Eve straight into eyes. And Eve knew that look.

"That is why I am not just going to stand here and do nothing!" Will then breathed. And after giving Eve a smile started walking past her. But Eve stopped him, walking before him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eve asked suspiciously, lifting up her left brow as always she suspected something not being right. She tilted her head while gave Will a measuring gaze in his eyes.

"You are not planning on doing anything stupidly heroic again, are you?" she asked, but not kidding at all this time. Will only smiled at her, taking her hands into his then landing a light kiss on her other palm.

"Nothing I will regret later on!" he answered simply. And then touched the brim of his hat as a greeting, smirking at Eve. "Good day to you, Countess!"

Then Will vanished to the crowd before Eve could interrogate him more, and Eve sent his long gone figure a questionable brow-lifting. What was Will up to now? Well, in a way she feared to even think what so she then just sighed. And taking next a deep breath she stepped in from the entrance, gathering wondering stares from the other aristocrats as made her way to Elizabeth, her father and Norrington, who were standing by the wall before the execution stage. Elizabeth smiled at her as did her father and Norrington bowed a bit.

"Evelyn", he said friendly and Eve smiled at him before turned her back to the three, stopping on the ground as they were standing on a small platform. Eve took out her fan and opening it started to fan herself again, even it wasn't necessary as it wasn't so hot any longer. But she needed something to do, as just standing there and waiting felt to be too much to ask.

But finally after five more minutes the slow indicative drumming started. And Eve saw Jack been brought to the stage, his hands bound and somewhat miserable look on his face.

Eve wrinkled her forehead as Jack then happened to meet her eyes, only to give her surprisingly amused grin after examining her with his gaze, before returned to stare at the wooden floor of the stage. Then a man with a scroll walked before him and after opening it, the proclamation started.

"Jack Sparrow, being known that you have…" the man started. But Eve stopped listening as then noticed Jack mutter something to himself after closing his eyes annoyed.

"Captain! Captain Jack Sparrow!" Jack mumbled or something like that. And even Eve's state of mind was sad, she couldn't stop a small amused smile creep on her lips.

"…for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quality and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited herewith… piracy, smuggling…" the official continued to read.

Eve then noticed Will's hat move in the crowd. And as she glanced at it, she indeed saw him walk closer the hanging stage, looking at Jack in thoughts. Eve wrinkled her forehead for suspicion again as she tried to figure his plans. But Elizabeth's voice woke her from her own thoughts.

"This is wrong!" Elizabeth said, Eve turning to look at her for surprise that she had actually said that out loud right next to her father and the man who imprisoned Jack. But then as Elizabeth dropped her gaze for a short moment at hers, Eve smiled at her encouragingly, agreeing with her one hundred percent.

"Elizabeth is right", she agreed, turning her eyes back to Jack. "Hanging him is the least of the right things that should be done!"

"Commodore Norrington is bound by the law. As are we all", governor Swann answered to the girls, glancing at Norrington who himself looked down momentarily, not so definite expression on his face still either.

"…impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy", the officer continued, Eve lifting an eyebrow. "…impersonating a cleric of the Church of England…"

Eve saw Jack smile slightly for amusement. But his smile was cut immediately as he glanced at the executioner who glared at him. Eve lifted another eyebrow. A priest? Were they kidding?

Then as the official kept on talking, Eve's eyes wandered a bit and they hit on a flying bird, which landed on a flagpole a little far away. It was Cotton's parrot! Eve was surprised and she sent glances at Jack and Will, thinking did either of them know about the bird beforehand. Had this something to do with Will's plan?

"…sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until your dead. May God have mercy on your soul."

Eve smirked slightly as she saw the parrot deposit on the uniform of the other officer who hold the flag up. The parrot let out croaks, and then also Will noticed it turning thoughtful, until Eve then saw him turn around. And walking through the crowd again just before the official finished Will came to stand next to Eve, smiling at her.

"Mrs. Crooke", he said nodding, before turned to the other three, also nodding to them in respect. "Governor Swann. Commodore… Elizabeth", he continued seriously. Until when he looked at Elizabeth, Eve saw his expression soften when she pegged him right next to him suspiciously only, not answering his smile before.

"I should've told you every day from the moment I met you…" Will continued, taking a small pause as Elizabeth met his gaze. But now contended smile rose on Eve's lips as she realized what was coming.

