A startled gasp escaped him as the sound of moving boxes falling down echoed in his closet.

Lelouch opened said closet and stared down at the two boxes lying messily on the wooden floor. He heaved a sigh as he bent down to pick up the stuff, only to stop short when his eyes befell a certain object.

A yellow plush doll was intruding out of a carton box. Lelouch picked it up and examined it. He'd seen it somewhere before, and his dark, delicate brows furrowed as he tried to remember. Ahh… on his way to school, he always saw toys like this decorating the display windows of Pizza Hut shops. He never paid them any mind, considering that he never had any desire for a stuffed toy, which was why it occurred to him as strange that something like this came into his possession.

Lelouch stood up with the plush doll in his hand, and as he was walking toward the door to his bedroom, Rolo appeared at his door threshold.

"Big brother," said his younger brother with a smile on his face. "I'm home."

Lelouch quickly returned the smile. "Welcome back, Rolo."

The younger Lamperouage's eyes fell onto the object in his brother's hand. "What do you have there, big brother?" he inquired innocently.

Lelouch glanced down and frowned slightly. "That's what I was hoping you would tell me." He showed Rolo the toy and continued. "I noticed it in one of my moving boxes, and it's strange that I have it since I don't remember ever getting one. And I'm sure I don't have any penchant for stuffed toys, either." He finished with, "So do you know how this came into my possession?"

The gentle afternoon light reflecting off the bedroom's window shone brightly onto Rolo's face, thus obscuring one side of his face. His eyes were unreadable under the light, and his expression resembled that of the dead…

…Or maybe it was merely Lelouch's imagination.

Forever seemed to stretch out before Rolo shrugged his small shoulders. "I don't know, big brother. This is your house, remember?" He laughed lightly. "Maybe you got it for a friend but didn't have a chance to give it yet."

Lelouch dropped his hand as a tiny smile made its way onto his handsome face. "Ah, you're right."

"I'm hungry, do you want me to make you a sandwich?"

"That'll be nice. Thanks, Rolo." The smile widened a bit. However, an uneasy feeling was still twirling inside his stomach.

Lelouch couldn't sleep. Hours passed by and his eyelids were too stubborn to close. The room was hot and humid and suffocating. He decided to take a walk.

The river became even more beautiful at night, especially when it was glistening under the bright moonlight. The reflection below was just so captivating that he couldn't help but stare at the softly and subtly flowing waves. Taking in a deep breath, he stretched out his long arms and closed his eyes for a bit, absorbing the magical feeling that the river at night was giving him.

There was no other sound except for the gentle echoing of the waves in his ears. When he opened his eyes again, he felt another presence.

In the distance to his right, a person was standing on the riverbank just like him. Instead of admiring the nature's beauty, however, this person was looking directly at him. He ignored it at first but as the gaze intensified, he felt more uncomfortable. At last he whipped his head around to look at the figure, and the time couldn't have been more perfect. At that instant, the moonlight shone directly at that person and he captured a flawless view of her.



She couldn't sleep. Two more weeks until the plan was launched. Two more weeks until she stepped in his life and created havoc again. She wouldn't have minded actually, given that Kallen and the rest of the Black Knights would be with her this second time. However, she still felt uneasy, knowing that the weight of everything was weighing down on her small shoulders. Turning around, she found her sole companion in these tiresome times fast asleep and snoring lightly. Heaving a small sigh, she got up from bed, quickly got dressed, and examined her collection of wigs and contact lenses. Black and blue had always been her primary choice, and she wouldn't change it for this night.

She was looking blankly and passively at the gently flowing river beneath her when a sound to her left broke her reverie. She turned around, assumed it was either a wild animal coming out at night to find food, or another person suffering from insomnia like her. When the moonlight washed over his figure in a heartbeat, her own heart skipped a beat as her eyes widened considerably.

To have met him again here, out of all places…

He returned her stare. She forced herself to look away to no avail. When it seemed like forever and neither had made a move, she decided to initiate. Turning on her heels, she quickly walked away.

She could still feel his gaze piercing her back, and it took all her willpower for her not to give him back his memories right then and there.



