"Do you think we should bathe now?" Belle giggled.

Her hot breath on his ear and the sweetness of her laughter got his immediate attention.

He looked quizzically at her and she giggled again. "We've been in this tub for a long time, but we haven't even begun to bathe." She playfully splashed him.

He was momentarily shocked and then he laughed too. He splashed her back.

She giggled again and poured water over his head. "I'm going to wash your hair."

He grabbed her around the waist and she wrapped her legs around him. Then she took the vial that had liquid soap in it and poured it in her hand. She began to massage it into his scalp as she lathered his hair. Her breasts bobbed above the water line, immediately attracting his attention. He felt his cock stir again.

He tried to concentrate on Belle's fingers. They were sensually massaging his scalp as she lathered his hair. His cock began to harden.

Suddenly Belle convulsed into peals of laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Her pure joy brought a smile to his lips.

She gasped for breath before answering. "Your hair stays any way I arrange it when it's soapy. You should see yourself right now." She giggled again.

Rumple magicked a small mirror into his hand. She had twisted his hair into a tall peak that stuck out from the top of his head.

"Very funny, Belle." He used that as an excuse to tickle her. She shrieked and squeezed her legs tighter around him. His cock was now completely erect.

"Give me that soap. I want to wash your hair." He lathered up her hair with the intention of arranging it into some grotesque form the same way she had his. As he massaged the soap into her scalp she began to emit little whimpers. His cock hardened more. She was not playing fair.

He did his best to ignore his growing problem. It was a constant with her so he was becoming better at dealing with it. He concentrated on her hair until he could no longer contain his laughter. "Two can play at this game." He handed the mirror to her and she burst out laughing. He had arranged her hair in five spikes that were sticking out from her head like a crown.

She tried to tickle him but he was too quick for her. He tickled her until she begged for mercy. Her breasts were heaving above the water making them impossible for him to ignore.

She looked up at him with a mischievous grin and laughed again. He responded in kind.

Apart from being uncomfortably aroused, he felt happy and light-hearted. He wanted to stay in the tub with her laughing and kissing. He pulled her close and kissed her on her chin as close to her mouth as he dared. How he wished she would kiss him on the lips.

Belle responded by clasping his head in her hands and kissing his nose. He whimpered in protest. He would give anything if she'd cover his mouth with hers.

Alas, it was not to be. She broke away and continued to play with his hair, entertaining herself and him by forming it into a series of shapes. He was having fun with her. It was almost enough to make him forget his growing need.

"We're going to get wrinkly from being in the water for so long." She giggled. "Let me rinse your hair for you. Lean your head back so that you don't get soap in your eyes." He obeyed her and enjoyed the sensuous feeling of the warm water and her hands on his head.

When she was done, he asked her to lean back so that he could do the same for her. Once again her breasts bobbed above the water. He could not take his eyes off of them even while gently rinsing her hair. He needed to touch them. He added soap to his hands and began to lather her breasts.

Belle's earlier laughter turned into a series of whimpers. She raked her fingers through his hair and pressed herself against him. His cock throbbed at her responsiveness. She was the perfect match for him, but he didn't want to hurt her. He obviously had no limitations. It was not the same for her.

"Rumple." She planted a prolonged kiss at the base of his throat. He was sure she could feel the vibration of the moan that escaped him.

As if in response, she began to kiss him more passionately, pausing to lick him with her tongue. His whole body convulsed in response to her attentions. He moaned loudly while involuntarily thrusting against her.

"Belle…" His voice was hoarse and pleading. "We should finish bathing."

It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he couldn't continue on the way they were. His desire for her was burning out of control. He needed to douse some of the flames.

Belle gently bit him where she'd been licking him and then traced the bite mark with her tongue. He moaned loudly again. She could feel how aroused he was. Before he knew what was happening, he felt her hand encircling his cock. He whimpered her name. "Belle."

"I know. You need it again, don't you?" She kissed his throat again and he moaned loudly.

"I'm sorry." He felt embarrassed by his body's intense responses to her. He'd hide it if he could, but that wasn't possible.

"It's OK, Rumple. I'll take care of you." She began to stroke his cock in her hand while licking and biting the base of his throat. He sank his hands into her hair and concentrated on the feeling of her hand on his cock. There was nothing more exciting to him than knowing that she was touching him so intimately. His cock swelled more as she tightened her grip on it. He groaned and dug his fingers into her head.

She began to move her way up his throat, nipping him with her teeth, and then soothing him with her tongue. She continued to stroke his cock with her hand, occasionally caressing the head with her thumb. He moaned and whimpered. He didn't know if he was more excited by her hand or teeth or tongue. He arched his back and growled when she reached his chin and planted little wet kisses there. His cock was close to bursting.

