I haven't written for a very long time. And though I cannot say if it is entirely a good idea to start this, considering school and all, I wasn't able to help myself. Inspiration cannot be denied.

Chapter 1: First Contact

'Forgive me…forgive me…'

All of his senses were numbed. Itachi barely felt his body hitting the stone floor.

There was nothing more to do, was there? He can just lie here, and wait for death to claim him. He can depart this world and trust in those that remain to set his brother right.

Sasuke collapsed by his side, but Itachi knew that he will live.

His role was finished. Almost gladly, he allowed himself to slowly drift off, his vision darkening.

A familiar mask lingered somewhere above him. And suddenly he was gripped by an unsurity that made the darkness recede. A Sharingan eye surveyed him from above and gazed to his side, where Sasuke was.

Itachi found himself not wanting to die just yet. Because this man was dangerous. Something stirred in that bloody orb, that made Itachi understand; What fail-safe plan he left in his brother's eye will not be enough to keep this man away. Sasuke was still not safe.

Had he the capacity he would've shook with this realization. He can't leave just yet.

Itachi willed himself to live. But it was hard, harder than it ever was. The plunge was easy; but rising from the depths seemed beyond what his mind and body were capable of. Having delayed death for so long, against such odds—his very being was screaming for some peace at last.

'No…not yet…there is…' His sight darkened, even as he pleaded with himself then, and to whatever god existed, 'I was wrong. There is something I still need to do. Please.'

The dark overwhelmed him with a sense of finality, and he despaired.

'I will offer anything.'

Then somewhere in the pitch blackness, what could only be described as an even deeper shadow stirred.

And a voice whispered, "Then, what would you offer me, child?"

Itachi was not even sure if the voice was real. But he was beyond caring. He did not know if he spoke it or merely thought it, but he attempted a reply, 'Anything. Everything.'

There was a brief silence. "What I want is no trifle thing. Give it to me, and there shall be no heaven or hell for you," the creature said. Somehow Itachi could sense the small movement of lips forming into smile . "I am paid by the way of souls. Nothing more, nothing less."

There was no hesitation. 'It is yours.' He did not have the strength to say anything more.

The shadow engulfed him.

No god answered Itachi's prayers. But a demon had.