Just so you know, this story was meant to be for Valentine's Day… I kinda updated it too late I think. Who cares? NOT ME :D !

Also, I made the word "bluenette" up just for your information!

Continue reading nonetheless.

Two Is Better Than One

"Wow! This is amazing!" Lucy exclaimed as she and Mirajane entered the academy's gym decorated with pink and red here and there.

"It looks even better with the disco lights Max added!" Mirajane chirped.

The school gym was dimply lit, and disco lights were bouncing up and down people's heads and bodies as they danced on the dance floor with unique clothing. This wasn't anything like a prom after all–it was a dance.

Lucy and Mirajane were wearing stunning outfits with boys ogling their every move. Loke and the other perverted students tried to flirt with them, but were all kept back by a furious Lucy giving every boy her infamous 'Lucy kick' while yelling, "Get out of the way sluts!"

Mirajane smiled sweetly while standing on the sidelines; slightly sweat dropping a bit as she stared at the battlefield before her.

"I don't wanna go!" Natsu whined as Gray tried his hardest at prying the tan teen off the vacant bench right in front of the academy's entrance. "I change my mind!" he shouted as he desperately tried to keep his sturdy hold on the wooden seat.

The latter was currently wearing a light red, almost pinkish button up shirt with loose fitting black jeans and sneakers while the pale teen was wearing a cobalt blue dress shirt with loose fitting gray jeans and black shoes.

Gray sweat dropped as he tried his hardest to separate the boy and the bench, "You said you would go and sing with me if I would be your date! As far as I know, I agreed to be your date!" he exclaimed. "What's with the sudden change of choice?!" he questioned which got the rosette thinking and abruptly letting go of the empty stool.

This sent the younger male crashing into the older one.

"Oof!" was heard as the two collided, and were sent rolling behind the wooden bench onto the grass.

"Why did you suddenly let go furnace-face?!" Gray asked, a tinge of irritation was heard in his voice.

Natsu fidgeted with his fingers while looking at the ground in shame, "W-well… I didn't really think we were gonna sing in front of everybody…" he stated which earned him a mental face palm from Gray.

"Come on, it won't be that bad," the dark haired lad comforted his other while he shrugged right afterwards. "I mean like, I don't think anything embarrassing is gonna happen, like your pants accidentally falling down."

The pinkette stared at the raven disbelievingly, "You're really bad at comforting others, aren't you?"

An airy chuckle was heard before Gray checked his guitar that was slung over his back, "Come on, let's go."

Natsu hesitantly reached for the hand that was outstretched in front of his face, "Fine, fine. Ice-block."

As the two slowly stood up, they glanced around them. No students were in sight.

"Everybody's probably inside already…" Gray muttered as he held the rosette's wrist. "Let's get going. I wanna sing the song, get it over with, and then we can have some times to ourselves," he plotted as he winked to the shorter boy behind him.

Said male blushed a light shade of pink before nodding reluctantly. They quickly walked inside of the school, the raven guiding his boyfriend to the gym. More like dragged his boyfriend.

When they finally reached the maroon doors of their destination, they could already hear all the laughter, music, and drunken people shouting inside.

Really, who takes care of this school? Drunken people shouting? That's weird, but completely casual in Fairy Tail Academy. Of course, nothing is completely casual in this school to those who are normal.

Natsu tried to wiggle out of the pale teen's hard grip, "Lemme go!" he exclaimed as he used both of his hands to pry the other male's hand off his wrist. He failed miserably and his answer from the other teen was a simple: "No." He paled, "Why not?" he whined, a pout following soon after.

Gray squinted his eyes at the tan lad. "You're cute when you pout," he stated bluntly.

The pinkette once again blushed as he stuttered trying to find the right words, "U-uh t-thanks I g-guess, if you r-really think s-so…"

The raven laughed at Natsu's embarrassment. "Stop laughing!" Natsu complained, "Could you just let go of me! It'd be weird if our friends find us like… this," he said as he gestured towards their linked hands.

Gray quickly stared back at the still blushing boy, he smirked which caught the other off guard, "W-what?"

The dark haired male grabbed the shorter boy's wrist more firmly, "You're my boyfriend. My. Boyfriend. Mine. I need to show people you're already taken. And this is the only way."

Natsu looked up at him completely confused, "What do you mean, 'this is the only way'?" he questioned before he rapidly paled which made the blush on his cheeks a more brilliant red. "Y-you don't mean…" he murmured but was abruptly cut off as he was pulled inside the now open gym doors by the one and only.

"W-what?! Gray!" Natsu shouted over the music which gained the attention of not only the said person being called, but also those around him. Soon, everybody was looking at the two with confused expressions as their eyes ghosted over their connected hands.

The music stopped. The disco lights stopped. Everybody stopped. Even the infamous Lucy kicks stopped.

The only thing moving in the room was Mirajane as she pointed up a confident index finger, "I knew my physic love is blossoming powers would never prove me wrong!" she exclaimed as she too looked at the linked skin in front of her.

Lucy stared at her, surprise written all over her face, "What?! Do you mean that this is what you called me at in three in the morning to talk about?!"

Gray seemed to completely ignore the halted atmosphere, and walked down the already empty path the crowd made for the two. He continued to drag Natsu's unmoving feet along with him.

He smirked inwardly to himself as he could tell the boy behind was beyond pale, but at the same time, blushing as red as a certain friend's head of hair.

The people slowly regained their postures and watched intendedly as both students slowly climbed the stage set for the Valentine's Day Dance.

The lights slowly returned to their dim feature.

Gray coughed purposely into his fist as he stared at his lover, who was looking back with wide eyes and an expression that read 'I'm-gonna-kill-you-sooner-or-later-for-this'. He mentally laughed at the glare he was receiving as he quickly brought the guitar and its strap over his head and shoulders as it rested in his grip. His hands already set on the desired positions for playing.

