"This is a really good story if you added more chapters about it, because surely the parents would have to go into court about it, and also would Astrid and her family want to get Hamish back for fear of him telling? Also Jack taking Hamish like that was KIDNAPPING. Just want to repeat that. ITS CALLED KIDNAPPING.

Also you didn't add Hamish beating at all, he might of not even be beaten, he could of fallen over or got hurt from housework.

Not to mention, why would Astrid invite Jack round knowing about Hamish being there. Also, this isn't Hijack AT ALL. This is just Jack finding a brother named Hamish, Hijack is the romance shipping of Jack and Hiccup, theres no romance in this, they weren't actually dating, not to mention Jack kissing Hiccup on the forehead isn't really that romance, its just a kiss, it's happened to me before from my friends and family, it doesn't mean anything. Besides, Hiccup is called HICCUP not Hamish. I know people in modern stories call him Hamish because its shortened for Hiccup, but you could have actually USED Hiccup's name.

Finally, you rushed the WHOLE story, Jack wouldn't just ACCEPT the story of Hamish apparently being his brother, and I don't think Hamish would accept it that easily either. And wouldn't the mother at least call the police after seeing Hamish's condition, she wouldn't accept Hamish in easily.

This is a good try, but you need to actually THINK about the story, you need to express your feelings through the story, besides two chapters for a story like this isn't enough.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll write some awesome stories in the future."


This is a guest review I received earlier about this story.

I don't really like doing this kind of thing, and I don't mean to be immature about this, but seriously, if you guys have reviewed anything of mine, you'll know that I respond to what you wrote no matter what, and I do it gladly. Really, because if you take the time to review, I should take time to acknowledge you. And besides, what a writer without it's readers?

So, thank you, LunaTeam, for reading and for taking the time to express you opinion about this story.

I've gotten this complaint a lot about this, actually. I was going to continue this story... the truth of the matter is that no, Jack would not accept that Hamish is his brother, mostly because of the fact that he LIKES him more than that. So, as time goes by, Jack's feelings develop more and more for Hamish every day (mostly because of Hamish's lack of privacy and his ignorance of personal space), but he doesn't act on them because he knows that Hamish was deprived of that family atmosphere for all of his life, and he doesn't want to ruin it more for him. And then, one day, all his sexual frustration and whatnot explodes and he finally kisses Hamish and then, blah blah blah, couple stuff, yea yea...

BUT THE REASON WHY I didn't do this is because of two reasons:

1- it would have led to eventual smut, and there's no way in hell that I'm capable or comfortable enough to write that.

and 2- there would be no end

Also, I ended it after 2 chapters so that you guys would have to imagine where this would all lead to.


Okay, so, this might seem confusing: why did Astrid invite Jack over to her house if they didn't want anyone to know about Hamish?

First, sorry to all those Astrid-lovers out there, but in this story, she's a little bit of a... well, she sleeps around, to be polite. So, by asking him over, she could use him for the project and get him into her pants in one go.

Also, they have this sort of policy in their house, and whenever Hamish isn't needed, he stays out of sight, especially when there's a guest over. But, her mother is so comfortable with Jack that she totally forgets he doesn't know, and that's why she calls him in, and of course, there is no way he can refuse an order.

And yes, in a perfect world, Jack or his mother would have called the cops when they found out about the abuse and slavery Hamish went through, but Jack was just happy that he was safe, and his mother didn't know the severity of what he went through.

AND YES, What Jack did is basically kidnapping, but if you would, please put yourself in a similar situation: what if you walked in to see an abused, malnourished, broken child, who was forced to serve people as if they weren't even human? Police and CPS move aside, because I don't know about you, but I'm removing that kid instantly from that environment, no questions asked. Jack didn't kidnap him and rape him or something, he actually gave him a better life by doing this. Yep, Hamish's wounds are even specified, but I assure you that those wounds are because of Astrid's mother and the punishment she inflicts on Hamish if he doesn't do something right.

I know the story is a little rushed too, and that's my fault, because I didn't give too much thought about this. For crying out loud, I thought of this story while doing the dishes!

And... um... no offense, but I don't think that was right of you, LunaTeam, to say that I need to express my feelings through my story. I know people all have a different way of writing, but I do put myself in almost everything I do, whether that be putting my personality, or the way I would react to things, or the setting itself. But I am always in my writing, so I don't think that was very... fair of you to say.

This is getting kind of long, so I'm going to cut this a bit short, but I would just like to say that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if my response to this upsets anyone, I'm sorry, please forgive me.

Um.. so, thanks LunaTeam, for the reviewing, and for putting up with my bullshit, and I'm sorry if you feel like I'm attacking you or putting you on blast in any way, shape or form. If you had an account on fanfiction, I would have been able to answer this privately. And is your name a Harry Potter reference? Sorry, I just happen to be a big Potterhead XD

Thanks for reading, guys. And sorry this wasn't an actual update. I hope this clears up some stuff.