"Faster." He thrust into her hand and begged her to increase her speed through his moans. She did as he requested as she continued to inflict bites and licks across his jawline and then back close to his mouth. He thrust and moaned. "Belle."

When she suddenly and unexpectedly slipped her tongue into the opening at the corner of his mouth, his whole body shuddered and his seed spouted violently out of him. Her tongue, so intimately touching his mouth, and so close to a kiss, had elicited an extremely intense reaction from him. It took every ounce of his willpower not to press his lips against hers.

Instead, he said her name in a way that belied his deep-seated feelings for her. "Belle." He felt her heart beat faster when he said it.

"Rumple." She caressed the right corner of his mouth with her thumb and then planted a kiss close by. She then did the same thing with the left. He held her tightly against him. He did not think he was going to be able resist kissing her much longer. He didn't understand why she wouldn't kiss him.

He stroked her back and kissed the top of her head. The feelings he had for her could no longer be denied. He loved her. It was as simple as that. If only she could love him in return. He felt a tear fall from his eye. He pretended it was the water dripping from his hair. He could not bear to think otherwise.

"We should finish bathing." Belle was looking at him. "Was that what you wanted?" She blushed.

He realized that she needed some type of reassurance from him. "It was perfect." He traced her nose and then her lips with his finger. "I liked it when you put your tongue in my mouth." There. He'd said it. Maybe she'd want to do it again.

"I liked it too." She looked shyly at him and he felt his cock stir. She liked it too. Could a real kiss be far off? He tried to dampen his hope and excitement so that he wouldn't be disappointed if it didn't happen.

"I think we should bathe ourselves if we ever want to get out of this tub." He grinned at her and she giggled. He loved seeing her laugh.

"I think you're right… but I think we should face in opposite directions. It's too distracting if we watch each other." She blushed as she said it.

"You're distracted watching me?" The words escaped him before he could stop himself. He really didn't want her to answer.

"Yes. Can't you tell?" She blushed again.

He stared unbelievingly at her.

"It's true. I think you're beautiful." Her blush deepened.

His heart raced. He didn't know how to respond so he didn't. "Then we'll face in opposite directions." He turned away from her, mostly to avoid her gaze. She was looking at him in the strangest way.

It only took them a couple of minutes to finish bathing once they eliminated the distractions. Rumple got out of the tub first and covered himself with a long black robe. He suddenly felt shy. He turned to help Belle. She did not try to hide from him as he helped her and he did not avert his eyes. He made it obvious that he worshipped every inch of her body. Once she was out, he covered her with a long white robe and then led her to the chair in front of the vanity. He wanted to keep her relaxed even though he was starting to get nervous himself.

"I'm going to dry your hair and comb it, Belle." He wrapped a towel around it to remove the excess water. Then he picked up a comb and began to slowly and carefully rake it through her hair. She sighed and relaxed noticeably as he worked his way through each section of her hair. She watched him through the mirror, making eye contact with him several times. He found it hard to avert his eyes from hers.

As she settled back and let him attend to her, he noticed her robe opening until her breasts were completely exposed. His eyes focused on them through the mirror. When he looked up for a second he could see her watching him. "Touch me." She reached up to take his hand. She guided it to her breast and cupped it around her. They both watched through the mirror.

Rumple's cock rose steadily as he watched himself touching her. "Touch me more." Her eyes met his in the mirror. He put the comb down and stood behind her, all the time watching himself cup her other breast. His cock sprang up to a full erection.

"That feels good." He watched her through the mirror as she bit her lower lip.

He moved his hands under her breasts, freeing his thumbs to caress her nipples. She arched her back and whimpered. He could see the arousal on her face through the mirror. He intensified his efforts, teasing and cajoling her nipples into hard little peaks. He watched her moan and whimper and squirm at his touch. His cock throbbed.

She pulled her robe open wider so that she was completely exposed to him. He whimpered. He was almost tempted to magic a larger mirror in front of them so that he could see her whole body, but he could sense that she wanted something else.

"Belle." He leaned over and bit her shoulder. She immediately reached up with both arms and threaded her fingers through his hair. The sensation of her hands on him made his cock throb mercilessly.

She whimpered and opened her legs. He thought he was going to come.


"Mmmmm…" She whimpered again. He moved in front of her and knelt between her legs. She opened them wider, inviting him to touch her or lick her or devour her in any way he saw fit. His arousal increased tenfold.

