A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first Naruto FanFiction ever, and I hope you guys like it. I've had this idea swirling in my ahead recently and decided to actually write it. I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope I can consistently update the story... I'll mention this now, In my opinion my conversations between characters are a bit dull and I hope you guys can give me advice to fix this! Welp, enjoy!
Also, this story will strictly be NartuoxSamui, as I don't see Naruto doing a Harem, it seems out of character to me...
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto... :(
Chapter 1: Leaving the Leaf
October 10th, exactly six years ago today the Kyūbi no Yōko attacked the Konohagakure no Sato, and destroyed a large portion of the village, along with slaughtering many brave Konoha Shinobi, and taking with it the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze. The Yondaime sacrificed his life for the village, using a forbidden sealing technique to seal away half the Kyūbi's chakra into himself and the rest into his newborn son Naruto. Minato left behind the village and his newborn son, the new Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yoko. He wanted his son to be recognized as the Hero he was, taking on the burden of the Kyūbi being his prisoner to protect the village that would no doubt fear him for his unchangeable fate.
But even at the wish of Minato, Naruto Uzumaki was not seen as a hero, nor the son of the Hero of Konoha. He was given the surname of his mother and thrown into the orphanage by the newly reinstated Sandaime to attempt to give Naruto a normal life amongst children his own age. Sadly that never came to happen.
Naruto was ostracized in the orphanage, given little attention, and if he was, it was the glares from the Matron or the other workers at the place he had to call home. Once he was four he was kicked out of the orphanage but with the help of the Sandaime, -or as Naruto liked to call him his 'Jiji'- he was given an apartment within the Red Light District of Konoha, it wasn't the best place, but it also wasn't the worst. The people that lived around his apartment weren't as hostile as the rest of the populace. Mostly because it was populated with prostitute's that pitied the boys' life.
But he also had to avoid going outside at all costs during the late afternoon or nights, the drunks were more common and violent during those times. It's not like he left his house that often anyway. He only went out really to attempt to buy groceries, visit his Jiji, or go to Ichiraku Ramen, the only food stand that let him inside. The owner and his daughter were nice to him, often giving him free bowls of ramen, he loved that place religiously.
Today for Naruto Uzumaki was going to be one of the worst ones and he knew it. It was his birthday apparently, October 10th, the same day the Kyūbi no Yōko was slain by his hero the Yondaime Hokage. But he never celebrated the day of his birth, for some reason it always seemed to anger the villagers even more when he would show his face around the village. They'd always call him names like 'Demon' or 'Demon Spawn' then promptly glare at him or kick him out of a store he had entered.
He never understood why they called him those names, how was he a demon?
But he never paid too much attention to it, why should he? Every time he yelled at someone and asked them why they called him those names, all he got was a, "Hmph" and they'd walk off like nothing had ever happened. It royally pissed him off.
What was even worse was the fact that his Jiji apparently didn't know anything about why they called him those names. But the Sandaime would always ask for a description or name of the person who called him those names. After that he would never see that person again. It was weird but oddly satisfying because deep down he knew his Jiji was looking out for him more than he let on. He just didn't want to know HOW his Jiji dealt with them.
But today was like any other day, aside from the fact that class at the academy was cancelled. He may have been six but he was able to start two years earlier thanks to the help given to him by his Jiji. Now he was forgetting that one golden rule he had set for himself, 'DON'T GO OUTSIDE ON OCTOBER TENTH'.
Naruto was currently walking around one of the main streets of Konoha that housed a majority of shops. It was also quite heavily populated.
Naruto was a small child for his age standing at about three feet, no doubt due to his lack of a healthy diet. He wore an orange t-shirt with the Uzumaki clan spiral on the front of the shirt in a deep red. He had on white shorts that reached down past his knees. His sunny blonde hair, spiked, in a neat yet sloppy mess that seemed to fit the young boy, he had bright cerulean blue eyes that shone with all his childish innocence. Each of his cheeks was adorned with three whisker like marks.
Naruto had his usual megawatt smile on as he walked down the street like nothing bothered him. But in reality he was sad to see the people looking at him with such hatred. He wanted to understand their hatred and change those looks of hate, into looks of happiness and pride in him when he became a great shinobi willing to protect the village with his life.
