A/N: Hi all, sorry for the long time between updates. It seems I've had a difficult time writing anything. But I had to do a little something for Halloween. Enjoy!
For Sparklehannah – who wanted to see more of Jack's and Sam Hain's relationship.
Rated K. Starring Jack Frost and Sam Hain.
"Ah, Jack Frost, what brings you to my door this lovely autumn evening?" Sam Hain, spirit of Halloween, asked, stepping aside to allow his friend inside.
"Well, we've got to plan our Halloween prank," Jack said, grinning at Sam.
"And you have time for this?" Sam inquired.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Jack asked, confused.
"Your new duties with the Guardians," Sam stated.
"Oh, that doesn't take up much time," Jack said, waving aside Sam's statement. "Besides, now that I know where they all live…" Jack broke off, his grin turning mischievous.
"You, my good lad, have a devious mind," Sam chuckled. "Pumpkin rootbeer?"
"Yes please," Jack said, accepting the cup. "Now, I was thinking, for Bunny's lair we could…"
"Psst, Sam," Jack whispered, creeping past a couple of frozen Christmas elves.
"What, Jack?" Sam drawled, turning to look at the winter spirit, who was crouched over, hands stained red with the fake blood they had been decorating with.
"Got anymore cobwebs?" Jack asked. "There's this great spot right over there that-"
"Say no more," Sam said, waving an arm and grinning. "Cobwebs are my specialty."
"Jack!" Sam huffed, rolling his eyes. "We're supposed to be doing this without being spotted."
"Oh, don't worry," Jack said, waving away a couple of fairies with a grin. "They're on our side. They're going to help us get around and distract Tooth and the other fairies."
"Alright then," Sam smiled. It was good to know Jack was making more friends than just himself.
"Jack!" Sam hissed. "He's coming back, and I don't think we want to be here when he finds what we've done to his gold."
Jack laughed, flying up to Sam and extended a hand. "Nope, definitely not."
"I can't believe," Jack broke down, nearly collapsing to the floor in tears and giggles. "That you…hahahahaha…oh gosh…that was great. And the look on her….hahahahaha on her face. And yours!"
"Yes," Sam said, poking at the bruise that was forming on his cheek. April sure knew how to throw a punch. "Well, she wasn't supposed to return so soon."
"Should we really be doing this?" Sam asked, following Jack through the darkened room with no problems. "I'm all for pranking, but he is preparing for his holiday next month."
Jack waved away the concern. "He'll love it."
"Somehow, I doubt that," Sam said, but a grin stretched across his skeletal face all the same.
"Ow, Jack, watch where you're going."
"Oh, right, sorry. Here, right there. It needs to go right there."
"You are just trying to give him a heart attack."
"Jack, quick, she's coming."
"Afraid of getting decked by a girl again?"
"Summer has a worse temper than April."
"True. But she also has a better sense of humor."
"Somehow, I don't think that extends to cobwebs, spiders, and dancing skeletons in her house."
"This way, Sam, come on," Jack said, laughing brightly as he led his friend down a tunnel.
"I'm coming, Jack," Sam said, grinning just as widely as his partner in crime as they headed to their last victim.
"Oh, hey guys," Jack said brightly, nodding to the giant egg statues that guarded the glen. "Good to see you."
Sam nodded to them as well, slipping past them without a problem and studying the glen. It was disgustingly bright and cheerful. Beautiful.
"Now, now. We have to change this," Sam said, pushing up his sleeves.
"Knew you'd enjoy this one," Jack said, grinning. "Look, over here is the perfect place to set up the shrieker."
"This has truly been a Halloween night to remember," Sam said cheerfully as he sipped pumpkin rootbeer by the fire.
"Yeah," Jack said, sipping his own cup while he lounged in the rafters. "That was awesome. I've been wanting to prank those guys forever."
Sam grinned up at his friend. "You know they'll want revenge, right?"
"Only if they know who did it," Jack said, waving a hand in a 'don't worry' kind of way. "Hey, do you have any Milky Ways left?"
Sam laughed, tossing the requested chocolate to his friend. "If you say so."
"I do," Jack said, popping the candy into his mouth with a grin.
The door to Sam Hain's mansion blew open, framing three angry and cobwebbed Guardians and one amused Sandman as floated, watching the scene unfold.
"Crap," Jack said, lifting up into the air. "I was never here!"
"Never," Sam agreed with a laugh, watching his friend dart out through the open window he had installed near his rafters just for Jack.