Here is another story! I'm sorry that it took so long to update, but life has been catching up with me. I will continue to do my best to update as often as possible but it will probably only get worse! However, I hope you enjoy this new story and let me know what you all think! :)


Riley almost always utilizes her hour long lunch break. If she's hungry enough she'll eat something from Cyber Command's unbelievable cafeteria. Normally she would avoid buying food every day, but many of the meals served in the cafeteria at her work are tastier than anything she could concoct at home. However, most of the time Riley spends her lunch hour simply walking around the facility. It isn't hard for Riley to keep her focus while working, but it is a nice break to take an hour and just meander around Cyber Command. The buildings are just as breathtaking as Riley imagined before she started working there and she never tired wandering around them. Today is no different, and after spending all morning at a desk, Riley enjoyed the opportunity to stretch her legs.

"Hey Riley, wait up a moment!" Riley turned to see Gabriel running from the other end of the hall. The Protector smiled shyly, chuckling as Gabriel approached, feigning shortness of breath. "Care if I join you?" Gabriel asked as he fell into step with Riley, continuing down the rest of the hall and rounding the corner.

"You know, I'm not doing anything interesting. Just taking a walk." Riley murmured, making eye contact with Gabriel, who shrugged. For a moment, Riley thought that maybe Gabriel had ulterior motives with wanting to walk with her, but she brushed away the immediate feeling. They had past the point in their partnership where Gabriel wasn't being as much of an ass as he usually was.

"Oh I know. I just thought since I've invaded your morning runs I might as well invite myself on your afternoon walks also." Gabriel laughed and winked at Riley. She rolled her eyes in order to cover her blush and show her annoyance. Running with Gabriel turned out to be more pleasant than Riley anticipated. The first time they ran together, he would not stop talking and slowed Riley down by ten minutes on her normal route. After about a week, Riley set her alarm 15 minutes earlier to be ready for Gabriel to knock at her door. By their third week, they were running in comfortable silence that both of them found enjoyable.

"Well it's probably a good thing you are here considering I haven't actually explored this sector of Cyber Command. Now if I get lost I can blame you for not knowing your way." Riley joked, brushing a strand of fallen hair behind her ear. Gabriel looked genuinely offended before responding.

"Me? Get lost? Never!" He tapped his forehead incredulously, causing Riley to shake her head at him. Most of the time Riley forgets that Gabriel has access to all the information on the grid. "Besides I am a man." He concluded arrogantly. Riley stopped for a moment in front of a discreet door to stare at Gabriel.

"What is that supposed to mean?" There was a bite to Riley's words. No matter how desperately Gabriel wanted to continue walking, he knew Riley wouldn't move until he attempted to dig himself out of this hole. Secretly, Gabriel made the comment on purpose in order to get rise out of Riley. She was just so easy to irritate and teasing her was becoming one of Gabriel's favorite pastimes.

"What I mean is, besides the chip always having my back, it is in my manly nature to know my way around places." Gabriel sounded matter-of-fact and that only caused Riley to become more annoyed. Of course he had to ruin her peaceful walk by being an ass. And this time she wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"You. Are. An. Ass." In an attempt to drill her point into Gabriel, she shoved him, hard, towards the only door in the hallway. Not anticipating Riley's rebuttal, Gabriel stumbled towards the door. With a final move to regain his balance, Gabriel grabbed Riley's arm, pulling her with him. Without either agents' knowledge, the door was unlocked and, practically wrapped together, they fell into the seemingly hidden room.

"Umph. Goddamn it Riley look what you've done now." Gabriel huffed from the floor. Riley, however, was more concerned about the compromising position they had landed in. Gabriel was lying on his back, a stack of filing cabinets knocked over behind him. Riley was on top of him, a bad stinging in the hand she has used to try and break the fall and more stacks of files on top of her. "Riley are you alright?" Gabriel's voice took on a more concern tone.

"Yeah I'm fine. My wrist may be sprained." Riley sounded nonchalant, more concerned with getting up from the floor than she was with her now injured wrist. At least a dozen boxes of files had fallen over all around the two agents. She attempted to roll over, only to be blocked by more stacks of files. "What room is this?" she asked Gabriel, pushing herself up onto her knees. This however, was also a poor decision as Riley was now straddling Gabriel in her attempt to get up. They made eye contact for a moment and a million unknown emotions and questions began swirling through Riley's head. She panicked and tried again to get up from the floor. This is when Riley and Gabriel heard a voice clear from the doorway.

Lillian was leaning against the doorway, her arms folded across her chest and her glasses in her hand. She looked down at her two agents and frowned in disapproval. "This room, Riley," she said with annoyance, "is where we store and file all of the hard copies of our cases. It was in perfect order and has been for years." Riley had finally managed to stumble to her feet and looked around the now chaotic room while helping Gabriel up as well. Files were everywhere and Riley felt her cheeks burn up. She didn't like where this was heading and the irritated look on her boss' face.

"I hope you and Gabriel did not have any plans for Saturday, because now you do. I expect this room to be back in order as it was before Sunday morning." Both Riley and Gabriel groan while Lillian sauntered off, a smirk plastered blatantly on her face. Riley let out a deep sigh, clutching her throbbing wrist to her chest.

"Nice going Agent Neal. Now look what you've done." Gabriel teased Riley as he began to pick up some of the cabinets that were knocked over. Riley knew this was mostly her fault for shoving him in the first place, but could not admit that in front of Gabriel.

"Whatever Gabriel. This wouldn't have happened if you had let me go on my walk alone." They made eye contact again, both knowing Riley had a point.

"Yeah well, at least we didn't get lost, now did we?" Gabriel concluded, his signature smirk making Riley roll her eyes for real this time.