Naruto though didn't really understand why he wanted to change their views on him. Why change something that seemed so rooted within the people of this village? In all honesty he knew he just wanted to be recognized by more than three people in his life. He craved the attention of others after being so deprived of it all his life. That is why he became the infamous prankster, even after being in the academy for only a few months, he built quite the reputation whenever his Sensei's would ignore him. It wasn't always the kind of attention he craved, but at least he and some of his classmates got a lot of good laughs out of his pranks.
But right now, he wished for the 'attention' he was receiving to just stop.
He may have gotten used to the glares, but today was an exception, they were amplified by an unimaginable number and he just wanted to crawl under a rock and wait till the day was over. Sadly that wasn't going to happen for Naruto today.
A brown haired standard looking villager walked in front of Naruto, blocking the narrow pathway down the street. Looking up Naruto could see the man scowling down at him. The brown pupiless eyes, showed nothing but malice and hate towards the young blonde standing under the gaze of the man in front of him. Before Naruto could attempt to say anything or try to move past the man, he was shoved to the ground, landing on his rear.
"Why don't you just leave you demon brat!" The man spat.
Naruto growled inwardly, "Why don't you get out of my way!" Naruto yelled back at him. He could already feel the man in front of him change. The scowl on his face turned into a sinister grin as he moved forward and picked the child up by the collar of his shirt.
"Respect your elders' brat!" Was all Naruto heard before a fist was imbedded into his stomach and all the air was knocked out of Naruto's body. He attempted to look around, but all he saw were the footsteps of people stopping to take a look at the situation then moving right along like nothing was happening. Some of the passerby's seemed to stay and if he could see any more than just their feet he would see multiple thumbs up and smiles being sent to the bold man holding Naruto. To do such a thing in broad daylight on one of the busiest streets in the city was no short feat. Naruto was hoping those mask wearing people would be there to protect him like all the other times. But no luck for him today.
Next thing Naruto knew was his world went black and he was at the mercy of the people of the village. Fuck.
Damnit, why did he go outside today?
Naruto woke up in a daze, his body hurt all over and he couldn't find the will to open his eyes. He was too afraid of what he would see if he opened his eyes. All he remembered was that guy in the street…
His mind was screaming for him to get up and run. But what good would that do? What if someone was waiting for him to leave? Maybe they thought he was dead and left him in the streets to be found by the masked ninja's or his Jiji. But his Jiji would have found him by now, he could tell it was no longer day, there was no light leaking through his closed eyelids. And Naruto could tell he was outside in some capacity, there was a light breeze that rolled over his skin giving him goose-bumps, and the floor was hard and bumpy.
Naruto could hear hushed talking, just quiet enough to not be able to make out any words but just loud enough for him to be able to hear the murmurs.
A quick sound of shuffling feet towards him made Naruto flinch just barely. Too afraid of what was going to happen next, his entire body already hurt more than it should've and now it seemed like whoever was responsible for his condition was coming back. As he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to keep the person at bay in his mind, the person who moved over to Naruto watched his movements with a frown on their face. Already aware of what happened to the child in front of them. The small flinch did not go unnoticed to the trained eye of this person as they moved forward and sat down next to the boy.
"We're not going to hurt you." A soft, yet mature female voice cooed to Naruto. Unknowingly to himself he flinched at hearing the voice causing the person's frown to deepen. "You can open your eyes." The voice came again.
Naruto knew he was caught. He thought through his options; he could believe this person next to him and talk to this person who sounded friendly enough, but he knew better than to take anything at face value. Then there was the option of bolting, but where the hell was he?
He decided to go with option one and slowly opened his eyes to the dark world. At first his vision was blurry, slowly focusing his vision the first thing he noticed was the jagged ceiling of wherever the hell he was, his eyes widened as he quickly spun his head around and came face to face with what he considered to be a beautiful blonde. She looked in her late teens or early twenties. She was fair skinned with blonde hair and from what he could see in the dark had black eyes, pretty cool to him. She was wearing what appeared to be a black and purple blouse with a small design of clouds on it. Along with that she had black pants that went down to her ankles, which were wrapped in bandages. She had black shinobi sandals, as well as black fingerless gloves. Her forearms were wrapped in bandages like her ankles, and had a string of blue beads wrapped around her left forearm. She also had a red obi wrapped around her waist. Her hair was braided down her back, wrapped in a bandage down to her waistline. But the most noticeable thing to Naruto was the thing wrapped around her forehead. It was a Hitae-ate, though Naruto didn't know it, it was the forehead protector for Kumogakure no Sato.