"…I love you", Will finished totally serious, making Elizabeth's eyes widen slightly. Commodore and her father turned to look at Elizabeth in awe as did Eve. Eve felt like bursting for joy and she now grinned to herself, glancing at both Elizabeth and Will truly contended. Until then her face turned suspicious again as Will suddenly dashed to the crowd, making now his way to the gallows.

The drumming turned quicker and Eve took in a sharp breath, following Will with her eyes as glanced at Jack who was about to get the rope around his neck. What was Will doing? She couldn't figure it out. But after a short moment of thinking frantically, she saw the parrot suddenly fly away. And the idea hit her.

Her eyes widened as she realized what Will was about to do and took a step forward, maybe about to run after him, but didn't. Also Elizabeth saw the bird fly away. And also her eyes were filled with realization as she too now turned to look at Will, making still his way through the people gathered before the gallows. Eve noted Norrington flinch, and as she directed a quick look at him she saw that Commodore had also noticed this.

"The marines!" he said stating and Eve felt shock, even starting to think what to do to stop him. But Elizabeth took care of that. Eve smirked to herself as she then saw Elizabeth faking to pass out, drawing both of the men's attention to herself.

"I can't breathe!" she breathed and both her father and Norrington rushed to her, calling her name.

Eve smiled amused. But then her attention was drawn back to the gallows were at the exact same time the executioner pulled the slide, making Jack fall from the hatch. Eve's brows wrinkled for fright, but she let out a breath of relief then. She heard Will utter a shout and he drew out his sword, threw it under the stage, making it a foothold for Jack to stand on and prevented him for being hanged. Eve smiled now relieved.

Eve glanced back momentarily to see Elizabeth direct an indifferent look at Norrington and her father, who stared at her questionably as she suddenly sat up. But now Norrington stood up as well, hurrying toward the gallows.

Eve followed Will now dash on the stage, starting to fight the big executioner. There were soldiers running on the wall and Eve glanced around alert not knowing what to do. But she then gathered her hem and ran forward, making a couple of the officers trip on their way and prevented them of joining the fight. But there wasn't much more Eve could do but watch Will still fight the executioner, Jack hanging between them looking rather uncomfortable no wonder, until Will cut the rope, making Jack now fall straight through the hatch. Then Will pushed the fat executioner on Norrington and his men, as they just reached the stage.

Eve had ran right next to the gallows. And now she saw Jack coming under it, him sending her a quick grin until ran forward, Will jumping off the gallows with a summersault. And together they continued running forward, Jack throwing Will the other end of a rope he was holding.

Eve followed them as quickly as she could in her long dress, seeing now as they collided with three marine officers running down low stairs leading to the outer landing of the fortress, making them fall when the rope hit them. Will and Jack still ran forward, making other three trip on the rope at the end of the staircase.

Actually Eve found that show quite amusing as she then stopped for a short moment, watching in true amusement of those two's fighting tactic. And Will and Jack together altogether… So Will's heroic and stupid plan had been saving Jack from the gallows. Eve should've known that… But even if his plan was nuts, by the looks of it, it worked.

Will and Jack then changed sides, making two more marine officers lose their balance by giving them hard hits after they came behind a pillar between Jack and Will. Those men got pinned by the rope against it as Will and Jack then ran behind the pillar, yanking the rope so that the officers were now pulled against it with full force, making them fall down as the rope loosened again. Eve smiled, but then she heard running steps coming from her direction. And with a blink of an eye she made one officer trip again, making it look like an accident as she then also by accident so to say pushed the other man running from her left on the ground. Then she hurried up the stairs after Jack and Will.

"Look out!" she exclaimed as she saw two other officers run toward the men. And giving her a quick surprised glance Will and Jack now knocked them out, until Eve followed right next to them as both of them jumped forward making a summersault, Eve dashing also forward and kicking an officer just before he was about to swing Jack with his sword. She sent him against the wall.

Eve whipped around and was just in time to see Will and Jack round the next pillar in order to escape from the next attackers. But then they were trapped behind it, as now many more marines ran toward the outer landing. Eve hurried on the landing too and now saw the two men being surrounded by muskets, back to back rounding the soldiers, making a compete circle as Will's revealed sword made a clang, it hitting the stings of the muskets.