A quizzical look crossed his face but it quickly disappeared, and he never thought about it again until…

… Until he couldn't sleep the next day, either.

Everytime he looked toward his closet, the Cheese-kun was sitting there, mocking him. It was taunting him, laughing at his memories until he could take it no more. He got up again and took a stroll toward the familiar river.

And there she was. Same person, same place, looking down at the peacefully flowing river.

This time, he got quite curious because once in a while she would look in his direction, and even thought it was only for a split second, he felt like an eternity spread between them every time their eyes met briefly.

So he decided to initiate the move. However, before he could do anything, she left.

It was like a ritual for him now. The girl was just a big mystery that it was she who kept him up at night, and not the plush toy sitting, untouched, in his closet. This time, he'd made up his mind to make her acquaintances.

She was there, indeed. Same posture. Just the two of them on the riverbank, using the river below as a disguise for their silent distress.

This time, he made his move before she could disappear again.

"Hello," he said quietly as he came over to her side. She turned around and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Her long, long wavy raven locks cascaded down her small back. Her bangs were to the side so a small part of her left eye was obscured mysteriously. And her eyes… Her bright, blue-sapphire eyes were so big and fathomless that he felt he was looking into a deep, freezing pond that knew no ends.

"Hi," she responded, and he was taken aback immediately. Like the coldness her eyes seemed to emit, her voice was equally cold and passive.

He cleared his throat. "I noticed you've come here as often as I have," he said, smiling politely.

"It is a beautiful river," she replied before turning her attention toward the sight again, but he knew she wasn't really looking.

"It is indeed." A moment passed. "Do you mind if I joined you?"

"Not at all."

They stood side by side, separated by a comfortable space, and gazed at the waters together in silence. When the moon had risen high enough for the its reflection in the river to be relatively brighter, he looked at her. "How rude of me to not introduce myself." He reached out his hand, "My name is Lelouch Lamperouge."

She took it hesitantly. "Maria Mannings." And let go faster. He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" she asked while slightly wrinkling her brows.

He gave his shoulders a shrug. "Nothing. It's just that you seem like a Maria." He laughed lightly. "Everything I picture a "Maria," someone with black hair and blue eyes like you always comes to mind."

She snorted and shook her head. "You're so corny." And smirked when she saw his baffled expression.

"Well, I have to go," she said, still with that mysterious smirk plastered on her face. This time, she initiated the handshake. "Nice meeting you, Lelouch," she said.

"Likewise, Maria." With just that, he smiled. A genuine, carefree smile that she hadn't seen him wear for as long as she could remember, and it made her heart ache. As she was walking away from him, she tremblingly reached one hand up to where her heart was, and clutched her shirt while biting onto her lower lip.

No… Not right now…

It's not just his ritual anymore; it's their ritual now. They didn't know how or why or when, but at this certain time when everyone else was fast asleep, they would sneak out of their houses and went to the riverside as if this were a big, master plan, only it wasn't a plan at all. By some chance, they would just meet up here without telling each other anything beforehand, and they were content with that.

"So where do you live?" asked Lelouch one night when they were sitting on the riverbank and admiring the soft glow of the flowing river.

"Somewhere close by," she answered shortly.

"Where are you from?"

It took a minute for her to respond. "I was born overseas, and I travel here and there. I've travelled a lot…"

"Really?" He cocked an eyebrow up in curiosity. "Where have you gone?"

"Oh, many places." She sighed softly. "So many places… There is no place in which I can stay long."

"How so?"

"Because no matter who you are, a place will stop welcoming you if you've exhausted its hospitability."

He was studying her, she could tell and she didn't know why she was so talkative in this false persona. Maybe because he had forgotten who she was, maybe she's talking with someone who could care less about she said. She had no clue as to what kind of person he would be without his Zero's ego lurking behind; an innocent student, perhaps? A boy who, without a care in the world, would just listen and not say anything? At this moment, she didn't care. Even after the mission to restore his memories completed, he would still believe Maria Mannings existed, and she wished to never burst that bubble.

