Secrets of a Secret Agent
A/N: Thank you all so much for the kind words! They are much appreciated. I know my chapters are short, so I figured I should at least update regularly. That was going pretty well until, well… shit happened. However, don't give up on this story! Because I haven't given up yet, and I'm nowhere near done. So… join me on this journey, ne? ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Mai Hime. Or anything for that matter, except the plot.
Warning: futanari hotness – don't like, don't read.
Chapter 8: And Make It Double
My fingers tapped impatiently against the surface of the table as the video call rang for a couple dozens of times before a sleepy blond head popped up on the screen. " Kuga, what do you need so raid at night?"
"She means late." A tiny voice in the background popped up. I could only wonder what Yukino was doing at Haruka's at this time.
"Uhm yeah, Haruka, I'm going to need a detailed layout of this restaurant where Johnson might be hanging out at."
"Sure, just send me the coordinates." So I did, and a few moments later it was ready to be printed. I ended the call just as Shizuru began to inspect the map.
She took a marker and drew a circle. "This is where we were."
"Indeed." I agreed, then continued, "Also, I'm sure he must've been sitting in one of the VIP rooms behind me." I marked aforementioned rooms. We then made a plan, drawing possible escape routes and places where we could hide. We might need some form of disguise as well, seeing as he'd already seen us. After discussing our plan, we were both very tired.
My partner gave me a mischievous grin. I gulped. Apparently, Shizuru wasn't all that tired. Before I knew it, my back was against the softness of bed, my front covered by Shizuru's softness. She dipped her head down and kissed me. Hard. I tangled my hands in her hair and let out a slight gasp at her intensity. The fire within me was roaring, and, unfortunately, the passion bloomed in my lower body.
Her hands unbuttoned my now slightly wrinkled, white shirt in a flurry of motions. They cupped my breasts, and I arched my back in desperate want. I needed more. But, damnit, I couldn't. And so I rolled on top of her, careful not to let my hips touch hers as well as keep hers still. Breathing in deeply, I tried to regain my composure.
I spoke. "I'm sorry, Shizuru. I can't do this." I looked at her with guilt in my eyes.
Hurt. Her crimsons spoke for themselves as she looked back at me. "Why..? Does Natsuki find me that undesirable?" She sat up, and hid her eyes underneath her bangs.
"Ofcourse not!" I was sure my expression went from guilt to pure shock in just a matter of nanoseconds. "It's just… something I need to figure out." I rubbed my forehead with my fingers as I stood from the bed. "Again, I'm sorry. I'm going out for a walk now. Don't wait up."
Picking up my coat, I left the room and practically ran down to the street.
Back at the hotel room, Shizuru was still sitting on the bed. "Ara… Perhaps I moved too quickly and scared her off. Though, why do I get the feeling she doesn't trust me?" She was shaken out of her train of thought as a twitch in her panties distracted her. Her arousal was trying to break free from its confines after the session she'd just had with Natsuki. "Oh, what am I supposed to do with you?" The honey brown-haired woman stood, took a set of fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. A cold shower would have to do. "Stupid tape doesn't even work properly." She muttered.
I ran. I didn't even know where to. I only knew I needed to get away. A run always cleared my mind, but it didn't seem to quite work this time. I slowed down and came to a stop near a small bar. It looked cozy, and well, I could use a drink. My breathing was still a bit laboured as I stepped into the bar.
I had a few drinks. Then some more. Soon after, I lost count. While I insisted I was fine, the barman refused to sell me any more alcohol. Whatever. Fine. I stood from the stool I was sitting on and started to walk outside. My vision swayed enough to make me dizzy, but only briefly. Okay,so maybe I wasn't completely fine, whatever.
Stepping outside, I took in a deep breath of the cool night air. A crash sounded a little ways from me. I tilted my head in confusion and was about to investigate, but then I heard another crash and a boy swearing in a weird accent.
"Godverdomme!" (1) Glass shattered against concrete. "Ow! Fuck you!" More glass shattered.
I made my way over quietly and peered into the small alley. An Asian-looking kid was beating up random thrash in the alley, obviously furious about something. He was wearing a white dress shirt along with black pants and a vest, looking not unlike a waiter. Except most servers don't have blood stains on their clothes. I decided to approach him, even if just to make sure he'd be okay.
"Hey there, are you alright?" I asked and walked a little closer to him.
He whirled around to face me. His face and voice gave the impression of being younger than he seemed. Even in the dim lighting, his eyes showed more knowledge than his appearance let on. "Oh hey," He greeted me back. "Uh, I apologize for the noise. It's just that I had a really bad day. I-I'll leave now."
I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "We all have shitty days every now and then. You wanna talk about it? I know I'm just a stranger, but it might help." I gave him a sympathetic smile. I don't normally do this kind of stuff, but the kid looked like he could use some help, and I didn't quite feel like going back to the hotel yet. The fact that I was a bit drunk might also have helped matters along.
We leaned against the wall as he talked. As it appeared, he worked as a waiter at a restaurant, but he had been fired mere minutes ago. It wasn't even so much that he loved the job or anything, but he was beyond pissed off because of the reason.
"So, there's this big shot guy at the VIP section and he always makes sure I serve his table. I fucking hate it cos he hits on me every single time and I can't tell him to sod off since he's a well-paying customer. Well, tonight, let's say he went way too far and I politely declined, ofcourse. So then that stupid asshole has me fired." He sighed and let his head rest against the wall. "I worked hard, man. I don't deserve this shit."
I nodded in understanding. "What a scumbag." Hell, I'd be pissed off too if I were fired for such a reason. "Are many costumers like that?"
"Hmm, some do treat servers like shit, but that guy…Johnson, I think his name was, he was so messed up in the head."
Wait. Johnson?
"Yup, John Johnson." He replied, and I realized I had said that out loud.
"How much do you know about him?"
"Quite a bit, I guess. I've been serving him for years after all-" I cut him off, took his arm and started dragging him with me. "O-oi! What are you doing?"
"I helped you, now I need you to help me, uhm… what did you say your name was?"
He struggled to keep up with my fast pace, "Uh, we haven't introduced ourselves, but my name is Kenny."
I stopped abruptly and turned to shake his hand. "Natsuki. Nice to meet you." Taking his arm, I began my trek back to the hotel again.
End chapter 8
(1) means goddamnit in Dutch.
A/N: Yes, I sooooo did that. Double futa, cos… who the hell does that? Also, yes, I sooooo inserted myself into the story. Sue me.
kugga: Thank you for your review!
ShadowCub: That's like the whole plot… Haha. Too distracted with each other to freakin look at what's right in front of their noses :D
sarronxo: Hmm, I wonder as well. I'll be honest, I definitely have elements I want to incorporate in the story, but I'm just writing as I go. I really don't know yet how it will turn out… HAHA.
sammykhann: Thank you for your kind words :) I do try. I've posted a slightly longer chapter this time! ^^
Keeper Aki: Thank you, slightly longer chapter this time! :D
wolfie21: I'm glad to be back ^^ Life is just like that, and we have to accept that, hm? It's okay to cry, but make sure to smile tomorrow.
Qaths10: Thanks for the review! Here's more :D