"Horus do we have to be here?" Yelled Bes. "Don't you want to know how the Kanes described you?" Asked Isis. "But-" "No buts. Now sit down" Said Horus.
"Who else do we need?" asked Thoth. "Were missing Set, Nephthys, Ra, and Anubis."Answerd Isis. Thoth snapped his fingers and they appeared on the couch. "Finally"mumbled Bes. "Lets just get this over with" mumbled Set. "Who wants to go first." asked Horus. "Me" Answered Thoth.
The Red Pyramid
With those words every one glared at Set.
We only have a few hours so listen carefully
"Horus hes going to scare every one to death!" Yelled Nephthys
If your hearing this story your already in danger
"Osirus you better talk to your son!" yelled Isis"
Sadie and I might be your only chance
"If some one interrupts one more time I revele a secrete of yours" Said Thoth before some one interrupts.
okay guys that's the chapter sorry its short but there you go. ill update tomorrow. I promise