Gokudera slammed the door in his face when he saw who was behind it. Luckily, Yusuke had amazing reflexes and caught the door before it closed. Unfortunately, he also accidentally grabbed the door a little too hard in his zealousness and the side of the door caved around Yusuke's hand.

There was silence for a moment, the kind of perfect silence that was usually best broken by a gunshot or an explosion. Gokudera didn't look like he was too picky about which one at the moment, so long as he could kill Yusuke dead.

"You did not," he said, so softly it was more scary than if he had just exploded on Yusuke, "just damage the door to the house that Juudaime so kindly invested in for us."

At the venom in Gokudera's voice, Yusuke let out a slow, sheepish laugh, but Gokudera didn't look amused in the very least. It made Yusuke just a bit reluctant to remove his hand, just so he could delay the inevitable of Gokudera witnessing the full damage he had dealt to the door of his house.

"I'm really sorry about about the door, Gokudera. I'll pay for that, if you would just let me in," Yusuke said. Gokudera's vein throbbed and he looked like he was about to say something along the line of, 'You're lucky I have yet to kill you,' so Yusuke quickly went on offense before Gokudera could. "Speaking of which, what's with that reaction? After I let you stay in my apartment when you were on the verge of becoming homeless? And you said I could visit you!"

Yusuke added a flamboyant gesture of hurt just so he could casually let go of the door, because the splinters were poking into his hand, damn it, and was glad that his inflated outrage was just enough to spur Gokudera's on that he forgot about the door for a moment.

"The fu - freak!" Gokudera exclaimed, and Yusuke would have laughed at Gokudera's self-censoring if only he didn't continue to flame, spot on, "I would have let you in if you didn't arrive on my doorstep unannounced looking like you have some kind of ulterior motive!"

Yusuke held back the abrupt cough at his throat and instead, made his brows furrow. Man, Gokudera's too perceptive. That's good for Tsuna and the Vongola Family, but not-so good for me right now.

"Ulterior motive? Me?" Yusuke said and when Gokudera remained unconvinced by his innocent look, Yusuke tried, "I just wanted to visit my former roommate, who extended an invitation for me to visit ."

"That was not an open invitation," Gokudera argued and he would have said more, but then there was an excited cry of "Yusuke!" and then someone shot through the empty space Gokudera and Yusuke jumped away from.

Yusuke let out a surprised laugh, recognizing who it was from the voice and the glimpse that he caught. "Hey, I-Pin," Yusuke greeted and I-Pin bounced back up the steps to the house from where she landed.

She beamed at him and repeated, "Yusuke!"

Gokudera looked between them. "What? When did you two even meet?"

Yusuke, noticing a lifeline when presented to him, ignored Gokudera and crouched beside I-Pin. "Hey, I-Pin. Long time no see. How do you like your new home?"

I-Pin beamed again and grabbed Yusuke by the hand. "Me show Yusuke," she said and dragged him into the house past a spluttering Gokudera.

"Hey, what the freak?! Don't invite random strangers in the house, I-Pin!" Gokudera shouted after them.

"Yusuke no stranger," I-Pin tossed back in her broken Japanese, sounding so certain of her statement that it gave Yusuke a pause.

Behind them, Yusuke could hear Gokudera sigh as he reached for the door.

Mission accomplish, Yusuke thought, allowing himself a grin as he walked into the house. The piercing gaze that he sensed from next door ever since he arrived at Gokudera's doorstep followed him all the way until the door closed.


Yusuke somehow ended up in the kitchen cooking ramen with Gokudera smirking smugly in the background, and the kids - and there were three kids in the total. Three freaking kids. Yusuke wondered how Gokudera and his sister didn't go insane already when Yusuke and Keiko had trouble with just two, and then blanked out at the turn his thought took - watching on with swinging legs at the kitchen island.

Well, I suppose fair is fair, Yusuke thought as he separated the cooked ramen in different bowls, scooped soup over them and began to put the toppings on. I did ruin their semi-new door, so the least I can do is cook for them, especially since I came so timely at lunch hour.

Or at least that was what Gokudera argued as he bullied Yusuke into cooking. Yusuke caved, because he secretly thought Gokudera just missed Yusuke's ramen after he moved out.

The doorbell rang just as they were about to dig in.

