A/N: The first two chapters are filler chapters

Diclamer: I don not own Austin and Ally

I hope you like it.

Ally's P.O.V


"Ugh!" I moan as I turn off my alarm clock. Rubbing my eyes I turn to face the other side of the bed to find that Austin, my husband, is once again not laying beside me. I sigh at the thought of him not being there, again. As I look at the time I decide to write in my diary/songbook, but it's been my diary more than anything else cause Austin and I haven't written a song together in along time.

Dear Diary,
This morning when I woke up I found that Austin was, yet again, not here. I have lost track of how many times he has done this, and he is pissing me off I don't think he even came home last night. You would think since we have been married for over a year he would be able to at least tell me where he is. *sigh* Well I should start getting ready for work, maybe I can find out where Austin was last night. Well thanks for listening.

I sigh as I close my book, and I look at the time, which said 7:30 am, I jumped out of bed, trying to push all my thoughts about Austin in the back of my mind, and to focus on the day ahead. I go to the door leading to the bathroom from our room, and take a shower. When I come out of the shower I decided to to curl my hair since it's only 8:00am and I'm not suppose to be at the studio until 9:00am. When finish doing the last curl in my hair I go back in the bedroom and pick out a yellow sundress, a off white scarf, and to finish it off my favorite brown leather boots. Satisfied with the way I look, I go downstairs I to the kitchen to grab a bagel. I finish eating and go back upstairs to brush my teeth, and to do my makeup. When I'm done I go back downstairs grab my phone, purse, keys, and I go to the door leading to the garage. I see that the garage is one car short, and I sigh knowing that Austin has it. I go into one of the many cars we have and put the key in ignition and drive off. As I am driving I turn on the radio. The first thing I hear is Austin's voice singing Illusion, I switch the station, not wanting to be reminded of him, only to hear him singing on the other station. I must've been through what seemed like thirty radio stations with either Austin singing or Austin and I in a duet. I finally settled on a station that was playing 'The me that you don't see.' The song I wrote, and sang to the opening of the first show of Austin's first tour. So, I started to sing along...

I've been wishin' for something missin'
To fill this empty space
To show the person behind the curtains
So you'll understand who I really am?

I smile as I got to the chorus, remembering how much fun I had singing it for the first time on stage.

The me that you don't see
Is praying there a chance you still believe
Tell me that I'm worth it
I'll prove that I'll deserve it
And can be
The me that you don't see

To be standing tall
No shadows at all
That's all I really wanna do
To be a circle of one
Stepping into the sun

Sharing the light that's here with you
I'm here with you

The me that you don't see
Is praying there's a chance you still believe
Tell me that I'm worth it
I'll prove that I deserve it
And I can be
The me that you don't see. ?

As the song finishes I arrive at Starr Studios. I look at the time, which says 9:20am. After I park the car, I head into the main entrance of the building. I check in with the lady at the front desk, and then go towards studio 13, the studio Austin and I record in. As I walk down the hall I hoped to myself that Jimmy wouldn't realize that I was practically 25 minuets late. When I reached the door that had the 13 on it I I opened the and walked in to a singing Austin, and a pissed off looking Jimmy Starr. I set my stuff down in the chair and walked over to Jimmy to try to explain.

"Your late." Is all Jimmy said to me when I I walked over to him.

"I know and I'm-" before I could finish my sentence Jimmy put his hand up motioning for me to stop.

"Don't let it happen again, understood?" He says

"Yes." I say, he nods and that was the end of the. Phew.

Austin finishes singing, and he walks out of the recording booth and grabs he's water bottle obviously thirsty from singing.

"That was great Austin" Jimmy says to Austin when he takes the bottle form his mouth.

"Thanks Jimmy" Austin replies, still a little out of breath.

"Ok, now that you both are here" Jimmy starts glancing at me. " I wanted to tell you both that I need you two to write another song for you guys new album." He states. Austin glances at me, then looks back at Jimmy. Then says

"Ok, when do you need the song finished by?"'He asked

"Before Christmas" he says "And one more thing, I need it to be a duet between the both of you, and a Christmas song. I suggest you guys start working on it today or as soon as possible, because I want to hear a sample of the song by next week." Jimmy concludes.

"That sounds possible" Austin tells Jimmy, as he looks over to me as if asking me if I'm up for the job. I nod in response to Austin. "Ok, we'll write a song as a bonus track for our album" Austin tells him.

"Great" Jimmy responds "Ok, well I have a meeting to go to" he says look down at his watch "You guys can stay here and finish recording some of the songs for your album, or just start working on the new song, it's up to you" he tells us as he heads out the door.

"Ok" we respond in unison, as he leaves the studio.

When Jimmy left I thought this was a good time to bring up Austin's absents this morning (even though he's been gone before), since we are the only ones in the studio, and I probably won't see him again after we leave.

"So um, where were you this morning, and last night?" I ask, which I see catches him off guard a little.

"What?" He asks in response, with his back facing me as he fiddles with the sound board (A/N I think that's what it's called)

I roll my eyes and respond "You heard me Austin, where were you this morning and last nigh?" I say a little louder, because his back is still facing me.

"Does it matter?" He asks now turning to face me, but is leaning on the sound board with his arms crossed.

"What do you mean 'Does it matter' of course it matters Austin! I say louder then I intended.

Well can we not talk about it now, we still have to record our songs" he says motioning to the sound booth. I sigh in frustration, pick up my book, and rush past him into the booth not making eye contact, and start to sing.


We finally finished recording, and we are leaving Starr Studios. Austin and I decide to go to Melody's Diner to eat and work out some ideas for our Christmas duet.

"Do you um.., wanna take take separate cars there or just take one?" Austin asks remembering that we took separate cars as we approach the drive way.

"I'll take my car" I responded still pretty pissed off at Austin from earlier.

"Ok..., so I'll meet you there" he said as he started to walk the opposite direction towards his car. I nod and then walk over to my car and get in. Once I was in my car I check my phone to see if I got any texts. I only got one from Trish, my best friend since forever.

Do u wanna go 2 the mall later?

Sure, but I am going 2 Melody's diner with Austin now, so probably after that

K, text me when ur done and I'll meet u at the mall after.

K ;)

I put my phone down and started the car. The drive to the diner was about 10 minutes long, so I got there rather quickly. When I got there I saw that Austin's car was already here. As I walked through the main entrance of the diner I saw Austin in the booth we usually sit at talking to...some girl. She has long dirty blond hair, and obviously worked here at the diner because she was wearing the staff uniform.

"Hello Mrs. Moon" the a waitress of the diner greets me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hi" I greet back with a small smile.

"Would you like me to show you to your booth?" The lady ask with a huge smile.

"No thanks, I see Austin" I reply, pointing to where Austin is sitting, and still talking to the girl who I don't recognize.

"Ok" she says before walking off, when she's gone I slowly make my way over to the booth were Austin is sitting.

Austin's P.O.V

I'm sitting in our usual seat waiting for Ally to arrive when I see Cassidy walking in my direction with a straight face looking at me. I cringe when I see her sit in the seat across from me. When she sits down, she looks around a little.

"Are you here alone?" Cassidy asks noticing that no one eels was there with me. I shake my head.

"No, I'm suppose to be meeting Ally here, but she is running a little late" I say looking down at my watch.

"Oh, well we need to talk" Cassidy says getting straight to the point.

"What's there to talk about?" I ask trying not to make eye contact

"Austin, you know what we need to talk about" hip she says, I start hearing the frustration in her voice.

"What if- what if I do t want to talk about it. Whatever 'it' is." I say now looking her straight in the eyes.

"We have to Austin" Cassidy says, the tone in her voice softening.

"Why? Why can't we just forget last nigh ever happened!" My voice getting a little louder, luckily not many people were around us.

"But it did happen Austin, and I want to know why." She says "I'll start. Why- why did you kiss me last night, Austin?"

Before I had a chance to explain Ally came to where Cassidy and I were sitting.

A/N: Please review, or PM me