"I don't doubt that." He chuckled lightly. His eyes glistened in the full moon's light. "You'll get tired of a place if you stay there too long." And she silently smirked to herself. He didn't get it like he would.

"How about you?" she queried. "Have you ever travelled?"

"No, I don't believe so…"

"Really? Not even once?"


She furrowed her green brows. "You sound unsure."

He shifted slightly on the dew-strewn grass. "Apparently, I moved here when I was much younger. I believe my parents came with me but they left soon after, because I don't have any memories of them ever staying here in Japan. Then…"


"A few months ago, a younger brother of mine came from home to live with me." He was chuckling to himself. "Can't believe my parents never told me my brother was coming. It was like waking up and finding out you have a younger sibling in your home."

She was silent for a while before asking. "How's your brother? What's his name?"

"Rolo. He's a nice and obedient guy. Although he's a bit shy around my friends, but I can tell he's gradually growing to like them." He smiled. "He makes the house feel more like a home."

"How so?"

"Before he came, it was so empty. It felt like something was missing, but I couldn't put my finger on it… When he started living with me, however, it felt complete." He took a deep breath, and they remained silent for the rest of the night until it was time for both of them to go.



"You're falling asleep!"

Lelouch looked up to see Shirley standing in front of him. Her face showed concern, her brows knitted together, and her hands on her hips. She was looking down at him with disapproval. He yawned.

"What was I missing?"

"Big brother, you started dozing off when Madame President began the meeting." Rolo replied.

"In other words," Milly said with a huff. "You missed the whole meeting!"

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Lelouch asked, slightly annoyed.

"I guess you picked the corner's seat for a reason, Lelouch," Rivalz chimed in before he added the tsk, tsk sounds.

Lelouch massaged his temples as he replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Hmm… what have you been up to at night, huh, Lelouch?" Milly inquired accusingly. She then leaned forward on his desk and frowned. "Are you out for games?"

"No, of course not! It's just that I couldn't sleep…"

"Are you okay, big brother?" inquired Rolo with those huge, deer-like worried eyes.

"I'm fine, don't worry bout me." He murmured. Suddenly, he just wanted to be left alone. Standing up, he stretched out his arms and smiled at the blond President. "May I use the bathroom?" he asked, to which she nodded. "Of course. Be back soon, though. We're going to start in fifteen minutes," added Milly.

Unbeknownst to them all, Lelouch decided to skip the meeting altogether. Hell could break loose tomorrow for all he cared. Right now, he needed a peace of mind.

He was there again, at the riverbank, looking into the subtle waves of the crystal-clear river beneath. It was so strange standing here in the middle of the day. The sun was up, shining brightly above. The pink and red cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully, lining the riverbank and providing shades for whoever decided to take shelter beneath them. It was early evening so no one was really there to admire the natural beauty of those cherry blossoms. Here and there, people were passing by, either going home from work or taking a walk around the river. None of them decided to join him in gazing at the waters.

He was alone.

He didn't know why he came. Perhaps he was hoping to see Maria here, in the daylight, but he knew that would never happen for some unknown reasons. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by and some pink and red flowers fell down in sync with the wind. Some of them twirled around as if dancing in the evening light. One light pink flower slowly landed in his opened palm.

Lelouch stared at it for a full minute, curled his long and delicate fingers closed, dug his hands in his pockets and went home.

The water was glistening a goldish color.

They met up again that night.

C.C. was already there when Lelouch got to the familiar riverbank. He sat down next to her and showed her his opened palm. "Here," he said with a small smile. She glanced down and her eyes widened.


"Do you like it?" he asked, and she could only stare at it speechlessly.

In his palm lay a hairclip, adorned by a light pink cherry blossom flower. The only thing she could think of saying at that moment was "Is that a real flower?" And he chuckled before replying, "Yes. I had free time this evening so I thought I should give it a try. Amazingly, it worked."

Lelouch… Does this unrecognizably soft side really exist in you? Why? Suddenly, she had a strange and twisted feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Maria? Are you okay?" His gentle voice drew her back to the present and she startled, for she realized it took her longer than it should to reply to him.

