Kagome giggled, playing with her favorite doll which looked like a white puppy. "Woof! What is it Inu-chan? Woof, woof! Ah! I see! Come on then!" Kagome said, pretending like the dog doll was talking and she could understand it. Then she ran inside her house and tried to find her mother,"Okaa-san!" She called out, to hear a reply of,"I'm in the kitchen!" So the young Kagome ran towards the kitchen where she would find her mother.

When she got there she saw her mom standing in front of a large tub, scrubbing a small bowl. "What is it Kagome-chan?" Kagome's mom asked her.

"Inu-chan and I are hungry!" She exclaimed, moving the doll's head so it was nodding in agreement.

"Ho-kay, I'll start making dinner in just a moment." She older woman replied, laughing very slightly in amuement.

"Arigato, Okaa-san!" Kagome said before turning to run back outside.

"Are you going back out?" Kagome heard her Mom ask.

"Hai!" Kagome replied, now stepping out the door and running in their yard. Then she saw a bunch of beat up and dirty looking guys, riding by on horses that were loaded with bags of items. Not knowing they were bandits though Kagome waved her arm up in the air and shouted,"Anzen'na ryoko o suru!" This got their attention and they stopped, though the reason that they did so was something Kagome did not know. Then she saw one of the guys dismount his horse and start to walk up to her with an item in his hand that Kagome couldn't make out.

"Why thank you for your consideration Miss." The man started politely, then he revealed the object in his hand to be rope as he roughly turned Kagome around and tied her hands behind her back, causing her to drop the dog doll. Then as she was being dragged away she shouted,"Inu-chan!" Before moving her feet so she could quickly grab him with her toes. Then she heard her mother shout something before screaming and running after the struggling Kagome and the bandit who was dragging her away from her secluded home. Then, not being able to catch up, Kagome saw her mother just drop down onto her hands and knees like she did when she was cleaning the floors and just reach her hand out to her daughter, tears invisibly running down her face as Kagome shouted fearfully, her mind starting to register what was happening,"OKAA-SAN!" This only made her mother sob visibly as her head went out of view. Then the next thing Kagome knew she was being lifted up onto a horse that started to move and gallop away from the only placed she had ever called home.

After many, many days of travelling Kagome had already seen enough blood, death, and women crying for sparing whether it was for her life or the lives of her children or husband. Although nearly each and everytime, they were grante their wish. Although occasionally they obliged to spare the women's lives. Although normally when that happened Kagome ended up being taken away from the campsite and tied to a tree for that night, alone with her doll still with er somewhere. In her mouth, between her toes, in her hands, you name a place and she's most likely kept it there.

Kagome was finally dropped off somewhere, where a man with long black hair had handed money to the bandits she was travelling with. Then after the bandits had departed the black haired man turned to her and said,"Welcome to slavery little one." Kagome responded by tilting her head to the side like a dog would when it was confused or curious. This reaction earned a laugh from the man as he roughly picked Kagome up by the collar of her dress shirt which had been stained brown by it not being washed for a long time.

When she was set back down she immediately had a leather strap attached to her neck when it was then pulled by a rope attatched to it. Her hands were unbound which she was thankful for, now she could hold her doll and play with it freely with being able to play with it with a beating coming after. What she didn't know was that she wouldn't have time to play with the doll if she was to be a slave. Although the black haired man just ignored her playing, knowing it was most likely the last chance she would ever get to have a little bit of fun in the rest of her life.

Finally they stopped in front of a large, barred thing with other people inside it who all darted to the back, away from the door that Kagome was then pushed into, which she then yelled at the man who did it saying,"Hey! That wasn't very nice! If my Okaa-san were here she would make you say sorry!"

"Well be sure to bring her to me if you ever see her again, brat." Was the response Kagome got before the door slammed shut, leaving her with a bunch of strange men and women, along with some teenagers. But there weren't any kids she saw that looked around her age, that is until a young girl with brown hair and a small pigtail at the side of it, pushed her way out of the crowd and greeted Kagome. "Hi! I'm Rin!" SHe said enthusiastically, keeping a cheery smile plastered on her face.

"Hi. My name's Kagome." Kagome responded, smiling slightly.

"Nice to meet you Kagome-chan! Do you wanna play?"

"Sure." Kagome responded before turning her attention to the doll she had in her hand,"Isn't this nice Inu-chan? We have a new friend to play with!" Then Kagome made the toy nod it's head before making a woof sound. Then she smiled and ran around with Rin, smiling as some of the younger teenagers joing them in their small game of tag while the adults and older teenagers just sat at the sidelines, staying out of the way of the game.

After about, two maybe three hours of playing the same guy that had put Kagome in this strange building came back and said,"Alright. Alright! Enough with your stupid fucking games and just go to sleep! We'll start selling ya off first thing tomorrow. Not knowing what the guy had meant Kagome just shouted,"Ok, Night Mister!" She earned a,"Yeah, yeah whatever. I can't wait to get rid of you." Then Kagome walked over to her new friend Rin and said softly to the girl,"MInd if I sleep with you tonight, Rin-chan?"

"Yeah! I don't mind at all!" The young girl said, moving over a little bit so Kagome could lay right next to her underneath the blanket that had been provided for the little ones only so that way the slave traders could sell them still without them dying from cold in the middle of the night.

"Night Rin-chan."

"Night, Kagome-chan." Then with that, both of the girls fell fast asleep, Kagome's doll, Inu-chan laying right in between them.