Just in time, Yusuke thought. Gokudera and Lambo didn't even seem to notice the doorbell as they busied themselves with their bowls, and Fuuta got up to get the door just before I-Pin could leave her seat.

"Tsuna-nii!" Yusuke heard Fuuta exclaim at the doorway, and Gokudera jerked up. "Reborn!" Fuuta continued and then the hair on Yusuke's arm raised.

Play it cool, Yusuke reminded himself, and then Tsuna walked in with Reborn on his shoulder. Tsuna's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Yusuke in the house, but Reborn's eyes held nothing but sharp alertness.

It had been weeks since Yusuke had seen Reborn, much less than have his hyper focus directed at him, and Yusuke found a smile spreading across his lips without his bidding as he raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey," he said as Gokudera rushed over to greet Tsuna and Reborn's eyes remained fixed on Yusuke. "You came just in time for lunch. Ramen?"

Reborn looked at him for another long moment, then his eyes dart back to the kitchen where there was extra soup in the pot, uncooked ramen ready to be made, and various of prepared topping still on the counter ready to be served. He hopped off Tsuna's shoulder - kicking off with unnecessary strength, Yusuke thought. An average person would have been kicked back, but Tsuna's body just moved with the recoil- and landed on the kitchen counter in front of Yusuke.

"You knew I was coming," Reborn said. Accused really, and Yusuke bit the inside of his mouth to stop his smile from widening. It had been a while since they'd done this routine.

"And you knew I knew," Yusuke replied steadily, meeting Reborn's eyes, because of course Reborn knew, "and you still came anyway."

Before Reborn could reply, a voice cut through, "Seconds!"

A scowl crossed Reborn's face, and Yusuke held back the bubble of laughter in the pits of his stomach. Reborn would appreciate that even less than his wide grin, Yusuke knew, though he could hardly help it. Deadly or not, the contrast of the severe expression on Reborn's cherubic face was weirdly adorable.

"Lambo will eat it all if you don't say yes," Yusuke cajoled, just as Lambo's eyes widen when he finally noticed who was there.

"Ahh, Reborn!" Lambo exclaimed, before rummaging in his hair. Yusuke's eyebrow raised as he pulled out a grenade and tossed it in their direction. "Die!"

I-Pin's admonishment was muffled as the grenade exploded in the middle of the kitchen. Reborn and Yusuke had both stepped just out of the range of the blast.

"Hahahahaha!" Lambo laughed like a crazy kid given free reign in the middle of a candy store, except worse because this was a kid given free reign with deadly weapons that made a nice 'BOOM!', and tossed more grenade in their direction.

"Lambo!" I-Pin and Gokudera shouted, and then both of them kicked the grenades up towards the empty space between the first and second floor. Fuuta giggled at the kitchen island at the spectacle, while Tsuna watched with mounting horror.

Lambo then pulled a bazooka out of his hair, only to immediately pale and quickly tried to stuff it back. A glint appeared in Reborn's eyes and then next thing Yusuke knew, Reborn kicked Lambo and Lambo was flying towards Yusuke, bazooka and all.

The kitchen was behind Yusuke. It could get dangerous really quickly.

Yusuke held out a hand to catch Lambo and the bazooka instead of moving out of the way, but then a shot rang out.

The last thing Yusuke comprehended was, Reborn shot the bazooka with a rubber bullet, so it accelerated towards me.

And then, pink.


Yusuke's first thought was how uncharacteristic of him that he stumbled as he landed. His second thought was, wait, landed?

"Kufufufu," a voice a lot closer than Yusuke was aware of sounded, and then Yusuke's third thought ended up being, Why the fuck is he here?

Yusuke raised his head to face Mukuro Rokudo.

"Hello, Yusuke," Mukuro greeted, and then it finally occurred Yusuke to be disoriented when he glanced around and realized he was in Demon World. "Surprise."

Mukuro spread his arms out beside him like a magician unveiling a particularly neat party trick. The smirk on his face was annoying, especially given how it actually felt unnerving as Yusuke's world tipped beneath him.

He was at Gokudera's house a few seconds ago, wasn't he?

"Whoah," Mukuro said, stepping back as Yusuke's spirit energy, for the first time in centuries , flared in distress. "I suppose I should have heeded your warning not to play with your younger self too much." Then his smirk widened and he added, "Whoops" as Yusuke registered that Mukuro said ' younger self '.

