An: Something fun and cute. Oh I don't think i mention this maybe I did maybe not. But, these are random events I wanted to write about on Chack's kids. There's no big plot just cute fluff stuff. Anyway. I have a lot of things to do so sorry if I take forever to post anything. Anyway, this chapter is about ClayxRai's children... one of my followers on tumblr- lucy-don't-give-a-fuck gave me this amazing idea. So yeah, I wanted to write this. Lucy gave me some great ideas!

Clayx Rai's children: they got six but I'm only mentioning Maria (oldest child), Xiaolin Dragon of Earth and Cobley (second oldest), Xiaolin Dragon of Wood. Then, it's Salvador, Narel, Nicholas, and Aylin (baby). Which Lucy owns and her dragon, Narkissa.

Jermaine's son: Maximilian, Xiaolin Dragon of Water

KimikoxAshley's children: Sally (oldest) Xiaolin Dragon of Metal (she's a part a different Xiaolin group a different generation group since she advanced so highly. Some say she's neither good or bad. No one knows- oooo), Saki, Xiaolin Dragon of Wind(second oldest), (since she's the oldest out of the group so she off doing high level missions and training)

Le MimexMegan's: Giselle (only child), Xiaolin Dragon of Fire

Ping Pong and Omi are both monk teachers so they don't have kids... or maybe they do- oooooh

News: Each one of the Chase's kids and Shadows' kids have their own pet servants. They each got like five or more pets since Chase have so many. Chase still consider them to be his bc he loves his feline cubs and such

Reminder: This contains YAOI and Yuri! You DON'T LIKE IT! THEN, DON'T READ IT! I know Haters gonna hate as always but bitches it's YOLO! I'll write whatever the fuck I want! Anyway, this contains CHACK! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that pairing. Okay Yaoi pairing involved: Chack (Jack SpicerXChase Young), ClayRai (Clay and Raimundo) Past lovers: JackxClay, JackxLe Mime, JackxSkyler(Oc), JackxOc(Kyle), Chuya (ChasexWuya), ChasexShadow. Yuri pairing: ShadowxOc (Her name is Skyler), KimikoxKatnappe aka Ashley, and past lover: KimikoxShadow and KimikoxRaimundo. Straight pairing: Le mimexMegan… Ocs I own: Kyle, Skyler, Shadow's and Oc's triplets (Isaac, Logan, and Pearl), Chack's twins (Killian and Leroy) and Kimiko's and Ashley's daughters (Sally and Saki).

Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles and any songs or vids I put up. If I put a song or anything I'll put the URL at the end if your interested in watching it. The only thing I own are my OCs which isn't that much.

Warning: Okay before anyone goes any further. Yaoi is guy on guy. Yuri is girl on girl. I know I mention this on my note but I just want ya to make sure your not into that. Another thing if your just getting into it and want to read yaoi or yuri. Well, Yaoi is meant for girls since it had more romance than Yuri. I don't care the fact it's two guys I mean some stories are just soo beautiful and sweet. Anyhu, warning this contain Yaoi! :) I have terrible grammar! I've never been good at it! I only write for the fun of it and to get better at it. So, if you want to review go ahead and make it nice. I dislike rudeness and people who think they are smart ass, they're just being jerks. I am sorry if that is you but it's true. No one likes a jerk! Anyway, I don't mind people correcting stuff but make it nice. I can handle but if it's rude. Ohhh, honey you got another thing coming. I'm just saying if you can be mean then I'll be a bitch. Sorry, for the language peeps. Anyway, please be nice about it. I don't mind. Thank you. Oh, if you read my other stories and don't like it. Then, Do Not LIKE! DO NOT READ! I don't understand why people continue to read if they don't like it! I FIND NO LOGIC IN IT! Also, I sometimes put sex scenes. Be warned! It may contain some S&M, BDSM, and regular. May contain some hurtful language- sorry if I offended anyone.


Father's day special :)

Leroy and Killian are 6 years old.

A day before Father's Day Jack went to sleep earlier. Chase was on his office desk reading current events and latest Evil Decor. He had his reading glasses like he need it but when Jack told him he looked dead sexy he knew he had to wear it every once in awhile so his consort can get horny. Sadly, his consort went to bed early. It didn't matter Chase had his "reading glasses" made for fashion so, it didn't bother him. He went over to check at wikipedia to check if anyone had mess with his profile. Auburn eyes read on the screen seeing an idiot type Chase Young's childhood- how does this person know? Chase sighs rubbing his temples and quickly change a few things on wikipedia. If people going to learn about him it better be correct information. Then, he heard Leroy giggling and footsteps.

"Shh, your gonna give us away!" Killian growls.

Chase rolled his eyes, "I hear you, boys." Leroy and Killian slowly walk out of the shadows covered with glue, stickers, and glitter- so much glitter that will take weeks maybe a hundred years to get rid of. "Why are you two covered with glue?"

Leroy was holding these cards in his hands which he quickly hides them behind his back. Killian asked, "Why are you wearing glasses?"

"Stop changing the subject." Chase took off his glasses and spoke once more, "Leroy, what you got in your hands?"


"Leroy." Chase said in a stern voice.

Killian spoke, "Its a surprise!"

"Yeah, for Father's Day!" Leroy said.

Chase asked, "Father's Day?" He thought it would be next week until he look over his calendar. "It's tomorrow?"

"Yes..." The twins stare at their father.

Great... Now, he have to think of something quick. He needs to give Jack something meaningful, something needing, and perfect. How could he forget one of the important days of the year. "Father," Leroy asked, "What are you gonna get dad? Oh, are you gonna make him something?"

"Yeah, are you gonna make him breakfast in bed or dinner?" Killian asked.

Chase thought quietly and he figure might as well make something for Jack. It's more romantic and easy. "I'm doing a breakfast in bed."

"Really? Then, what's next?" Leroy asked.

"What do you mean?" Chase look over at his son.

Killian explained, "After, breakfast what's next? Dinner Date or party..."

Crap... Chase thought of something. It's probably to late to go on a fancy restaurant and he can't ask his minions to cook it would be boring and meaningless. He quickly wen online to find any special recipes. It would be more meaningful if he cook and that what he'll do. "I will cook dinner."

"Really?" Leroy asked so happily that's so romantic of his father.

"Really?" Killian wasn't sure how to feel about it. His father never cooked- well, he never saw him cook anything but his special soup.

Chase spoke, "Yes, my sons. Now, let's get you two clean up." He picked up Leroy and hold Killian's hand as he took them to the bathroom. Leroy always liked being carried in the dark and for Killian, he likes to show he isn't afraid.

In the bathroom, Chase was wiping off Leroy's cheek with a baby wipe. "But, father, aren't you gonna give dad something?" Leroy's asked innocently.

"Yes. It'll be a surprised." Chase already knowns what he's gonna give his lovely consort. Killian was washing his hands.

"Dad is gonna love it." Leroy said.

"Oh, he will and tomorrow you two will help me cook." Chase said.

"Why?" Killian asked.

"Your dad will love it more if you two help." Chase said and he might need a few hands for what he's gonna make and food tasters.

"Oh, yay! I love to help." Leroy said.

Chase was down cleaning them, "Be sure to wake up early. Now, go to sleep. It's pass your bed time." The twins hug him and went off to their room. Chase sighs as he went to his room to think about tomorrow.

