
First, I want to let you all know that I am going to use past tense to tell the story from now on (thanks to kind explanation from a gentle reader). I hope it is not confusing. I will try to fix the previous chapters too. But, I am sure I will still have a lot of grammar issue. So, feel free to point it out or even better, explain it briefly to me (through pm if you prefer) and I will try to fix it and not to repeat the same mistake again. I will really appreciate your help. :)

Second, I changed my mind. There will no be epilogue because I may still upload new chapters in this story (which will be short stories about Asami and Akihito when Nao and Rikiya are still babies/toddlers). The sequel (Against The Wall) will be about the Asami family when the twins are a bit older. I will upload the first chapter soon.

Finally, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Thanks a lot!

Disclaimer : As always, VF belongs to YA.

Chapter 18. Come What May

Part 1. Great Minds Think Alike

Suoh looked incredibly relieved when he saw Asami entering the penthouse. Asami's most reliable head of security was made to handle all kind of terror as long as it didn't involve emotional tears. And right now, Akihito was an emotional time bomb ready to explode at any time. Asami put his shoes aside and let Kirishima taking off his coat.

Loosening his necktie with one hand, the other was busy rolling his sleeves up, Asami asked, "Where is he?"

"Takaba-sama is sleeping in the bedroom with the boys, Asami-sama."

"Did anything happen while I was away?"

Suoh kept his face straight as he answered, but his uneasiness was profound. "Haruka found Takaba-sama cleaning his hand furiously before lunch time, saying he was going to feed the boys and afraid that he would stain them. She stopped him, quite fiercely I might add. It worked, though, and he calmed down a bit. All day long, just like the last few days, he insisted on keeping the boys close to him even if he made sure he didn't make any skin contact. He didn't even let Haruka to help him feeding them. But other than that, Takaba-sama just did the usual things; cleaning, cooking, laundering."

Asami merely nodded at the report. By now, the report didn't surprise him anymore.

"You can go now, Suoh. I believe you need to supervise the men to clean that filthy storage room."

Suoh bowed and left.

The night after Akihito had been rescued, Asami had watched the pain and guilt flashing in Akihito's eyes as the doctor explained the impact of Nao's injury. Emi, and probably also due to the impact from Akihito catching Nao after Goro'd dropped the baby, had damaged a nerve in Nao's right arm. The doctor had told them not to worry too much. They believed that there was high probability that Nao could use his right arm to do normal everyday activities, even to do sports. However, it might affect any activity that required his hand to be completely steady. They had done everything that they could for now, the doctor had said. The doctor had also suggested continuous physical therapy. For how long, the doctor couldn't be sure.

During their way home, Akihito had sternly turned down Kirishima and Asami's offers to help holding Nao. Even after Akihito'd started to fall asleep in the limo, whenever Asami had tried to quietly take Nao away from Akihito, trying to make Akihito to sleep in a more comfortable position, his lover had immediately startled awake and pulled Nao closer. Akihito's body had instantly stiffened in a survival mode as if preparing himself either to fight or flee with the baby.

The instinctive reaction had angered Asami, partly because it had made him feel as if Akihito couldn't trust him enough to protect their little family, which was a sharp reminder of his failure, but mostly because he could do nothing much now other than supporting Akihito. Furious was an understatement of how Asami truly felt. He wanted to hurt someone, killed someone, needed somewhere to channel all his uncontrollable fury. If it were possible, Asami would have brought those responsible from the land of the death so that he could torture and kill them over and over again. But it wouldn't help Akihito. The only thing he could do now was waiting patiently for Akihito to overcome this nightmare. Unfortunately, patience wasn't Asami's strongest forte whenever Akihito was involved.

The worst part was how Akihito felt like tainting their sons by touching them. What a stupid idea! Shit. If hands that had once been covered with blood could contaminate anyone, Akihito didn't need to be so afraid about tainting the boys. Because in that case, their sons had been tainted to the ninth circle of hell every time Asami hold the babies. In fact, blood might be one of the purest thing that had covered Asami's hands.

The first time Asami had accidentally caught Akihito washing his hands with strong bleach until it had bled, Asami had almost hit Akihito in his anger. And since then, they had caught Akihito doing that whenever his lover thought that no one'd watched. It wasn't Akihito's fault, Asami knew that, but despite years of keeping his feelings under tight control, it was getting harder to suppress the storm of emotion in him.

He snapped himself out of his train of thought. Anger would do no good thing right now. Entering the bedroom, he found Akihito sleeping on the bed. The twins snuggled close to Akihito as if to comfort Asami's young and naive lover. Even with each boy tucked at his side, Akihito looked a bit tense in his sleep, a complete contrast to their sons' peaceful expression.

A soft cough caught his attention. Haruka cleared her throat from the corner of Asami's bedroom, sitting with her tablet on her lap, most probably working while keeping a watch on Akihito.

"He doesn't like me following him around," his assistant whispered softly as she stood to leave the room. "He said he doesn't need…well, something along the line of a babysitter. But after this afternoon incident, I was a bit persistent about watching over him. His hands are so red from irritation already and I can't let him hurt himself even further. I am sorry that I didn't ask for your advice beforehand, Asami-sama. If you feel that I have crossed my-"

He quickly cut the apology with a gentle shake of his head, "There is no need to apologise, Haruka. You did the right thing. Thank you."

