My god people! Make me revive my percy jackson fandom involvement from the goddamn grave for this shit. I hadn't read the goddamn book where it was established that Nico was gay when I wrote this damn story. Fuck off. I didn't know he was gay when I wrote this. And I'm not rewriting a story in a fandom I'm no longer all that into. If for whatever reason you want to read about gay characters and want my writing for it, my more recent once upon a time stories have that. Enjoy.

*grumbles about the amount of comments/inboxes ive gotten about this old story over the time it's been on the site.*

Oh and to add: i was also devoutly mormon at the time I wrote this story.(nlt this note.) And either point blank didn't quite understand what being gay was or most definitely had no business trying to write about it because it would have been written in the most insensotive, horrific way purely from the mindset I was surrounded by and assumed I'd eventually understand fully. People change. People grow. People realize they grew up in kinda a cult.

So sorry not sorry I wrote a story the way i wanted it written whwn i was in high scjool but gold god characters are allowed to be written in whatever way in fanfiction.