The Vampire, Hacker, Werewolf and Vampire Slayer



Part Seven

The Hummer park around the corner as the team looked out to got ready.

"Puckerman keep them busy, Rae and I will try to get to the house..." Santana said.

"Mom the minute we're there run down anyone with fangs except Santana to get to the house and Puckerman make sure you're there. If you turn, I'll be sorry to kill you." Rachel told Puck and then the Radio turned on as the Car started.

"Sorry guys you need to be in there now." Brittany said through the radio station and then set it up so the Hummer came her way so she could be picked up. Brittany drove the car, they opened the door for Brittany and Shelby took back control of the Hummer. Santana called Elizabeth and told her to get ready to let them in...

In translation Elizabeth told Quinn to stay inside and went upstairs then jumped out of the window to a nest of vamps. Elizabeth wanted to get into a fight and witin seconds had backup as the Hummer came in with Santana and Rachel backing her up. Santana didn't need a weapon at the moment she was kicking ass all by herself including grabbing someone inside there chest. She picked it up and slammed him to the ground. The nest was growing and growing but what was different about these vampires they had red around the eyes but looked normal except for there fangs were longer

"Have you ever seen these type of Vamps before?" Rachel asked.

"Oh my God..."Shelby whispered to herself

Brittany looked at her computer and saw a big ball of light coming from the middle which was Elizabeth holding her stomach for some reason.

"Take cover!" Brittany yelled as Shelby and Brittany got out of the Hummer to get inside. Elizabeth stood and let out a cry that killed all the vampires that were attacking as Elizabeth faint right after that.

Russell manage to hide during the cry then went to attack Rachel. Quinn cried out for Rachel to watch it and she threw the stake with dead aim right into Mr. Fabray's chest. As Rachel stood over him, he laughed and said one word "Strigol" before disappearing into dust.

Shelby was scared to death about what she just saw.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Rachel asked.