Yusuke grabbed Mukuro by the neck, and his illusion dissolved around his hand.

Calm down, Yusuke told himself. You woulda noticed that if you -

"Definitely should have," Mukuro said behind him. Yusuke whirled around, and his infuriating smile only grew. "But it wouldn't be nearly as fun, would it, Yusuke?"

Mukuro dodged the Spirit Gun Yusuke shot at him. "Careful," he called. "That would have done a lot of damage if it hit, and then you wouldn't be able to get the message your older self so kindly asked me to give to you."

Older self. Younger self. Yusuke was at Gokudera's house before. The last thing he remembered was….

Reborn and a bazooka.

Yusuke inhaled deeply as it finally clicked. Lambo was a Bovino. And all members of Bovino had the Ten Year Bazooka. Right, he thought, right.

"What are you doing here in the Demon World, Mukuro?" Yusuke said, forcing calm into his voice as he tried to regain stability. "Last I heard, you were in Vindicare."

"Oh, you would have to ask yourself that, Yusuke," Mukuro said. "Sure makes you want to rethink, don't it, though that ended up all the more beneficial to me."

Yusuke's brows furrowed at his words. "I did not release you."

"You didn't," Mukuro agreed, and Yusuke's fist curled. He really wanted to punch the smirk off Mukuro's face, especially as he said, "But you will."

"Alright, fun and games are over," Yusuke said. He had no more patience to deal with this crypticness, especially after everything that had transpired had shaken him up more than he was willing to admit. The air around Yusuke thickened as his Spirit Energy level rose, and his eyes narrowed. "Tell me now or I'll make you."

"Ooh, scary," Mukuro laughed. "Are you sure you want to do this, Yusuke? Don't you want to find out what your older self said?"

"I'll find out soon enough," Yusuke said, as energy gathered at the tip of his finger. "As soon as I beat the shit outta you. Spirit Gun!"

A beam of energy shot out from his finger, quick as lightning, and dust rose as it shot through the distance between them and made contact.

Yusuke cracked his neck to the side and stretched his arm. "Ready to talk yet?" he asked as the dust slowly settle, only for his eyes to widened.

"Better question is," Mukuro's voice came, sounding absolutely unharmed as Puu's wings drop from where it shielded him, "are you ready to listen yet. Time is ticking, Yusuke. "

Mukuro's menacing effect was ruined as Puu stamped happily over to Yusuke the next moment, nearly running Mukuro over.

Yusuke raised a hand to Puu's beak, ignoring Mukuro's tsked , and Puu trilled in the back of his throat. It was him. There was no way Yusuke wouldn't have recognized what was essentially part of his soul and there was no way to fool a part of his soul either, meaning…

"I went senile in my old age, didn't I, Puu?" Yusuke asked, unable to believe the conclusion he came to. "I trust him , Mukuro Rokudo, who tried to kill Tsuna and his friends, Tsuyoshi's kid, and who knows whatever the hell he actually did in his past."

"Oh, but you did, Yusuke," Mukuro said, though Yusuke thought it wasn't quite his imagination this time that Mukuro didn't sound nearly as cheerful. "Just like how you did with Hiei and Kurama of your world."

Of your world, Mukuro said. Jeez, just how much did Yusuke end up sharing with Mukuro ten years in the future? But he must have trusted him, if Yusuke of the future even told him about the other world and his people.

"Okay, okay," Yusuke said, dodging Puu's pecks for no doubt being a bully to his friend. "Alright, Puu, geez." Yusuke looked up to see Mukuro trying to hide his smile behind a smirk. "Alright, I believe you. So what's the message?"

Mukuro arched an eyebrow at him. "Oh, so now you believe me. Are you sure, Yusuke ? How would you know I'm not lying?"

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Weren't you the one who said time is ticking? But yeah. Who else can I trust, if I can't even trust my future self and a part of my soul?" Yusuke reached up to pet Puu, and he leaned into it. "And if they decided to trust you, then I have no reason to not."

Mukuro looked at him for a moment, before smiling. It was not a nice smile. "Fools die sooner, Yusuke."

"Then tell me," Yusuke said, and as he said the words, he swore Mukuro mouthed alongside him, "am I being a fool right now?"