After a deep and respectful bow, Haruka walked to leave, but before she reached the door, Asami made up his mind and stopped her. "Haruka, wait a minute. Could you please bring the boys back to their room?"

"I beg your pardon, Sir? If we take the twins from Takaba-sama, he-"

"He will be fine," Asami scowled. He had lost his patience. It was time for Akihito to face the truth, no matter he was ready or not. Asami decided that playing along with Akihito's guilty conscience wouldn't help his lover to realise how wrong it was to keep running away from reality. Sometimes, what Akihito needed to be able to accept the reality was a stick instead of a carrot.

Before Haruka could argue any further, Asami strode towards the bed. Silently, he removed Akihito's arm from around Nao and Rikiya, taking the babies from his lover's embrace. He was almost successful when Akihito somehow felt the movement and suddenly startled awake, at first looking at him as if Asami was a starving mad dog trying to drag their sons away to be eaten for dinner later. But when Akihito realised it was Asami, he relaxed a bit although he was still watching Asami cautiously.

Asami quickly yet gently pulled both babies from Akihito before his lover could do anything to prevent it, exploiting Akihito's confusion after being woken so suddenly. The sudden movement stirred the twins from their slumber. They apparently didn't like being woken from their nap. Asami ignored the instant screams that filled the entire room and quickly passed both babies to the equally dumbstruck Haruka.

"Bring them for a long walk. I will tell you what to do with them later," he gave Haruka a quick instruction.

"NO!" Akihito shouted at the top of his lungs from behind Asami. Lunging himself towards Haruka, Akihito tried to get the babies back but Asami quickly blocked his path. The push Akihito gave him was unexpectedly stronger than he thought it would be, but Asami was much bulkier than Akihito and well trained to fight and kill. It didn't take much to drag his struggling lover back to bed. To his credit, Akihito fought hard and dirty. The younger man kicked, punched, and even bit Asami's hand. Ignoring the sharp pain in his lower arm, Asami hauled his wildcat to the middle of the bed, placing Akihito on all fours and pushing Akihito face down into the pillow.

"Go, Haruka," Asami growled. He could sense her hesitation. But Asami knew she would not interfere with his decision. Kirishima had made damn sure to instil that specific rule into her head. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Haruka quickly walked out from the room before closing the door behind her.

"LET. ME. GO!" Akihito's threat was half muffled by the soft feather pillow.

Asami ignored it. Instead, he grabbed Akihito's wrists, pulling it up and held it firmly. Using his weight as leverage, Asami kept Akihito down while binding Akihito's wrist into the headboard with his own silk tie. He made sure the binding wasn't too tight but it would be sturdy enough not to give way when Akihito struggled. Observing his handiwork, Asami hummed in satisfaction. Akihito could fight all he wanted but nothing he could do to stop Asami.

He felt Akihito's tense muscles under his palms but his lover stayed still for now, playing along while waiting for a chance to turn the table around. Akihito was smart and despite the young man's naiveness, Asami knew that Akihito can be very shrewd and sharp-witted if needed. His lover had the patience of a saint and would wait until the least expected moment to strike back. Perhaps, it was an expected talent for crime-photographers, considering the amount of time they spent hiding in every imaginable places to catch their preys in action.

Keeping Akihito's hip in place with one hand, he moved his other hand down Akihito's spine, from Akihito's neck to the sexy ass. The lithe body under him trembled unwillingly. His finger hooked the waistband of Akihito's jeans, brushing the warm skin between Akihito's ass cheeks below.

A fierce growl froze his forefinger for a while, "Don't. You. Dare. Ryu. I am not in the mood."

His immediate response was chuckling. It was an empty threat. The worst Akihito could do now was mewling in heat. And Asami had no problem with that. In fact, he was going to do anything he could to encourage Akihito.

He opened Akihito's jeans button slowly, enjoying Akihito's frustrated hiss as Akihito tugged against the binding furiously. After an equally slow unzipping, Asami slid the jeans down Akihito's legs. Akihito started to wrestle to break free, kicking his feet to hit Asami. But in this position, Akihito would never be able to get the right angle to deliver a serious blow. Asami merely stepped back and waited calmly until Akihito was run out of breath.

"Let me go NOW, Asami!"

The switch from his own name to his surname showed how angry Akihito was. But Asami kept his cool. When Akihito was finally tired and his loud curses morphed into sobs, Asami continued his assault. With a composure as if he was merely signing a business documents instead of intending to rape his own lover, Asami pulled the jeans together with the underwear beneath, revealing Akihito's round ass. The marks from Goro's beating had disappeared a few days a go, leaving creamy skin that begged to be licked all over. He was reaching out his hand to get a taste when he heard Akihito's plea.

"Don't do this," the request was merely a whisper. "Please, Asami."

He rubbed Akihito's ass cheeks slowly, alternating between soft caresses and rough pressures. Bending down, Akihito's back felt warm against his chest, he ground his erection against Akihito's thigh. "Don't do what exactly, Akihito? I do a lot of things, I don't know which one you refer to," he teased with a sly smile in his face.

The answer was muffled by tears and pillow, "Don't take them away from me. Please, do whatever you want, but don't take them away. I need to be able to see them, to keep them safe."

He merely laughed, "Do whatever I want while they are near you? Now, now, you want to give our sons a show of our passion? That's a bit vulgar even for me."

"Then just stop all of this!"

