Jodie yawned as she got up. It was early in the morning, everyone was sleeping. She decided to play with Aiden for a bit, and looked around for anything she could use.

The box containing the birthday cake was empty; Dudley was a very heavy eater, earning him his pig tail from Hagrid. There was also moth eaten couch Hagrid was sleeping on, and Harry's glasses, which had a large amount of tape holding them together.

Jodie walked over, picked up the glasses. She could feel the memory inside the glasses. How much memory can Harry have with broken glasses?

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Aiden's POV

I directed the blue smoke toward Jodie's face, and we watched the replay of Harry's memories.

Harry was running, but the image flashes toward Dudley and a couple of other boys chasing him. Dudley punched Harry in the nose, snapping his glasses in half, and everyone around Harry laughs.

Harry nose bleeds as well, and he cheeks were becoming a deep pink. Screaming occurs once the starts raining hard, most likely due to Harry's underage magic.

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Jodie's View

She gasped as she dropped his glasses back on the table. The story reminded her of the snowball fight she went to as a kid. The boy jumped on her, but Aiden got him off by choking him.

It was the day Aiden told her she was adopted.

Jodie never actually got to tell her mother about this knowledge.

Jodie held Hagrid grumbling, and she decided to wake him up. "Hagrid, it's morning."

He grumbled a bit, and Jodie glanced over at Harry. He was smiling in his sleep, and Jodie easily guessed his happiness in leaving. Or his cousin's new pigtail, either way works.

Once Hagrid got up, they left promptly.

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"So where are we going to buy this?" Jodie asked, holding up the list.

"Why, follow me!"

They crossed the corner and Jodie spotted a dirty looking pub with odd looking men and women, which most of the people in the street ignored. Hagrid, however, walked right in. "Well, this is the Leaky Cauldron. Popular place for a drink."

Popular place was somehow defined as a grungy looking bar where a giant man who was expelled from Hoqwarts is well-known. "Ah, Hagrid, the usual?"

"Sorry, can't, Hogwarts business." Hagrid shrugged.

"Harry Potter!" the man gasped, and glanced to his right. "Is this a close friend of yours?"

"Oh no, we just met," Jodie blushed into a furious red, and she heard Aiden growl.

"Ah, yes, yes," the man smiled in apology, but Jodie caught sight of his wink towards Harry.

As they passed through the pub, everyone gave glances at Harry, or more of his scar. A young, pale man in a turban walked up.

"Professor Quirrell! Harry, Jodie, this will be your next Defense Against Dark Arts teacher," Hagrid smiled.

"P-P-P-Potter! V-very n-nice to m-meet you!" Professor Quirrell stuttered, and glanced at Jodie. "J-Jodie, isn't it? V-very p-pretty catch Harry."

"Why does everyone think we're an item?" Jodie asked.

"You're the first girl every wizard and witch saw me with and you're also pretty?" Harry guessed, and Jodie hit him.

"It's a rhetorical question. And thanks," Jodie's cheeks became slightly pink and Hagrid lead them out of the pub.

"Quirrell was a brilliant wizard, until a run-in with some vampires."

He gripped his umbrella and tapped the wall behind the pub. It shook and quivered until the bricks moved apart and a gateway.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Hagrid said. Jodie could sense the giant amount of magic, and so could Aiden. Jodie nearly didn't notice the strain of Aiden going too far in amazement.

"Excited, aren't you?" Jodie joked quietly to her entity. After dropping by the bank (impossible to rob? Jodie forced Aiden to lock the door again to a vault before leaving), they stopped by store after store, people spotting Harry and talking. Finally, Ollivanders was soon their last stop. "Good afternoon. You must be Harry Potter, and are you Norah's?"

"Norah? Who's Norah?" Jodie asked.

"Norah Gray, very clever witch, one of the best with wandless magic. She still had a wand, cherry, Phoenix feather, 10 3/4", unbending."

He smiled at the pair, and handed Harry a box. "Go on, give it a wave." Jodie smirked as he waved the wands. Harry tested out some wands, and Jodie stared at the various wands.

"Interesting, indeed. Jodie?" Ollivander called, and she turned. "Here try this: beech, unicorn hair, 10" unbending."

Jodie held it in her hand but the feeling of the wand, the kind of power, it didn't feel right. Aiden suddenly threw the wand out of her hand, accidently pushing some his energy through it, causing a burst of angry fire to burn a shelf. Jodie was about to retort to Aiden before Ollivander shook his head. "Furious reaction. Hot-tempered aren't you?"

He shuffled through the other shelves, and pulled out another box. "Here, try this. English Oak, Phoenix feather, 8", a bit supple."

Jodie grasped the wand, only for Aiden to be angry at it. "Picky," Ollivander said. "Never mind that, we'll find you a wand. Try this, Red Oak, dragon heartstring, 13" quite flexible."

Jodie took the wand and waved it, a warm feeling appeared, and the icy blue tether suddenly seemed warmer to Aiden and Jodie. She shot out blue and purple sparks. "Lovely choice," Ollivander said.

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The train station was packed as Hagrid, Jodie, Aiden, and Harry headed through the crowd. "K', here's yer tickets, see yeh at Hogwarts."

Jodie nodded, and watched Hagrid disappear into the crowd. "Harry, are you upset or something?"

"Aren't the least bit worried about magic? We don't know anything about it, and they'll be people who do, and I'm famous for something I don't even remember-"

"Harry, if you weren't good enough, if you weren't someone worth remembering, why would your parents die for you?" Jodie beamed at him. "You're someone worth knowing."

Harry nodded his head, so Jodie looked back at her ticket. "Now, where's Platform 9 ¾?"

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Listen, I know school at Hogwarts is a month early, but just deal with it. It's my story, so don't complain!