Hello my fellow BronyMons( that is what I call fans of Pokémon and My Little Pony). This is my second story ever. I really hope you like it. I do not own these shows in any way. MLP belongs to Hasbro and Pokémon belongs to Nintendo. Enjoy! :)

It was a beautiful day in Unova as Ash and Pikachu, along their friends Iris and Cilan, were on their way to Iris's home, the Village of Dragons. " Oh man, I can't believe that we're finally going to see the Village of Dragons! This is gonna' be awesome! Right Pikachu?" Ash asked to the Electric type Pokémon. " Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu replied. " Ash, you're such a little kid." Iris said in her usual ' you're such a little kid' tone. " Hey! I'm not a little kid, I'm just really excited to see where you come from." Ash said. " Now, now. Lets not get into anything," Cilan said " And besides, visiting a new place is like trying a new recipe for the first time." They continued to walk down the marked path, but then they heard a voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere. It kept calling their names "Ash, Iris, Cilan"

" Ok, whose there? Show yourself!" Iris shouted. Then a burst of light exploded out in front of them. When the light died down, standing before them was the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus. " Greetings Ash, it is good to see you again." Arceus bellowed. " It is very good to see you too Arceus." Ash said bowing. "Ash, you are my friend, their is no need for you to bow." Ash quickly stood up. " I have come to you and your friends with a very important mission. And I need you to take it." Arceus said. "What do you mean by mission?" Iris asked. " As you know, this world knows about Pokémon, but I want the knowledge of Pokémon to spread throughout the universe," Arceus said. " And I chose you to start spreading the word."

" Wait, what do you mean by ' universe'?" Cilan asked. " By universe, I mean different dimensions," Arceus explained, "and the first dimension I want you to travel to is called Equestria." Arceus opened a portal. " Are you ready?" Arceus asked. Ash and his friends looked at each other and they all nodded. "Yes, we're ready." Ash said. "Then proceed." Arceus said. " Are you ready Pikachu?" Ash asked. " Pika, pi!" Pikachu replied. Ash, Iris, and Cilan held each others hands and walked through the portal.

How do you like it so far, is it good? Please R&R. The first five reviewers get virtual cookies and virtual lollipops. See you on the flip side, of the portal!

"So, what is Equestria?" Ash asked

" I ain't sayin' you'll just have to find out" I said

" Awww," Ash frowned