A/N: Sorry about the cliffy last chapter and leaving you guys hanging like that, but the document was around 7 pages long, and I needed to end that chapter at some point. Hence the cliffy. I hope you guys like this one, too! HAPPY AKUROKU DAY! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story.

Ookami Loyalty

Chapter 7

My head shot up the instant I heard the fear in my pack's cries and howls, and I almost bolted from Taichi's side, but I knew I needed him with me so I could keep him safe. Fortunately, he had jolted awake from the noises outside, and he watched me, a bit of fear in his gaze, but it was soon replaced with anger.

'Go, Yamato! Roxas and I will herd the ones who can't fight in here!' he snapped, and I nodded before dashing from the leader's den to see what was going on. I was surprised to see Xemnas's pack, which seemed to have gained some more members, attacking my pack, and there was complete chaos. Xion was cowering in front of Lexaeus as she tried her best to protect Ken and Iori from being harmed. Before I could move to help her, however, Xaldin lunged at the rust-furred ookami, ripping into him. I looked about for Roxas, and spotted him trying to sneak over to Xion and the pups. I bounded over and reminded them about the plan to hide in my den with Taichi during the fight. They nodded, and Roxas hurriedly ushered Xion into my den while they each held a pup.

I looked about quickly and thoroughly, trying to find Xemnas or Saix, but neither was anywhere to be seen. Feeling a small jolt of fear run through my veins, I swiftly bounded back up to my den, noticing a couple of new ookamis from Xemnas's pack trying to push past Axel, who had followed Roxas and Xion to my den to guard the entrance. The red-furred ookami was doing his best to block them both, but it was two on one, so he was struggling. When I reached the den, I tackled one of the ookamis hard, smashing him against the rock wall and stunning him. As soon as the first was down, Axel attacked the second, clamping his jaws down on his front leg harshly and yanking, making the invader howl in agony as his leg was crushed in Axel's jaws. I dragged the now-severely injured ookami away and bit through his jugular, killing him while Axel finished off the stunned ookami I had tackled. He nodded to me in thanks, and I raced off to get Zexion and Hikari into my den safely.

He was hiding in his medicine den, cowering behind Hikari, who was bristling in front of Marluxia, and I lunged at the pink-furred ookami, digging my claws into his side and drawing blood.

'Zexion, Hikari, go to my den, now!' I barked, and they hurriedly bolted from his spot, grabbing Zexion's medical kit as they went and fleeing to my den. Marluxia managed to pull out of my grip on his scruff, his expression fearful.

'Now, Yamato, you can't kill all of us, some of us were just following orders so we wouldn't be killed…' he tried to tell me, but I wouldn't have any of that.

'Nice try, Marluxia, but you know you willingly followed his orders,' I growled, baring my teeth at him. Suddenly, Larxene, his mate, joined him, and the two began to advance on me. I backed up slowly, trying to figure out how to fend them off, when Takeru appeared, leaping from above and landing on top of Larxene, who gave an alarmed yelp. Using the distraction, I leaped at Marluxia, crunching my jaws down on his shoulder and causing him to scream in agony. He tried to pull away, but I just tightened my grip on him for a few more seconds before releasing him. The bite wound gushed blood as he staggered away from me before collapsing on the ground to bleed out. Takeru killed Larxene by biting through her jugular before joining me.

'Go help Axel guard my den. Zexion, Hikari, Roxas, Taichi, Xion, and the pups are already there,' I ordered, and he nodded before taking off to my den. I looked about, scanning the entire area again for Xemnas and Saix, but again, they were nowhere to be seen. I saw Miyako and Mimi trying to fight off Luxord and Xigbar, but the two larger males were starting to overpower the females. I was about to run over and help them, but then Cloud and Xaldin joined the girls and batted around the two invaders. I nodded in satisfaction, but before I could head back to my den to check on the others, there were pained yelps and terrified cries from it. My blood went cold at the sounds, and I charged over, seeing Saix viciously attacking my brother and Axel. I lunged at Saix, intending to stop him, but then I was tackled from the side, sending me sliding along the ground. A little dazed, I looked to see who or what had hit me, and wasn't too surprised to see Xemnas.

'So, you finally showed your ugly mug, eh?' I smirked, getting to my paws and shaking the dirt from my fur.

'I'm merely here to reclaim what is rightfully mine,' he growled.

