It's been a few days since Chase said he needed time to think. Ever since the day after he left, Jack had been pacing about his room or pouting on his couch. It was difficult not to over think. He kept trying to decide whether he should visit and ask how everything was going. If things didn't go well, he'd just pretend like nothing happened. Which, in his mind, was exactly what was going to happen. He took a deep breath, started up his heli-pack and hoped for the worst. That way, maybe he wouldn't be disappointed.
"Alright," he sighed, fearing the inevitable. Suddenly he heard a few bumps and clanks from behind him. He turned around and saw Le Mime walking awkwardly around his lab, trying not to bump into anything. "Le Mime!? What the hell are you doing here!?" he said angrily. The clown just looked at him and smiled, a light blush spread across his face. "This isn't the time, clown!" Noticing his distress, Le Mime walked over and offered him a flower. Jack rolled his eyes and just looked at him. He looked sad, but tried to smile as he made a heart with his hand. "Whatever," he said and sat down on his couch. "It was probably a bad idea to go anyway." Le Mime stood in front of him, giving a confused face. "I was going to go to Chase Young's place. Stuff happened a few days ago. He said he needed time to think and hasn't been back since. I thought maybe that meant he wanted me to come to him, but logically it was probably a sign of rejection." The clown sat next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, trying his best to console him. "Yeah, it definitely was. Who would want someone like me?" he bit his lip, "I'm useless." the Frenchman frowned deeply and hugged the boy, rubbing his back as he cried softly into his chest. Of all the times he could have chosen to speak, now was the time. Obviously out of the question, but still it would have been nice.
A couple of hours passed. They were both laying on the couch, Jack on top of Le Mime, resting his head on his chest. He felt safe, and oddly enough rather happy. His eyes widened as his face grew red. He felt Le Mime kiss his head and nuzzle against his hair. He held himself up with his arms and looked up at the clown.
"O-Okay, I don't know what that means in France, but here it means-" he saw the mime nod and smile. "Y-You mean, you're," he pointed to himself, "into me?" The clown replied with a hug and a sweet peck at the corner of his mouth. Spicer started to become frazzled, his face was beat red and he didn't know what to do with himself. There were a million things going through his mind and he just didn't know how to organize them on such short notice. He never considered Le Mime to have feelings for him, so the thought of him being a lover never entered his mind. He didn't even like mimes, but for some reason this one was...
He was interrupted from his thoughts by Le Mime shaking him lightly and holding his hands in front of his face, smiling, showing Jack that it was okay if he didn't feel the same.
"N-No, it's not that. It's just I never expected," he paused, "you know?" The clown nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Jack smiled warmly and sighed, relieved. Suddenly the mime looked at his "watch" and got up quickly, once on his feet he waved goodbye. "Oh, well okay. Um, can you come back?" He gave a cheeky smile in response and hugged him before running off. Now it was time for Jack to think, but unlike Chase, maybe it wouldn't be a rejection.
Morning came and Jack was passed out on his couch. The previous night was spent staring out into space, contemplating about Chase and Le Mime. It was difficult to figure out everything in his suddenly jumbled love life. Everything was so unorganized in his mind, no matter how hard he tried otherwise. He sighed and stood up, walking over to his desk he took out his notebook and drew out a list.
Le Mime:
Romantic (1)
Sweet (1)
Returned feelings (3)
Cute (1)
Understanding (1)
A mime (Like, -5)
Probably just okay in bed (-1)
· Can't speak
· Sometimes annoying
Let's just chalk the last two up to being a mime.
Total: 1
Chase Young:
Smart (3)
Strong (2)
Was understanding when told about his feelings (1)
Hawt (Like, 10, but let's just be reasonable say 3)
The man of his dreams (5)
Perfect (5)
First one I've ever loved (2)
Probably really great in bed (4)
Wise (2)
Bossy (-1)
Moody (-1)
Demanding (-1)
My feelings probably aren't returned (-10)
Total: 14
Alright, so maybe he was biased. That didn't help at all. He concluded, though, that it didn't matter who won. Chase didn't want him, and he was, surprisingly, attracted to Le Mime. Even though he was nothing in comparison to Chase. No one was, and no one ever will be.
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door. He turned around and Le Mime popped his head in through the door frame and waved, smiling. He walked over to Jack and held his arms open, a worried but hopeful look on his face. Jack smiled warmly, stood up from his chair and fell into the man's embrace. The clown held him tightly, he could tell that he was happy. He was surprised, though, when he was kissed so quickly. He decided to accept it and kiss him back. Le Mime unzipped his black coat and left the boy in his sleeveless red shirt. He stroked his back tenderly and pressed him against his wall. The boy pulled away, red in the face as he saw the utterly naughty look that was given to him. This clown was a fast mover. He didn't want to deal with the ramifications of telling him to slow his horses, so he just went with it, he had went through too much emotional distress this week. He felt the older man's hand press against his groin.
"W-Wait," he said softly, but his protest was lost in a light moan when his shirt was pulled off, and kisses were left all over his neck down to his stomach. He started to feel excited when his jeans were unbuttoned, his toes curling in his boots when they were pulled off. He looked down and saw the clown look up at him with a teasing grin when he saw his clown boxers. "T-That was totally an accident! My mom gave it to me for my birthday and I wasn't paying attention when I put them- ahh! W-Wait, hahh, r-really I-I need to expl- oh my god," he threw his head back when he felt Le Mime's mouth encompass him completely. His mind went blank when his feet were lifted off the ground and his knees were placed over the man's shoulders. His tongue was working it's magic, and it was better than he could have ever imagined. He practically screamed when he felt a single finger slide into him. Instantly, the mime found his prostate. His head was bobbing up and down as his finger was pounding against just the right post. Jack's eyes rolled back, drool spilling out of his mouth as he saw white. He started sweating and clenching. He didn't know what to do with himself, he started spewing drabble that would have made Le Mime laugh silently if his mouth wasn't already occupied. The boy was starting to get dizzy as he got closer and closer. He voice became more high pitched as he whined for release. Complaining when the man slowed everything down.
Elsewhere, Chase had been thinking about Spicer for days. He felt guilty for leaving him with no answer for so long, but he assured himself the boy understood. The first day, he had already concluded that he was, indeed, attracted to Jack. The following days consisted of figuring out why. It was important, for if he didn't know why, he didn't know where he wanted the relationship to go. Would he just be a bed mate? Or would he be a mate? The words the Goth uttered to him with such love and passion were beautiful. Words he had never heard before, in the hundreds of years he'd been living. The scene never left his mind.
I've died inside every day, waiting for you.
I knew you would never love me back.
It feels like I've loved you for a thousand years.
I love you Chase, and I can't stop.
The hurt I feel inside, for a while I couldn't get enough of it.
What was the dragon to do? He wanted more than anything to return his feelings exactly as they were given to him. He didn't know why he was contemplating this so much. Part of him knew about the boy's positive traits. He was intelligent, open minded, caring. Though he couldn't stop thinking of his draw backs. He was clumsy, often times useless, childish, and at times a disgrace in the name of evil. That in itself should have given him the answer that they shouldn't be together, though he wasn't satisfied with that. He somehow knew that what Jack said was only a small part of what he felt. He was sure that the boy could be a loyal, respectable partner. Though he would take some work. No matter how many signs he'd given himself to say no, he couldn't help but want him. He assumed his feelings for the boy may have stayed dormant until his feelings were confessed, but he didn't care. He wanted to be with him, and hoped that one day he could love Jack in the same way he was unconditionally loved.