Eve noticed Jack then blow Will's enormous feather away from his face. And even the situation was even more serious than before she couldn't hold back small laugh as then Norrington came, giving Eve slight confused glance about her standing there, but then walked to Will. His own sword now pointing at his throat. Eve stepped closer now wrinkling her brows.

"I thought we might have to endure some manner of ill-conceived escape attempt… but not from you", Norrington said, maybe a bit smugly as stared at Will whose expression didn't falter at all. Jack turned around to peek at Norrington behind Will's back as governor Swann then came behind Norrington.

"On our return to Port Royal I granted your clemency. And this is how you thank me? By throwing in your lot with him? He's a pirate!" governor said sounding disappointed, now meeting Will's gaze. Eve narrowed her eyes, but Will's answer made her smile as Elizabeth then also arrived, looking at Will as walked to Eve.

"And a good man!" Will said, letting out a small sigh and dropped his sword.

Eve noted Jack making a satisfied smile and pointed at himself proudly while glanced at the officers around him. Eve looked at Will in turn until turned her serious eyes to the governor and Norrington.

"Pirate or not, man can be judged by many ways!" she said, taking a step closer to the two who now looked at her in surprise. "But isn't the man's most recent deeds that judge him down to the wire? If we are to play God and judge men for their past sins without even looking at the good deeds on their accord, I wish I would've been with Mr. Turner to perform this ill-conceived escape attempt as you call it!"

"Mrs. Crooke surely that is definitely not…!" governor Swann said shocked and gave Eve a hard a bit fatherly look, but Eve only looked at Will first who answered her gaze surprised, until she turned to give Jack a smile. He answered it putting his hands together as a thankful gesture. Elizabeth gave her admirable smile and Will met Commodore's gaze again.

"If all I have indeed achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it. At least my conscience will be clear", Will continued, staring at both the Commodore and the governor, until let his eyes move on to Elizabeth's and then to Eve's who gave him a smile.

"You forget your place, Turner!" Norrington said, taking a step closer to Will. But Will's expression didn't falter even then. He met the Commodore's gaze with all seriousness.

"It's right here. Between you and Jack", he stated matter-of-factly, Jack still peeking behind his back as observed the situation.

Commodore stared at Will for a moment until then Eve and Elizabeth exchanged looks, seeing the same thought in each other eyes. And Elizabeth then stepped up, pulling Eve with her and went beside Will.

"As is ours!" Elizabeth said, looking at Will. Eve gave them a light smile until turned her serious eyes back to the two men before them, staring now in even greater shock.

"Elizabeth!" governor Swann stated in astonishment, letting his eyes sweep over Eve's face who only lifted an eyebrow at him. "Lower your weapons!" he commanded. "For goodness' sake put them down!"

The soldiers obeyed after a short delay. Eve glanced around at them as Elizabeth just answered Norrington's gaze, who stared at her realization in his eyes.

"So this is where your heart truly lies, then?" he stated questionably, glancing over at Will. Elizabeth's gaze was serene as she answered but let out a small sigh.

"It is."

Eve watched as Norrington's face dropped for Elizabeth's indirect rejection. Eve then also let out a small contended sigh. James was a good-hearted man after all.

She separated from Elizabeth after giving her a smile and walked toward the edge of the landing to stare at the sea randomly. Now it was all over she thought. Jack would get free most probably, and that thought made the anxiety step aside as she now took a breath of that clear sea air like many times before. But then as she turned a bit she saw Cotton's parrot again, now jumping off a cannon into the air. And Jack's voice woke her attention next.

"Well! I'm actually feeling rather good about this!" he exclaimed rounding Elizabeth and Will, walking over to the governor, who made a disgusted grimace as Jack's breath hit against his face.

"I think we've all arrived at a very special place, eh? Spiritually, ecumenically… Gramatically…" Jack continued, now moving to Norrington and lifted up his forefingers motioning them, as also came very close to Norrington while spoke. "I want you to know that I was rooting for you mate. Know that…"

Eve lifted an eyebrow. Yea right, as if that would ever happen…

Norrington stared at Jack dumbfounded and as doubting as Eve, his eyes narrowed as Jack then walked away, about to pass Elizabeth. Eve saw him freeze and Jack had a weird expression on his face, something Eve had never seen before. It was kind of gentle, but then it turned apologetic and Eve rolled her eyes at his next words.