'It was never yours to begin with! When Leon died, either Cloud or I should have been alpha!' I barked. 'You were never meant to get that position!'

'Foolish pup, speaking as if you know everything,' Xemnas scoffed. 'Leon would never have entrusted his pitiful mate or his second-in-command's first born son to take over.'

'Well, it's true,' Cloud confirmed, joining me with blood covering his muzzle and speckling his coat. 'Leon never told anyone except me after Hiroaki died because he didn't want to see anyone try and take over, but you did it anyway.'

'Enough talk! Let's just settle this as alphas should: by fighting to the death,' Xemnas growled. I snarled as other ookamis from Xemnas's pack began to try and intervene, but then a swarm of kitsunes flooded into the area, attacking his pack. Neku, Joshua, Sora, and Riku were leading them. Cloud went to help Axel and Takeru, and then it was just Xemnas and me.

We circled each other, watching for the slightest hint of a movement to attack, but when neither of us made a move, I feigned one, and then knocked him back with a powerful blow of my paw when he lunged at me. I leaped at him, biting down on his tail as he struggled to get up in time. He cried out in pain, trying to kick me off, but I refused to let go until he scratched my face under my left eye a bit with one of his back claws. I quickly backed away, watching Xemnas carefully as he got to his paws and glared at me. He lunged at me with an infuriated growl, but when he rolled me onto my back, I kicked him off with my hind legs, digging my claws into his belly with the motion. The large silver-furred ookami yelped, staggering back, and I rolled to my paws and turned before launching myself at him, snarling.

'You never deserved to be an alpha! You don't even deserve to be called one!' I barked at him as we fought, clashing our jaws and claws against the other's. I clawed his face as he bit down on my right paw, causing us to both cry out in pain. He kept his grip on my paw, though, but when I slashed him across the eyes with my other paw, he immediately released me with a howl of agony. I used his distraction of being blinded to tackle him hard, biting down on his throat until I tasted his blood in my mouth. I refused to release him until he stopped struggling, and all that he could do was make feeble movements and attempt to breathe. Whenever he tried to breathe, however, all that came from him was gurgling noises. Stepping back, I watched as the life faded from his eyes, only looking away when he was finally dead. I could feel the burning pain and warm blood leaking from my right front paw from where Xemnas had bitten me, so I limped and hobbled back to the dens. All of Xemnas's pack was dead, and there were some ookamis and kitsunes with injuries, but thanks to the kitsunes that had helped in fighting, Zexion was able to get help with tending to everyone's wounds.

'Yamato!' Taichi's voice gasped, and everyone looked at him before noticing me. There were several gasps before Zexion darted over to me with his medical kit. I could feel myself shaking from exhaustion and pain, and the slate-furred ookami could see that.

'Cloud, Xaldin! Carry him to my den, quickly!' he ordered, and they hurried over to me right as I fell over and passed out.


Everything was fuzzy when I started to emerge from unconsciousness; my hearing and senses of touch and smell. I struggled to open my eyes, and could barely see due to the fuzziness that outlined everything. A soft whine escaped me from the dull pain I could feel in my right paw, and then there was a shuffling sound as someone got up and came over to me.

'Yamato?' Zexion's voice sounded in my mind. 'How are you feeling?'

'Like I got chewed up and spit out by a boulder with teeth…' I groaned, making Zexion chuckle. 'Where's Taichi?'

'That's the effect of the healing medicine I applied to your paw. He literally just returned to your guys' for some rest den shortly before you woke up,' he answered. 'You were asleep for three days, and Taichi hadn't left until a little while ago, but only because I made him go to get some sleep.'

'How was he while I was out?' I asked.

'Scared as hell and worried sick for you,' Zexion sighed. 'He was afraid you wouldn't wake up until I assured him you would, and that you were both physically and mentally exhausted.'

'Damn…' I grumbled. 'Would it be okay if I went to see him?'

'Only if you can walk on your own,' he relented. 'Try not to scare him, though. The last thing he needs is more stress, especially with the pups.' I nodded briefly, and then got to my paws, surprised I could walk okay. After a few seconds, I slowly walked out of Zexion's den and to my own den, where my mate was curled up in a ball in the dip where the bedding was, and I could see him shivering. As I got closer, he never realized I was there until I began to curl up against his back. As soon as I touched him, he jerked violently, quickly looking to see who it was, and gasping in shock when he realized it was me.

