Enobaria POV

I wake up to see I am in a hovercraft. I should be dead, why am I not dead? I see my forearm is wrapped up. I look around and spot a first aid kit with a needle. I grab it and hold on tightly, my only weapon right now. I walk through the corridors, attentive of any voices. When I passed by some large doors, I heard familiar voices.

"When she wakes up, we have to make sure she's stable," said Haymitch. Said Haymitch?! I pushed open the doors and all eyes were on me. I saw Haymitch, Brutus, Plutarch, Finnick, Gloss, and Cashmere standing around the table. I slowly walked into the room.

"Awake from your nap, Sweetheart?" asked Haymitch.

Out of pure annoyance, I lunged myself at him, trying to insert the syringe into his skin. He, being stronger than me, pushed me against the wall. "You and a syringe against the Capitol. This is why we don't let you do the planning." He takes the syringe away from my hands and lets me go.

"What is going on?" I asked, demanding an answer.

Haymitch sat down in front of me and explained the plan. They were planning on breaking us out of the arena after the Quell was announced. Plutarch has been for many years part of an undercover group planning to overthrow the capitol. He made sure there was wire in the arena. Beetee was in charge of blowing a hole in the force field. The hovercraft we are on is from District 13 and we are on our way to it right now. "You never told me," I said.

"We couldn't tell you," said Haymitch. "With Snow watching, it was too risky."

"Which districts were in this plan?" I asked, curious about who I could really trust and who I couldn't.

"Three, four, six, and seven," said Brutus.

I am in no mood to be with him now; he kept this secret from me the entire time. "Then what's One doing here?"

"Our goal was to rescue as many victors as we could," said Plutarch.

"And you rescued the victors who weren't in the plan?" I asked him, mad about the fact that their plan failed.

"Well, Johanna tried to kill you," said Cashmere. How stupid can she be?

"Well, at least she didn't try to throw a dagger at me and then accidentally kill Prim!" I snapped, glaring at Gloss. "And I know what she was doing. You were the ones who cut the wire. Johanna led you two away from me. I may be tired and weak and mad, but I am not stupid!"

"Stop blaming my sister!" defended Gloss.

"You're telling me to stop blaming your sister?!" I asked. "How dare you even say that! I didn't have to save your life once you hit the force field and dropped dead, but I did. And how do you repay the favor? By killing Prim; you monster!"

Brutus walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Baria, please. It would be best if you got some sleep."

I shrugged off his shoulder. "Best for me? How would you know what's best for me? Heck, you made everyone believe I was fucking pregnant, you idiot! You know how sensitive I am about that!" I took off the ring from my finger and threw it at his chest. He calmly picked it up from the floor and put it in his pocket. The fact that he was so calm about the situation aggravated me even more. I walked away from him and pushed my way past the group of people to hug Finnick. He is the only person I trust now. He didn't hesitate to hug me back; he knew what I was going through. "Where are Beetee and Johanna?"

Plutarch sighed and looked at Haymitch. "Beetee and Johanna were taken by the capital as prisoners."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"He said that-" began Cashmere.

"I know what he said!" snapped I. "You couldn't save them?"

"Sorry Sweetheart," said Haymitch. Without hesitating, I went up to Haymitch and slapped him.

"How can you just do that, you son of a bitch!?" I yelled. "You were supposed to save them! I trusted you!" I immediately felt weak once the syringe made contact with my skin. Tears began to fall as I was gently laid down on the floor. I trusted you.