Time stood still. Frigga's shriek stopping the battle instantly. Loki sent two bolts of burning green Magick towards the two elves that had struck the all father whilst Thor sent two strikes of lightning. The combined power hit the elves sending them flying backwards. By the time they hit the floor they were dead. Luna tried to help the falling King; she lay him down on his back and pressed her hands onto the wound as her mother had taught her to stop the blood. But it was coming to thick and fast. Frigga clumsily slid off of her horses back and ran to her husband, before she could get there Fandral and Volstagg had held her back, they both knew that their Queen should not see him like this. If her were to die Frigga should not see his death, but remember what he was before. Thor and Loki began to move towards Odin;

"Go home warriors of Alfheim!" Loki shouted "Enough damage has been done today." His red eyes searching out King Gudröd "All this over a petty insult? It is said that Jotunheim is the realm of monsters yet it is Alfheim who has slain the King of another realm!" The elves began to step backwards, the reality of what they had done. "A warrior does not need to kill to prove he has won."

"Says you," Gudröd spat "You tried to destroy your own realm"

"We all make mistakes. Some have echoes that last forever." Loki said quietly. At that Loki summoned his Magick. It swirled around him. His green Magick mixing with his blue. It twisted and turned as it surrounded him.

"This is your last chance Gudröd Leave Asgard now or I will not hesitate to destroy every last one of you." Loki growled taking a step further. The elf seemed to realise how serious Loki was. His panicked shout of retreat would have been funny if it weren't for the situation. Loki ordered his men to follow and make sure that the elves would leave. Unsure of what to do the Asgardians also followed his orders as well much to Loki's surprise.

"Brother..." Thor called out to Loki. Loki turned to face him.

"I'm not you're..." He stopped himself from finishing the sentence when he saw Thor gazing up at him from where he knelt at his father's side. Meeting Thor's blue watery eyes Loki knelt beside the man he had thought his father for one thousand years.

"Loki..." Stuttered the old man, Blood dripping from his chin as his internal organs began to fail. "I failed you; I took you from a loving family and brought you to this." He tried to lift his hand to gesture to his surroundings. Loki took the all fathers hand in his own as tears began to prick in his eyes. "And then I had the nerve to lie to you, tell you that your kind were monsters. I was wrong Loki, all you have ever done is protect those you loved and I pushed you away." The old man lifted his hand up to cup Loki's cheek. This was when the idea struck him; Loki had always been good at Magick, at healing himself after a battle. He could try it now. Couldn't he? As much as Loki hated Odin for lying to him he didn't want him to die. Odin was still the closest thing he had to a father.

Loki lent forwards over the all father as he tried to undo the fallen king's breast plate. Odin winced at the movement causing Sif to lunge forwards only being held back by Hogun.

"Get away from our King you Jotun scum!" She snarled

"You fool, I am trying to help him" Loki growled at the stubborn warrior.

"Why would you try and help the King of Asgard, you are of Jotunheim." She spat at him as he removed the armour.

"Loyalty is what we do, not where we come from." Loki said as he summoned his Magick. He felt power course through his body, sending energy all around him. Loki focussed the large amount of power onto his hands. He lent forwards to press his hands against the all fathers wound. As he pressed down heat radiated from his body as the old man gasped.

As his Magick faded Loki felt drained. He had used most of his energy in an attempt to heal Odin. He fell backwards slightly but he was held up by someone. Luna. She helped him to his feet whilst everyone else ran to Odin, now he was fully healed Frigga was crying in his arms, clutching Thor's hand with enough force to break a Midgardians neck.

"You did it!" Luna smiled as he bent down to kiss her lightly on the lips. He pulled her into a hug. Odin pulled away from his family for one moment and went to Loki.

"Thank you Loki." He sighed taking Loki's hand in his once more. "I know that you have found a new home now. Where you are surrounded with people who love and worship you. Believe me when I say this, you deserve that more than anyone on this battle field. Today you could have let me die but you chose to save my life even after everything that has happened in this previous year. I am ever in your debt."

"Is this were we hug and all our problems are solved because I don't really do that?" Loki asked smirking. Luna hit him playfully in the chest.

"Trust you to ruin a perfectly good moment." She laughed

"Yeah that's my thing." Býleistr shouted running up to them.

After a long conversation the Jotun army was rounded up and sent home. Loki and his family were invited to say behind to enjoy the celebratory feast but they politely declined, much to Býleistr's sadness.

Loki's family returned to Jotunheim with their warriors to have a celebration of their own. They had the Casket of Ancient Winters back in their possession. The very heart of Jotunheim in the Kingdom which she belonged. Feasts where held and dances arranged. The royal ball was a fantastic event. Everyone attending wore light blue or white to represent the realm of ice they lived on. The king and two princes wearing crowns on their heads enjoying the company of their friends.

It was this night that Loki had proposed to Luna, getting down on one knee in the centre of the room, in front of the people he cherished most. Luna had cried when she was presented with the ring. A simple white gold band with a rare blue diamond in the centre, the very stone that Jotuns treasured.

Several months passed and the wedding was arranged and happening. The Asgardian royal family had been offered to attend, Queen Frigga wouldn't miss her baby's wedding for anything. The guests were all stood outside, surrounding the lake that was by the palace. Loki stood at the end of a long thin blue carpet that separated the chairs which everyone was sat in. He was wearing what looked like his Asgardian armour but where the green once was there was now blue and his armour was now made from white gold. It was his best uniform, he didn't really like the blue but it was necessary as it was the colour of his realm. Helblindi and Býleistr stood by his side. As Helblindi was the next highest ranking Jotun attending he would officiate. As violins started to play everyone got up and turn around to see Luna walking down the aisle, her dress was such a pale blue it looked white. She was holding white flowers in her hands. Castiel and Cassidai both walked behind her wearing dresses that looked similar to Luna's but they were shorter. They also carried smaller bunches of the white flowers. The wedding began beautifully, went it got to the most important part Loki had to hide his nervousness. He had never thought he would find anyone to love him, yet here she was. Standing before him ready to confess her love and become his life mate.

"Do you King Loki take Lady Luna to be your life partner and to cherish her forever?" Helblindi asked his brother.

"I do" He replied

"Do you Lady Luna take King Loki to be your life partner and to cherish him forever?" He repeated

"I do."

"Then by all of my power, I pronounce you King and Queen of Jotunheim." Helblindi shouted. Everyone cheered.

Over time the cracks between Jotunheim and Asgard began to fade and Jotunheim became strong again. Once more was it a snow filled land full of life. The only problem was that in the distant realm of Muspelheim warriors began to get angry. Both Jotunheim and Muspelheim had precious sources of power taken from them. Why had Asgard given one back and not the other? Someone was going to have to pay for this injustice. But who? If you take over the weakest realm first you shall gain extra man power with ease. But which of the nine was the weakest? Not Asgard. And defiantly not Jotunheim, not now they had the casket back. Svartelheim was weak, but that was because the realm was entirely empty. They knew which realm they had to attack.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading this story. I had fun writing it. I do have an idea for a sequel but tell me what you think in the reviews. Tell me whether you want me to write a sequel. Currently I am working on my Criminal Minds story "The Wolf Within" and I am starting a new Loki fic aswell. So tell me what you think :D