The next day Chase woke up five in the morning. He saw his consort softly sleeping away. Red messy hair looking like soft fluff. Chase smirks seeing Jack's face he leans over to kiss him on the forehead and slowly got out of bed. He went to brush his teeth and put on a white shirt since he's already wearing a green sweat pants.

Once he had walk out of his room he was about to head over to his sons' room but heard giggles and voices over the playroom. His eyebrow arched when he peaked to see Leroy and Killian already awake playing video games and the triplets were also awake.

"Destroy him!" Pearl shouted as she cheered for Leroy to win.

"You got this, Kill." Logan cheered for Killian.

Isaac snorted as he tear his eyes from his book he was reading, "Go Killian... Go Leroy..." Leroy soon won from the game.

"I almost had you." Killian fumed.

"I win!" Leroy giggles.

Chase walks in and the triplets jumps in surprised seeing their grandfather. "Grandpa!" The triplets went over to hug him. Chase saw Pearl's arms reach out for him. He picked her up and she hugs him. The things he do sometimes he wonder if he's going soft then again he did spent 1500 or more by himself. He deserves this!

"So, you were right." Isaac said to the twins.

"Duh." Killian said. "I'm always right."

"Are we gonna make dad some pancake and eggs?" Leroy asked.

"Ohh! Make some bacon." Pearl demanded as she pulls down her grandfather's hair.

Chase didn't realized that he'll have to make breakfast for everyone. What had he gotten himself into? "Come along, children." He said. They all went to the kitchen to find what they're making. When he got to the kitchen he heard loud bangs and pots hitting together.

"Ouch!" He heard his daughter, Shadow's voice. They all walk in seeing Shadow's sucking on her bruised finger.

"What are you doing up so late?" Chase asked.

Shadow spoke, "I should be asking you the same question."

"Father is making breakfast for dad." Leroy said with a big smile.

Shadow chuckles, "Really? You making breakfast?"

"Grandpa, why mom laughing?" Pearl asked, "You've cooked before?"

"Yes, before all of you were born." Chase said as he put down Pearl.

Shadow rolled her eyes, "I hope you know your way around the kitchen."

"I can see you have no idea what your doing." Chase grins evilly.

"For your information, I want to cook Skyler a perfect breakfast." Shadow said, "She's gonna need a good morning."

"Why?" Chase asked with arched eyebrow. He took out a mixing bowl.

Shadow put down a frying pan on the stove. "We, Amy and the triplets are going to visited her father and lately there's been some family trouble."

"We're gonna visited Grandpa!" The triplets bounced wanting to see Skyler's father.

"Yes, kids."

Chase asked, "What happen with her family?"

"Well, it turns out that one of her spoiled aunt, cousin, and uncle wants money and her father is at his wits from their lies and stupidity. Apparently, her uncle had cause an open drug cartel and was arrested from the CIA somewhere in Latin America." Shadow rolled her eyes, "So far, her uncles' family had threaten them for not helping and her uncles called Sky and her brother homos."

"Excuse me?" Chase blinked surprised, "They called her and her sibling homo?"

"Yes and talk shit about my family." Shadow growls.

"Pardon?" Chase's eyes glow red.

Shadow said, "Relax. Me and Sky will handle this, father."

"You know, child that making fun of my family result in serious punishment." Chase growls.

Shadow giggles, "I know but Sky's father is the same thing, too. Relax, father. It's not your problem you should focus on making Jack happy."

"You're right." Chase smirks.

Pearl whined, "But, I wanna see grandpa Chase and Grandpa Alexander kill Uncle Artur."

"I wanna blood." Logan bounced.

Isaac smirks, "I wanna his skin spread out like a mat."

"How did they get this creative?" Shadow blinks in shock.

Leroy said, "They learned it from you guys."

"I think we need to lay off a few things off I don't want them to be serial killers at age twelve." Shadow said.

"Surely, they're behaving proper." Chase grunts as he pour some flour in the mixing bowl.

Pearl was standing on the island and said, "Yeah, I behave proper. I'm just weird." She giggles as she sat on the island.

Shadow giggles kissing her daughter on the forehead, "Ohh, ankle biter, your not weird. Your perfect." Pearl giggles.

"What about us?" Isaac and Logan wanted kisses. Shadow laughs as she place small kisses on her boys.

After, making breakfast Chase let his sons try the pancake his make. Leroy and Killian took a bite and chew it slowly until the made a face and spit it out. "What's wrong?" Chase asked in surprised of his sons reaction. He thought he did a good good.

"Its so plain." Leroy wipe his mouth.

Killian spoke, "Dad always add sugar and banana."

"I see. Very well, I will make banana pancakes." Chase sighs when he looked back at the mixing bowl. Chopped some banana and toss it in the bowl.

After, a few minutes he was able to make banana pancakes. He let his children try them. "How is it?" He asked as he watched his sons chewing.

Leroy and Killian nodded, "Good!"

The Overlord nodded as he saw Shadow and the triplets left with the breakfast she created. It was surprising to see her daughter was able to cook faster than him. Maybe he should've asked her for help then again, she'll probably mock him. This way is better- much better.

Leroy was setting up the tray and Killian had pour milk coffee in a cup and added two teaspoon of sugar. "You two done this before?" He asked.

"Huh uh." The twins responded.

Chase added scramble eggs, butter toast, bacon, and pancakes on the tray. He made sure the set up was nice and perfect. "Wow, that looks so pretty!" Leroy jumps happily, "Dad is gonna be so happy."

"Yes, he will. Now, you two finish eating your breakfast we have to wake him up to a good morning." Chase said seeing his sons chowing down eggs and bacon.

Jack wasn't expecting his consort to make him breakfast in bed. When the redhead woke up by the voices of his boys and his lover he was surprised to see his breakfast. "Wow, a breakfast in bed?" He smiles seeing Leroy snuggling with him.

"Happy Father's Day, dad. Love you!" Leroy kisses Jack on the cheek.

Jack hugs Leroy and said, "Awe, thank you."

Killian said, "Happy Father's Day!" He hugs Jack. The redhead happily hug his boys. They're the sweetest.

Chase clears his throat, "I should get something more than a hug, Jack." Jack chuckles as he kisses Chase on the lips. Though, Jack got morning breath but it wasn't bad. Chase gave a soft smile seeing his redhead looking at the breakfast he created.

"Wow, Chase." Jack smiles, "I never thought you would do breakfast in bed." As he took his cup of tea to take a sip.

Chase grunts, "You'll be surprise."

"Dad, seriously," Killian crossed his arms as he lay next to his dad, "don't let father make pancakes ever again."

"Why? What's wrong?" Jack was confused as he looks at his sons then Chase.

Chase scowls at Killian, "Nothing. I made an error from the first batch but I fixed it."

"We were taste tasters." Leroy giggles as he snuggling his dad tightly in his arms.

Killian said, "He could've killed us from the first batch. It was so nasty!"

Jack laughs while he uses his knife and fork to get a piece of his pancake. "What was so wrong with it?" He took a bite from his and smack his lips. "They're good, mmm."

"I added banana. Apparently, our children hates it when their plain." Chase sat at the edge of the bed seeing his consort eating happily. He smiles widely at this. This is good. He loves seeing Jack's face filled with pleasure and joy. This knows he's doing a good job. After, Jack was finished he rub his tummy with a smile on his face.

"That was so good." Jack smiles.

"Dad, I made you this!" The twins said at the same times and pulled out their Father's Day card. Jack happily open to the cards and was awed by their drawings and it was the cutest things. They wrote, "Happy Father's Day. We love you, so much. Xoxoxo!"