'Yamato!' he yelped, struggling to turn and face me. Finally, he managed to, and we both shifted to our human forms so we could be affectionate more easily and hold each other properly.

"H-how… When did you…" he stuttered, his eyes wide with shock. I pulled him close to me, and kissed him deeply.

"I woke up shortly after you left to get some sleep," I murmured when we parted. Lowering my gaze, I added, "I'm sorry I scared and worried you… You know I never wanted to do that…" I stopped speaking when he buried his face into my chest, sobs wracking his body, and his grip tightened around my waist.

"I didn't…know…if you…would wake up…" he whimpered, and I could feel his hot tears on my chest.

"But I did, and I'm fine now, Chi," I whispered, kissing his forehead. Cupping his face with my right hand, I gently tipped his face up so I could gaze into those chocolate orbs. "Chi, we're safe now, and I've managed to protect you. But what matters most to me is your answer to this: Do you finally know the level of devotion and how much I truly love you?"

"Yes, I do," Taichi answered immediately, kissing me lovingly and then pulling away to gaze at me happily. "I love you, too, Yama, and I know you'll always be with me, no matter what. And…"

"And…?" I pressed, quirking a brow.

"And I'm not scared of giving birth to our pups now," he mumbled, blushing brightly. My blue eyes widened for a split second before I kissed him passionately, only ending the kiss when the need for air became too great. I pressed my forehead against his, trying to catch my breath.

"I love you so much, Chi," I breathed, smiling softly at him. "You have no idea how happy hearing you say that makes me."

"I believe you," he smiled back, and I kissed him again, briefly this time, before moving my kisses along his jaw line and down to his throat. I sucked harshly at his collarbone, leaving a pleasantly visible marking on the tan skin. I was definitely grateful that we didn't have shirts on, because the clothing would have just gotten in the way.

"I want you, Chi, right now," I growled, nipping at one of his ears.

"Then take me, Yama," he gasped out as I nibbled on the tip of the same ear.

"Of course," I grinned wolfishly, rubbing against him and letting him feel my growing need. I kissed and nipped down his chest, being mindful of his swollen abdomen, and smiling warmly when I felt the pups kick. I continued to move down his body, kissing along his stomach, but paused when I reached the top of his pants. Pulling them off, I could see how hard he was already, and nipped gently at his inner thigh. Taichi gasped and bucked his hips up, but I quickly pinned him down before licking and sucking on three of my fingers and inserting the first one inside of him. He barely reacted, just trying to watch me prepare him for what was to come.

After adding the other two fingers and stretching him thoroughly, I smeared the precum from my leaking member on it before positioning myself at his entrance behind him. He was already getting big with our pups, so I couldn't really go from in front of him, lest I hurt him and the pups.

"Ready?" I whispered in his ear, kissing the back of his neck softly. The brunette gave a needy whimper, and I took that as permission to enter him. Slowly and carefully, I pushed in, and then quickly sheathed myself inside of him completely, giving a sharp gasp at the sudden tightness and heat as he clenched up involuntarily. I groaned, low and deep in my throat, before starting to thrust into him hard and fast. Taichi let out loud, uncontrollable moans, digging his nails into the bedding, his ears twitching madly.

"Y-Yama…m-more…AH!" my mate panted, screaming in ecstasy as I slammed into his sweet spot. I thrust into him powerfully, not breaking pace and finally being able to have my way with him. I had waited long enough, and judging by the sounds he was making, he had been trying to hold out, too. I reached around his waist and began to pump him in time with my thrusts, causing him to cry out in pleasure.

"I-I'm gonna—AHHH!" Taichi howled, his walls clenching tightly around me as he came. His cum spurted into my hand, and my ears folded back as I bit down on his shoulder with a possessive growl. I released my white hot seed deep within him shortly after, groaning low and deep in my throat. Pulling out, I flopped over to lie next to my mate, and then rolled over to nuzzle his neck.

"That…was hot, Chi," I breathed, kissing the tan skin of his neck lightly, resulting in a shiver from the pregnant ookami.

"Shush, pervert…" he mumbled tiredly, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I love you," I murmured, kissing him once I had him facing me.

"I love you, too, Yama. I'm so relieved you're okay," he whispered, tearing up again.

"Don't worry, it would take more than a petty bite from anyone to bring me down," I chuckled, pulling him close. Suddenly, we heard a pained cry from somewhere outside, and it sounded like Roxas. Shortly afterwards, Axel came running in, his expression a mask of worry.

