Hey there!

I'm sorry about the delay, but school got in the way. Anyway, I would like to thank all of you who read, reviewed and put it on your alerts; it really means something to me. I'm bit sad we came to an end, since I really liked writing this story – this fanfiction in my baby, and it feels like I'm letting it go, you know, make its own path, and everything – but we would have reached and ending in future also. So I leave you guys with this chapter. I hope you all like it and I would love to hear what you thought of it. Once again, thank you. Oh, and don't forget the bars mark the change of days...

P.S: Ryl, this one is for you.

Dark Wings…

Chapter 7 – The Lights Went Out

Once the mansion's door had been slammed shut behind her, the blonde didn't allow herself a second to think about what had just happened before making her way to the bug and stepping down on the gas pedal with all her might.

She needed to get away from there and it had to be immediately. Lucky for her, her beloved car didn't disappoint her. She drove for what seemed like both an eternity and just a matter of mere of seconds, before finally deciding it would be best to head home for the night and sleep all the feelings – anger, hurt, sadness and fear – off.

Once at home, she tried to sleep, she really did, but no matter what the only things in her mind were Regina's face and last words before she stormed out of the mansion. She just couldn't understand what the hell had happened for the brunette to lash out at her the way she did.

She thought they had made progress, hell, they both had even agreed that they were friends. If that was so then why had the brunette seemed to be so determined in convincing the sheriff that whatever they had meant nothing?

The more she thought about it the more she felt herself break. She cared, deeply, for the other woman, she had trusted the brunette blindly – because Regina had showed her she could, only to screw it all up and remind the blonde why she didn't use to trust people any longer. Still, she couldn't help but feeling as if she had lost one of the best things in her life.

The minute Emma Swan was out of her house, the mayor had completely broken down. She didn't want for the sheriff to go, she hadn't even meant the words she had said, but she just was not strong enough to allow them both to continue that self-destructive relationship – because believe it or not, that was what they were to her: two self-destruct buttons ready to detonate at any time. They were the Savior and the Evil Queen, it was never supposed to work out.

But hearing the words that came out of the blonde's mouth – even if she knew she deserved that and more – had hurt her more than anything, and when the other woman had told her she had given up on her, that was surely when it all fell down deep inside her and she began to regret her actions towards her arch enemy's daughter.

She wasn't deserving of Emma's caring, she was convinced of it, but to lose it like that, she definitely was not ready for it, even if she knew she had brought it upon herself. With that notion in mind she slowly began her journey up the stairs, slower than usually – given her still inebriated state.

When, finally, on her bedroom, she didn't bother to strip before carelessly throwing herself on the neatly made bed. As she tossed and turned on the mattress images of Emma flashed through her mind, and once more that night her body trembled with the pain filled sobs that left her lips.

It had been two weeks since they had last spoke to each other when Emma decided that perhaps she had given up way too easily – well, that and the fact that she didn't remember missing someone as much as she had missed the brunette.

The days away from her brunette friend only served for her to confirm what she already knew. She loved Regina. More than she had ever loved anyone. And the more days that went by the more the feelings inside her heart seemed to grow.

Those two weeks apart were like hell to her, and more often than not she would catch herself replaying every single moment they spent together – every late night talk, the comforting words they had said to each other once they learned about everything they had been through. Every smile, every tear and every single look, it all just added up to the aching in her heart. Everything ran through her mind every night before sleeping, including their fight, and the memories of the brunette's harsh words towards her made the tears to come to surface with such easiness that made her wonder when the hell she had gotten so emotional.

But even if she hated crying herself to sleep, she didn't have in her to try and stop it, because that would mean having to forget Regina, and she would rather fight Maleficent's dragon form all over again than letting go of the woman she - had realized somewhere in between the days they were away - loved so much.

And it was one afternoon right after her shift had ended in the sheriff's office that she found herself on the front porch of the mayoral mansion, gathering up the courage to get back the best thing that's ever happened in her life since her son.

Two weeks. Two whole weeks. It was the amount of time that went by since she had last spoke to Emma – well, yelled and insulted the other woman, that is.

The former queen had never imagined she would suffer so much for being away from the blonde. She had honestly hoped that her infatuation towards the sheriff would have disappeared after the days apart from each other, but to her despair it didn't and it was then she accepted that her feelings were much more than just a simple crush. It was love.

It had always been there – that growing feeling between them - she concluded after one late night, ever since the blonde stepped foot in town. They had only misunderstood the signs. There was quite the thin line between love and hate, after all. And was so much easier to give the other woman reasons to hate her, rather than reasons to love her.

And give reasons to be hated by the savior was exactly what she did. She said to the blonde everything she knew Emma could not take hearing from someone she cared for – even if she had regretted and not meant any single word with all her heart – because she was well aware of the damage it would cause their friendship, and the hurt inflicted upon Emma would be big enough for the sheriff to stay away from her and to prevent the brunette of losing another love.

And the fear of losing something so good was why the brunette winded up miserable on her bed night after night, crying until sleep would overpower her, trying to assure herself that pushing the other woman away had been really the best idea, even if sometimes she could barely fight her want – and need – of talking to, and seeing, the other woman.

The knock on the front door was way too loud – either that or the mansion was way too silent – for the brunette moving quietly around the kitchen; but whoever it was would have to try again another time. One more loud knock and still the former queen ignored it. Two more, and then it stopped.