His eyes roamed from the Hitae-ate and studied her face. She had an air of confidence about her, and her eyes showed some concern for what appeared to be him. Which oddly confused him, why was she concerned with him? The only people who were ever concerned with him were his Jiji and the Ichiraku's. And he hasn't even met this girl before!
Noticing the young blonde's gaze, the girl gave him a small reassuring smile, "Hi there." She said with a small wave of her hand.
Naruto tilted his head to the side in confusion, who was she? He'd never seen her before and that forehead protector was a guarantee he wasn't near Konoha. "Hi." He said in a weak and quiet voice, his throat was dry and it felt like he'd been screaming or something for a long time as his throat hurt like crazy.
The girl studied him a few more seconds before reaching into a shuriken pouch that was on her belt, and pulled out what appeared to be a canteen. She handed it over to Naruto for him to take a drink, which he took with a meek "thank you" and quickly drowned the contents out.
"Mind telling me what you were doing out here?" The girl asked him, she already knew what happened, and it made her blood boil to think that people could do such a thing to a child like this. He looked so innocent, but she already knew that was because he didn't know what he was, like she knew. She felt that chakra that was pouring off his body when she and her partner were passing by. Such malice and power behind it, he had to be like her. There was no doubt.
"I-I don't know…" Naruto replied, his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him.
'But I do…' The thought passed through the girls head, "Well, that's alright." She paused for a second wondering where to go with this seemingly obvious one sided conversation "I'm Yugito Nii, what's your name?"
"Naruto… Naruto Uzumaki." The name caused Yugito's eyes to widen just slightly. The only Uzumaki she knew of was Kushina Uzumaki. The Red Death of Konoha. If this kid was freely using the Uzumaki name then he was probably from Konoha and the child of one of the most feared Kunoichi to come from that village.
"Well Naruto-san, can you tell me where you're from?" She asked, wanting to confirm her suspicions on this boy.
Not sure whether to tell the truth or lie, he decided with the truth. Why lie to someone that was being so nice to him continuously? "Uh… I'm from Konoha." His voice still quiet, but she could tell he was slowly becoming comfortable around her. His body language was changing ever so slightly, he was now sitting cross legged, and facing her, his eyes fixed on hers, in something that seemed akin to admiration.
Yugito nodded slowly, "You're pretty far from there." She looked up at the ceiling in thought, after a few seconds she looked back down to Naruto, "We could always take you back the-"
She was promptly cut off by Naruto who was on his feet shaking his head, "No!" He yelled. This only made Yugito frown, were the people of Konoha so cruel that he wouldn't want to go back? She already knew the answer to that from what she'd seen. But now that she thought about it, she could always take him to Kumo. Another Jinchūriki would always help the military strength in Kumo. That and she would have someone like her that wasn't like that idiot Killer Bee who rapped all the time. Just the thought of B gave her a headache. Plus the people never went so far to do something that would physically harm them, the only thing as close to that was when the villagers egged Killer Bee when he was a kid.
"Why not Naruto-san?" Yugito asked, she wanted to understand what he thought about his home village.
"Everybody there hates me! The only people that are nice to me are Jiji and the Ichiraku's! Everybody else hates me and tries to hurt me!" He yelled in a somewhat controlled voice.
"Naruto-san, do you know why they hate you?" Yugito was now standing, -showing her full height of five foot five inches- a calming hand on Naruto's shoulder.
Naruto looked down and shook his head, "They always call me names like Demon or something…" He muttered to himself, but the keen hearing of Yugito picked it up.
Sighing, Yugito got down on her knees, looking up slightly at Naruto as he was still standing. "What if I could tell you why?" This caught Naruto by surprise. How would this girl know why they hated him? She wasn't even from the same village as he was, and his Jiji didn't know… or he was lying!
"How would you know?" Naruto asked, "Jiji always said he didn't know and he was the Hokage!"