"Elizabeth?" he called out and Eve followed Elizabeth turn away from Will in confusion. Jack had sincere doubt on his face. "It would never have worked between us darling. I'm sorry…"

Eve wrinkled her brows next in confusion as Elizabeth stared at Jack also doubting, Will giving her an odd look as tilted his head slightly. Jack then was about to walk away again shaking his head, until then turned back to Will also now calling out to him. Both he and Elizabeth turned again, as Jack then stood there for a moment, probably trying to figure something to say. Until then just shrugged.

"Nice hat!" Jack complimented simply, not figuring anything else to say. And both Will and Eve made amused smiles as the pirate then dashed forward, stopping on his tracks as then noticed Eve. Eve lifted an eyebrow.

"What about us, captain Sparrow?" Eve asked sarcastically, so sarcastically that anybody could notice it… "Did it ever work between us?"

Jack grinned then that same confident smirk she had seen so many times to know exactly what it meant. "There are no words for this kind of moment for you either, love!" Jack exclaimed as an answer, waving his hand once, until gave Eve another even more wider and confident grin. "That is why we have to suit the action into words, shouldn't we?"

All of a sudden before Eve could do anything to stop him, Jack grabbed her. And shocked both her and all the rest of the people on the landing by kissing her. Straight on the lips.

Eve blinked in confusion a couple of times until then Jack let her go grinning, examining her a short moment as Eve only stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say or do. Jack's action had been so sudden that Eve didn't have a reaction at first. She stood there thunderstruck, but then happened to glance at Elizabeth and Will who were now staring at her their eyes wide as Jack left by her side.

"I've always wanted to do that…" Jack said then stating, more to himself, until then directed a throughout look to everyone near. "Friends!" he exclaimed again, now dashing up the stairs standing right next to the edge, everybody taking a step behind him. Eve was starting to get over her shock and she now directed a fuming glare toward the pirate, who then started to talk to them, glancing around smiling.

"…This is the day that you will always remember as the day, that…"

Jack was cut off as then all of a sudden after Eve noticed one soldier standing right next to her, her annoyance and anger which the sudden kiss had triggered in her took over and she pulled out the soldier's pistol, loading it. And only in a second fired it, shooting right under Jack's crouch, hitting the wall. The shot didn't hit him, but made Jack startle in middle of his speech as he automatically then yanked back, tripping to the ledge and fell backwards over it.

Everybody else had also been shocked by now Eve's as sudden movement as Jack's kiss, but she only then let out a deep breath. And finally smiling broadly and clearly contended, returned the pistol to the dumbfounded owner.

"I've always wanted to do that!" Eve stated, half amused. And after all of them turned their gazes at her Will, who was the only one to realize the sarcasm behind her words laughed a bit, getting a questionable look from Elizabeth.

Eve then gathered her hem again and hurried to the edge, Will, Elizabeth, Norrington and his men following her, and they all had enough time to see Jack land in the water far away down. One of Norrington's men uttered a laugh.

"Idiot. He has nowhere to go but back to the noose", he stated. Eve gave him a glance, but then as she happened to look at the small bay a smile crept on her lips. The Black Pearl was sailing not too far away from the coast. That's why Cotton's parrot had flown to the fortress.

Will and Elizabeth saw Eve smile to herself. And as they followed her gaze also they started to smile, before there was a shout from a tower.

"Sail ho!"

Now also Jack noticed the ship as did the navy officers, and they then watched as Jack started to swim toward it with all haste. Eve could picture the grin on his face. Norrington and his men were dumbfounded.

"What's your plan of action? Sir?" the earlier spoken sailor asked as looked up to his commander. But Norrington only stood there doubting.

Eve gave him a slight sorry glance. After all he had lost one of his most important prisoners. Until it was governor's turn surprisingly to speak.

"Perhaps on the rare occasion pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy, piracy itself can be the right course?" he stated his tone questionable, after also giving Norrington a thoughtful glance.

Eve looked at him smiling. At least Elizabeth's father had some sense in his head. This situation didn't differ from Will's actions of piracy, as he had done it for Elizabeth's safety. And the governor saw the connection.

