Hey guys. This is my first ever fanfiction, so please no flames...constructive critism and any other comments are welcome though. I did rewrite this and the other chapters. I feel like they read better now but whatever...I could be wrong.
Anyways, I don't own anything...except my OC Alex Marshall.
So here it is.
'Bold' mean speaking at the same time.
Chapter 1
Alex awoke all to soon to the irritating beeping of Haruhi's alarm clock. She listened as Haruhi moved around the room, and inwardly hoped that Haruhi would just leave and let her go back to sleep. But when she tumbled out of bed and landed on cold hard floor with a thump, those hopes were shattered.
"You better get up if you don't want to be late"
"God Haruhi, did you have to push me out of bed, my ass is killing me" Alex grumbled while rubbing the damaged area. Haruhi sighed and put her hand out for her to take. With a huff Alex took it and got to her feet.
"I'm sorry OK, I won't do it again, I promise" Haruhi apologized
"Apology accepted, and you better not or I will wake up in the middle of the night and push you out of your bed" Alex said with a fake evil laugh which made Haruhi laugh too.
"Ok, you have to get dressed, and I will get breakfast ready"
"Ok I'll be ready in 20 minutes" Alex said while walking over to her closet. She pulled out a white tank top, a black and white striped baggy jumper that went to mid thigh, a worn out pair of jeans with holes in them and brought them to the bathroom. After a quick shower she put on clean underwear, socks,and pulled on her clothes. She put her father's pocket watch and black thick framed glasses on. She pull on her black converse and went to the kitchen in search of food. She sat across from Haruhi and started eating.
"I am soooo tired" Alex groaned
"Me too, I told you we should've went to sleep sooner" Haruhi replied with a sigh.
"Yeah. I guess staying awake until 2am wasn't the smartest idea" She said with a yawn.
They ate in silence since they were too tired to keep up a conversation. They grabbed their bags, and made their way to school.
"So where are we going exactly?" Alex asked Haruhi as they walked around the school halls looking for a place to study.
"I'm just looking for somewhere quiet to study. I don't even care where anymore as long as it's quiet...I mean 4 libraries and they were all crowded and loud, stupid rich people..." Haruhi trailed off grumbling about the rich people. Alex agreed with her totally, but secretly, she found it hilarious when her younger, smaller cousin went off on one of her rants.
"I know what you mean...but if we don't find somewhere soon can we just go home, I'm tired."
"Yeah, alright...wait look over here" Haruhi said while pointing at a set of doors.
"An abandoned music room?" Alex asked her while walking closer.
"Do you think anyone's in there?"
"Doesn't sound like it... do you want to go in?" Alex asked
"I don't see why not" Haruhi pushed the doors open and they were blinded momentarily by a bright light and...rose petals? They stood side by side with similar looks of confusion on their faces. Standing in front of them was 6 attractive students. A blond boy with violet eyes , a blond kid, a really tall guy with black hair, a guy with glasses and twins with orange hair.
"Oh it's just two boys" The twins said together.
"Yes, well these are the honor students, welcome to the host club" The one with the glasses said with a smirk. Haruhi and Alex must have had the same idea because they both started backing away to the door, but a tall blond popped up in front of them.
"This is Haruhi Fujioka and Alex Marshal?" He exclaimed
"How do you know who we are?" Haruhi asked
"Yeah, how is that?" Alex asked suspiciously
"Well it's not everyday that a commoner gets accepted here, never mind two. You're both very well-known here" The guy with the glasses replied
"I never thought the infamous honor students would be so openly gay" The blond guy said loudly.
"Whoa, wa-wait a minute, we're not gay, we were just, um, we-" Haruhi stumbled over the words sounding just as flustered as Alex felt.
"Listen, we were just looking for a quiet place to study" Alex said in a calmer voice. They both went to leave again, but were grabbed by the little blond kid.
"Haru-chan, Ale-chan, you guys are like heroes" He said to them
"It's not that big of a deal... and who the hell are you calling HARU-CHAN?"She yelled at the kid and shook him off.
"Yeah, it's not a big deal" Alex said and slipped away from him. She moved next to Haruhi and the blond guy came over to them again, and started talking about what types while pointing to a different boy.
"So what type would you like, the silent type, the boy lolita, the mischievous type, the cool type...or maybe me the princely type" He started leaning in a little too close to Haruhi and Alex, so Alex moved to the side and went to pull Haruhi aside, but she moved back...and bumped into a very expensive looking vase. Alex watched helplessly as it fell and shattered into pieces on the floor.
"Oh no we were.." One twin started and the other continued
"Suppose to auction that off..."
"The bidding was supposed to start at 8 million yen" They said together. Alex's jaws hit the floor from shock.
"Holy Shit...Who keeps something that expensive out in the open like that?"Alex asked herself wide-eyed.
"We'll pay you back" Haruhi said and looked at Alex who nodded in agreement. As far as she was concerned, she and Haruhi were in this mess together.
"With what money..."
"You can't even..."
"Afford the uniform"
"You will pay us back with your bodies... from now on you are the host clubs dog" The blond exclaimed. All Alex could think was that he seemed to get wayyy too much satisfaction from the unexpected turn of events.