Yugito raised an eyebrow at the nickname he gave to the leader of one of the greatest shinobi villages. The only person she could think of that would get away with that with the Raikage was B and Darui, but Darui always called him Boss, unlike B. Doing a double take of what Naruto said, she wondered why they would hide his status as a Jinchūriki from him. She was told what she was from a young age and so was B. Did Konoha really not want to train him in what he was supposed to be?
Yugito schooled her features, her entire demeanor changed from one of friendliness and comfort to one of pure maturity and business. It kind of freaked Naruto to see the quick change, her eyes hardening and her lips in a thin line. Yugito was about to shatter his world and Naruto didn't know it.
"Naruto-san, I want you to strip down to your underwear, I want to make sure my theory is correct about you."
Naruto looked at her with wide eyes. She was dead serious and he was afraid of what would happen if he didn't comply. He nodded his head shakily before pulling down his, what he now saw as red and black shorts. 'That's weird' He thought, 'I was sure I was wearing white shorts…' Next came his shirt, he noticed it was ripped in multiple places and what he now guessed was covered in blood. He held the shirt in his hands staring at it wondering just what the hell happened to him before Yugito found him.
Yugito was staring at Naruto's body. It wasn't scarred like it should've been but it didn't surprise her. What did was the physical shape of his body. He was malnourished, that much was for certain. She could basically see his ribs poking out of his skin, she turned her attention to his arms and legs, and she hadn't noticed how boney his arms had been until now. His legs seemed to have some muscle on them, they weren't terrible.
Yugito shook the thoughts of his body from her mind for the time being. Noticing Naruto was staring at the bloody shirt, she moved to take it when his body flinched. 'Damnit' She thought, he seemed to be getting uncomfortable and scared now that he noticed what was on his shirt. "Don't worry Naruto-san, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." Yugito had a reassuring smile on as she moved closer to Naruto. He didn't flinch and just stared at her hand as it moved towards him, her hand was in a fist except for her pinky that she was holding out to him.
Naruto looked bewildered for a second before cracking a small smile and wrapping his pinky around hers. Once both their hands were by their sides, Yugito put her hand on Naruto's chest. "This might seem strange Naruto-san, but I'm going to channel some chakra into your body, okay?"
Naruto nodded, he knew all about chakra thanks to the academy, he may have acted like the idiot but he wasn't going to hinder his shot at becoming a ninja for anything. His Jiji also explained that for some inexplicable reason his chakra pathways had always been opened and had not needed to be opened with meditation like most other shinobi.
Yugito nodded back and began to push a small amount of her chakra consistently through Naruto. She could tell his chakra pathways were already heavily developed and large. Too large for a child. She began to examine Naruto's body looking for anything that wasn't already showing up on his body. And lo and behold, on his stomach was one of the most intricate seals she had ever seen.
There was a spiral that went around his belly button, then around the top of the spiral were four separate prongs, the four prongs were also copied on the bottom side of the spiral. This one was definitely more complex then both her and B's seal. But this also confirmed her suspicions, why would this child have a complex seal array on his body?
Yugito stopped pushing chakra into his body and motioned for him to sit down as she did so. Naruto followed suit and awaited the answer, her face conveyed no emotions and it scared him, why was she so serious? Was it something bad?
Smiling at Naruto she went on to her explanation, "Well, now I know we're alike."
Naruto tilted his head in confusion, "How am I like you?" He asked.
"We're both Jinchūriki." Saying it like it was nothing. She had lived with it all her life.
"Jinchuu-di what." He asked in confusion.
Yugito laughed quietly to herself then turned deathly serious, "Naruto it may be hard for you to understand, but we are Jinchūriki or 'The Power of Human Sacrifice', we contain what are called Bijū, or tailed beasts. These tailed beasts are in simple terms, mass concentrations of immensely powerful chakra." She paused and watched for Naruto's reaction.
Naruto was quiet as he looked at the ground and held onto his gut, "But why is it that people hate me!" He asked, still staring at the ground.
Yugito sighed, "Naruto-san do you know about the Kyūbi attack six years ago?" Her response was a nod from Naruto, she continued, "My guess is, and you were the person it was sealed into."
Naruto looked at her confused, "But the Yondaime killed him!" That was what they taught at school, why would they lie to the village?