Mukuro closed his eyes and let out a breath. Yusuke thought the sharp edges of his smile softened. "Time will tell, Yusuke. And now, seeing as you only have a few seconds left, I will tell you this. Your future self wants me to tell you" - he paused for a breath and Yusuke scowled as he unwittingly leaned in - "'go easy on Reborn', though feel free to disregard that." He looked at Yusuke. "You already have a disgusting habit of going easy on everyone."

Yusuke's brows furrowed. "Go easy… wait, what?"

Pink exploded in Yusuke's vision once more.


Reborn did not plan to bring future Urameshi to the present, yet when presented with the opportunity, how could Reborn resist?

I won't be caught off guard this time, Reborn thought, and couldn't help but remember future Urameshi pressing his lips to Reborn's cheek the last time he saw him.

Behind him, Reborn could hear Gokudera hiss, " Lambo! " because he knew they had been trying to limit Lambo's use of the Ten Year Bazooka ever since the scare they had when future Lambo went to the present drenched in blood and injuries. Beside Gokudera, I-Pin and Fuuta checked Lambo over for injuries, Lambo muttered like a mantra, "Got. To. Stay. Calm" to himself, and Tsuna grabbed the fallen Ten Year Bazooka and stuffed back into Lambo's afro before Gokudera could really explode.

Tsuna really needs a better way of dealing with an issue besides stuffing it back into the closest, Reborn thought, and then he was directing all his attention to the dissipating pink smoke as Urameshi Yusuke from ten years later rose from behind, not that he looked any different, of course.

"What the hell…?" Gokudera said when he finally noticed, stalled from the lecture he was about to give Lambo. "Stupid cow, did you miss?"

"But there was pink smoke," Fuuta observed, head tilted to the side.

"Yusuke?" I-Pin asked, as Tsuna said, equally puzzled, "Yusuke-san?"

"Yo," Urameshi said, and then it was clear that it was not the Urameshi that they know from the different set of clothes that he wore. He also carried a strange scent unlike anything Reborn had ever smelled. It lingered around him like he was drenched in it, a strange heavy earthy smell mingled with lightning. He looked at the people surrounding him, at the house he was in, at Reborn and then finally said with a half-laugh, "I think my past self is very confused at the moment."

"I think you owe us an explanation," Gokudera said. "The Ten Year Bazooka hit you." Urameshi nodded. Gokudera's eyebrow twitched in face of Urameshi's calm. "So why the fuck do you look the f-freaking same?!" he censored himself too late.

Tsuna and Gokudera winced as Lambo laughed, repeating, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," while I-Pin frowned at Lambo and Fuuta giggled.

Reborn watched a smile crossed Urameshi's face at their antics.

"Oh, shut up, stupid cow, " Gokudera growled. "You're not saying that shit ever again."

He marched over and Lambo shrieked as Gokudera brought him into a headlock and sealed his mouth shut with a hand. In a low voice, Gokudera hissed at him, "Not around Juudaime, you hear me?" Gokudera maneuvered both of their backs to face Tsuna and pressed two grape candies into Lambo's hand.

Gokudera's hand pulled away, and it didn't take any training at all to decipher from Lambo's bratty expression that he wanted more bribery. Gokudera promptly stuffed two more candy right into Lambo's mouth, effectively muffling his compliant.

Urameshi laughed. "I forgot how hilarious they are when they're younger," Urameshi said, his lips curled fondly at the edges, so casually and evidently at ease that it took Reborn's breath away for a second.

If Reborn had any doubt that he had come to the incorrect conclusion from his previous encounter with the future Urameshi, it was all erased in this one moment. Urameshi wasn't at all nervous or tense around Reborn even from when they first met, but the level of comfort Urameshi displayed around him now spoke of a history between them, and Reborn had not been…

Reborn had not been encouraging Urameshi's familiarity with him, but Reborn didn't remember the last time he denied it prior to the Kyokyo incident either, before Reborn grew angry at Urameshi for breaking his word with him.

The thought unsettled Reborn more than he was willing to admit, even to himself. How had Reborn not notice how he reacted to Urameshi, how permissive he had been. While Reborn thought he only allowed Urameshi to take inches, he was slowly taking miles.

And Reborn let him, unnoticed until now.