Biting Akihito's earlobe playfully, Asami reached out and cupped Akihito's own semi-erection. Apparently, worry prevented the young man from fully enjoying their usual play. But it didn't matter. Soon, Akihito was going to writhe in pleasure. "But your body doesn't want to stop," Asami said casually.

Akihito's sob turned into an uncontrollable cry as Akihito wrestled to move Asami from his back. "Please, Asami, I need to see them…"

Finally losing his patience with Akihito's unreasonable request, he snapped, "And then what?! You will keep them on a tight leash, literally, for the rest of their life!? Following them around wherever they go!? Keeping them with you no matter what you do, even if it means that they are going to watch me fucking you!?" He pushed his pelvis brutally against Akihito's ass. "Is that what you are going to do, Akihito!? Because if it is, you are even more twisted than me!"

"Don't be stupid! I am not going to do that! I just want to keep them entirely safe!"

Asami's reply was dripping sarcasm. "Sure, you do. Care to explain to me how you are going to keep them entirely safe for the rest of their life?"

For once, Akihito didn't reply.

Releasing his bruising grip on Akihito, Asami sighed. "There is nothing we can do to fully guarantee their continuous safety or happiness, Akihito. Maybe now that they are still babies, you can keep them with you wherever you go, but they will grow up and then you won't be able to do that anymore. I promise we are going to do everything that we can to keep them safe, but sooner or later, they are going to make their own choices, good and bad, and the only thing we can do is to support them and be there when they need us."

Akihito shook in silent cry but his lover didn't fight him anymore. Asami rubbed Akihito's back to soothe him and when Akihito's body lost its tensity, he put butterfly kisses along Akihito's spine.

"…it was my fault…"

Placing his chin on top of Akihito's hip, Asami answered, "We all did mistake, Akihito. However, we are not responsible for someone else's madness. The world is a cruel one and we can't keep blaming ourselves for everything in it. "

"…but…I…I…killed someone…it must be a sort of punishment…."

"You did what you had to do. You survived. There is nothing wrong with that. Someone else hurt Nao. You? You saved him. I am very sorry you had to do what you did to save Nao but I am still so proud of you."

Akihito buried his face in the pillow, crying. The sound of his lover weeping saddened him greatly. How he wished that Akihito hadn't had to kill. It was a regret that he needed to deal with for the rest of his life. Secretly, he promised himself to do everything he could to protect Akihito from the darker side of his world. Let Akihito's life always be bright and happy and simple.

"Proud of me? Do you even know who I am, Ryu? What if I am not the person that you thought I were?"

Who he is, Akihito asked? What kind of a question was that? Without any hesitation or even a blink, Asami simply said, "You are my Akihito." It was that simple for Asami: Akihito was his first and everything else second. His lover could be a journalist, a killer, a beggar, a prime minister, a priest, or a sinner; Asami didn't give a fuck. Because on top of all that, Akihito was his. That, he wouldn't mistake.

The quick and simple answer stunned Akihito. Asami raised his eyebrow at Akihito's reaction. There was something his lover didn't tell him. Obviously, whatever it was, it had scared Akihito, eating him up inside. Well, it didn't matter, Asami would find out one way or another.

Leaning forward to kiss the skin where Akihito's neck met the shoulders, he continued with the infamous smirk in his face, "It has been a long time. Perhaps it is time to remind you of the fact that you are mine."

Despite the weird angle, he tilted Akihito's face and pressed his lips on Akihito's, his tongue reaching out, forcing a permission to enter Akihito's warm mouth. Akihito tasted like lemon with a hint of sweetness in it. It was addicting and he pushed further inside to get more of that unique flavour. His tongue pried, explored and conquered every inches of Akihito.

Pulling Akihito's shirt up around the wrists, Asami made his way down, licking and leaving a wet trail along Akihito's back. His hands groped Akihito's chest, teasing the pointed nubs in a not so gentle way. He knew Akihito loved it that way and as expected, his lover whimpered with every pull on the nipples.

He kissed the inside of Akihito's thigh. In response, Akihito spread his legs wider, obediently giving Asami more space to play around. Asami almost laughed then but he covered his amusement quickly. His lover would never admit it and, perhaps, with how Akihito openly defied him in every turn, it also wasn't so obvious to everyone else, but Asami knew that little by little he had managed to house-train his wildcat. Well, let Akihito believe whatever he wanted to believe. This was a secret Asami would keep to himself.

Rubbing his own hard rock erection against Akihito's ass, Asami reached down and took Akihito's cock in his hand, squeezing almost painfully before running his hand up and down. The cock in his hand was as hard as steel and the tip was moist with precum. Akihito started to move his hips together with Asami, moaning continuously while trying to get more friction from Asami's hand.

When Akihito's movement was getting frantic and the creamy skin was turning into a beautiful shade of pink, Asami stilled his movement. He clutched the base of Akihito's cock tightly until Akihito gasped in pain. Akihito moved his hips, desperately trying to catch an orgasm that was only a second away. But with a hand pushing Akihito's lower back down, Asami stopped his writhing lover from moving despite all the protest and complain. Chuckling, he gave a few seconds for Akihito to calm down.

"I am so close," Akihito whined, tugging forcefully against the binding around his wrists.

"I know," he whispered with a soothing kiss behind Akihito's ear. Well, at least he meant it to sooth. But from how Akihito's cock jumped in his still hand, the kiss seemed to arouse Akihito even more. "But you will only come when I order you to."

"What?!" Akihito instantly shouted his protest. "Like hell you can order me around!"

