Author's Note: So this is a little experiment of mine. I wanted to practice writing ficlets and shorter short stories so I challenged myself to set my iPod on shuffle and write a ficlet inspired by whatever song came on. The rules were: I couldn't skip a song unless it was instrumental-only or part of an audiobook and I was only allowed the amount of time it took to play the song twice to write my ficlet. I don't know how long this collection of ficlets will be, this is mostly a writing exercise for me, but I am having fun and if people like what I'm doing here I'll start taking song requests.


Fences by: Paramore

"Just smile and nod, boys," Chuck hissed out of the corner of his mouth.

Dean nodded in his 'yeah, I'm going to completely ignore your advice on this topic for the forseeable future' sort of way.

"Why are we smiling? Is there something amusing going on?" Castiel was wide-eyed and confused.

"No, Cas. Nothing like that," Sam struggled to explain what was about to happen.

"Just remember, they're completely harmless…" Chuck hedged.

"And will not hesitate to tear you to shreds," Dean finished his sentence for him.

"I do not want to be reduced to shreds again. It was most unpleasant last time," Cas remarked with his awkward little head tilt, "Are these particularly horrible monsters?"

"Not really…"

"Just fans" Dean finished Sam's half-begun sentence, dragging out the last word and flavoring it with an extra dose of dread as he opened the door to the crowded hotel ballroom.

Castiel eyed the banner hanging above the refreshments table. It read welcome to the annual Supernatural convention! He blinked, watching as a few hundred pairs of eyes turned to stare at them.


"Yeah Cas?"

"I feel threatened already."

"Welcome to my life," Chuck sighed, "Welcome to my scary, scary, scary life."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Please review!