Find him... For me. FIND MERLIN!

"Wait, tell me where I can start!" Rori begged. Then she realized that she was awake. She had been dreaming about the woman again. The woman was young, but appeared older because of the lines in her face. She looked like a farmer, or at least a seamstress, because her hands looked worn, as if the had seen many cuts and scrapes. The woman first asked Rori to find Merlin a month ago, but never gave details on where he might be, or if Merlin was even real.


In Camalot, Prince Arthur was angry. His servant had gone missing... again.

Honestly! Arthur thought. I'd have an easier time keeping track of an invisible horsefly.


Arthur's servant was Merlin, and Merlin was looking for someone. He didn't know who that someone was, but she was beautiful. She had hair the color of the sunset, and eyes the color of the sea after a storm... Not that Merlin had seen the sea. The closest thing to an ocean was the lake of Shees outside Camalot.

I don't like Shees, Merlin thought grimly. They're blue and ugly and vile. They even hate their own kind. Only Merlin had seen a Shee... only person in Camalot, anyway. Merlin was a sorcerer, training under the rule of Giaus, the court physician.

Merlin had been searching for the girl for a month, and today he had set out beyond Camalot's walls.

'merlin!' Someone shouted.

"Where are you?" Merlin shouted back.


'Where are you?' Rori heard.

"In Carvahall!" she answered.

'I will find you!'