"Oh, really?" he asked casually as he pressed his finger around Akihito's ass hole, ignoring the way Akihito's naughty hole flinching to attract his attention. "You belongs to me, my Akihito. Mine and mine alone. And unless you can somehow drill that idea into your stubborn head, you can kiss your orgasm goodbye tonight."

And with that, Asami plunged his forefinger into Akihito, sliding in and out. When his finger brushed the sweet spot deep inside Akihito's body, Akihito shouted as if he was in great pain. Purposely, Asami curled his finger, hitting that spot repeatedly just to torture his lover. Howling, Akihito arched his back, pulled the binding in a vain effort to touch his own cock, and trashed his head back and forth. But no matter what Akihito did, he wouldn't be able to come, not unless Asami allowed it. When Asami saw that creamy skin blushing prettily, he pulled his finger out, caressing Akihito's inner thigh with gentle, soothing stroke. Well, soothing was relative here. Asami knew his touches stopped Akihito from coming but still kept Akihito on the edge.

"God," Akihito panted, trying desperately to catch his breath. "Oh, dear God." Asami swore he could feel the younger man's rapid heart beat under his palm on Akihito's inner thigh.

"Who are you belong to, Akihito?" Asami asked lazily. His finger made circle patterns on Akihito's skin, so close to the cock but not touching yet. It was just enough to tease.

Shaking his head stubbornly, Akihito gritted his teeth and refused to answer. Well, it was okay. They could do this the entire day and night if they have to. Besides, it would be boring if they had to stop the game too soon.

"Well, if you insist…" Asami let his sentence hanging before plunging in very slowly with two of his fingers, inch by inch as if they have eternity to do this.

Akihito moaned, wailed, whimpered, sobbed, and even begged in despair. And all along, Asami ignored him. With a dedication that would amaze even a saint, he slowly pleasured his lover, yet he stopped whenever Akihito was close to orgasm. Now and then, Asami would ask the same question, and every time Akihito shook his head in denial, he happily continued his pursuit. He swallowed Akihito's cock into his mouth, massaging the entire length with his tongue and throat, then gave Akihito a few seconds of frustrated breath, before started to rim Akihito's ass. He teased Akihito's nipples mercilessly until Akihito cried before devouring those sexy lips with a hunger that couldn't be satisfied with food alone. Asami gave Akihito no pity and Akihito could do nothing but accepted the pleasure Asami gave him, enough to drive him crazy but always, always not enough to send him over the sharp edge of orgasm.

Near two hours later, there were deep crimson marks around Akihito's wrist. Akihito's cock swelled until it turned purple. It looked painful but damn, Asami's own cock wasn't less painful from holding back his own orgasm. It was getting harder not to shot his cum all over Akihito, though. Asami didn't want to come without his lover, but if Akihito wanted to be stubborn, so be it.

He pushed his cock into the tight hole, not stopping until he was all the way in. Despite all Asami's evil ministration, Akihito still felt tight around his cock. The younger man groaned but was too tired and aroused to feel any pain. Instead, his lover quickly pushed back against him, trying to make Asami to move faster. Asami threw his head back, enjoying the feeling of being squeezed by Akihito's warm channel. Each time Asami brushed against Akihito's prostate, Akihito's cock jumped, the hole squeezing even tighter until it almost hurt, and Asami felt waves of pleasure course through his body.

He didn't have enough patience left to start slow. Asami pounded into Akihito with short and brutal thrusts, coaxing louder scream from Akihito. He sped up and watched in fascination as Akihito moved along with him, his groin slapping Akihito's ass violently. Akihito was lost in pleasure, arching his back with every thrust in complete lust. Soon, Asami noticed the way Akihito's skin blossom into a shade of pink, a definite sign that Akihito was close to orgasm. But when Asami was reaching down to stop Akihito from coming, he heard a tiny voice saying what he wanted to hear.

"What did you say, Akihito?" he asked just to make sure.

"…yours," Akihito practically sobbed. "I am yours. Please, Ryu, I need to come."

Kissing Akihito's nape, he couldn't stop himself from making a victorious smile. "Good boy. Such a good boy. You are mine, no matter what. You better remember that."

Giving Akihito's cock a few hard strokes, he ordered, "Now, come for me, Akihito."

Akihito shot his cum all over the bed, screaming his pleasure as Asami pumped into his ass. Lost in pleasure, the younger man instinctively tightened himself around Asami's cock and it threw Asami into orgasm. Spilling his seeds into Akihito, shot after shot, he arched his back, lips apart, whispering Akihito's name softly. In all his life, Asami had had a lot of good sex and some mind-blowing orgasms, but this one was one of the strongest he had ever experienced. Never before he felt like losing himself in sex, his mind blackened out for a few seconds and all his senses exploded from sensation. It was as if he was going to die from extreme pleasure. And for once, he didn't mind dying.

For long minutes, they just laid still, both was unable to lift even a finger, before Asami finally found the strength to move to the side. He released Akihito from the binding and pulled his younger lover into his embrace, ignoring the messy bed sheet and the fact that his seeds started to leak from Akihito's hole. Akihito always looked the sexiest after their sex. Lips parted, panting softly as the photographer tried to calm himself. Those hazelnut eyes was rather droopy, exhausted after rounds and rounds of edging. Akihito's skin was still slightly pink, warm and sweaty, his light brown locks plastered to his temple. The crime lord absentmindedly brushed the blond hair, savouring the smell of their passionate sex in the air.

