A/N: I thought I would end this story with a short little epilogue. Just a little extra fluff because who doesn't love a little fluff. Thank you to everyone who has followed this story. I know you waited a long time and I appreciate your patience. As always any reviews or comments, or even a message on Tumblr (shesamarshmallow) would be greatly appreciated. Hope you have enjoyed the ride.

5 Years Later

Beca walks through the aisles, wiping down the occasional table as she goes. It's almost nine and they'll be open in an hour or so. Her routine has been the same for the past four years; she just wants everything to be perfect when they open. She fixes the salt and pepper shakers at a table near the front door and takes a seat. The sun shines brightly through the window and she just stares out at the parking lot. It's empty right now except for a van; she recognizes the familiar blue color and the license plate. Beca opens the door to the restaurant slightly and smiles at the tiny blonde who runs toward her.

Beca picks her up and laughs as a wet kiss is pressed to her cheek. This is a typical Sunday morning, and Beca wouldn't have it any other way. She sets the young girl down in a booth and slides in next to her. It is only another minute or so before the rest of the blue minivan's occupants come through the door. The tiny blonde waves her hand in their direction as they walk toward the booth she and Beca are occupying. Aubrey sets the car seat holding her 3-month-old son down on the table and takes a seat. Greg slides in next to Aubrey with their 2 year old son and smiles across the table at his daughter.

"Morning how is my handsome godson today?" Beca asks, reaching a hand out to tickle the little blonde boy in the car seat.

"Doing well," Aubrey replied, "he's sleeping better anyway."

Beca could tell by the dark circles under her friend's eyes that sleeping better didn't mean sleeping well. She was the one who decided that having three kids under the age of five was a good idea, and dark circles aside she looked happy. Caroline, Wyatt and Avery were all Aubrey talked about most of the time, and Beca couldn't blame her. They are adorable.

"Where are your little ones?" Greg asks.

Her face lights up, "sleeping in the back somewhere. Chloe sings to them while she cooks."

Greg and Aubrey both smile at this, of course she does.

It's less than two minutes later and Thalia walks out into the dining room, one sibling in each arm. She is ten now and it makes Beca smile to think about what an amazing big sister she is. Their fifteen-month-old twins, Thomas and Amelia are lucky to have her.

"How are my favourite kids?" Beca asks her daughter as she walks toward their table.

"We are good," Thalia, answers, "these two just woke up. I helped mama make the biscuits this morning."

"Good girl."

Beca takes her son from her daughter's arms and presses a kiss to his forehead as she slides into the booth to make room for Thalia. He's smiling at her with the few teeth he has and Beca melts a little bit.

"How's school?" Greg asks from across the booth.

"Good," Thalia nods, "I really like math."

Aubrey shoots Beca a look and they both laugh.

"She didn't get that from her mother," the blonde says.

Beca throws her free arm around her daughter's shoulder and squeezes her tight.

The group catches up for another few minutes. Greg has more questions for Thalia about school and Caroline tells them all about little league. She's only four and she's already very excited about baseball, which pleases her father the Braves fan.

Beca sees the flash of red hair turn the corner before anyone else and she winks at her wife. Her apron is covered in flour and bacon grease but she still manages to look as sexy as ever. She blows a kiss to Beca as she approaches the table and slides in next to Greg. They have less than thirty minutes before patrons start rolling through the door looking for breakfast. Sunday morning visits at the restaurant have long been a tradition though. Aubrey started bringing Caroline around soon after she was born and they've done it ever since. The only thing that has changed is the number of children they need to fit into one booth.

Chloe reaches out and tickles the toes of the newest member of their clan. He giggles and Chloe picks him up out of the car seat he's been occupying.

"Hi Avery," she coos at him as she tickles his chin.

"So," Aubrey speaks up, "Greg was thinking we could take the kids to the waterpark after breakfast and then meet back here later for dinner."

"Yes!" Thalia cheers. Another thing Thalia didn't get from her mother is her love of watersports and all things water.

"Sounds good," Chloe agrees, "tonight's special is ribs, which I know are nobody's favourite but I'm sure you'll make due."

Greg licks his lips, she's teasing him and he doesn't even care. Chloe's ribs are the best he's ever had. He's been begging for her BBQ sauce recipe for years and she won't bite. It's a secret she always chides, you'll just have to come down to the restaurant and have them on Sunday nights.

Chloe makes her way back to the kitchen and when she returns breakfast is served; pancakes and bacon for everyone just before the restaurant officially opens. Beca helps her with the plates and pours orange juice in the glasses that scatter the table. The loud table settles down as they start chowing down on Chloe's buttermilk pancakes. Beca waits until the very last second to turn on the sign that indicates they are open for business. They love their customers but she wants to enjoy the last few minutes of family time before she has to start running around.

Beca is pouring coffee for an older couple when Greg and Aubrey stand up to leave. She waves goodbye to her little ones as Thalia carries them out toward the car.

"Don't forget the car seats in mama's car," Beca calls to her daughter as she holds the restaurant door open.

"I won't," Thalia shouts back.

When they finally manage to get all six kids into the van Beca watches as it pulls out. They'll only be gone for a couple of hours but she misses her kids already.

She walks into the kitchen to see if Chloe needs any help. Chloe pecks her on the lips as she stirs gravy and listens for the oven timer. Chloe is in her element in the kitchen. She can multitask like nobody's business and Beca isn't sure how she keeps track of ten different things at once. Of course she has help but Beca is still mesmerized by her.

"Hey Chlo," she says, leaning against the table that Chloe is cooling the biscuits on.

"What's up Becs?"

"Nothing. I just love you."

"I love you too."

Beca smiles. Her life has changed drastically in the five years since she decided to go on that cruise. Her car is different, her home is different, her career is different and her Sunday mornings are definitely different. Jesse always says if I told you your life would end up like this, you never would have believed me. He's right, but she'll never tell him that. It's bad enough he takes all of the credit for her ending up with Chloe in the first place. It was his idea to go on that cruise after all.