A Funny Frontier Tale

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A Funny Frontier Tale
By Super Karoru
Chapter 1: Strange Happenings in the Desert

Now onward to our tale!


"Bokomon! Get your hands out of your pants!" shouted Takuya, as everyone laughed at the random outburst.

"I beg your pardon, Takuya, but I was merely putting my book away! My hands were not in my pants!" Bokomon angrily retaliated.

"Actually, they were," said Neemon.

"Shut up, Neemon!" shouted Bokomon as he snapped Neemon's pants waistband.


"Technically, they're not pants," said Junpei.

"Yeah, it's more of a striped tube-top that goes around his waist," responded Izumi.

"It's still weird-looking," added Tomoki.

"I do not know you people," Kouji grumbled from the back of the group.

"I think the sun has gone to our heads," said Takuya.

And that was the case. For you see, the sun had gone to their heads. Because they were walking in a desert. Don't ask me how they got there, they were just there. And definitely don't ask me what they were doing there in the first place. I guess getting the story started or something. Anyway, after the strange Bokomon-pants conversation, they began to look for some shade or water; whichever came first, because they didn't want their brains to end up frying into bacon.

"We need to find some shade or water," commanded Takuya.

"Whichever comes first," responded Izumi.

Suddenly, they all got déjà vu for repeating what was already stated.

"Strange," commented Junpei.

They all shrugged and continued walking. And that was strange because they all shrugged at the exact same time. So, to create another pointless conversation, Takuya and Izumi decided to jinx each other for shrugging at the same time. What fun. Let the coupling hints begin to feed those rabid shippers!

"Jynx!" they both shouted at the same time toward each other.

"Double jynx!" Takuya and Izumi yelled.

"Triple jynx!" Izumi and Takuya screamed.

"Quadruple jynx!" goggle-boy and purple-hat-girl screeched.

"Jynx to the fifth power!" the lovely young couple shouted.

Junpei glared at the author.


"Hmph!" Junpei... hmph'ed.

Much to the annoyance of the others, Takuya and Izumi continued to shout at each other at the exact same time.

"Infinity jynx!"

"Stop that!"

"Quit copying me!"

"Sally sold sea shells by the sea shore!"

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers!"

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

"Fifteen and five-sixths of a kilogram," answered Tomoki.

"Uh... right," said why don't you guess. "Jeez, how do we keep doing that?"

Neemon just felt the need to answer that. "I read one time in Bokomon's book that couples talk at the same time a lot." Everyone stared at him.

"But how did you get the book out in the first place?" commented Kouji sarcastically.

Everyone soon let that question sink in as their eyes widened; they even screamed and laughed at the same time. That would sound very weird. Believe me, I tried, but I'm sure you don't care about that detail.

"Neemon, Bokomon, is there something you're not telling us?" laughed Takuya.

"Yay! We didn't talk at the same time!" shouted Takuya and Izumi. Everyone slapped their foreheads.

"You're all strange. Let's just keep going," grumbled Bokomon.

And so they kept going, duh. Though, they didn't say anything, especially Takuya and Izumi, because they wanted to avoid talking in unison again. They continued walking along in their own special order. Now let's delve into their thoughts with my freaky author abilities!

Takuya was thinking, Hmm, Izumi and me acting like a couple? It's no big deal. Although, she is kinda pretty-- woah! Wait a minute! Did I just think what I thought I think I was thinking that I thought? Er... I just confused myself.

Izumi thought, That Takuya really gets on my freakin' nerves! But he is cute-- woah, that was a random thought! I can't possibly like Takuya, nosiree. I mean, this is the first chapter and I'm already saying that? Psh-shaw! ... Come to think of it, he's got a nice butt, too.

In the depths of Junpei's brain, I sure hope nobody's reading my mind right now. Is Izumi-chan looking at Takuya's ass? It sure looks like it. But she better not be, or I'll have to do my special Junjun dance to avert her eyes! Hoo hah!

All right, enough invasion of their minds. Anyway, they were walking along when they spotted something strange in the distance: it looked like dancing cacti.

"What's that?" asked Tomoki.

Bokomon pulled his book OUT OF HIS PANTS.

"Those are Cactusmon," he explained, thanks to his pants book. "They normally inhabit deserts and, um... it says that they also tend to break into song."

"Break out into--" but before both Takuya and Izumi could finish that sentence, they clasped their hands over their mouths.

The Cactusmon danced up to them and sang, "It's getting hot out here, so take off all your clothes!" Everyone just stared with confusion.

"Okay," said Junpei as he reached for his shirt zipper.


"Jeez, I was just kidding."

"You better have been," said Kouji.

"I'm not ready for that kind of childhood trauma," whimpered Tomoki.


Izumi thought, Although I wouldn't mind seeing Takuya take off all his clothes!

Takuya thought, Although I wouldn't mind seeing Izumi take off all her clothes!

... okay, aren't they a bit young to be thinking those things?

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! We are evil. Fight us now," ordered the Cactusmon.

"Okie dokie!" said Takuya.

They all Spirit Evolved because they HAVE DAH POWAH!

"Spirit Evolution! Agnimon!"

"Spirit Evolution! Fairymon!"

"Spirit Evolution! Wolfmon!"

"Spirit Evolution! Chakmon!"

"Junpei Digivolve to... oops! I mean, Spirit Evolution! Blitzmon!"

They all attacked.

"Burning Salamander!"

"Brezza Petalo!"

"Licht Seiger!"

"Frozen Wind!"

"Golden Thunder!"

But... they all missed.

"Aw crap!" yelled everyone.

But the Cactusmon were too busy gawking at Fairymon and her skimpy armor outfit to notice their missed attacks.

"Hey, what are you looking at?!" shouted an angry and blushing Fairymon.

The Cactusmon started to sing," We like big butts and we cannot lie! You other Digimon brothers can't deny!"

The others did their best to keep from laughing.

"What?!" screamed an even angrier Fairymon. "I'll show you a big butt!" (That did not sound right.) She did Arid Hug on the Cactusmon, but since they are cacti, the needles stuck her in the butt.

"... AAAHHH!!"

The others fell to the ground laughing.

"Ow! It's not funny! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stop laughing! Ooooo, that smarts!"

The Cactusmon soon fell to the ground laughing. Laughing cacti, that's not something you see everyday.

"That does it! I'm gonna beat the crap out of you, Cactusmon!"

And she did. And then she kicked them out of this fine piece of literature. And they all returned to being human.

"Well, that was strange," said Takuya.

"My butt still hurts," whined Izumi.

"So what do we do now?" asked Kouji.

As if on cue, all of their D-Scanners started flashing. Ophanimon's voice thinger spoke from the device.

"You must go on a new quest."

"But I thought that our quest was to free the Digital World from the evil Cherubimon?" questioned Bokomon.

"Uh, slight change of plans," responded the D-Scanner.

"Whatever. So let's go!" shouted Takuya.

"Uh... okay," said everybody else.

"I was kind of expecting more of an enthusiastic response from you guys."

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go!"

"Oh-kay! Now onward to our quest!"


"That was a little too enthusiastic..."

"Oops, sorry."

"Never mind."

Izumi thought to herself, Correction: Takuya doesn't have a nice butt. He's got a sexy butt! Heeheehee! Ow, my arse still hurts...

End of chapter 1.

What new adventures shall await our heroes? Will it be more romantic or just get crazier? Will Izumi's butt ever get better? Why are they constantly talking about butts in the first place?! Find out this and more things you didn't want to know in chapter two of A Funny Frontier Tale!