"You know what the most shocking part was?" The voice that asked him sounded small even to Asami's ear. Without waiting for Asami's response, Akihito answered his own question, "I just murdered a person, but when I looked at the blood on my hand and then at Nao who was crying in my arm, I knew I would have no problem to kill again if anyone else tried to hurt him. It scared me to realise that I have no regret at all. What kind of person am I to kill someone and feel that it is the right thing to do? How can I raise a child with that kind of twisted mind? What if I hurt them instead?"

What a relaxing pillow talk. All Asami wanted was enjoying their afterglow, a few sticks of cigarettes and then maybe a short nap, but instead he answered dutifully. Oh yes, he fell so hard for this wilful cat that he was willing to pamper Akihito this far. "It just means that you love Nao. That is all. I am sure every normal parents will do the same to save their child. I will definitely do the same if I am in your position." He feigned a sigh as if it was a heavy burden for him to kill someone who tried to hurt his sons. Hell, just killing would be too easy. He would start by torturing them, removing their limbs piece by piece, before moving to their internal organs. He swore to whatever gods out there, there wouldn't be death for those bastards until they begged him in desperation to kill them.

As if his lover could hear Asami's thought perfectly, Akihito snapped, "You don't count as normal!"

Asami just laughed. Oh, not normal indeed, Akihito, he answered silently.

Tao sighed when he saw another of Asami's men vomiting outside the storage door. Why did Asami hire those weaklings? But, oh well, even Suoh had turned a bit pale when the bulky man'd saw what was inside. So, Tao couldn't really blame the rest of Asami's men.

"Are you okay?" Suoh asked when he saw Tao leaning against the wall.

Apparently Suoh thought that he was as affected with the scene as the other men, which was not the case at all. Tao shouldn't be here yet, not healed enough to walk around, moreover to assist an intense torture session for a few hours straight. The doctor had refused to let him out of the hospital. But knowing someone had tried to hurt Akihito had angered him and he just couldn't stay still. To Tao's surprise, Asami had let him come when Tao had asked.

Tao smiled wearily, sweats already formed on his forehead. "I am good. It was just a bit tiring, that is all. Do you mind if I sit somewhere?" He was lucky his father had gone back to Hong Kong a few days ago. Otherwise, the older Feilong would keep nagging him to stay in the hospital.

The giant observed him as if Tao was mad. "Let me help you," Suoh finally said.

They moved to the car and Suoh helped him inside. Tao ignored the sharp pain in his chest as he tried to settle into a comfortable position.

"Is it true that you stayed inside the entire time?" Suoh asked him evenly from where he stood outside the car door, eyes full with curiosity and newfound respect.

Tao nodded weakly. Shit, even nodding was painful. He gripped his chest to control his breaths.

"Not many men can watch such thing without pissing in their pants," Suoh commented. "Moreover assisting to do any of that."

"I am not those 'many men'," Tao replied simply.

Suoh looked at him intensely for a long minute. "I can't believe you are only 15. Shit. There isn't much left there to be identified as human. It looks more like…a mess of beef stew or…something. Something but a living being. Well, at least we don't have to hide the body, can just feed the remains to the dogs. But the blood, geez, it is everywhere. It will take days to completely clean the entire room. What did the two of you do? Painting the room with her blood or what?"

Tao gave a wicked smile that lightened his dark opal eyes and brightened his handsome face. "She hurt my best friend. Just killing her would be way too easy. Fortunately, it looks like Asami and I have a similar mindset about that."

Stunned, the giant shook his head in disbelief. "You do remind me of Asami-sama when he was younger. Well, welcome to the family, boy. You just proved your worth in our organisation."

Part 2. You Gain Some, You Lose Some

"Akiiii," Kou practically squealed in pure joy when he saw me. "Do you bring what I asked you to bring?"

Dumping all the things that I bring with me to his lap, I scowled at my best friend, "Stop screaming, jerk! You are at a hospital!"

Kou started rummaging around the piles of magazines. Porn magazines, I might need to add. I sighed. As long as he got better, I would bring him porn everyday if he wanted to. Anything to get my best friend back to health.

I felt guilty for what Kou had gone through. My best friend got a few stitches at different part of his body, a lot of bruises and some broken bones. He had done nothing to deserve it, nothing but being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But when I had told him how sorry I was, he had merely dismiss my apology, insisting that there was nothing to forgive. If I kept insisting he would kick me in the ass, so I pretended that nothing was wrong, which was a total lie to me.

Takato shook his head in disbelief at Kou's attitude. "Geez, did you buy the entire adult shop, Akihito? I believe that could last for months."

"You are only jealous because you are married and you can't openly read this kind of thing anymore," Kou snickered at his friend.

With a huge grin in his face, Takato merely replied, "Well, why do I need to read those crap when I can enjoy the real thing?"

I shrugged at my best friends' stupid bantering, knowing that it would soon escalated to a friendly yet somewhat violent brawl. Before I could stop their bitching, though, Kou had already threw a magazine at Takato. It was written in our unsaid agreement that being friends since we were five meant that every hit we threw at each other would always be considered as a joke and not to be taken seriously. So, I was a bit confused when Takato fell silent while taking the magazine that hit his head from the floor.

Until I realised that it was a gay porn magazine.

I was not sure whether Kou had told Takato about his newfound interest towards men or his feeling for Arata. But it was better not to take any chance.