"I'm okay," she cleared her throat. A forced smile spread on her thin lips as she nodded at the hairclip. "It's beautiful."

His smile widened a bit, and his bright violet orbs travelled to her curly bangs. "Do you mind?" He gestured toward her hair. Without knowing what she was actually doing, she shook her head. Lelouch leaned closer with the hairclip in his hands.

Then, it hit. She was wearing a wig; he would know if he touched it. C.C. hastily backed away, frowning, which caused him to pause with his hands in midair, and a confused look on his face.

"On second thought," she said, taking the hairclip from him while forcing a stiff smile to stay on her pretty face. "I'd rather do it myself." True to her words, she quickly clipped it onto her bangs, lifting some hair up and pinning it behind her ear, revealing more of her left eye in the process.

Lelouch smiled pleasantly. And the churning feeling in her stomach returned.

"You look nice," he said. The churning feeling turned into a burning sensation and C.C. had to shift in her seat by tucking her knee-length silky dress under her folded legs. It felt so strange hearing a compliment from this supposedly stoic guy. He was supposed to be cold and calculating and uncaring and snarky when he conversed with her. However, the person next to her now was the total opposite. A gentle, pleasant, nice and innocent guy whom she never thought she would ever encounter in her endless travelling.

He had lost his memory, therefore he turned to the person he should have been right from the start. Not someone who felt a need to take revenge on his own family. Not someone who needed to be evil.

The burning sensation never subdued. Without her realizing it, C.C. nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She then glanced toward Lelouch who had already averted his gaze toward the river.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For the hairclip. It's beautiful." She meant it.

He only nodded in return. A tiny smile was still dancing on his lips. As the moon shone its light over the couple briefly, C.C. saw that it was a sad smile.

"You know," started Lelouch, "I've been feeling strange lately. I feel like I'm not myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know." He shook his head before continuing. "Like I know who I am, but at the same time I don't feel like... myself. Like I'm trapped in some cosmic web." He let out a light laugh. "That's weird, isn't it? How can one not know one's identity?"

C.C. didn't say anything. Instead, she was staring at her clasped hands on her laps.

"But," his voice lowered into a whisper. The sad smile disappeared. "I can't explain this feeling. Am I really who I am? Every night, I just have this doubt in my head that I can't sleep…"

"Is that why you decided to take a walk here in the first place?"

"Yes, to clear my head and think about this because it's so ridiculous that I can't share it with anyone."

No, it's not ridiculous at all, Lelouch. This isn't you. This isn't your life but… C.C. glanced toward the boy next to her. You look so happy and content. Even though this life is false but you don't have to worry about anything. She looked back at her pale hands. Is it right to take it away from you? She stole a glance at him again, without his knowledge. Do you want to go back onto the path you used to walk?

"I'm surprised you're sharing it with me," said C.C. in order to lighten the mood. Then, it surprised her because she actually cared about lightening the mood, as if… as if she really cared about the conversation they're having.

"It's easy that way," he replied without looking at her. "You don't really know me. I hardly know you." Then he regarded her with those mesmerizing, bright and illuminating violet eyes. "However, I'd like to get to know you better."

To say that it merely took her by surprise was an understatement.

In fact, she could never believe he would say that. But then again, he wasn't his usual self. He wasn't the devilish person that she knew. He was a different person, someone with an untainted heart.

A soft smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she stood up. "Seems like it's time for me to go, but I'd like to get to know you better as well. I'd like to hear more about your stories and your doubts." Her smile widened a bit as she reached up her left hand to gingerly touch the hairclip. "I want you to know that you can trust me. Whatever you want to tell me will stay just between us, and I will not judge you. Keep that in mind, Lelouch." She nodded at him. "Good night."

He was waving at her as she was walking further away, back to the home base, back to business. Her night of enchantment and magic had once again ended.

(To be continued)

A/N: I actually wrote the whole story out, so this one will not be left unfinished! All I need to do right now is to proofread and edit it. This story was supposed to be a one-shot only, however, it came out too long that I had to divide it into multiple chapters, but worry not, it won't be a long story :) Thank you so much for reading! Reviews are appreciated!

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass.