It was a scorching hot summer day in Georgia. That ain't nothin' new, but this babe in my arms is as new as da morning dew. She done had skin just like it, too. Like a little porcelin baby doll. She had black hair that was in sharp contrast to her skin and her gray eyes met in the middle. This babe's looks is like a beautiful puzzle of life. The good, the bad, and da little things in between.
It was too hot in this plantation house. Baby be feeling it, too because she be hollerin' up in her bassinet. It was a gorgeous day outside wit da sunshinin' and all dem flowers in bloom. My babe's got to see this glory.
"C'mon, my lamb," I say scoopin' her up in my arms. I been callin' her my lamb. A little white bundle of joy, just like a little lamb. Her teeny little hand grips my breast as we head down the stairs. She loves da fat on my body. Miss Ellen, her mama, ain't got no fat. Lamb knows who done wit her when she holds on to us. Child already too smart for her own good!
She stops her cryin' as soon as we out on da porch. She closes her eyes in comfort as the hot sunshine shines down on her pretty baby face. I smile at her and give her a kiss on her little cheek. I go out da porch a little yonder to show her what her shut eyes be missin'. Da weepin' willows, da flowers in da garden, and even though I don't take her dar, I point out the da pond over yonder. I don't dare bring her over dar, not wit dem gators all up in dar! Don't want nuttin' hurtin' my little lamb.
"I better bring you back inside, befo' yo mama be hollerin' wonderin' where you is," I tell her as we head up dem stairs. Miss Ellen don't really want da baby bein' exposed to da outdoors for very long, so I done make sure I don't overdue it. Just enough to give Lamb some fresh air.
She begins cryin' again as we head in da house. Her eys flutter open and da waterfalls come streamin' out. Everytime she be hollerin' and wailin'. She done got herself a temper to match her name: Scarlett! I honestly couldn't think of a better name for my Lamb. I don' already told Miss Ellen she was in fo' a ride wit dis one. She ask me why. And I tell her because it ain't goin' to be long befo' yo baby lamb becomes a lion! She just laugh and tell me I'm crazy. I ain't crazy tho; I'm just a color nurse. Color nurses know better then da white mamas and dat be my little secret.