Yugito shook her head, "Bijū cannot be killed Naruto. And one as powerful as the Kyūbi, is impossible to seal into an inanimate object like the others. The chakra is probably so potent and powerful it would need to be put into a newborn child that can have its chakra coils expanded without harm." She paused, "The village didn't hate YOU Naruto." He looked at her confused, "They hate the Kyūbi, and being the ignorant people they are, they don't understand the difference between the prison, and the prisoner." She explained in simple terms.
Naruto nodded dumbly. So this is why they always hated him. Because his idol, his hero, sealed the bastard fox that nearly destroyed his village when he was born. And he just so happened to be the orphaned kid that was chosen to be the Kyūbi's container. His Jiji had to have lied to him! There was no way he didn't know about this! Naruto was fuming inside; his emotions were like a raging maelstrom, forever in a swirl of anger and confusion towards the person he trusted. Why couldn't he just tell him so he would at least be able to understand the village's hatred toward him! Instead he was lied to about his entire existence by the one person he thought he could trust… Then he remembered something Yugito had said to him,
"You said you're like me?" He questioned quietly, his mind still in a rage. Why the hell did his Jiji lie to him, and why the hell was he chosen! And who were his parents! He now knew, his Jiji had to know all of this, he had to of hid it from him!
Yugito could read the emotions rolling off of Naruto like an open book, just by watching his fists clench to his bare skin and the slight trembling of his body, "I am, I contain the Nibi."
Naruto looked up at her, she'd become a successful Kunoichi for her village, did they treat her differently? Did they accept her for what she was?
Before Naruto could ask any questions Yugito was already reading him, "My village didn't accept me at first, but, right now I'm a proud Jōnin Kunoichi of my village and would put my life on the line to protect anyone from there." She stood up and held her hand out to him, "I could also take you to my village and help train you to control the Bijū inside of you." Not only did she feel sorry for the boy, but she also knew he would be a good addition to the village. From what she had seen he was treated worse than her, and he hadn't left his village. No, he was forced out of his village by idiots.
Naruto was staring at her hand then to her, his eyes wide, was she really going to take him? Could he control the Kyūbi? But the thing that mattered the most to him was being a great shinobi and being recognized by his village. It didn't take him that long to think on the matter. There was nothing in Konoha for him. His Jiji had deliberately lied to him and kept one of the most important secrets from him. He was saddened by the fact that he wouldn't be able to see the Ichiraku's again or even tell them he was going to be leaving the village.
But that was all that held him back, he looked back up to her and took her hand, helping him stand up. He could see Yugito had a small smile on her face as he took her hand. "Alright! I'm gonna be the greatest Jinch- whatever it's called and shinobi EVER!" Naruto yelled with a fist pump, getting a laugh from Yugito.
"Sorry Yugito-san, but we should get going soon. Boss is expecting us." Another voice was heard, it sounded lazy and tired to Naruto, now that he was actually paying attention he looked around his surroundings. He was in what looked like a dark cave with a bluish tint from the outside light, and towards the entrance stood another figure covered in darkness, looking back at both Naruto and Yugito.
The figure moved forward towards the two, giving Naruto the chance to study the new arrival that was apparently with Yugito.
The man was fairly tall, dark-skinned, and had shaggy white hair that covered his left eye, leaving only his right, eye with a black pupil. He had a grey sleeveless shirt on, as well as gray loose fitting pants. He also had what looked like a white flak jacket with a single strap over his left shoulder. On his left arm he had a grayish blue looking tattoo with the kanji for lighting. On his right was a tattoo with the kanji for water the same color as his tattoo on his left shoulder. On his back looked to be a cleaver-like-sword with a white hilt, with a red diamond pattern splitting it down the middle.
Yugito nodded back, "Hai Darui-Senpai, let's start heading back."
Naruto looked up at Yugito, "Where are we going?" He asked
"We're going to our village Naruto-san. Its name is Kumogakure no Sato." She said with a proud smile on her face.
Darui had moved closer and stood in front of Naruto, looking down at him lazily, but studying the boy, he was surprised the blonde child was so energetic after learning so much about himself that was kept secret from him, "So he's coming along?" He asked, turning his attention to Yugito.
She nodded, "Yep, although I have a bad feeling of sending him to B-Sama so young…" Yugito muttered, getting a small smile out of Darui.
