Tecna sighed. She really didn't want her addiction to spiral out of control- just her dirty little secret right? Everyone has one!

Addiction for what?" You may ask. Well, for nine months now, this poor innocent fairy got turned into a seeping pit of depression. Her outlet? Not eating, throwing up, taking a razor to her skin. She never imagined that nine months later she would have hundreds of lines on her skin, all over her body. Her thighs, wrists, hips, anywhere she could. She hated how she looked and hated her body. At first it was eating healthy and cutting carbs. But she didn't get the results she wanted. So she skipped a few meals here and there and excessively exercised. Still not enough. So whenever she ate, she threw it up or simply didn't eat at all. In months, she became skin and bones. This fairy was so thin she couldn't even transform without passing out. She had to drop out of college, Zenith University, to be exact, and get better.

As of right now, she was packing for a journey to change her path. She wanted help. She wanted to become happy and live life, not fearing for someone to see her cuts or force feed her. She was going to St. John's psychiatric hospital.

She walked out the door and took one last look at her now bare walls. This would be the last time she would be seeing her room for months.

Tecna got in the car and looked out the window the whole ride, not even bothering to talk to her parents. There was nothing to talk about at this point. They became so frustrated that the just ignored her. She was left to her thoughts during that car ride. She saw other fairies flying and laughing and grew envious of them.

They finally arrived at the hospital and Tecna got her things and silently left the car. She didn't talk much anymore to her parents.

She walked into the doors, greeted by an overly peppy employee.

"Welcome to St. John's! May I ask what your name is?"

"Tecna." She said, barley above a whisper.

"Ah! Here you are! You are in room 107 T. Here is a schedule that you follow everyday unless stated otherwise, a pamphlet about what we have to offer, and some books for the bettering of the mind! Have a great stay and we hope you gain a full recovery!"

Tecna groaned. She didn't know what was worse. The old crabby teachers at school, or the overly peppy, annoying employees here. She looked down at her schedule.

Tecna Logica (schedule specifically for you!)
7-9=Free time! Wake up and walk around, get ready and prepare for the day. Living room is room 204
9-10=breakfast. The cafeteria serves great food.
10-12= group therapy. Room 409
1-2 =more free time
3-4=doctor examination and medication
4-5=one on one therapy
6-10= free time
10:30-lights out, bed time!

It was 6:45 right now so she had plenty of free time to unpack and get acquainted with the place. She made her way to her room and was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice queen sized bed (with a super soft mattress!) with a desk and a swivel chair, a big bookshelf filled with classics, and other various things around the room. Unpacking only took her a few minutes, as the only things she was allowed to bring we're books, clothes, and basic needs for living. She was not allowed to bring any electronics, which was a bit difficult for the technology fairy.

Breaking her from her train of thought was a knock on the door. Tecna walked over and opened it.
"Hello! We heard that there was a new patient and I wanted to come say hi. I'm Flora." She said.
"Hi Flora. I'm Tecna." She said, happy that she wouldn't be alone in this place.
"I was wondering if you would like to come out and hang out with me and my friends. They are all really nice, well, with the exception of one. His name is Riven, but once he trusts you he opens up."
"Thanks...you sure?"
"Of course! I remember my first day here. It wasn't fun being alone..." Flora said.
"Well...let's go." Said Tecna, slightly afraid.
They walked out to the living room and Flora waved at a decent sized group of people.
"Hey guys! This is Tecna. She's new here!"
"Hi! I'm Musa. This is Bloom, Stella, Layla, Nabu, Riven, Brandon, Helia, Sky, and this is Timmy!" She said indicating to every person as she said their name.
"Nice to meet you!" Tecna said.

Hope you guys like this! Leave suggestions on what should happen next! R&R!