"Belle." He gently separated her folds with his fingers and she cried out. He moved closer and swiped his tongue over her slit stopping to apply extra pressure to the spot he knew she liked best. She arched her back and cried out again as she dug her fingers into his scalp. He repeated this several times until she was whimpering uncontrollably. He pushed his tongue into her and she arched her back again. He brought his mouth down on her and sucked her at the same time.

"Rumple…" She cried out his name. "I'm ready."

She was on the verge of coming and she'd stopped him. "Don't you…?"

"I think this will make it easier."

He wanted to hug and kiss her. She'd never done this before and she was trying to make it easier for both of them. He was so unsure himself and his ability to please her that he felt grateful. She made him less nervous. He stood up and dropped the robe from his body. She gave him her hand so that he could help her up and lead her to the bed. He gently helped her lie back and position her legs for him.

He stroked her hair and kissed her cheek and neck. He wanted to shower her with love and affection, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to last much longer. He didn't even know if he'd be able to enter her without coming.

"Are you sure, Belle? We don't have to do this tonight."

She looked him directly in the eyes and smiled at him. "I'm sure."

He wanted to kiss her on the lips at that moment more than he'd ever wanted anything. Instead he moved down and knelt between her legs again. He pushed three fingers into her. She was slick and wet and very tight. His nerves began to get the better of him.

"That felt good." She was so brave. It gave him courage.

He positioned himself above her and removed his fingers from her. He lined his cock up to her and attempted to push in. Her body opened for him as it had earlier. The head was in. He was never so aroused in his life.

"How does that feel, Belle?"

"It feels good."

"I'm going to push in more. It might hurt a little." He wasn't sure how it would feel for her. She was very wet and her body seemed to be welcoming him. He hoped it wouldn't hurt too much. He pushed in further until he felt resistance. He knew he was going to have to push harder. His concentration on Belle's comfort was the only thing keeping him from coming. He concentrated harder and pushed through.

She let out a slight cry, more of surprise than pain, but it made his heart leap into his throat.

"Are you alright, Belle?" His heart was racing wildly.

"Yes. It feels good. I just need to get used to it."

He held himself still for a minute. "I'm going to push in a little more. Is that OK?"

"Yes." She smiled at him.

Her body opened up and let his cock slide in. "I'm all the way in." He smiled proudly at her and she smiled back. "You feel so good, Belle." He wanted her to know.

For the first time he focused his attention on his cock. He could feel it throbbing inside of her. He felt at home and at peace.

"Are you ready?" He looked into her eyes.


"OK." He began to slowly pull out of her before slowly pushing back in. He could feel her body adjusting to him. He kept up the very slow pace until he suddenly felt her moving in rhythm with him. He looked at her with surprise.

"That feels good, Rumple."

He smiled widely at her. He hadn't hurt her. She said it felt good. "Should I go faster?" He was still nervous.


He gradually increased his speed and she continued to keep pace with him. He'd never had this type of compatibility in his marriage. He felt good about himself. He wanted to please her. He watched her face and listened to her body as he thrust into her. She liked it when his body pressed against her in a certain way. He was sure it was connected to what she liked when he used his mouth and tongue on her. He concentrated on making sure that she was getting the right attention.

Belle began to moan and whimper and push back more aggressively against him. His cock throbbed uncontrollably in response to her cries. "Belle." He had to say her name.

"Faster… please." She whimpered and pushed back against him. He could no longer hold back. He gave into the beast in him and thrust fast and hard into her. She gasped and cried out and dug her nails into his back. He felt her body contract around his cock as it literally pumped the seed out of him. He let out an ungodly groan. He'd never felt anything like that before. He thrust a few more times and then collapsed on top of her, pulling her over so that she was now straddling him. He did not want to come out of her yet. It felt too good inside of her.

"Belle." He could see tears in her eyes.

"I love you, Rumple." She said what was in her heart even as she feared his reaction.

His throat constricted. What was she saying? She couldn't love him. "Belle?" Her name caught in his throat.

"I love you." She said it again and laid her head on his chest.

"I love you, Belle." He didn't recognize his own voice. He wasn't even sure if he'd said it aloud.

She raised her head from his chest and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Kiss me." He begged her. He needed her to kiss him. It couldn't wait another minute.

She brought her lips close to his and he pressed his lips against hers. He felt nothing but overwhelming bliss. Her lips were soft and sweet and inviting. He opened his mouth in an attempt to deepen the kiss. Suddenly the strangest sensation passed over him. Something was happening to him. His first instinct was to stop kissing her, but when she opened her mouth to let him slip his tongue in, he couldn't resist. He continued to kiss her, knowing deep down that something wasn't quite right.