"Ummm," I started, trying to save the situation from being even more awkward. "My mistake, I just grabbed whatever-"

Takato merely sighed. "Well, I guessed it already, you know. I am just waiting for you to tell me," he hit the back of Kou's head with the magazine. "And now that I know you told Aki already, I feel hurt and left behind." He feigned a dramatic hurt pose, both hands grasping his chest.

"Hey, I just told Aki like…I don't know, weeks ago?" Kou rubbed the back of his head while glancing at me, silently asking for confirmation. I simply nodded. "Besides, how come you know already? And fyi, I still like women."

Takato snorted. "The term is bi, idiot. And everyone who saw how you ogled Arata would-"

Realising that I was there, Takato stopped short and looked at me guiltily. "Umm…"

Geez, was I the only one who didn't notice my best friend's feeling for my ex? Like seriously, I couldn't be that dense, could I?

"It is okay, Takato," I sighed. Now, everything was really so awkward. "We broke up, remember? I told you months ago. Arata and I was over long time ago."

"Well, that was not what I heard last from Kou," Takato said while throwing a meaningful look at Kou, who by now was staring intensely at his bandaged hands as if it was the most fascinating thing in the whole universe.

I didn't even blink before I answered without an ounce of hesitation. "Well, I reconfirmed it with Kou a few weeks ago, when I just got back in Tokyo. Arata and I was over. Kou can ogle him all he wants. There, no more misunderstanding," I firmly stated with a grin in my face.

Strangely, Kou didn't say anything. He didn't even look at us.

"Hey, man. Are you okay? Any pain?" I asked with another wave of guilt and worry.

Kou just played with his fingers, a familiar habit that showed his definite nervousness.

"Have you talked to him, Aki?" Kou finally asked with a miserable expression in his face right before I started to think about calling the nurse. Kou being this silent must mean trouble of some sort and my first thought was his many injuries.

"To whom? The nurse?" I asked absentmindedly in alarm. Should I talk to the nurse about anything?

Kou rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "To Arata, idiot."

The storage room had been dark and smelled like rotten meat. But all my focus had went to Arata's screaming.'You..who are you? You are not Akihito!' Arata's voice had been raw in fear. He'd been scared of me and he had wanted to get away from me.

Shaking my head to remove that scene from my mind, I tried to delay the inevitable, "Umm, nope. I am planning to go to his room after I visit you. It is very convenient that you all are in the same hospital. Saving time, you see."

It was somewhat a lie. I would prefer to stay away from Arata after what had happened. I had postponed to visit him or Mariko for as long as I could. Besides, in that filthy storage, he had made it clear that he also preferred it that way.

I had tried to move closer, but Arata's howl had stopped me. 'You killed that guy! You killed him! Get away from me!'

"Perhaps, you better talk to him. I mean, soon. He feels bad about the whole thing, said something about saying the wrong thing to you."

'Murderer! MURDERER!'

I closed my eyes and swallowed, trying to stop Arata's accusation from playing like a broken record inside my head. "All is forgiven and forgotten," I said but my voice was thick with insincerity. I didn't blame Arata. Just like Kou, he was another victim. If there was anyone who needed to ask for forgiveness it would be me. I was the one who dragged them all to this mess. But still, Arata's words was a reminder of what I had done. There would be no way I could forget that I had killed someone.

Thankfully, Kou didn't notice that I lied. "Not for him," Kou replied, "Come on, Aki, give him a second chance. You both need to talk asap. He feels bad that-"

I cut his tirade in frustration. "He doesn't need to feel bad. And you need to stop trying to get Arata and I back together. It is not going to happen. I have a lover, remember?"

"Whoa wait, wait, you have a new lover?" Takato asked in irritation. "Hey, this is not nice, guys. I thought we are brother in arms and all. How come I am the only one who doesn't know anything?"

"Because you were busy going in a family vacation abroad and were not reachable?" I snapped back at him. Suddenly, I felt tired with the emotional roller coaster.

Takato quickly raised his hands in a surrender gesture. "Whoa, calm down, Aki-kun. I am just asking. That is all."

I rubbed my eyes wearily. "Sorry, Takato, I am just…I am not going through this argument anymore, Kou. Stop trying to get Arata and I back together."

"Is that because he helped that bitch to get you? The bitch who looks like you? Is that why you don't want to be together with him anymore?" Kou asked quietly.

"Geez, no! I told you this even before all that happened. Don't be stupid! Why are you trying to deny your feelings for him anyway?"

Avoiding my gaze, Kou mumbled, "I…I am just…it is all very frightening. I always love girls before him. Then suddenly he came and I…you know. But, there were you, his boyfriend, and I didn't have problem to be just a close friend. Then suddenly all changed and…there is my family expectation as well. God, my mother will have a heart attack if she knows, for sure. A heart attack and a lot of migraine. It is all just too much. And he does feel bad about you." He stopped his rambling to take a deep calming breath before continued, "He still loves you."

"No, he doesn't. He thought that he loved me and I thought so too, but our love had burnt out long time ago. I know it. After all of this, I am sure he knows it, too. It is you who keep denying it." I looked at Kou in the eyes. "I know it is frightening, okay? I have gone through that. But if you don't try, nothing will happen. Just take baby steps. You don't have to declare your love from the rooftop of this hospital and propose him today. In fact, you don't have to do anything you are not ready for. Your fated one might be him or it might be another guy or girl. Whoever it is and no matter what that old hag you called mother said, I will always support you. Just, please, stop denying your own feeling."