"Uh-oh," Urameshi said and Reborn's eyes automatically scanned through the house, at Tsuna's Family, before finally landing on Urameshi.

Reborn knew better than to display an easy a tell as gritting his teeth, but it frustrated him that his reaction was not to immediately do a threat check of Urameshi, even though Urameshi was easily the biggest threat to him in the house. The fact that he checked outside the house for external threats, then at Tsuna's Family in case of internal dispute, and then at Urameshi spoke of trust that Reborn was not willing to give to a man that he didn't know anything of, even if Reborn had subconsciously given it already.

"You have that look on your face," Urameshi murmured, voice low enough that only Reborn could hear. Lambo had tackled Gokudera, and I-Pin and Tsuna were trying to break it up, while Fuuta gleefully watched after tossing a curious sideways glance at Reborn. Reborn hated Urameshi's consideration for him, hated how Urameshi apparently knew Reborn well enough to read 'that look' on Reborn's face, hated how at disadvantage he felt when Urameshi seemed to know everything about Reborn and Reborn knew nothing substantial about him at all.

Urameshi Yusuke. Reborn didn't even know if that was his real name or if it was a fake, had nothing to go by at all but Urameshi's own words that what he said was the truth.

"It won't do a damn thing if I tell you not to do anything too reckless, would it?" Urameshi asked, and Reborn had to unclench his jaw, visible tell or not, because he just couldn't help it. For the first time in years, Reborn was losing control and he was entirely helpless to stop it.

"Hey," Urameshi said softly, "hey, hey, hey. Reborn, look at me. Psst, psst, Leon, a little help here?" Leon only paused for a second before obligingly scurried to Urameshi, and then Urameshi was shoving his hand in Reborn's face. Reborn blinked. Leon had transformed himself into a bouquet of flower.

"You only gave back what is mine, Urameshi," Reborn said, as he took the Leon-flower from Urameshi, unimpressed, even though Reborn didn't know how Urameshi knew -except of course he knew, it must have worked on him ten years ago in future Urameshi's past- Reborn somehow found himself relaxing.

Maybe it was the non-sequitur that did the trick, maybe it was the sheer inanity of it or the way Urameshi presented it to him, but Reborn found himself untensing even though he was coiled so tightly only seconds ago like a rubber band ready to be unleashed, and he didn't know what to do with the knowledge at all that Urameshi knew him this well down to the smallest of quirk, nor did he know what to do with the fact that maybe he did not completely hate it even if it was a lot to take in.

Reborn took a breath. "You manipulate me so well, Urameshi," he said, and a sad look crossed Urameshi's face before disappearing.

Reborn was gratified to note that that look had no affect on him, that he could still remain firm in and was not swayed from the decision that he had just made. Though of course Urameshi knew what course of action Reborn had just decided to undergo.

"I guess there's no avoiding it then," he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. Urameshi looked at Reborn. "Just…" Reborn steeled himself against any arguments Urameshi would make. "Try to be a little nicer to him if you can, would you?" Urameshi smiled, crooked, sheepish and a bit sad. "Younger me is a little more fragile than you would think."

Reborn looked steadily back at him, despite his faltering for a breath. "I'll keep that in mind."

The corner of Urameshi's lip quirked and Reborn didn't know what to do with the fact that he noticed that even the quirk of his lips couldn't quite erase the sadness lingering in Urameshi's expression, before pink smoke claimed him again.

"Fuuta," Reborn called and the ranking prince looked up.


"Ranking Planet, Ranking Planet," Yusuke heard as he arrived back in the present, even before the pink smoke had the chance to begin to dissipate, "please rank Urameshi Yusuke's secrets," and Yusuke's blood ran cold.

Items around around Yusuke flew up, and in the midst of all the objects slicing through the smoke, Yusuke met Reborn's eyes.

His eyes were so cold. It hardened Yusuke's blood to ice.

Yusuke made a move to leave. Reborn stepped in front of him.

"Move," Yusuke demanded, cool and controlled even as blood rushed against his ears, so loud that it was like a scream.

Reborn met his eyes. "No."

Behind him, Yusuke could hear Fuuta saying, "Yusuke's number one secret of three is…"

That was enough for Yusuke. He turned around to Fuuta and raised his hand. Behind him, Yusuke could sense Reborn rushing to reach Fuuta. He was prepared for Yusuke to fight him to keep him here for the ranking, but Reborn never thought Yusuke would turn his back on him and aim for Fuuta himself.