"Oh, boys." Jack hugs them tightly in his arms, "That's the sweetest thing ever."

"We knew you like it!" Leroy giggles.

Chase smirks, "I'm pleased this day is enjoyable to you, Jack."

"So far, so good." Jack smirks showing off his pearly white teeth.

Chase clears his throat, "I was thinking of making you dinner for today." He saw his consort gasping in shock. Normally, the servants would cook for them or if Jack felt like it. Even, Killian made a face because he probably won't like his father's cooking since the pancakes weren't the best. Leroy claps happily. He can't wait to see his father cooking the most romantic dinner for his dad.

"Wow, Chase." Jack giggles, "But, we can't today."

"Why?" Chase asked and he became confused.

Jack said, "Clay-" Chase growls deadly but Jack left his hands up, "Hear me out first. Clay andRaimundo invited us for their Father's Day party. It's BBQ and maybe our kids will meet any children in the Xiaolin Temple. Besides, it'll be fun. You can cook me next time like my birthday or Valentine's Day."

Chase first thought about since he hates it when Jack talks with Clay. Yes, he's aware those two aren't together anymore and they're friends but still. Clay is always the "Sweetheart" which pisses him off. Even, Jack's mother loves and admires Clay. Though, Jack had proven his loyalty and affection to the Overlord and only to Chase. Also, Chase doesn't have to worry about cooking. "Very well." Chase said, "We should get dressed then." He picked up Leroy.

"Yay! We're going to a party!" Leroy said. Jack got up and pick up Killian in his arms.

Killian groans, "But I wanna see father fail at dinner."

"Mind your tongue!" Chase hissed.

Killian mumbles as Jack soothes him. "Sweetie, I know you don't like meeting new people but this is good for you. You'll make new friends."

"I hate people and I hate new friends." Killian mumbles. Jack kisses his baby boy on the forehead. Killian is always the awkward boy but that'll change in the future when he finds the right girl and best friend.

Raimundo and Clay were getting the outside of the temple ready. They wanted to make sure every was perfect. "Whoo-wee. This day is gonna be fun." Clay smiles as he got out a keg.

"It sure is." Raimundo smiles widely as he saw Clay moving the keg into a large bucket of ice.

Clay chuckles proudly at the table filled with food. "Boy, I can't wait when everyone is here."

"Yeah. I can't believe Kimiko and Ashley are coming over. It's been a while since we see them." Raimundo said as he was making potato salad.

"Yeah, and Jack, too." Clay said as he get his meats ready for the grill.

Raimundo stopped hearing his husband saying his ex's name. "Jack?" Raimundo asked making sure he was hearing clearly.

"Yup." Clay smiles happily from his meats looking so ready for the grill. Everything perfectly season and delicious.

Raimundo scoffs, "Seriously, Jack? You invited Jack?"

"Not just Jack but Chase and their kids." Clay said. He looks over seeing Raimundo looking upset. "What's wrong?"

"Nuthin'." Raimund huffed went back to his cooking.

Clay wraps his arms around Raimundo's waist, "Tell me, what's wrong?" He whispers low in Raimundo's ear. The Brazilian got chills down his spine feeling Clay's hot breathe on his ear.

"It's nothing." Raimundo mumbles.

Clay asked, "Is it Jack?" Raimundo's cheeks turned red feeling embarrassed for being jealous.

"Yes." Raimundo spoke softly.

Clay sighs, "Rai, y'know me and him are just friends."

Raimundo said, "Well, it didn't stop you when you slept with him in that room!"

"Rai, your being crazy that happen like seven or eight years ago!" Clay said, "We weren't even dating at the time. I was with Jack."

"I know but, it's not my fault I have this trust issue. Baby, I believe and know you will never hurt me. I mean, we do have four kids now. It's just I panic every time Jack is here. You pay more attention to him than me and he always smiles when Jack talks to you." Raimundo voice cracked in pain. He just hates when Clay looks at Jack like that. Always smiling and happy. What about him? Raimundo looks up to see his husband and he kissed him on the lips.

The Brazilian felt his knees weak but he loves it. Once Clay pulled away softly spoke, "Rai, I love you. There's nothing going on with me and Jack. Trust me, okay."

"Okay." Raimundo said quietly. Then, the baby monitor went off. "Oh, thats Narel. I'll get her ready."

"Alright." Clay went back fixing the table with plates and cups. He heard giggling passing by. "Maria, I know your here."

"I know Daddy!" Maria came out from her hiding spot. "I just wanted to see what you guys were doing. Oh, a cupcake!"

"Maria, you know, your not suppose to eat one before the party starts." Clay saw Maria doing the biggest and cutest puppy face.

"Please, Daddy." Maria asked innocently.

Clay groans Raimundo would totally kill him but his baby girl is his star. "Alright, darlin'." He gave her a chocolate cupcake with green frosting with green sprinkles. Maria gasps as she take it and eat it. Then, Clay heard Cobley from under the table, "I want one!" He asked nicely. Clay chuckles handing him a chocolate cupcake with purple frosting one and white stars sprinkles.

"No fair. I want one, too!" Salvador can out under the table with Cobley. Clay handed a chocolate cupcake with orange frosting. "Yummy!" He happily took a bite.

"Now, don't tell your papa-" Raimundo clears his throat. Clay laughs nervously, "Hey, Rai." Raimundo carries Narel, who is two years old wearing a pretty pink and white sundress. She giggles snuggling her papa and saw her brothers and sister have a sugary treat. She wants one too.

"Pa! PA!" Narel grabs Raimundo's shirt tugging it, "I want! Please!" She points at the cupcake.

Raimundo said, "No, sweetie. You'll-" Narel pouts giving the Maria's puppy face and said, "Please!" And for an extra cuteness she kiss her papa and the cheek.

The Brazilian sighs as he give in. "Fine!" Clay laughs as he gave Narel a pink cupcake. "Your still in trouble." Raimundo said to his husband.

"Love you, too." Clay gave Raimundo an Eskimo kiss and he saw Narel eating her cupcake. "MMMM!" She chuckles kissing his little girl on the forehead.

"Are we gonna meet new people, dad?" Cobley nervously ask Clay. He was never good at meeting new people and making friends. Maybe he'll stay in the treehouse.

"Yes, son. You'll get to make my friend, Jack's sons. They're really nice people." Clay said.

Raimund snorted, "If you say being on the Heylin side is nice."

"Rai, y'know, Jack and Chase are nice people." Clay said.

"Oh really. The last time I check Chase had broken your arm." Raymond said as he put one hand on his hips. Narel was mimicking her papa with gestures and noises.

"Rai, he was under a lot of stress. You remember when Maria was a baby." Clay ruffled his daughter's hair and she bursts into giggles. "You were stressed."

"Whatever." Raimundo saw Narel having chocolate on her hands and wipe them on her pretty pink dress. The Brazilian gasps in shock, "NAREL, DON'T DO THAT?" He quickly runs to the bathroom to remove the stain. He yelled in Portuguese, "Fora de todos os dias você decide bazaar uma bagunca que see home? Agora, eu ten que encontrar um pouco de refigerante para remover essa mancha e levá-lo a user um vested novo!" (Out of all the days you decide to make a mess- it has to be today? Now, I have to find some soda to remove that stain and get you to wear a new dress)Narel bursts into giggles and laughter, she loves seeing her papa talk in Portuguese.

