Hello, everyone. fred2266 here, with some saddening news.
I tried to avoid this as long as I possibly could, but I must come to terms with this fact... I recently got a job, which takes up a lot of my free time. On the flip-side, my co-author, Austin is currently attending college to become a History teacher. As you might imagine, such a career also eats away at a lot of your personal time. As a result of both of us now being booked up with our work/education/future plans, it is with a heavy heart that I write to you all today, and inform you that, effective immediately, we will be ceasing production of The Equestrian Wrestling Federation.
Austin and I had a plethora of ideas of our that we had hoped to share with you guys, but at this point, it's just not going to be possible. Sure, we could use up every bit of our free time to continue writing, but it would take likely 3 months or more just to finish one episode of Lunacy or Sublime. Even if you guys are willing to wait that long, you deserve more consistent upload times than that. Also, as fun as it was to make those episodes of The EWF, it was also work. A hobby, yes, but still work. Mostly fun, but sometimes, it could be tedious, frustrating, and most of all, tiring. I work enough as it is, and when I return home, I'd rather not rack my brain trying to book these shows. I'd much rather sit back and unwind for the remainder of the day. I know Austin feels the same, as his studies often leave him exhausted.
I know this is sudden, but surely you all saw this coming eventually. I know we both did. In the end, as sad as it is, life will always catch up with you. We are all slaves to society, whether we want to admit it or not. We are forced to conform to the norms of our culture. Unless your family is extremely wealthy, in which case work and education are not necessary. You can just live off of that money for the rest of your life. But Austin and I do not have such a luxury. We are merely a couple of 20 year old men, living in the middle of a Podunk little town in central Missouri. We have no choice but to make a successful life for ourselves. And to do so, we must make sacrifices. The EWF will just have to be one of those sacrifices.
It's extremely sad that it had to end like this, but we both knew that's how it was going to go down. It was only a matter of time. Still, we had three years of memories built up, so we'll choose to hold our heads high. The EWF was our brainchild; our baby, and we raised it into something extraordinary. A piece of storytelling that captivated such a small amount of people, but that minuscule following worked best for us. In the end, the biggest fans of the product, were us. That cannot be denied. You guys will never know all the countless hours of hard work and dedication we put into making this story for you.
...But now, our work here is done. It's time to close this last chapter of The EWF. I know we left you all with many a cliffhanger. We were on the road to When Worlds Collide, and so many of your questions are going to be left unanswered. But I think that's part of the beauty of an unfinished story. You can fill in the gaps with your own conclusions. And we welcome you to do so here. You all are free to conjure up your own canonized version of The EWF in your head. Whatever you want to happen, does indeed happen. So, happy fantasy booking, everyone.
On behalf of Austin, and myself, we would like to sincerely and humbly thank each and everyone of you for keeping up with our story for these past 3 and a half years. As I said, it was such a tiny sum of people that we touched with our writing, but even having just one fan would've been enough. That would've blown us away. But to think that we had a couple dozen more, is just inconceivable to us. To all of you, the loyal fans that wouldn't dream of missing a single edition... You have our deepest, most heartfelt thanks. We are eternally grateful for your enthusiastic readership over the years. I would say, "I'm sorry" again, but one of my favorite anime, Re:Zero taught me one valuable lesson in particular... It's more satisfying to hear a single, "Thank you" than a lot of, "Sorry'"s. With that in mind... Thank you. Thank you all so much.
The Lunacy Asylum and The Sublime Symposium are closing their doors for the final time. We hope you all got your money's worth with every last ticket you purchased. If not? Too bad, so sad. No refunds. Fuck you. Hahahaha bye.
~ Fin ~