Also Norrington then smiled to himself until turned serious. "Mr. Turner!" he called and Eve suddenly stiffened, giving her friend a worried glance as now turned completely to look at Norrington. Elizabeth wrinkled her brows and met Will's eyes.

"I will accept the consequences of my actions", Will said submissively, giving Elizabeth a long look before turned his eyes to Eve. Eve tilted her head and gave him a soft look, sad even, but only smiled then. Well, not everything would be so good after all. Will was most probably still going to be…

Will walked to Norrington who then lifted up his sword, examining it. Elizabeth squeezed Eve's arm in worry as both of them stared at the two men standing there silent, until Commodore then glanced at Will.

"This is a beautiful sword", he stated, making Eve look questionable for a moment until continued. "…I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life. My compliments."

Eve lifted an eyebrow, as she didn't understand quite what Commodore meant. But something told her that it wasn't bad. A smile came on her face again as she then met James' eyes momentarily, nodding her head to him. Will was silent for a moment.

"Thank you", he eventually said honestly. Norrington nodded too, putting away the sword and turned to leave the soldiers following him. But then Norrington stopped.

"Oh, and Miss. Swann! The very best of luck to both of you!"

Elizabeth and Norrington exchanged smiles. Norrington then looked thoughtful meeting Eve's eyes again, as if searching acceptance from her, who then gave him another smile. Wider and encouraging. Norrington now dared to give her also wider smile back. But as he turned his back once more, the same man from his troupes stepped up.

"Commodore! What about Sparrow? Shall we prepare the Dauntless for pursuit?" he asked at first in confusion, glancing toward the sea and Jack's ship. Commodore's answer left him stand on the stair bewildered for a moment.

"Well I think we can afford to give him one day's head start", Norrington answered simply. But made Eve smile amused as she saw a hint of a smile on his lips too and him lifting his eyebrows at the man, before left completely.

Even the man who questioned Norrington's decision also left, eventually leaving only Will, Elizabeth, Eve and the governor on the landing. Will had returned to Elizabeth and Eve, and governor Swann now turned his attention to her daughter and Will.

"So this is the path you've chosen, is it?" he questioned from Elizabeth, his voice a bit doubting as glanced at Will. Eve gave him brief annoyed stare, but then governor turned even a bit amused. "After all, he is a blacksmith."

Eve saw a playful twinkle in Elizabeth's eyes as she now turned to look at Will straight into eyes. "No", she said smiling and lifted her hand to remove Will's hat. "He's a pirate."

Eve then smiled most broad smile and glanced at Elizabeth and Will in turns, who were now staring at each other in daze. And Eve guessed again what was coming.

"You have no idea…" she then stated amused, surprisingly getting a look from both of them, even Eve had thought them being so lost into each other's presence that they wouldn't register anything around them.

But then after uttering a low cough Eve then turned, tilted her head remarkably at Elizabeth's father, who then realized. And giving Eve a smile offered her his arm, as both of them next walked away. Leaving Elizabeth and Will standing alone.

Eve was still smiling to herself contented as she then couldn't resist of taking one final peek at her friends. And saw them finally kissing each other. Her chest was filled with happiness for both of them, especially Will. As all the time she had known him, she had seen how much he loved Elizabeth. And Eve was now only happy that eventually they were able to have each other.

"Well Mrs. Crooke, could I inquire where have you learned to shoot like that?" Elizabeth's father then asked, yanking Eve out of her thoughts as she then laughed amused, remembering the shooting incident. She had finally shot at Jack as she had promised.

"Please call me Miss, governor Swann", Eve still said first and gave him a polite smile. "I am indeed widowed, so it would be uncomfortable for you to call me otherwise."

"Well yes, I suppose you are right", governor answered. "But then was it your husband who taught you maybe? Because I say, it is very unusual to young ladies as yourself to know how to fire weapons!"

Eve smiled amused as looked away in thoughts. "Well, I have never been very traditional well behaved daughter of an aristocrat in the first place", she answered, laughing a little to herself as governor just gave her wondering look.


A/N: Here it was! The first stage accomplished! Thanks AGAIN for reading and hope to hear from you! Bowing and bowing to you from here in front of my computer!

But again I ask, PLEASE REVIEW at least now when the first part is finished! I want to know what you are thinking and how I have done so far! Even one word is enough! ;D

Thanks for advance, with love,

~lindam2254 ;)