I smiled at Kou, hoping that it would soften my words and calm him down. "We'll be here whenever you need someone to talk to," I added, pulling him into my embrace. It was weird that Kou was so silent like this, listening as if there was something that he couldn't tell me. I hope he would get better and be his usual self soon.

Takato cleared his throat. "Okay, now that all the bromance has been said and done, can someone tell me who Aki's new boyfriend is?"

Kou snorted before bursted out laughing. "Our ungrateful friend here just have to take the most eligible bachelor in town. Hell, maybe in the entire country. His new boyfriend is the infamous Asami Ryuichi. In fact, this hospital belongs to his godlike boyfriend who is so generous that I can enjoy this luxurious private hospital room for free while being taken care by cute and pretty nurses."

Takato froze. His easy smile disappeared from his face.

Kou misunderstood Takato silence. "Oh my god, don't tell me you don't know Asami Ryuichi? I can't believe there is a Japanese who doesn't know who-"

"Of course I know who he is! Most japanese had never seen him but we had all heard about him!" Takato snapped before he turned towards me. The hostility in his face shocked me. "What do you think you are doing, Aki? Do you know who Asami Ryuichi is?"

"Umm, I am sorry?" That was the only response I could think of.

"He claims to be a businessman, but he isn't much different from a yakuza! Sion group is practically an organised crime. My company handles their IT. Damn, I handle their system myself. I saw-"

He stopped himself, probably realising that he had talked too much. I was sure there must be some sort of non-disclosure agreement for that kind of service. And Asami wouldn't be so stupid to leave any trace of his illegal activity. But I knew that Takato was a very good system engineer. And quite a good hacker too, I might need to add, remembering the time when Takato had hacked to our school's system just because I had been so worried about my score. Now that Takato had slipped, I couldn't decide whether I wanted to know more or not.

Do I still want to bring Asami down? After all this time and all those promises? With Nao and Rikiya being involved?

"He is dangerous, Aki."

No, I don't want to, I finally concluded, wanting to laugh. Such an irony! I had tried to prove Asami's evil doings through my viewfinder for years, persistent about bringing him down with my own hands since the first time we met. Now that I might find a proof, I don't want to do that anymore. Right now, I just want to keep my new little family happy and safe.

Keeping my face straight, I told my best friend, "I know. And I still love him. So, please just be happy for me because I am not changing my mind over this."

"I will hate to tell you, 'I told you so'," he said in defeat, knowing that I could be very stubborn once I set up my mind.

"I hope you won't have to." I replied Takato honestly.

"Takato-" Kou started to talk after looking at us back and forth. He looked to be ready to defend me but I waved him off. It would just do more damage to our friendship if Kou openly took my side.

Takato shook his head as if to clear his mind. "Sorry, I better go back now. I need to think this through."

I stopped the man whom I always viewed as my older brother before he reached the door. "Listen, Takato. You are my best friend. I don't want to lose you just because I have a…new boyfriend. It is not important anyway, you don't have to meet him if you don't want too. Can't we just…"

He smiled weakly. "Aki, if it is just me, I won't act like this. But I have to think about my wife and daughter's safety, too. There is nothing good about that man, Aki. I can't tell you in details but I know it for a fact. He is dangerous."

He looked up at Kou who was struggling to walk towards us, trying to stop us from ruining our years of friendship to the point of no return. "Now that I know this, I wonder whether Kou's injury is somehow related to Asami. Kou refused to tell me the detail but it is related to Asami, isn't it? Kou wants to hide that fact from me because he doesn't want us to fight," Takato accused me quietly. Our eyes met briefly, then Takato gently pulled his hand away from me. I didn't even realise that I had hold onto him.

I couldn't even deny it, so I let him go.

A moment later, I felt a hand on my shoulder, Kou's. Looking at him over my shoulder, my eyes wet with tears, I gave him an unconvincing smile. "Give him some time. He is just not used to the idea. You know that Takato is always very serious, especially about his family," Kou tried to cheer me up.

But my heart told me that all the time in the world wouldn't be enough for Takato. In fact, for the first time in my life, I was afraid that I might have lost one of my very best friends.

"Hey, are you okay?" Arata asked softly.

I didn't expect anyone, moreover Arata, to find me in the rooftop of Asami's hospital. There was a sign on the door telling that this area was forbidden for unauthorised personnel. I had to break the lock to be able to get inside but I really needed a place to calm myself and a hospital's toilet was always full of people, puking, crying, and all. Besides, the hospital practically belonged to my lover, or fiancee if his proposal was still valid. Surely it gave me a bit more access than other visitors. If Asami had any problem with that, I would tell him he could kiss my arse.

"Go away," I answered.

Arata ignored me. Instead, he sat on the floor beside me. His presence both calmed me as well as stirred another round of guilt inside me. But he didn't say anything, just waiting patiently as he always used to do.

"I am sorry," I said finally.

"It is not your fault," he replied.

"If it weren't because of me, you and Mariko-san wouldn't be-"

"Emi and Goro were crazy. Shit, the whole things were crazy. But you are not the one to blame. Now that I can think clearly, I felt bad for accusing you."

I smiled wearily. "Well, don't worry about that. I don't blame you. Those crazy things affected me too in one way or another. Always."