When Haruhi and Alex got back from running another errand for the hosts, Haruhi went over to Tamaki to give him the things he decided to take the chance to get some peace and quiet. She still couldn't believe that the hosts thought that she and Haruhi were boys. She laughed internally at the thought. Sure at first glance they might look like boys, but if they didn't figure out that they were girls by the end of the day...Well she was convinced that they were all idiots. She laughed a little and thought about what she had learned about the hosts's acts. Tamaki was super gentlemanly, completely over the top, and was the head of the host club. Honey and Mori stayed together and, from what she had seen, ate more cake than was healthy. Kyoya didn't seem to host much at all, but did more of the business side of the club. Hikaru and Kaoru did some weird brotherly love thing, which just looked like incest to her. Alex couldn't understand how any of that crap worked...her conclusion was that there was something seriously wrong with the students of Ouran. Alex was pulled from her thoughts as she saw Haruhi and Kyoya talking.
"Hey guys. What's up?" Alex asked them
"I'm just explaining to Haruhi what each host has to offer our guests." Kyoya said
"Oh I see, that's..." She trailed of when something latched onto Haruhi and spun her around., but she realized it was Honey when he spoke.
"Hey Haru-chan do you wanna eat some cake?"
"No I don't really like cake Honey-senpai" When she answered he turned to Alex with big puppy dog eyes.
"Oh well, do you like cake Ale-chan? Will you sit with me?" He asked her
"Yes, I like cake, but I'm sure I probably have some work to do so I can't sit with you." She replied
"Oh...I see,well do you guys want to hold my bunny Usa-chan?" He said and pulled out a pink bunny. Alex looked at Haruhi and waited for her to answer, because Alex in all honesty wouldn't mind holding the bunny. She loved cute things, she couldn't help it.
"I don't really like bunnies Honey-senpai" They both looked at Honey and saw tears well up in his eyes. Alex started to inwardly panic, she hated it when people cried. She never knew what to say or do and ended up really uncomfortable.
"Are you saying you don't like Usa-chan?" He sniffled, Alex looked at Haruhi and saw her looking back at her for help. Alex shrugged and nodded to the bunny.
"I guess it is kinda cute...right Alex?" Haruhi took the bunny from him.
"Yeah, I think Usa-chan, is the cutest bunny I've ever seen". She said while smiling at Honey. He looked at her, then at Haruhi, and back to her again and his eyes widened. He giggled and said while running away
"Ok you guys take care of him." Alex and Haruhi went to speak when Tamaki came up and blew in Haruhi's ear. Alex's head tilted to the side in confusion.
"How is that a normal thing to do to someone you've known less than a day?" She muttered to herself. He started lecturing them, about how they won't impress any girls if they dress the way they are. Then he went on talking about how to be a gentleman and Alex zoned him out. She looked at Haruhi and saw her deep in thought.
"Hey what ya thinking about?"
"Wha?, oh I'm just trying to think of the word that fits Tamaki-senpai perfectly...I can't seem to remember...a pain in the neck?, no that's not it..." She trailed off.
"A narcissist?"Alex suggested with a slight smile.
"Close... but no" Tamaki reappeared and a word suddenly came to them,
"Obnoxious!" Haruhi and Alex said at the same time, they looked at each other, smiled and nodded. Then they looked at Tamaki who was crouched in front of them looking depressed.
"Ok I'm confused" She said to Haruhi who nodded.
The twins came over laughing and leaned on the two girls.
"We're sorry Tamaki-senpai, but what you were saying did interest us" Haruhi said in an apologetic tone. Tamaki jumped up, happy again, and came over to them.
"I shall teach you two everything I know." He exclaimed dramatically
"Ah you can teach them all about hosting..."Said one twin , Alex noted he seemed to have a slightly higher voice than the other.
"But they aren't exactly host club material" Said the other twin. Then they walked around in front of Haruhi and Alex, and spoke together
"Maybe if we took off their glasses it would help" One reached for Haruhi's and she starts protesting, and the other reached for Alex's, but she didn't see the point. They both stood there with no glasses on and the twins' eyes widened. Tamaki pushed them out the way and looked back and forth between Haruhi's face and Alex's with a shocked expression. He clicked his fingers and they were being pulled by a twin each and pushed into a changing room.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Alex asked. The twin held out a boy's uniform for her to take.
"Here change into this" He said
"Leave and maybe I will" Alex stated, but he didn't move. She might be a boy to them, but she was all girl...And there was no way she was changing in front of a boy.
"I'll change I swear, but you have to get out!" She shouted as she pushed him out of the changing room. She looked at the pile of clothes and started undressing. She was down to her underwear and tank top when she heard the curtain move behind her. She turned around and saw Mori standing frozen in shock, with pink tinted cheeks, with what looks like a case of contact lenses in his hand. Alex quickly pulled on trousers and tried to act as if he hadn't just walked in on her nearly naked.
"Um...Mori-senpai?,what are you doing in here?"She asked calmly even though she could feel her cheeks heat up slightly from embarrassment. He walked forward puts the contacts in her hand muttered an apology and practically ran out of the room.
"Well I guess he know now." She said with a laugh, while pushing down her own embarrassment. She pulled on the uniform and put in the contacts in. Then some woman came in and started fixing her hair. When she finished she stood staring at Alex for a while, without saying anything. Alex raised an eyebrow at her.
"What?" Alex asked feeling a little self-conscious. The woman blushed and left without saying a word.
"Oh God...I can't look that bad can I?" Alex groaned