Maria crosses her arms and snorted, "Hey, you guys wanted kids. Don't blame the baby." Cobley and Salvador laughs seeing their dad looking at her.

"Your a funny littler critter, aren't you?" Clay chuckles.

"The funnest!" Maria puffed out her chest with a big smirk on her face and her hands on her hips. She stood proud. "Besides, you said that your friend have boys? Like Two boys my age or-" Clay said, "Your age."

"Augh!" MAria groans annoyed.

Clay blinks in surprised. Maria is great with meeting new people. "What's wrong?"

"Maria is mad cause the last boy lift her dress up high seeing her underwear." Salvador said casually.

"What? Who?" Clay suddenly turned into very overprotective father mode. He will knock some sense to any boy that touches his baby girl.

Salvador chews on his cupcake, "Max."

"Max? You mean, Jermaine's boy."

"Yup." Cobley sat down on the bench next to him. He had his sketchbook and pencil with him so he began drawing a bit. "He saids girls have cooties and you always have to make sure girls don't got it if their butt is clear."

"He's a jerk!" Maria scowls, "He pushes me and calls me 'cootie girl'."

"I'm pretty sure he called you cutie instead of cootie." Cobley said.

Clay chuckles, "Now, I see what's going on?"

"What?" His children asked.

"He likes Maria. Why else a boy would do that?" Clay laughs seeing Maria's reaction. She did not approve.

"Ew! If a guy treats a girl like that than I don't want a boyfriend or any guy." She huffed.

Clay smiles as he pick up his baby girl, "Sweetie pie, you don't have to ever date. You can stay with me and your papa." Maria smiles hugging her dad. Clay is not ready for his baby girl to like boys or any of that sorts. "Which reminds me, I have to give a very adult talk with Max's father so he will stop lifting up your dress. But, you have to be nice to the other boys, okay?"

"Okay. But, I will be hiding and they gotta find me if they care." Maria challenge.

"Fair enough." Clay smirks as he kisses Maria on the forehead. "Now, go out and play. Me and your papa still gotta finish getting the food ready."

"Maria," Raimundo walks out with Narel, who wore a different pink dress. "Honey, take care of Narel, please. I have to finish cooking." Maria nodded as she carried her baby sister in her arms. Narel giggles happily as her older sister cares her.

"Marie! Marie!" Narel giggles. Maria smiles as she kisses her on the cheek.

Clay saw all the children went to the treehouse next to the small pond. "So, we have a few minutes before everyone gets here." He said casually.

"Mmhmm." Raimundo said not getting Clay's hints.

"I mean, we got about a good thirty minutes.. ten minutes or less could be enough." Clay shrugs trying to give hints.

"Mh- Wait, ten minutes for what?" Raimundo was clueless. Clay gave you-know look. Raimundo realized and look at the clock. "Okay, but we have to be quick. I just put another batch of cupcakes in the oven." The two quickly went off to their bedroom for a fun time.

"Where are papa and dad going?" Salvador asked as he sit on the edge of the treehouse's porch.

Cobley was in the corner drawing his picture, "Don't know. Probably getting more food, right Maria?"

Maria was in the treehouse playing with Narel. The thing about the treehouse it was a large treehouse and have a bed, beanbags, rugs, and all sorts of fun things. Maria had Narel in a beanbag as they play patty cake. "Oh, yeah." She wasn't paying attention since she's more focus on Narel.

"Do it again." Narel giggles as she plays patty cake.

The older blond smiles as she play patty cake one more time. "So, what you two about the two new boys will meet?" Salvador asked as he went to his candy stash and took out a red Twizzler.

Cobley softly spoke, "I hope they're nice like dad said they would be."

"I hope none of them lift my dress up." Maria said angrily she got this pretty white sundress from her grandmother and she doesn't want any boy touching it.

"Max just like-like you, y'know?" Cobley said as he continues to draw, "I mean, why else he picks on you?"

"But, thats rude. You don't treat a lady like that." Maria huffed as she continues to play with her sister.

Salvador snorted, "Since, when you decide to be a 'lady'?" Maria was known to be a tom-boy from time to time. She does the "manly chores and thing around the house. She's like a girl version of Clay and she's never afraid of getting little dirty even if she wears the most expensive outfit in the world.

Maria felt a bit embarrassed, "So?"

"So, your not lady..." Salvador concluded.

"I can be a lady if I want it's just I don't like it. Boys can do all sorts of color stuff and I'm here playing dolls with Giselle? I like dolls but I don't go crazy and I love going outside. Is that so wrong?" Maria asked.

Cobley spoke, "Sis, its fine if you like doing those things. It's cool. But, Salvador is also right. A "lady" is usually a nice girly girl that doesn't like to get their hands dirty and its usually a pretty girl."

"So, I'm not pretty?"

"That's not what I mean it's just-" Salvador cuts Cobley, "For the love of Dashi! Maria, your in a different category!" He stop himself seeing Maria a bit upset about this. "I mean... well, geez. Your a pretty girl, Marie- but your just different from other girls. You get me?"

"Oh." Maria nodded. "I guess so... But, you guys really don't think of me as a lady?"

"Giselle is a lady. You are the opposite of that." Cobley's voice went soft because he never want to hurt anybody and he really cares about Maria.

"I guess." Maria shrugs it off. She rather not think about this.

"But, isn't that a good thing. Not to be a lady." Salvador asked. "You have to learn to shut up when a guy talks. Not work or do anything and let the guy do all the work. The only joyful thing is marriage and have kids. How dumb is that?"

"I guess so." Maria said as she plays with Narel.

"I don't wanna go!" Killian groans as Jack put on a bow tie on his tux. Jack rolled his eyes seeing Killian on the floor giving his big protests. They were heading out the palace and Killian happens to become a brat at the doorway. Leroy was holding Chase's hand, surprised at his brother's tantrum.

Jack pick up his son, "Your getting to old for thing, Kill. You're going and that's thats!" Killian was struggling from his dad's arms. He tries to break free but Jack wouldn't let him go.

"Put me down! Put me down!" Killian whines in anger. "I don't wanna go! Put me down!"

Chase became irritated by his son's outburst. He had never seen Killian like this before. This must be the anxiety attack Jack talks about so often. They were aware Killian is a bit anti-social even in Jack's family dinner parties. "Put me down! Put me down! I don't wanna go! NO!" Tears of anger came down from the dark haired boy. Jack was struggling to calm his son down. "Killian- Killian..." The boy wouldn't listen but cry even louder.

"LET ME GO!" Killian cries, his face turned red in anger.

The Overlord had enough of this nonsense. "Chase, what are you doing?" Jack asked as he saw his lover grad the boy in his arms and carried him out of the doorway. For the redhead he grabs Leroy's hand and rush over to Chase and Killian. "Chase! He's just having a panic attacks." Jack rushed over.

"I'm aware of that but he needs to learn that he don't always get what he wants." Chase said in a serious voice. Killian was still screaming and struggling to break free. "ENOUGH!" This caused Killian to stop yelling when he saw his father staring straight at him with a disapproving look. "You've made a big fuss over nothing. You are going to that party no excuses, no whining, no crying, no tantrums. Am I clean?"

Killian sniffs and gave a small nod. Chase handed Killian over to Jack letting his consort deal with comforting their son. "You know, you shouldn't yelled like that to him."

"He needs to learn! It's not good for him to get whatever he wants."