"Roxas is going into labor," he told us, and I was quick to try and get up.

"Yamato, you need to rest, don't you?" Taichi frowned, worried about me.

"Roxas needs me. Or rather, us," I replied, and he nodded in understanding. "We're his friends, and we can't abandon him in his time of need."

"I understand. Let's go," the brunette agreed, and we got up, throwing on a pair of pants for us each, and then quickly made our way to the blonde's den, where he was lying on his bedding, breathing harshly and keeping his eyes squeezed shut from the pain.

"Roxas?" I said, and his eyes snapped open, shocked.

"Yamato! I thought you were still unconscious!" he gasped.

"No, I woke up earlier," I told him. "Never mind that, are you okay?"

"Yeah…" he panted, offering me a weak smile. "Just peachy." Then Zexion came in, Axel close behind him, and the redhead was quick to sit by his mate, kissing his forehead as Roxas practically held his mate's hand in a death grip.

"I see you're definitely feeling better, Yamato," Zexion said, and I nodded. "I'm glad you brought Taichi with you. This will allow him to know what to expect when he gives birth in a month."

"Oh man…" Taichi whimpered, but I held him close to my side, kissing his temple.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine when our pups come," I assured him, and he nodded.

"Okay, Roxas, I'm going to check and see if you're far enough to start pushing, okay?" the slate-haired ookami told my friend, and he nodded before Zexion inserted his finger into Roxas, and then nodded to himself. "You're dilated enough. This pup is ready to come out. I'll guide you through it, okay?"

"O-okay…" Roxas stuttered, wincing and whimpering as another contraction ran through him. The medicine ookami coaxed Roxas into being able to push, and then repeated the process several times. After an hour, we finally heard from Zexion about the pup.

"It's almost out, Roxas, just one more good push to get its shoulders out, and then I'll pull it out from there," he said. With a low scream, the blonde ookami pushed as hard as he could, yelping as the shoulders emerged. "That's good, Roxas. I can pull it out from here." Roxas nodded weakly, wincing when Zexion pulled the small pup out as it cried, clearing its lungs. It was two weeks early, after all, so of course the poor thing would be a bit smaller.

"What's the gender?" Axel asked, holding Roxas in a lovingly supportive embrace.

"It's a boy," Zexion smiled as he cleaned off the newborn. He severed the umbilical cord with a small blade, and then wrapped him up in a soft rabbit skin before handing him to Roxas. We all gazed at the pup, and I could see equal traits of both of his parents in him. He had fuzzy blonde and red hair, with the blonde being at the front and the red at the back. There were even Axel's cheek marks on his face, just under his eyes. His left ear was red, and his right ear was golden blonde, and even his tail was streaked with blonde through the red fur. Then he opened his eyes, revealing his left eye was emerald green like his father's, and his right was sapphire blue like his mother's.

"Oh my gods, Axel… Look at his eyes…" Roxas breathed, and Axel smiled tenderly.

"What do you think of the name Roxel?" the redhead suggested, and the blonde nodded in agreement.

"Roxel it is," he murmured. He looked at Taichi and me, a soft yet tired smile on his face. "If something were to ever happen to us, would you two be willing to be his godparents?"

"Of course," we answered immediately.

"Thank you," Axel told us gratefully. After a bit of looking at Roxel, the infant started to fall asleep, so Axel took him and let Roxas go to sleep in his wolf form.

"Since Roxas can produce his own milk, let Roxel feed from him while in wolf form when he's hungry," Zexion ordered Axel, who nodded.

"Thanks for everything, Zex," he thanked the medicine ookami, who merely smiled slightly and nodded.

"It's my job, and besides, it's nice to see everyone happy again," he replied before leaving.

"Congratulations, you guys," I smiled at the redhead.

"He's beautiful," Taichi added, and then we left to our den to get some much deserved sleep. As we curled up in the bedding in our wolf forms, Taichi told me, "Now I'm getting excited for our pup or pups to be born."

"I'm happy to hear that," I murmured, nuzzling him. "I love you, Chi. Sleep well."

"I love you, too, Yama. Sleep tight," he yawned, and then we went to sleep, feeling content with our lives.

A/N: Did you guys like my contribution to AkuRoku Day? I hope so! Credit for Roxel goes to Jack666Rulez on Deviantart. R&R, peeps!