I do not, much to my heartbreak, own darkest powers or any of the characters.

Chloe's POV
"Chloe" the words whispered in my mind, the voice saying them replaying in my head like a broken film loop. I blinked my eyes open and closed, trying to stop the grogginess that floated around me. I sighed and snapped my eyes open when I heard a man's voice calling my name from the bathroom a few steps from the bed I was still laying in.
"Chloe, baby, you should get up soon or you're gonna be late for work" he said as he stepped out, wrapped in nothing but a towel and a smile.
"Thanks Robbi" I said, running my hands through my shoulder length blonde hair and throwing the covers off me. he nodded and went to his dresser and began dressing while i went and got ready for the day. Opening the curtain in the bathroom to see the yard, I could see the sun just peaking up over the sunrise and it brought me back to my dream.

I sat on top of the cliff, the water below me swishing away. A bit aways I could see Tori and Simon playing Frisbee on the the beach, Kit and Lauren sitting under an umbrella talking, I smiled just in time for a body to plop down on the other side of me. turning my head, i leaned into him and poked his side, making him smile a smile that melted my heart.
"So Chloe," he started "that is one hell of a sunset before us and you are more concerned with trying to tickle me, where's the fun in that?" he teased lightly as he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled me closer to him.
"It's all the fun in the world, Derek" I giggled and buried my head into his shirt.
"Chloe" he murmed, kissing the top of my head.

"Chlo, babe, it's like you're not even listening" Sarah, my best friend of seven years said over the phone, bringing me back to reality. I sat in the back of a cab who was sitting in typical New York City traffic, i glanced down to see i was dresses for work and had my purse and everything. I shook my head at my empty headness and focused on the conversation at hand.
"Sorry Sar, what did you say?" I said into the receiver
"I said, that we should go out tonight, and I get off work an hour after you do, so you can just stop by the shop and wait for me to close up" she hated repeating herself. I sighed and started thinking of all the ways I could get out of it, but knew none of them would work. not with Sarah.
"Fine, see you at 4" I said, clicking the end call button on my phone as the cab pulled up to my work. paying the tab i stepped out and took the elevator to my floor.
The day passed uneventfully until it was almost time to clock out when my boss called me into her office. I knocked on the door and went inside, sitting myself in the plush chairs, she adjusted some papers on her desk and cleared her throat.
"Chloe, I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming trip you will be taking" she said
"yeah, the one to Tokyo for the business conference?" I asked, feeling a little awkward
"Well, something has come up, and Rae will be going to Tokyo to handle them instead." I felt a little disappointed, i had really looked forward to seeing Tokyo.
"oh. Well I understand if she's more compliant for the clients" I stated simply to which my boss, Liz shook her head.
"It's not that you aren't qualified, it's the exact opposite really. Their is a meeting a little bit aways but still this country that I need you to go to, you know, being the new partner and all" she said and a smile slid onto her face
"Oh, well I am gla-did you say partner?" I am pretty sure my jaw hit the floor
"I did, I want to promote you to partner, and the only punishment you have to endure is two weeks of Syracuse" She said, now fully grinning.
I squealed and launched myself across the desk and hugged her, causing both of us to blush and pull away. We both wern't very good with contact. I pulled myself away and thanked her several times aw i backed out her office, griinging like mad the entire time.

"I am so excited for you babe" Sarah said as she wrinkled her nose in interest at the vinyl she held in her hands, and placed it on it's spot on the shelf. she continued to ramble off as I fully came back to reality, for the second time that having zoned out. I glanced at Sarah who had stopped talking and was looking at me worriedly.
"babe, you alright?" she asked, reaching for my forehead, smiling and smacking her hand away playfully, i took in the nature of my best friend for the wonderful weirdness she was.
Sarah was 5'4 of pure sugar and cyanide, he short, pixie cut hair was dyed black with blue and purple highlights, her brown eyes always outlined in charcoal colored liner, today she wore splatter paint skinny jeans, a white wife beater that hugged her curves enough to make most of the customers that come in more interested in her and not the records, and a black choker that her mom gave her last year for her birthday. To say she looked badass for a 24 year old was an understatement. she finished up and locked up the store, walking beside me to her car to where she would drag me every possible spot on the town tonight. I sighed and rolled my eyes a little as I hopped in shotgun and prepared myself for hell.