"I know but he's a kid." Jack patted Killian's back letting his son cry softly. "I mean, I use panics attack."

"That's different. You were lost and confused about yourself. Before you were always use to being spoon feed and that's when you were fourteen. I will not let our son be like that. Having 'panic attacks' what a bunch of ridiculous. When I was young, you know, what my parents did to me if I acted up?" Chase started to complain about parenting. Jack rolled his eyes knowing he'll have to hear this all the way to the temple. He kisses Killian's head and hushes him softly. Leroy holds Jack's hand seeing his brother hiding his face away from everyone.

In the flying car Killian was pissed off his arms were crossed and he was glaring at his parents. He hates it when they force him to go new places, visits family members and parties. Leroy whispers, "Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay." Killian hissed as he turned his head away from his brother.

Leroy spoke, "It's fine if your not okay. It's just you didn't have to be a brat about it. Today's dad's special day. Stop being so selfish." Killian glares at his twin and Leroy only sighs in response.

"Maria! Come meet Saki." Raimundo yelled out loud. Kimiko and Ashley just arrive at the party they brought their daughters, Sally and Saki. Sally wore a black dress and was on her phone texting. Saki on the other hand was wearing a very frilly white dress and she hugs a stuffed animal teddybear in her arms. Her blue eyes quickly looks down at her teddybear. Never have she met these people before she thought she was going to see her mother's (Ashley) side of the family, again.

"Clay. Rai! It's so good to see you two, again." Kimiko hugs her best friends. The three did an all big group hug.

Raimundo was amazed how thin Kimiko is. After two kids he thought she would be more thicker. "Been awhile." Rai smiles.

"Yeah, pardner. Let's get ya a seat." Clay said as he went over to hug Ashley. "How's things?"

"Oh, you know, the usually business." Ashley said, "Kimiko and I created new fall outfits."

"Yeah. The one Saki is wearing called soft snow chic." Kimiko said having Saki stand in the middle.

"Awe, so cute." Raimundo smiles, "I would totally get one for Maria and Narel."

"Rai, don't go buying dressed we have like a billion in the closet that they don't even wear." Clay chuckles.

"I'll make them wear it." Raimundo said, putting his hands on his hips.

Kimiko giggles, "I never seen you so motherly."

"NArel?" Ashley asked.

Clay said, "Oh we didn't tell you we had another daughter?"

"Jesus, you guys are like rabbits." Ashley said. "I had Sally and Kimiko had Saki. It only makes sense to have two."

"Wait, you didn't give birth to Sally?" Raimundo asked Kimiko.

"Pfft, what and look like a cow afterwards?" Kimiko jokes, "Me and Ashley talked about wanting to have that motherly and child bond while being pregnant."

Ashley had Sally close to her. "So, we draw straws who gets pregnant first and I was it. Why you think Sally got cat like eyes?"

"Meow..." Sally mumbles as she texts on her phone.

"Heh, cute little girl." Clay smiles seeing Sally shrugging.

"So, where's Omi?" Kimiko asked.

Raimundo was about to talk until Sally spoke, "He's talking to Ying." She texts on her phone.

"How did you-" Sally snorted, "Duh, Ying texted me. His dad is mad because he stole one of the major Shen Gong Wu and use it to burn down half of the forest." She chews her gum.

"Sally don't talk like- oh whatever. Sorry, she's in her teen phase thinking she's an adult." Kimiko rolled her eyes. "How about you two go and play?"

"I'ma go find Ying." Sally said as she walks in the crowd until she's gone. Saki stayed with her mothers to afford to meet new people.

"Honey, go to Giselle and Max. You've met them before." Ashley smiles at her daughter.

"Yeah and you met Maria, too. Their up on the treehouse. Go on. Go." Raimundo said. Saki nodded as she went to the treehouse.

Ashley was the first to speak, "So, is Omi's kid really a brat?" asking Clay and Raimundo.

"Ash!" Kimiko hissed.

"What? You wanted to know what's going on with Omi's son. I mean, seriously, to see a very wised and noble monk like Omi having the most bratty son ever? What were the odds?" Ashley said.

Raimundo said, "It's true. Ying's a bit destructive and have anger problems. He once burn one of the Xiaolin warriors' hair."

"I heard of that one. Sally was there and she didn't do anything." KImiko said, "She took the photo and show it to us. Sally is also becoming a bit rebelling."

Rumors always spread that Sally and Ying were one of the most Xiaolin warriors that would be easily turned to evil side. This made everyone nervous even Omi. The poor monk worked so hard to get where he is and now his son refuse to follow his ways. Especially, for Kimiko and Ashley were worried for Sally. They worked so hard to become neutrals and haven't dealt anything Xiaolin and Heylin for awhile. Now, Sally is becoming interested in sadastic pain on other and only cared about herself as far as they know. Good thing Saki is always good. They don't need to deal with two rebels.

"Hey, there's Jermaine talking to Omi." Ashley said. Omi looked tired and overwhelm but he was happy talking to his old friend, Jermaine. "Man, Omi looks tired."

"Well, he's been cleaning up Ying's mess." Clay said, "I feel bad for the little guy. He expected so much from Ying and it keeps getting worst."

"Poor Omi." Kimiko said.

Ashley bits her lips, "How did Omi get a son?" Clay and Raimundo shrugs their shoulder unaware how. Ping Pong is the only one that one knew but he and Dojo went to travel the world to collect old scrolls and knowledge of the world.

"Hey, were's my cousin, Jack?" Megan came over with a plate filled with food.

"JAck is invited?" Kimiko and Ashley asked looking at Raimundo.

"He asked him to come." Raimundo crossed his arms and pointed at Clay.

Clay rolled his eyes, "We're friends, Rai. Besides, he and Chase will be alright. It's not like they're gonna ruin this party."

"Chase, stop trying to assume that your ways are better than modern days." Jack said holding Killian in his arms. Leroy was following his parents.

Chase scoff, "You think spoon feeding will help him get over his tantrums?"

Jack and Chase stops seeing everyone in the group looking at them. The redhead smiles nervously, "Gee, long ride. Sorry were late." He went over to give Clay a quick side hug. "Sorry, arms full, heh."

"No problem." Clay said smiling at Jack. "What happen to the little fella of yours?" He looks at Killian quickly covering his face.

"Oh, he's just a bit-" Chase snorts Jack glares at his lover, "upset that he was going to a party. He's very sensitive meeting new people and hates leaving out of his comfort zone."

"He's being a big baby." Leroy mumbles. Killian glares at his twin.

"Leroy!" Jack yells.

"What?" Leroy asked innocently.

"Anyway, Killian is just overwhelmed." Jack smiles at Clay. Raimundo and Chase stare at the two talking. While Megan, Kimiko, and Ashley were making ohh-theres-chemistry-going-on face.

Clay smiles back having that twinkle in his eyes, "No problem. Here let me show you around." Leroy follows his dad and Clay.

Raimundo's mouth drop as he saw Jack and Clay walking away. "Di-di-did that just happen?" His voice cracks.

"Yup!" Ashley said.

Chase growls dangerously, "I will kill him!" He was about to walk until Ashley, Kimiko, and Megan stops him.

"Wait, they're just friends. I bet they're gonna talk!" Megan said. Chase continues walking in anger.

"I will murdered him."

"I am, too." Raimundo said in anger. "He said it's only friendship but its more than that!" Megan quickly tries to stop Raimundo but the two kept walking.