He frowned with worry in his eyes and I leaned my head on his shoulder instinctively, trying to offer him silent comfort as I had always done before. "Always? Had something like that happened to you before, Akihito?"

Raising my eyebrows in sarcasm, I snickered, "Something like what? Being kidnapped for loving the wrong person? A few times. Having my best friend left me because of that? No, this is the first time."

My voice broke somewhere along my short speech. Arata put his hand around my shoulders, and tears streamed down my cheeks before I could stop it. Quietly, he pulled me into his embrace, offering his shoulder to cry on. Arata's chest wasn't as broad nor as muscular as Asami's but he was always gentle.

"I am sorry," I told him over and over again as I cried. And he kept telling me that it was okay, that everything was going to be okay, that he was also at fault and he was sorry too. I didn't even know what we are saying sorry for. Did I say sorry because I dragged him to this mess or because Asami used him to get me? Did he say sorry because he helped Emi or because our relationship just didn't work? It didn't matter anymore.

When my sobs turned into hiccups, he finally laughed. It reminded me of our first time meeting each other in that coffee shop in the middle of the night. His eyes twinkled and there was a dimple on his left cheek. I smiled shyly while hiccuping.

"Keep in touch?" He tilted his head questioningly.

"Really? After all this you are still willing to talk to me?"

He ruffled my hair affectionately. "I will always care for you, Akihito. And so will my family."

I shrugged in relief before I nodded slowly. "Thanks, Arata. See you later, then?"

He stood up, brushing the dirt from his hospital clothes while doing so. After giving me one of his sweetest smile, a smile that somehow made him look sad, he answered, "See you later, Akihito. Take care, okay?"

Then he left me alone. I sighed. At least, something good happened today. I am glad Arata and I could settle our problem in a good way. It somehow lifted my spirit, making me think that my friendship with Takato could also be fine. Maybe, I just needed to give Takato more space. Maybe, as Kou suggested, Takato needed some time to understand my decision.

Enough wasting your energy to mope, Akihito! I scolded myself. It is time to bounce back and face the world again!

Kirishima stopped the damned dog on his way down. "Good job," he told Arata. "Your acting was good, I am impressed."

"It was not an acting and I didn't do it for you," Arata snapped, throwing the mic Kirishima put inside his pocket an hour ago.

Oh, it seemed the dog had grown a spine, though it was useless. Kirishima's face remained stoic as he took the now broken mic from the floor. "Of course, you didn't," he answered succinctly, his tone clearly showed that he didn't believe Arata even a bit. "Anyway, your family is ready inside the plane. The driver will bring you to the private airport. As agreed, your family debt has been paid and Asami-sama's business partner will take care of you and your family once you arrive in Hong Kong. He will provide you and your family with house, car, jobs, anything that you might need."

Arata looked down at his own feet, most probably questioning all his decision. Kirishima shrugged silently. "You do the right thing," Kirishima tried to reassured him.

"He said Emi wasn't the first one who kidnapped him," Arata argued.

Kirishima would roll his eyes if he could. But he always thought that it was a lame move, so instead he looked straight at Arata as he answered, "It was none of your business, Takagi-san. You promised us that you will end things amicably with Takaba-sama if we give you and your family a second chance to start over. You have done your part, and we will do our part. That is all you need to do. Don't bother yourself with something that isn't profitable for you."

"Is this all about profit, Kirishima-san? Akihito is not an object for Asami to bargain, barter, or buy. If Asami can't protect and take care of Akihito as he should…."

Geez, why does the dog have to make everything so difficult? "…and what? What are you going to do if Asami-sama couldn't protect Takaba-sama? What can you do, Takagi-san?" Kirishima mocked.

Arata didn't answer for a long while. The dog merely stared at Kirishima defiantly, tilting his head slightly as if thinking seriously about what he could do in that situation. Then Arata made a slow smile.

"Me? I can't do much. But I don't have to. If Asami dared to do anything stupid, Akihito would kicked him in the ass. People often underestimate Akihito, but he is actually pretty strong. Tell Asami that he better be careful. With how much he wants Akihito not knowing that I am going to accept his offer today, I assume this is is not the first time your boss playing a dirty game behind Akihito's back? He might want to protect Akihito but he couldn't keep doing that, you know. Akihito is not stupid, neither he was as naive as people think. Sooner or later, Akihito will find the truth and everything will turn into chaos."

Kirishima scowled in irritation. He didn't like someone who he viewed as nothing more than a dog to talk in such a way about Asami-sama. But before he could shout a reply, Arata had walked away.

"Where are you going?!" Kirishima frowned. "You need to go to the airport soon!"

"I want to talk to Kou before I left. I promised to pass him my temporary contact until I can give him a more permanent one," Arata shouted back without looking back at Kirishima.

Annoyed, Kirishima merely stared at Arata's back. The dog knew too much, had too many reasons for revenge, and practically too dangerous to keep, in his opinion. But eliminating him now would do no good for Takaba-sama. And Arata had promised Takaba-sama to keep in touch. Was that an honest request? Or was that Arata's ace card to make sure Asami-sama wouldn't kill him before long? Well, at least, this way they could watch all Arata's movement. Feilong had arranged everything to make sure of that. Knowing he had done everything he could for now, Kirishima walked up the stairs to find his boss' young lover.

Come what may, he thought. Whatever and whoever it is that tries to hurt Asami-sama and those he loves, I will be ready for them.