"Wait, what's so wrong with this B guy? And who the hell is he anyway?!" Naruto asked in confusion.
Darui and Yugito had looks of sympathy as they looked down at Naruto. "Hey! What's with those looks! Why can't you train me instead then Yugito-chan? If this B guy is so bad!" He asked frantically, completely ignoring the affectionate suffix he had just given the kunoichi. Darui raised an eyebrow at the suffix while Yugito just smiled down at the boy.
"I wish I could train you Naruto-kun," She held in a laugh at watching Naruto's face turn a slight shade of red, "but I still haven't finished my training like B-Sama." Yugito said sympathetically. She was already afraid of what would happen when B started to train Naruto. He was still young and easily corruptible. The images of a Naruto with B rapping together, made her cringe and promptly burn the ideas from her mind. "It'll be fine Naruto-kun, he's just a…" She paused and added, "Interesting character."
Naruto tilted his head in confusion at the statement. But settled on nodding before asking his question, "So where is your village?"
"It's in Kaminari no Kuni, it's about a day few days away if we carry you." Yugito said.
"It's a pretty dull journey." Added in Darui as he turned around and got down on his knees to allow Naruto to climb onto his back, "I'll carry you so we can make faster time."
Naruto smiled at the thought of being able to ride on a shinobi's back. He'd always seen them jumping from house to house in Konoha and he always wondered what it was like. He enthusiastically jumped onto Darui's back getting an, "Oof" from the Jōnin and a smirk from Yugito.
"Sorry ahead of time Naruto." Darui said as he stood at his full height, Naruto had his arms wrapped around Darui's neck and his legs being held by the dark skinned man's arms. Naruto looked at him confused, before a small smirk appeared on his face. Pumping chakra into his legs he pushed off the hard surface of the cave and flew out into the forest around them.
Naruto's grip tightened at the sudden increase of speed and pressure. He knew if he let go he would be as good as dead from the high speeds and altitude the Jōnin was going at. He turned his head and saw Yugito keeping next to Darui as they jumped from tree to tree at high speeds.
Naruto's thoughts shifted from the high speeds of the Jōnin to the thought of living in a different village. He was wondering what –he hoped he could now call home- had in store for him. His mind drifted to him becoming a shinobi. He would finally be treated fairly, or so he hoped. If there was proof that he would eventually be respected, it came in proof in the form of Yugito. A Jinchūriki just like him and she was a Jōnin. One of the highest ranks within the shinobi world. He promised to himself that he would become a great shinobi just like Yugito. He would make the people of Kumogakure look at him with a sense of pride when they learn that they trained one of the greatest shinobi all times. And he would control his Bijū to the fullest extent he was able to. The thoughts ran through his mind as a small content smile appeared on his face. He laid his head down on Darui's shoulder and slipped into unconsciousness, the day's crazy amount of events lulling him to sleep.
When Darui noticed Naruto fall asleep he turned his attention to Yugito, "What do you plan on telling him about how we found him?" He asked.
Yugito looked crestfallen, "I don't think any of it. If he asks I'll tell him the truth, but I won't bring it up except with Raikage-Sama."
Darui nodded, "I have a feeling things in the village aren't going to be as dull with Naruto around." He could tell something was special about the boy on his back. The child seemed to be able to bounce back and had high aspirations for himself, something that made Darui smile at the boy.
He was meant to take a Genin team soon and wondered if he could off just enough for Naruto to graduate. It would be an interesting team he could already tell if Naruto was on it, and if B was going to start training him so soon, he knew this kid would be Chūnin material by the time most of his peers would be Genin. Darui already knew Yugito would be there alongside B to help train Naruto. He could see the look in Yugito's eyes when she looked at Naruto, they may have just met but he could see she cared for him deeply. Naruto was like her, but treated worse by the people he was protecting. It seemed her maternal instincts were kicking in when she was around the boy. Especially if what she had done to the people who were with Naruto was any indication.
Yugito looked at Darui then to Naruto, "Yeah, I think so too." She said with a smile.
With those last words said, the rest of the Journey to Kumogakure was silent. Thoughts running through the two Jōnin's minds pertaining to the boy that would be the newest addition to their village.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy and can give me your thoughts and opinions on the story! Also if anyone is willing to Beta the story it would be awesome if you could message me!