Who knew a storm, made by the mighty Thor, could lead to all of this
Giant cat's and lizard's with mouth's that speak words
Men in robe's with hand's that shot flame
Walking dead, Saber cat's, and mighty troll's
All in one place(long)
And now we have been summoned by the legendary Greybeard's
To learn about... the thu'um
We shall delve into the danger's of Skyrim's ancient ruin's
Searching for the treasure that it hold's
As we learn to use our thu'um,
That lead's to Alduin's doom
We shall fight tell the end of our live's
With a sword in hand and blood on my shield,
We shall fight tell the end of time
As the Blade's lead us on, we shall fight
For we must complete, the prophecy of Alduin
And with my friend's by my side,
I shall fight tell the end of time
The knowledge that we seak
From the legendary Elder Scroll
Lies deep in the dangers of the Dwemer Ruin
We shall fight,
We shall fight,
We shall fight(Long),
Tell the end of out live's
I may not be Dovakiin
But, I shall fight
Tell the end of my life
To make every thing better
As Alduin grows stronger,
As do we
We shall fight,
We shall fight,
Tell the end of our live's
We shall not give in
For Alduin deserves
To Die...
I shall fight, or I shall die
Which ever one it is, Alduin must fall
No matter what it take's
I shall fight,
I shall fight,
I shall fight(Long)
I shall never give in for I am
We must kill Alduin,
Kill Alduin...
Ruffnut and Tuffnut
We must fight,
We must fight,
Tell the end of our lives
The destruction the chaos,
It's so beautiful
We must fight,
We must fight,
I keep pissing my pant's (Tuffnut)
And by doing that you made Heather
Threaten you with a needle and thread(Ruffnut)
We must fight,
We must fight,
Tell Alduin fall's(Long)
What do you think of my song?
I'm not sure but I might make the D.L.C. sequel, and if I do, what one should I do?
The one where you adopt a child and build a house or the one with the Dawn Guard and Vampire's
Please tell me what you think of this!