Loki Laufeyson hit the frozen ground with a thud, if he were a mortal he would have surely died. Loki dare not rise as he was in unfamiliar territory, Jotunheim. The realm of the Frost Giants, the realm he had just tried to destroy. Fate had it that he would land here. He should have died. He had fallen from the Bifrost, through the wormhole that it created. This was impossible. Slowly sitting up Loki observed his surroundings; frozen mountains, frost covered trees, ice coated lakes and snow falling to the ground- it was beautiful and peaceful, too peaceful. Loki stood up, brushing the frost from his leather tunic.

"SHOW YOURSELVES!" Loki shouted, as he did so a group of seven frost giants appeared.

"Who are you?" Their leader asked

"I am Loki Odins..." no Loki he is not your father he mentally corrected himself"Loki Laufeyson" a collective gasp spread throughout the group

"How our King only had one other child before Helbindi and he was killed in the Great War, plus you look nothing like a Jotun, You dare question our intelligence." Another said

"Forgive me the All-Father King Odin took me from your realm when I was a child, he told me I was left to die in the temple, he cast a spell to hide my true form and he raised me as his own." Loki replied

"Odin lies!" their leader Helbindi shouted "If you are who you say, you were not abandoned, you were stolen. Our father was furious, but he thought Odin had killed you."

"But he has killed our King!" another spat

"And I am sorry for that, I tried to prove myself to Odin, it is for that reason I am banished here"

"I am unsure of if what you say is true, Zimbi, Tell me what is." He gestured to a Jotun woman "Zimbi can see everything she chooses, by touching you she will see."

"We have a man with similar powers in Asgard, his name is Heimdall"

"Yes I know of Heimdall, he is a wise man," Said Zimbi "By the way if you are not the man you claim to be then this will hurt." She said grasping his wrist and pulling him into darkness.