The raven grabbed the microphone that was standing not too far away from them and placed it in between him and Natsu.

The latter grabbed it with shaking hands, and glanced at Gray once again. All the rosette received was a warm smile. And that was just enough to boost his confidence as he sighed a sign of relief.

Gray magically strummed his hands over the glossy guitar as he tapped his foot quietly. Natsu seemed to get lost in the already beautiful melody as he swayed from side to side, he pushed the microphone towards the dark haired male's soft lips as he waited for his time to sing.

The teen in the audience were all holding their breath to see what else would happen between the two.

A girl with large curls was seen sulking and sending gloomy waves to everybody who went near her in a nearby corner, but nobody seemed to pay attention to the slight disturbance.

"I remember what you wore on the first day,

you came into my life and I thought:

'hey, you know, this could be somethin'…"

Everybody was surprised.

Who knew Gray could sing so good?

They all waited impatiently to see where Natsu would fit in all of this.

Levy smiled warmly at the duo as she leaned onto a certain, for once not grumpy, raven. This is one of the best Valentine's Day dances ever she thought as she hugged the male beside her.

Said person simply smiled at the fun-sized bluenette; a small 'Gihihi' was heard coming from his mouth as he rubbed the soft fit of blue hair with his rough hand.

"'Cause everything you do and words you say,

you know that it all takes my breath away.

And now I'm left with nothing…"

Gray's mouth was once again left dry at the last lyrics he just sang, but he knew, he would never be alone in this world. Never alone, never.

As long as he had that one special person.

Natsu opened his mouth, ready to start his entrance.

"So maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone,

and I'm thinking two is better than one…"

Lucy, heck, everybody was shocked. Who knew Natsu also was good at singing? The wonderful music that reached their ears was lovely. Oh, what an amazing tune! all the girls and boys thought as they slowly linked arms with their special somebody. A smile was gracing each peaceful face as the duet continued.

Natsu was shocked, not that he'd show it. He never thought that their performance could cause everybody to suddenly turn mushy.

And it gave him a nice, warm feeling, especially since Gray was the one singing up here with him. Yes, him. Who would've thought these two could've become the newest couple on the block? Not the students and teachers in the academy, that's for sure.

"I remember every look upon your face…"

Natsu sang his solo. The smoothest voice a person could ever have heard in an entire lifetime. Gray joined soon after.

"The way you roll your eyes,

the way you taste,

you make it hard for breathing…"

Happy and Carla held paws as they chaperoned the students. Happy almost fainting from the rare sight of Carla showing him affection. Should I give Carla fish after this?! he franticly thought.

"'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away,

I think of you and everything's okay.

I'm finally now believing…"

Erza smiled at both of the males, which also earned her smiles in return from the boys. She slowly turned and met a pale face with blue hair; said person was also watching the performance. She closed her eyes and turned her head back to the singing duo, You two really are something…

"That maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone,

and I'm thinking two is better than one…"

The two sang as they quickly reached the song's climax.

"I remember what you wore on the first day.

You came into my life, and I thought: 'hey'…"

Gray and Natsu slowly looked into each other's eyes. Love was clearly seen in both or their orbs.

"Maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone.

And I'm thinking,

I can't live without you.

'Cause baby, two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

But I'll figure it out when all is said and done,

two is better than one…"

Natsu bravely intertwined his fingers with Gray's. The raven smiled at the caring action.

"Two is better than one."

The final note hung high in the air as both had their noses touching.

Another perfect kiss was formed.

Clapping and whistles were heard as both retreated from their connection.

"Woo! You guys finally got together? Never thought I'd see the day!" Cana shouted as she lifted her booze into the air, Maccao and Wakaba following the motion with their own booze while Makarov was seated in a deserted clothed table reading a dirty magazine.

The old man's cheeks turned red as he flipped another page.

Mirajane crept up behind the very short male and slapped him back on the head. "Don't read those type of things Master!" she lectured.

"M-Master?" Lucy questioned as she stared at the scene.

The rosette and the raven smiled at the people before them. Both thinking of how their friends could accept their relationship so quickly.

They leaned into each other's embrace as their foreheads touched.

"Park?" Gray asked while the other nodded. They both jumped down the stage together as the taller boy slung his guitar over his back.

"Why not? I love the park!" Natsu answered with a big grin.

"I-I can't believe Gray got together with N-Natsu, it's still hard to believe!" Lucy exclaimed as she once again Lucy kicked another fit of boys.

Mirajane simply giggled, "That's how love works. It's always a mystery, everybody is the world has a romantic tale of their own, they just have to find the right chance."

The blonde smiled at her friend's wise words, "You're absolutely right, Mira. Isn't love an amazing thing?" she asked, more to herself though.

The white haired beauty smiled as she walked to a dark corner while placing a comforting shoulder on a crying female.

"It's okay Juvia. You know, there's always Lyon!" she suggested which made the girl cry more.

Lucy mentally banged her head on the wall.

"Isn't it funny how we fell in love? Just in time for Valentine's Day too!" Natsu chirped as he and Gray were both sitting down on a wooden bench in the middle of Magnolia Park.

Gray chuckled as he ruffled the other's pink hair. A small smile finding its way onto his features.

"I love you, Natsu."

"I love you too, Gray."

And right before the two kissed once more, the same thought from the day before was bombarding their thoughts once again as the moonlight shaded their display of affection.

"Two is definitely better than one."

Two Is Better Than One

The End.

Don't forget to remind me, Simlop, if you're reading this that is, that I still owe you a one-shot. PM me if you have any ideas on what I should make it about~!