
I'm thinking of adding on, but for now it's finished.. I know it's not really enough.. but for now it's all I've got... If you'd like to see more just review to let me know, and I'll do my best not to let you down~


Castiel James was having a horrible day, week, hell his whole existence wasn't anything to write home about. It wasn't that his life was terribly bad. It was just meaningless, uneventful, and incredibly suffocating. This week however, his Uncle Zachariah decided to marry him off. He knew that his Uncle couldn't force the marriage on him legally, but it was safe to assume his life would get even worse if he didn't comply.

"Can I get a beer please?"

"Sure you can sweetie, just don't go crying all over me now. I ain't that kind of bartender." The blonde teased.

Castiel did his best to give a smile, it just wasn't happening. Three more bottles and two double shots later, he was starting to feel something. The gorgeous blonde behind the counter seemed to look more impressed with every drink she brought him. It was like she'd expected him to have passed out already.

"Bar Wench, I wish to have a mug of Ale. Pronto!"

"You need to watch how much Viagra you've been taking Dean, seems to be working on the dick in your personality as well."

"Oh honey, you know I don't have a problem keeping it up."

"Maybe not, when you can find it." She teased

"Jo, If I apologize will you please stop talking about my microscopic penis?"

"I don't know I didn't hear the words: I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry Joanna Beth Harvelle, the most beautiful, fascinating, intelligent woman in the world." He said with a wink.

"Alright take your perfectly average sized penis and get out of my face." She laughed.

Castiel couldn't help but observe the conversation taking place right next to him. He focused more on the man than the words, but who could blame him. The guy was gorgeous, probably even the most gorgeous guy he'd ever seen.

He groaned internally, of course today had to be the day he met the man of his dreams. He knew it was silly to think about, the guy practically oozed heterosexuality. He didn't usually like to assume, but with the conversation topics with the very female bartender it seemed like the guy was definitely straight.

He ordered up another double shot and the blonde made him practically do a sobriety test, afraid she was going to give him alcohol poisoning.

"Dean would love you." She teased.

"I'm sorry?" He responded.

"That big hunk of man meat you were ogling a few minutes ago, he'd love you. That is .. If you're interested."

"Something tells me I'm not his type." He grumbled out.

"Oh honey, you are his type personified. I've known him my entire life and I know exactly what he looks for. Like if he threw a coin in a wishing well and made a wish for the perfect man, you would be what came walking out."

"You don't know anything about me, how do you know?" He asked curiously.

"Well I know you're gorgeous, I know you can hold your liquor, that you're intelligent, and fairly innocent."

"I could be a serial killer." He said.

"No you couldn't."

"I could, I swear I could."

"Honey you're about as dangerous as a lost de-clawed kitten."

The edges of his mouth teased a smile, but he stopped short. It was nice to have a conversation with someone, he thought to himself.

He assumed the bartender was crazy, the man he'd lusted after was straight. Even on the off chance he was wrong about that, he was so far out of Castiel's league he should have been sitting on the ocean floor. He laughed at himself as he realized just how much the alcohol had skewed his sense of humor.

A few minutes later the man returned to the bar. Castiel glanced over one last time to enjoy the beauty beside him. He picked up his jacket readying himself to leave.

"Whoa now, you're going to have to let me call you a cab sweetheart. I'm not going to be responsible for you driving anywhere with all that booze in your system." She said as her small hand gently squeezed his arm.

He turned around to find the gorgeous green eyes staring back at him this time. He couldn't breathe, it was like the oxygen in the room had been cut off immediately. His heart pounding in his chest, his head gently buzzing. Finally, he manages to tear himself away from the gaze to nod at the woman still clutching his arm.

"He looks fine Jo! How much could he have drank?"

"Well he's managed to down 4 bottles and 6 shots in barely over an hour."

"Oh my God! How are you still sitting up straight."

He can't help it when a smirk appears on his face. It just happens.

"I'm part Irish and part Russian it makes for an astonishing drinking curve."

"That would do it." The handsome man laughed.

Castiel was pretty sure that was the moment he fell in love. The gorgeous man beside him lit up. His smile curved all the way to his eyes and there was a glimmer there of something more beautiful than he'd ever imagined possible. He could not have dreamed up a more perfect sight.

"Dean." He said holding his hand out.

Castiel faintly remembers the bartender calling him that. He smiles his biggest smile in response and takes the firm calloused hand in his.


"Well I've been working on that all night. Seems all it took was one look from you green eyes, and he's beaming." Jo added.

Castiel blushes slightly, he hopes the dim lighted bar didn't show it.

"I'm sorry I've been such poor company."

"Nah, just didn't enjoy that frown you were wearing when you walked in, that's all."

That seems to remind him of just why he's at the bar drinking in the first place and before he knows it, his head is against the wood of the bar and he's groaning out loud.

"Dude you okay?"

"Yeah, just been a rough day."

"Wanna dance?"

Castiel had to look up to make sure Dean was actually speaking to him. Sure enough those green eyes that could have burned into his soul was staring at him with a lifted brow above them.

"You want to dance with me?"

"Sure, you can talk or not talk, up to you. But the jukebox works. It's not normally my kind of music, but I've gotten used to it I guess."

He hears the twang of the country music in the background and is now wondering why he hadn't heard it sooner. Maybe the alcohol had affected him more than he'd thought.

"I'd love to." He manages to get out before he's pulled softly to the middle of the large dance floor.

"So what do you do Cas?" Dean asked.

"I work for my Uncle at his law firm. I do the numbers and some of the paperwork."

"That's… something." Dean chuckled in his ear.

"It's boring as hell, is what it is. What about you Dean, what do you do?"

"Oh I'm one of New York's Finest. All the excitement, none of the glory."

The song ends but Dean holds on tight and Castiel doesn't mind at all. They both let out a barking laugh when they recognize the next song.

They were quiet, enjoying the touch of their partner for a while. That's when Castiel heard the beautiful sound of Dean's voice in his ear. He was singing along with the chorus.

You have the right to remain silent.
Anything that you say, as I hold you against me.
Will forever be a secret, between us two.
I've been wanting you, but you didn't know it.
And now that he's gone at last I can show it.
If your heart is tired for the rest of your life,
Lay your love on me.

"So what's gotten you down? Do I need to kick somebody's ass?"

"No, nothing like that. It's just my uncle seems to think he can tell me what to do with my life, on more than just a professional level these days. I guess I just need to stand up to him. It won't be easy, most of my family will be on his side in the end of it. I'll probably lose some of the most important people in my life. But I'm not living under his thumb anymore."

"Well good for you man, it's not easy to carve your own path. If your family doesn't support you doing what you want with your life, and following your passion, they aren't good enough to be called family. If nothing else my Uncle taught me that, Family doesn't always mean blood, and it sure as hell doesn't require it."

"Well that's interesting, I wish my Uncle was a little more like that."

"Well technically he's a friend of my dad's but practically raised me and my brother Sammy growing up. So he's more like a dad than an Uncle and more of an Uncle than a family friend.. It's a weird dynamic. I wouldn't change a second of it though."

"Cab's here for tall dark and handsome." Jo called out toward Dean.

"Looks like we need to get you home. How about having dinner with me sometime?"

"Sounds wonderful. I just need to work a couple things out. Can I have your number?"

"Of course, give me your phone."

Castiel handed the small black device over to him and smiled when he realized that he'd see Dean again. No matter what his uncle thought, he was going to do what he wanted with his own life.