Just like how Yusuke didn't expect Reborn to turn on him like this, resort to snatching secrets out of his hands like a petty thief.

"Spirit Gun," Yusuke said inflectionlessly, and then there were screams.

When the dust settled, there was a hole in the wall right next to Fuuta and Yusuke was gone.

A very long author's note:

Hello, guys! I know it had been a long time, but thanks for waiting. I've been thinking about this fic for a while and I want to let you guys know where I stand with this fic.

1. I'm upping Tsuna and his guardians' age.

I know in KHR, they're are in middle school, but for the sake of this fic, I'm going to pretend they're all in high school when all the stuff in KHR goes down because I'm older now and it feels awfully rough to make fourteen year olds go through all the stuff that Tsuna and his guardians are forced to go through. In Japan, middle school and high school both last for three years, so I'm just going to add three years to all of their ages. This means that in this fic, Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto are 17, Ryohei and Mukuro are 18, Hibari is 19, Lambo and I-pin are 8, and Chrome is 16.

According to the Japanese school system, Lambo and I-Pin should in be elementary school now, Ryohei and Hibari should be graduating this year (Hibari technically should have graduated already, but I'm going to pretend Hibari menanced the administrators into letting him stay another year, but Ryohei is going to cheerfully drag Hibari onto the graduation stage this year), and Tsuna is in the second year of high school. If the way I write about them seem to gradually change, it's because I'm becoming aware that all of a sudden, Tsuna and his guardians are all Growing Up.

(Btw, shoutout to Sou-chan for fact-checking my research on Japan and its school system!)

2. Some of the characters (mainly people from Demon World) are just going to fade out/not play a huge part in the plot.

I've been thinking about this for a while and basically no matter how I tried, I couldn't really find a way to really involve Kurama and Hiei into the plot. I know when I first mentioned them, they seem like they'll play a semi-important role later, but I kinda realized that that's not going to happen because I have enough trying to juggle Yusuke in KHR without trying to shoehorn Kurama and Hiei in. So Kurama and Hiei might make an appearance later on for the heck of it and for fun, but they're not going to impact the plot in any significant way.

3. The fic's going to shift back and forth between Yusuke to Tsuna and co.

I think you guys noticed, but there's kinda a huge shift between the way that I wrote the fic in the beginning versus now. In the beginning, I focused a lot on Yusuke. Nowadays, I focus a lot on how the events in SwaG affect everyone, which includes individual characters of KHR + Yusuke. That's the pattern that I'm going with, chapters that switch between focusing on Tsuna and his Guardian's growth, and then Yusuke and his relationship with Reborn.

4. I'm going to need you guys to occasionally try very hard to suspend your disbelief.

I started this fic in 2014 on FFN, so that's like four years ago. When I started writing this fic, I had no idea where it was going besides the fact that I wanted Yusuke and KHR's characters to interact and to write some cool self-indulgent scenes that I can semi-justify writing/happening. I do have a plot outline that I'm following, but do realize that, um, the outline is influenced heavily by the self-indulgent scenes that I wanted to write.If there seems to be a logic jump/ a character's action seem to be a little weird, you can totally feel free to point it out, but I'm going to ask you to just go with it because that's what I'm doing too.

I promise you that 90% of the time, I'm aware of the weird stuff going on but I'm leaving it alone because A) I don't have a better outline to follow and B) it would be too much trouble to coherently plot out something better because that's going to require me rewriting all 33 chapters of SwaG, which I don't want to do and also because I highly suspect that by the time I finish rewriting all 33 chapters, it's going to be years later and when I look back, I'll find a whole set of other problem that I want gone via rewriting again. Such is the horrible hindsight of writers, and I really don't want to rewrite SwaG a dozen times nor do I want you guys waiting any longer than necessary.

5. Thank you!

I'm well aware that I take a while to update. I'm sorry; my inspiration is fickle and sometimes RL interfere. Despite that, I do have every intention of finishing this fic, and I would love it if you guys can stick with me until then. However, I know that some of the stuff that I mentioned may be a deal breaker, and if any of them are, I just want to say thanks for sticking with this fic thus far.

Thanks for reading and until next time! ^^