A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in a while, this chapters been stored on my computer but I just haven't got around to updating. But here it is xxx

It had been a while since Cora had fallen asleep, but Robert didn't want to wake her as she looked so peaceful. He continued to stroke her head and occasionally kissing her softly. "Robert." Cora murmured.

"Yes my sweet?"

"May I see the girls now?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Do you feel up to it my love?" He asked, he knew how excited the girls could be and he didn't want them to hurt his wife.

"Yes I think so." She jerked her head back as she sat up, and she flinched as a head throbbed. "Maybe you should have a word with them before hand, make sure they behave." She giggled, knowing how excited the girls would be and the last thing she needed was for them to bounce upon her and hurt her leg and head more. Not that Robert would let that happen of course.

"Of course." Robert kissed her softly on the lips and went to the door, but just before he went to the nursery he turned back to Cora, who was wriggling and trying to get comfortable. "I won't be long my sweet." She gave him a reassuring smile to tell him that she would be okay; he smiled back before exiting the room and walking down to the nursery. When he walked in the girls were playing dollies on the floor and Sybil was cooing in her cot. He told the nanny that she could leave them and he went and sat himself opposite the girls.

"Hello Papa, have you come to play dollies with us?" Edith asked, looking over the dollies in between her and Mary and thinking about which dolly she could give to her Papa.

"Not quite, I have come to tell you that your Mama would like to see you." Robert told the girls as he stroked Edith's hair.

"Really?" Mary chirped, dropping the dolls that she was holding.

"Really. But I need to speak to you before you go into see her." Robert changed his stance so that he was authoritative. The girls stared at him, waiting for him to speak. "Your Mama has hurt her leg and she has a poorly head, and-"

"But I thought you said that Mama was okay." Edith interrupted; worry flashing across her face once again.

"I did, and she is my dear, but she is still in a little poorly now, and we need to take care of her."

"Of course we do." Mary agreed, looking over to Edith with a cynical smile.

"So that means you cannot jump on her when you go to see her, or shout, or argue." He looked between the two girls who were both taking in his words.

"We can do that Papa." Mary said, and Edith nodded in agreement.

"And not just today either, you have to be careful with her until she properly gets better." Robert told them, standing up. "Now are you ready?" He held out both his hands to help two of his little ladies up. Before they left he went to pick up Sybil from her cot, knowing Cora would be dying to see her. He asked Mary to open the nursery door for him and when she did he walked through and the three of them walked to Cora's bedroom.

Cora heard a knock at the door so she called for them to come in, when the door opened Mary and Edith came in followed by Robert who was cradling Sybil.

"Are you feeling better Mama?" Mary asked sheepishly, which Cora found to be quite unusual.

"I'm much better now that I've seen my girls." Mary and Edith's eyes both lit up at her words. "Why don't you come over and sit here." She patted Robert's side of the bed enthusiastically; the two girls both looked up at Robert, his words still fresh in their minds. He nodded. The two girls skipped over and sat on the bed, Robert followed and joined them, sitting a little closer to Cora than usual. "I've missed you." Cora said stroking Mary and Edith's cheek in turn. Then she turned to Sybil who was looking at her with wide eyes, Cora stroked her cheek and Sybil curled her hand around Cora's finger.

"We missed you too Mama." Edith said, shuffling a little closer to her mother.

"Yes, all of us." Mary agreed. "But we've looked after Downton for you whilst you were away."

"I'm sure you have, my dear, perhaps you could tell me all about it." Cora suggested. "You two could come and sit beside me." Cora patted the space on each side of her. Both girls looked at their Papa, silently asking if they could do that. He smiled and nodded, standing up so Mary and Edith could join Cora.

"Do you want to hold Sybil?" Robert asked.

"Of course." Cora held out her arms for her youngest daughter. Once Robert had handed her to Cora he moved to the other side of the bed. He watched as Mary and Edith babbled on about what they'd done whilst they had been away. Cora listened intently, commending the girls where appropriate. Robert watched her in awe, after all she had been through she still talked with the girls with much enthusiasm. After what felt like hours he noticed all three ladies growing a little tired, especially Cora whose eyes seemed to be drooping slightly.

After a lull in the conversation Robert saw the opportunity to let Cora rest. "Girls I think you should let your Mama rest now."

"Okay Papa." Mary said, she leant over to kiss her Mama on the cheek, careful not to hurt her head. Edith did the same before she bounced off the bed and joined her sister who was standing by the door.

"Wait outside my dears." Robert whispered. The two girls did as he said and waited in the hallway whilst Robert spoke with Cora. He sat beside his wife on the bed who was swaying Sybil. "Do you want me to take her back to the nursery?" He asked, stroking her face.

"No, I'd like to spend some more time with her; I've just missed her so much. Is that okay?" She asked.

"Of course." He leant in to kiss her softly on the lips and then left her to cradle Sybil. Once he went out to the hallway he noticed that Mary and Edith were standing on opposite ends, obviously they had disagreed over something in the last minute, but Robert decided to ignore it. "Girls."

"Yes Papa?" Mary asked, ever so sweetly.

"I just wanted to say well done to the both of you for being so careful with your Mama." He smiled.

"I'm glad I didn't hurt her." Edith said, shooting a glance to Mary.

"Well, neither of you did, so thank you." Robert tried to smooth the disagreement between the two over by congratulating the both of them. "Now, why don't you run along to the nursery?" The two girls nodded and rushed towards the nursery, as they went Robert swore he heard Mary mutter 'I was more careful with Mama'. Robert chuckled to himself and went back into his wife.

"What are you giggling at?" She asked, a little tiredly.

"The girls have found something new to argue about." Cora smiled, but concern crossed her face. "But it's nothing to worry about." He reassured crossing to room and wrapping his arms around her and Sybil.

"I suppose it's not out of the ordinary for them disagree." She smiled tiredly, then nestled her head in the crook of Robert's neck. "Though, did you notice how reserved and careful they were?" Cora looked up at her husband through her long lashes.

"Well, actually that was my doing, I told them to be careful around you, so as not to hurt you." He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh." Cora laughed, "I should have known you'd speak to them."

"Well, I had to. I couldn't have them hurting you my love." Robert kissed his wife's brow before taking the bundle that was Sybil form his arms and placing her in the cot they kept at the bottom of their bed. He went back and snuggled against his wife, who was looking very worn out.

Cora sighed. "I didn't realise that something so little could wear me out so much."

"Well we will just have to be cautious for the next few weeks, not too much activity." Robert sighed too, and Cora sensed the underlying meaning in his words. She knew they wouldn't be able to be together like that, not for a little while longer. But, she also knew her husband would not begrudge her her recovery, he cared for her so much and she knew that he would not mind waiting until she was better. Although it may be difficult, for both of them, her recovery was more important. Besides, she still enjoyed cuddling with her husband, as she was now. Robert was rubbing his hand up and down Cora's back and kissing her every so often. He could feel her sagging against him, slowly falling asleep. "I love you Cora." He murmured before sleep claimed her.

"I love you too Robert." She smiled, pulling his arms tighter around her. "And I am very much looking forward to being able to take up activity again." She smiled again, before dropping off against him. Robert just chuckled to himself, kissing his wife on the lips and allowing himself to drop off too.

A/N- Thanks for all the reviews everyone, this fics gonna be about two or three more chapters and then I want to maybe work on a modern one and a serious of sweet oneshots. Let me know what you think xxx