Cry ended the late night stream with collective slurred goodbyes from the rest of the crew. He had lost the drinking game, miserably, and it was already 6am. The stream went offline just as AK jumped onto Cry's lap meowing for attention.

"Red really fucked me over on that board, didn't she friend."

Cry stroked the cat's head earning a loud meow followed by soft purring.

"God dammit AK"

His computer rang as he was receiving a Skype call from Jund. AK took off running as Cry answered the call.

"Sup Jund" Cry slurred.

"Sup Cry" Scott lazily replied. He had a much better tolerance for his alcohol and had been very lucky for most of the game. "Hey listen buddy, I think that someone is trying to spam the fuck out of our computers. I just received like a million emails along with Snake, Red, and Russ, that had 'Cryaotic' as the subject. I'd suggest you don't open up any of them."

"Sure thing friend, and thanks for the warning."

"No problem Cry, now get some sleep. You look like you got wrecked."

"Oh, thanks man, really 'preciate the compliment. Now get some sleep, I know I really need some."

"Aw, alright, get some sleep, pookie. Goodnight, Ryan"

"Goodnight" Cry disconnected the call with a sigh.


"Shut up AK, not now"


Cry was just about to stand up to remove the cat from his room when suddenly his computer opened up to his email on its own. Cry slowly sat back down and stared at the screen as hundreds of emails streamed into his inbox. Cry's eyes widened as he tried to read the swarm of emails all sent from the same address. His email address.

"What the ever-loving fuck is going on?"

He continued to watch it for a full minute until it stopped all together. After releasing a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, Cry reached forward for the mouse. He selected all the emails, shuddering at the repeated subject labeled I AM CRY, and focused on the screen. Right before Cry clicked delete, a Skype call came up on the screen off centered. Due to his slightly drunken mind, his reaction was slow and before he could think he clicked where the delete was. Unfortunately, that spot was now where answer was.

Cry's mind barely had time to register to opening Skype call. Nothing but static took over his screen as his computer's hard drive started freaking out. That's when he heard the maniacal laughter coming through the speakers.

His maniacal laughter.

Cry quickly rolled his chair back away from the computer when bright blue electricity surrounded the screen. The horrific laughter combined with the crackling sound of the electricity sent Cry's heart racing. He watched in fear as the blue light crawled over the wires and into the outlet near his computer. As soon as it reached the outlet, his house lights started flickering on and off. Scared out of his foggy mind, Cry sat there motionless, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, unable to do anything.

Cry was still frozen in that position when it all together stopped. The laughing, the lights and the electricity all quit simultaneously, leaving Cry sitting there in the dark. He took a couple deep shuddering breaths.

"AK?" He cried out, suddenly seeking the comfort of the annoying feline. He waited but AK never came. "Smart little shit" he muttered to himself. Looking close at the computer, he saw it had returned back to his email inbox. It was still full of the crazed emails.

'I better delete this shit as soon as possible. Sleep has never looked so good.'

Right as Cry touched his mouse the blue electricity came back. Cry watched in horror as his arm froze in place, allowing the electricity to travel up his arm, and eventually to the rest of his body.

The electricity shook him violently as his vision started to black over with spots. He heard his loud, crazed laughter again. This time though, it was coming from inside his head.

The laughter got louder and louder as his muscles convulsed and all he saw was darkness. He was suddenly thrown back over his chair from the shock, landing harshly on the floor.

The laughter died down and Cry curled up on the ground. Slowly his vision returned to him, but his body still refused to get up. His eyes darted to the computer screen and saw it had returned to his previous screen before the emails flooded in.

'Oh thank god, it's over'

'I wouldn't count on that if I were you'

Cry bolted upward from hearing his own voice that sounded too foreign to be his thoughts. He looked around the room frantically, giving himself a headache.

'Lay down. You are just hurting yourself.'

Cry felt his body stand and turn around to lay on his bed.

'Who the fuck are you and what are you doing? Why are you in my head?'

A sharp pain stabbed him in the back of his head.

'Me? I am Cry.'

'No, I am Cry, now how are you in my head?'

'Easy, I came from your computer and used electricity to get into you.'

'So, you are. . . like a computer virus?'

'Exactly, friend. Except instead of attacking your computer or controlling your hard drive, I am in your brain. We are brain buddies now.'

'Well, as nice as that sounds, could you kindly get the fuck out of my head?'

'No, I don't want to. I'm going to upload videos, talk to your friends, and live life like a human.'

'You can't do that. This is my body'

'But I am you. . .'

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" Cry shrieked gripping his hair. The sound of a dog hitting his tail off a wall floated into the room.

'It's ok, friend, we'll do this together.'

Cry let out a sob as his dog jumped onto his bed, nuzzling Cry's hand with his nose. Cry once again curled into a ball, this time holding a pillow close for comfort. Panic took over him as he felt himself being forced to leave the conscious world.

'Go to sleep Cry'

Please review =^-^=

My first attempt at writing fan fiction and nothing I do is ever really planned out. I tried, but apologies if personalities are a little off, I do not own real people nor do I have wizard powers to know everything I should.

Feedback would be amazing! I apologize for any mistakes. Thank-you!