Jack smiles as Clay show him the kitchen, "You think Chase wants a drink?" Clay asked the redhead next to him. He wanted to give Jack's kids some goody bags since that might cheer- Killian up. Jack had put Killian down to fix his bow tie and give him the candy. The little boy was bit better than before as for Leroy he was eating a cupcake.

"Yeah, give some rum on the rocks. I hope they think its weird that me and you are alone. I know, you mean well to cheer up, Kill." Jack smiles as he took a sip of his Mimosa. "Thanks for helping."

"No problem. When I see a kid down it reminds me of my kids so, I do what dads' do best." Clay smiles as he gave Jack a glass filled with rum and ice.

"Dad, when are we gonna meet the other kids?" Leroy asked.

Jack looks over at Clay, "Yeah, where's the kids?"

"They're up in the treehouse." Clay said, "It's by the pond you won't miss it."

Jack wipes Killian's tears, "Come on, sweetie. Don't you wanna meet new people?" Killian shook his head. "Awe." Jack kisses Killian on the forehead. "It's okay if you don't want to but, at least try to talk to one of them." Killian stood quiet.

Leroy went over to Clay, "Mr. Bailey, can I have another cupcake. They're so good."

"Sure thing, little fella." Clay ruffles Leroy's red hair. He shows Leroy a tray full of cupcakes. The look on the redhead's face was down right adorable. Instead of taking one he took almost all of the cupcakes from the tray.

"Leroy?" Jack warned.

"What? There's more." Leroy said eating one.

"But, still. You get tummy aches when you eat so much sweets."

"Don't worry, dad. I got this." Leroy ate another cupcake.

Jack giggles, "I think you two need to go to the treehouse. Come on, make friends. Killian, please don't give me that look. You have to be more social." Leroy took his twin to the treehouse. He can deal with his brother way better than his parents. The redhead sighs seeing his boys going to the treehouse, "It's nice to get out of the palace. You know, Chase was gonna make me dinner."

"What?" Clay laughs, "Wow, good thing I invited you."

"Yeah, thanks. I thought this would be a great day for all of us to have fun. I mean, Chase got a little jealous when he heard you invited us." Jack chuckles.

"Yeah, Rai was the same." Clay smiles, "I just wanted all of us to come together without no evil or good conflict going on."

"Our lovers are so funny. I'm just happy to get out of the palace." Jack smiles, "I guess we better get back at the party before they think we're having sex or something silly."

"That's what I'm worried about." Clay said. The two head outside and saw Raimundo and Chase glaring at them.

Jack smiles, "Hey, Chase. I got you a drink." He handed Chase the glass filled with rum and ice. "Wasn't nice of Clay to make us some drinks."

Chase's anger almost faded when he saw Jack's smile and big red eyes looking at him. "Yes. I think it was nice."

Clay went over to Raimundo, "Are you alright?" Clay asked.

Raimundo blushed embarrassed, "Yes." He said, he almost caused a scene.

Kimiko, Ashley, and Megan sighed in relief. No killing today. "So, Jackie" Megan hummed, "I heard Amy is starting to talk?"

"Oh, yeah. She's a smart baby. She learned how to say food and milk." Jack talks to Megan.

"You have another kid?" Raimundo asked.

"Yeah, with Skyler." Jack said to the Brazilian, "It was for business purposes but, I love Amy. She's so cute."

"Your so motherly Jack." Ashley smirks, "I bet Mr. Overlord finds it kinky." She nudges Jack playfully.

"What we do in the bedroom is none of your business." Chase said.

"Pfft, it's okay to talk about sex. I mean, I talk about it all the time." Ashley said.

Kimiko rolled her eyes, "Not this again."

"Sex is private." Clay said, "I mean-" Raimundo cut him off, "Sex is amazing with this cowboy here. Though, I'm always riding him."

"RAI!" Clay blushes bright red from embarrassments.

"What let's not act like we're "proper"." Raimundo rolled his eyes.

Jack chuckles seeing Chase giving him you-better-not-tell-about-our-sex-life look. "Come on, Chase. It's fine. He's a beast in bed." Jack hummed.

Megan blushed bright red not wanting to know that. "Well, me and my husband are fine in bed." Megan said.

"I bet since you can imagine some crazy dildo and let him fuck you sideways." Ashley chimed. Megan gasps at Ashley response.

"Ash! Stop it." Kimiko hissed. "Look let's get another round of drinks before I lose my head over this conversation."

"I agree." Chase chug down his drink. Clay quickly went to the kitchen to make more drinks.

Up in the treehouse Leroy went up to meet the new kids. He was so excited when climb up the ladder. His twin went to sit next to the pond behind the bushes. Killian was being a brat. When Leroy got up the treehouse he saw many kids. "Hi!" A girl with orange/red hair said with a big smile. She was busy talking with a dark skin boy and a very tall blond girl holding a baby. The treehouse had a large space. Two boys were playing video games on the middle of the room.

"Um... Hi." Leroy blushed shyly.

The tanned blond with the baby smiles, "Hi, I'm Maria. This is Narel, my little sister." She greeted and pointed her baby sister who was drinking a juice box. She had all the juice on her dress. "Say hi, Narel."

"Hi!" Narel giggles with a big smile on her face.

The redhead girl hopped happily to Leroy she wore one of the most clown outfits. It was all goofy and colorful. She giggles, "Hi, I'm Giselle." She had sparkles on her face and light pink lip gloss. "Over there is Max and Maria's younger brother, Salvador and other there," She pointed at a girl with a white frilly dress and a boy with blond hair, "is um.. Saki and Maria's other brother Cobley."

"Hello, I'm Leroy." The redhead smiles.

"Hey, Leroy." Everyone said. Saki blushes looking down at her lap.

"So, you wanna play some games." Max asked. Leroy happily went over to play with Max and Salvador.

While Giselle play with Narel. Maria wanted a break since she been babysitting her sister. She walked on the edge and saw a boy on the ground all by himself. "Hey, who's that?" Maria asked.

Leroy spoke up, "That's my twin brother, Killian. He's a bit upset. He doesn't like meeting new people."

Maria looks down with a frown. The poor kid probably feels all alone. Maybe she'll talk to him.

Bright red eyes start at the bushes and small pond. A small sniff came from Killian. He was sitting in a small spot surrounded by bushes and trees. He refused to go in the treehouse and was softly crying in anger. He was on the dirty ground with his legs and arms crossed. "Stupid father." He was very mad at his father and brother, "stupid Leroy."

He heard laughter up on the treehouse. He refused to go up there. Until, he heard, "Hey, you!" He looks up seeing a sun kissed tanned girl with bright blond hair and sea-green eyes wearing a white sundress up high on the treehouse. Killian face turned bright he thought he seen an angel. He felt warm and happy for the moment.

"Who me?" Killian asked confused.

The girl bursts into giggles, "Yeah, you. Come up and play."

Killian realized this must be one of the new kids and he remember why he was angry. "No!" He yelled in anger. The girl blinked in surprised.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I don't wanna." Kyle huffed. He looks up seeing the girl disappear from the treehouse. Good riddance.

"I'ma go down and talk to him." Maria saids as she was about to leave the tree until Leroy stops her.

Leroy had his hands up to warn her, "He's a bit aggressive. It's better not talking to him."

"No one can be that mad. Don't worry. I'm a pro." Maria smiles making Leroy blushed at the girl. Maria is sure tall. She's like an Amazon girl. When she went down the ladder she saw Killian sniffing wiping off his tears.

"Hey, you okay?" Maria went through the bushes. Killian jumps seeing her coming out the bushes.

"What are you doing here?" Killian quickly wipe his tears and hissed at her.

Maria giggles as she crawls over to Killian not caring about her dress covered in dirt. "You look made and you were by yourself."

"AUGH! Leave me alone." Killian growls as his eyes glow dangerously.

Maria giggles, "Your kinda cute when your mad." Killian stop and blushes bright red.

"No, I'm not. I'm fearless." Killian mumbles.

She giggles, "If you say so. I'm Maria. What's your's?"

"I'm Killian." He mumbles some more. He saw Maria staring right at him.

Maria had her plump lips turned to a smile. "You have cool eyes. Your even cuter when you don't frown." Killian saw Maria touching his hair. His nose smells a bit of sunscreen and oranges from the girl.

"Can you not touch me?" Killian asked softly.

Maria giggles, "Okay, I'll stop. So, Killian.." She asked, "why your hear?"

"So, I won't meet stupid people like you." Killian hissed.

Maria frowned, "You shouldn't be rude."

"I don't care what you think."

The girls stood in shock at the boy. She thought maybe kindness would work, guess not. "Don't be mean. I think I know what you need." Maria said.

"Wha-" Before Killian could speak Maria kissed him on the cheek. She pulled away seeing Killian staring in shock at her until he pushes her down.

"OW!" Maria got a cut from Killian's sharp nails.

Killian glares at her, "Ew! I don't wanna kiss, you freak!"

"I'm not a freak!" Maria yells.

"Yes, you are." Killian stick his tongue out.

Maria saw her arm bleeding, "Ow, you scratch me." She started to tear up, "I'ma tell on my dad." She sniffs. Killian emotions changed when he saw Maria into tears.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too." Killian took out a napkin. "Here before I change my mind." Maria odd as she took the napkin and wipe the blood off her arms.

"Thank you." Maria smiles seeing Killian looking away from her, "Your really nice."

"No, I'm not." Killian huffed the blond giggles. Maria hugs him, "Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek, again.

"Ew! Stop it!" Killian fumed. Maria gave another burst of giggles as she went to her small pocket taking out a piece of candy. She gave it to him.

"Here." She said. Killian took the candy and looks at her in shock. He wasn't sure what to do. She's nice and cute. He's suppose to be mad at his parents but Maria is here making it less uncomfortable. "You can eat it?" She took out a piece of her candy and eat hers. "It's lemon flavor."

Killian did as he was told once the candy was in his mouth, He made a funny face due to the sourness. "It's sour." She said. Killian smacks his lips getting use to the taste. He shrugs whether or not he likes it.

"Y'know, your very relaxing to be around." She moves closer to sit next to. Killian blushes and mumbles, "No, I'm not."

"Why you think that?"

"Cause I'm not. Now, leave me alone." Killian hissed.

Maria didn't move she just stayed with him but was silent through out the whole time. Killian felt like he was choking on air because she was around. "Please, leave." He said.

"Nope." Maria said as she hugs him.

"Augh! I hope I never see you again!" Killian pulled away and runs off to his dad, Jack. Maria chases after him with burst of laughter.

Jack was talking in the group. Chase was busy drinking away. "You should slow down, Chase." Ashley eyes on him drinking.

"I'm not quite enjoying talking with my enemies." Chase sips his drink.

Ashley rolled her eyes, "I think its more about Jack talking to Clay."

"It's none of your business."

Ashley arched her eyebrow, "Oh look Clay is grabbing JAck's ass."

"What?" Chase quickly looks up seeing Jack just talking to Clay and Kimiko. He glares at Ashley who shrugs.

"Just proving my point." Ashley said.

"Da-aa-ad!" Killian runs through the crowd full of people having his pants covered in dirt while a girly laughter from behind him follows. Maria runs through the crowd chasing him with her white dress all stained and covered with dirt. The boy runs behind Jack hiding behind his legs.

"Kill, what's wrong?" Jack asked.

Killian breathes heavily, "This girl won't leave me alone."

Maria came running seeing Killian, "I found you!"

"Go away." Killian yells.

Maria looks up at a tall redhead with pale skin, "Hello, Mister." She smiles.

Jack smiles at the girl. She's so beautiful. Her sun kissed skin tone with the blond hair and sea-green eyes. "Oh my god, she's so pretty." Jack thought. "Hello, sweetie."

"Hi, I'm Maria." She smiles.

Jack got down on her level, "I'm Jack. I'm Killian's dad."

"Tell her to go away." Killian hugs his dad.

"Killian, you know that's not nice to say to anyone especially a girl." Jack said in a serious voice.

"But, she kissed me twice on the cheek." Killian whines.

Maria giggles, "It's because he was upset, Mr. Jack."

"Maria!" Raimundo shriek in what he saw his daughter's dress. "You dirty that beautiful dress!"


The Brazilian went over to check on the dress. To his horror it was super stained and dirty. "You know, your grandma made you this dress. Now, it's gonna take weeks to get the stain out."

Clay went by seeing Maria, "Rai, what happen?"

"Look at your daughter! She ruined the dress." Raimundo groans he couldn't believe dirtied another dress. "and she's all dirty. Now, we have to clean her and change her."

"I'm not a baby." She mumbles quietly.

Clay smiles at Maria. He knows she's just having fun. His hand ruffles her hair, "It's okay, champ. Rai, she's just a kid. Let her get down and dirty. My sister, Jessie was like that when she was little." Raimundo blinks at his husband. Why isn't on his side?

Jack giggles seeing the couple. "Man, you guys are funny together." He picked up Killian, "I know, how you feel about clothes getting dirty. Think about removing stains from this little guy."

"Dad, your embarrassing me." Killian mumbles softly, hiding his face in his dad's shoulder.

Jack kisses his son's head, "So, this is one of children? She's so beautiful. I thought she was a cute little Brazilian Rapunzel. " Maria's eyes twinkled at the redhead. No one ever said she was beautiful.

"Thanks." Clay chuckles as he rubs his neck. Raimundo looks at the two at anger.

The redhead said, "I see you two really did a great job. I can't wait to see the others. I bet they're beautiful like this cute princess." He smiles at Maria who was smiling back at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack." She did a girly pose where she lift her dirty dress gracefully and bow. "But, could you ask Killian if he could play with me?"

"Killian?" Jack asked.

"No!" Killian shook his head.

"Please." Maria did her big puppy eyes and a cute pout. Clay had to look away. It always works on him unlike Raimundo who would say no at the spot.

"Augh, fine!" Killian took a peek and knew it was over. Jack put him down.

"Play nice." He said.

"I know." Killian sighs. Maria grabs his hand and the two wet running back to the pond.

Jack sighs loving, "Young Love."

"Excuse me?" Raimundo asked.

"Can't you see it? They're totally gonna get together and I totally want them, too." Jack said.

"Geez, they're a bit young." Clay said. He didn't want to think about boys and his baby girl.

"And just because you want something doesn't mean you'll get it." Raimundo said rudely.

Jack smirks widely, "Ohh, when Jackie wants. Jackie gets. Besides, they are a perfect match together." He walk off with that as he went to his husband.

Present Day

"What? No way!" Maria blinks in disbelief seeing an old photo of her eight year old self kissing Killian on the cheek. The revenue looks pissed and annoyed by her which causes the blond female to giggle at the photo. Raimundo smiles at his daughter he knew she would be happy to see this. He kept the photo in his family album and once in awhile he likes to look through them.

"Yes. You were his first friend and only friend." Raimundo sighs, "How could I forget that day? You ruin that beautiful dress. It was all covered in mud and dirt and poor Killian, he was running away from you and he was covered in dirt and mud. Such a stressful day."

"PAPA! It wasn't that bad." Maria snorted. "It's weird I don't remember this."

"Maybe it was because you had so many things going on. I mean, we had a lot of parties, vacations, and meeting family." Raimundo said, "Jack and Chase came that one time... I think."

Maria got up from the floor, "Can I show this to Killian?"

"Sure, don't worry I got copies." Raimundo smirks showing of his pearly white teeth. Maria nodded as she went off to find Killian in the temple.

Killian was busy looking up at the old treehouse he faintly remember. "Hey, this is wear we first met them." Leroy smiles as he climb up the treehouse.

"Really? I don't remember." Killian asked as he follows his brother.

"Yeah, we did. You just don't remember because Maria was kissing you and you were having panic attacks." The redhead said as he stand on the side. Killian stood quiet trying hard to remember but he couldn't. He saw how big the treehouse is and it had games and it was spacious. He walks around seeing Cobley, Salvador, Giselle, Max, Narel with Amy, Nicholas with Aylin playing with Narkissa, Isaac, Pearl, Leroy, Saki and Logan in their own spot hanging out and chilling'.

"Nice place." Isaac said.

Salvador was stalking Max, "So, what you watching?" Max was blushing a bit red. Killian wonders if those two had anything going on. As for Giselle, she bursts into giggles seeing MAx's reaction.

"It's not funny." Max mumbles.

"Killian, you wanna play with me?" Aylin pulls down his sleeves as she asked innocently.

Logan snorted, "Come on, Killian-dearie. Don'tcha want ya gurlfriend to be happy?"

"Awe, don't be a meaner." Pearl jokes.

Killian glares at his niece and nephew. "Please." Aylin blinks giving her puppy pout.

"Fine." He said. Aylin smiles widely as she took him to play with her dolls and dress-up. Cobley couldn't help but draw Killian in a pink dress with pink and red bows with ribbons and braided hair.

Leroy laughs, "Awe, don't you look too cute!"

Killian growls seeing everyone making fun of him. "That's it. I'm out of here."

"Awe. Come on, Kill. We're just teasing."

Maria just arrive at the treehouse with the photo in her hand, "Hey, guys. Guess what I fou- Hey, Kill-" She saw him walking pass her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving." Killian said.

"Come on, Kill. We were just joking." Leroy said.

Maria blinked confused seeing Killian glaring at Leroy. "I'm leaving!" He didn't watch where he was going he fell from the treehouse landing on his back.

"KILLIAN!" Maria was the first to scream. She went on the edge of the treehouse seeing Killian on the ground. "Oh my god. Killian! Are you okay?"

It took couple of seconds for Killian to realized what happen. Slowly opening his eyes he saw a blond figure with a pretty face. "Who's that?" He thought to himself seeing a pretty girl looking at him. Her sea-green eyes widen in worry.

"Killian!" Her voice echo's in his ear. He remembers that face. He saw it before. That's when he realized-

"What? What's going on?" He thought as he felt a sharp pain on his head. His eyes widen when he realized Maria was calling out to him and noticed he felt off the treehouse.

"Oh my gosh!" Maria quickly jump off the treehouse to see if Killian was alright.

"Oh shit, man." Logan said. "Brush, are you alright?"

"Is he gonna be okay?" Aylin asked.

Leroy hugs her, "He's fine."

Maria went over to Killian to see him sitting up straight and crack his neck back and forth. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Killian said. Then, BAM! Maria punches his shoulder. "OW, what-"


Killian rubs his shoulder, "Years of training. I can't die from a simple fall." He said until he rubs his neck.

"Well, you can have a broken bone." Maria said, "Let me help." She rubs his shoulders, "No broken bones. Good. Your so tense. What's with the stress?"

"It's nothing." Killian said as he began to feel relax. Maria's warm and soft hands- surprisingly, made him feel relax. He glance down seeing a paper folded in half tucked in her jean pocket." "What's that?"

"Oh, my papa took a photo of us where we first met?" She took it out to show him. "See, I'm kissing you on the cheek. Isn't it funny?"

Killian blinks, "Now, I remember."

"You too?"


"I couldn't remember until, I saw this photo. It's cause of the dress I remember. See?" Maria pointed as she giggles, "My papa was so pissed when he saw the dress. How did you remember?"

Killian lied, "It's because of the tux. My dad bought it and it was new." He didn't want to tell Maria that he remember by seeing her gorgeous face up high where the sunlight struck her making her looking like an angel No, it would be to weird for them.

"You, too. That's so funny." Maria giggles. Killian smirks seeing the photo.

From up high in the treehouse. "Dude, seriously! They need to fuck!" Salvador blurted out loud.

"SALVADOR! Language!" Cobley covers Aylin's ears.

Saki blushes bright red by the idea of sex. It just felt so taboo to be hearing sex like that. She knows Salvador slept with Max but that's all she could handle. The thought of Maria and Killian doing it is just wow to her. As a matter of fact, Killian being part dragon he might have a giant- "BAD GIRL, SAKI!" She thought of herself, "But, Maria with her nice breasts and her- Jesus, stop it." Yup, she wants them to be together. She wants Maria to tell her about their sex. It's like some sort of exotic novel that she would love.

Isaac said out loud, "I would like to know if Killian would tie her up." He smirks widely. Saki had a nosebleed.

"SAKI! You OKAY?" Leroy said in a worry voice.

Cobley panics, "SHE's bleeding. Call a doctor!"

"Where's the First Aid kit?" Narel shrieks.

"Nicholas, where you put it?" Salvador panics until he saw Nicholas and Narkissa cover themselves with bandaids, "NICHOLAS! THAT'S NOT WHAT THE FIRST AID KIT IS USE FOR!"

"But no one was using it." Nicholas whines.

Everyone was panicking trying to find out whats wrong with Saki. Leroy lift her chin up, "So far, so good." Saki heartbeats so fast seeing how close she was to Leroy that more blood came out.

"No one!" Saki thought to her self. "I'm making a fool of myself!"

"My god! We need towel!" Leroy said as he place his hand on her waist, "It's gonna be fine." Saki turns bright red like a tomato and faints having a massive nosebleed.

"JESUS! SHE FAINTED ON US!" Leroy yells.

"BLOOD!" Cobley panics as he felt like he was gonna throw up.

"Where's the towels!" Pearl yells. Everyone was running around in circles in panic. Saki was on the floor thinking, "I'm such an idiot. Sister, what will you think of me for being so stupid?"

Maria and Killian looks up confused. "What are they doing?" she asked.

"Probably playing a game." Killian answered.

"You wanna go and watch a movie?" Maria asked. "My dad got me an iPad and we got Netflix."

"Sure. What we will be watching?" Killian asked.

"Pulp fiction, I heard is good. Maybe we can watch Mulan."

Killian rolled his eyes, "How about something not Disney? Like Saw?"

"Fine. You win but after that we're watching Mulan." Maria said.

"Very well." Killian smirks as the two walk back to the temple while their friends make a mess in the treehouse.

An: I'm done. Finally. I just wanted to do a special but damn I did mean to be this late. Bruh.