"Finally", the mayor hissed under her breath. She just was not in the mood to deal with anyone that wasn't her son or Emma – and granted the latter was probably hating her at the time being and the former mad at her for hurting his birth mother's feeling, and the two of them were the ones who actually used to care about her, there wasn't reason as to why anyone would be looking for her.

After finished eating her toast and drinking half cup of tea, she ascended the stairs to her bedroom ready to just lay down and try to forget about everything that went on the previous weeks.

"Maybe she's not home" the blonde thought after her insistent knocks at the white door came unanswered.

But she knew it wasn't it, she was quite sure the mayor was home, she just didn't want to believe that the brunette would not want to see her - which was not the case, even if she didn't know about it.

After a few seconds of thinking about it, she decided to try once more before leaving, this time, though, finding her voice to call the other woman.

"Regina, it's me Emma, please open up. We have to talk."


The short woman had ascended no more than four steps when she heard the sheriff's voice calling through the front door.

"Emma", she whispered and before she knew - with a resolute and strength built out of nowhere - she made her way to the door in no time, but as she reached for the handle her fears washed over her once more and she was about to turn around, when Emma spoke again.

"Please Regina, I know you're in there, please open up."

"Go away, Emma", the brunette said, and as she did she could already feel hot tears forming in her eyes.

"No. I want to talk to you, and I won't leave until we have talked," the blonde insisted and each word felt like daggers to the queen's heart, but she could not give in. She was doing that for Emma, and one day the sheriff would thank her.

"You don't get it, you have to go. You have to stay away from me", Regina pleaded and from the other side the younger woman could tell the short woman was crying and that notion plus what she had just heard made her heart clench and gave her just a bit more of will to press on the matter.

"Why? What happened?"

"Just go, please. If you care about me even in the slightest you'll go and won't come back", the older woman had to fight the lump in her throat to get all of those words out, and even if she felt the remnants pieces of her heart shatter she still had to do it.

"Regina-", Emma began but was cut off by the other woman who didn't try reasoning with her anymore.

"Go!" was all Regina said, and she had to muster all her might for it not to come out in a whisper instead of an order, but she was able and the sharpness in her voice was more than enough for Emma to understand what she had to do, and so without any more tries at convincing the brunette otherwise, she turned around and made her way back home.

It had taken Emma, at least, a good forty minutes to get home, once she left the mansion. She had told herself she was only going to do one more round in the center of the small town to make sure everything was alright – but she knew everything was okay and that Storybrooke was safe. What she didn't want, though, was to go home one more night thinking about Regina and how she couldn't seem to find a way to fix their situation.

When home, Emma didn't bother to even greet anyone and went straight to her room, she was way too emotional exhausted to talk to anyone, what she didn't notice though was her son following her the moment he saw the sadness etched in her eyes.

"You went to see mom, didn't you?" the boy questioned as he entered the room, just a few second after his mother sat on the bed.

"Kid, you scared me!" she exclaimed, having really been scared by her son, since her mind was elsewhere, but also clearly dodging the question. At his pointed look though, she knew he would not let it go, so sighing she gave in, "Yes, yes I did."

"And…?" he inquired and by the look on his blonde mom's face he could tell it did not go well.

"And she didn't see me, she didn't even open the door, the only reason we talked at all was because she kept telling me to go away." the woman answered and the growing boy could hear feel his biological mother's frustration, and small sting of sadness in her voice.

As he his brain process her words he decided it was time to give his mom a reality check, "Look, I don't know what's going on with her, I'm not even sure if I know what's going on with you, what I do know though is that you two care for each other and are still suffering for no good reason. Mom always thought the Charmings as the 'idiots' of the town, don't let her be right about that when it comes to you."

The shock written on Emma's face was a clear indication of how taken aback she had been by her son's words but knowing he was indeed right she simply argued back, "I tried talking to her, kid, she doesn't want to, ok?"

"Well, why don't you make her?" he offered.

"I don't want to force her to do anything she doesn't want to Henry, besides she won't pick up her phone if I call, nor is she welcoming me in the mansion so I kind of ran out of options here." Emma answered, frustration and tiredness clear in her voice.

"Well, you would have ran out of options, if you didn't have a son who still has a spare key" the boy smiled as he reached for the key inside his pocket and gave it to his mom, glad to see a smile forming on her face as she received it.

Pushing the thought out of her mind that this was breaking and entering, she got up and dropped a kiss on her son's forehead before jogging out of the apartment – never looking back.

It took Regina the double of effort, time and energy to ascend the stairs and reach her bedroom. The fact that Emma had went looking for her trying to make things up after everything she had said to the other woman, was rather disturbing. And had she allowed the young blonde to get inside she would be accepting what she was feeling – what she knows the sheriff was feeling – and she could not succumb to it. It was for Emma's safety and as much as she did not want to accept her feelings she would protect the blonde – even though, she knew it was because of those unsaid feelings.

As she slowly settled on the bed, she let exhaustion take over and though it was way earlier than what she was used to go to sleep, she could not fight to keep her eyes open – not that she wanted it, anyways – and in a matter of seconds she had fallen asleep.

Instead of a peaceful sleep, all she got were images after images of Emma, and in each scenario, no matter how wonderfully it may have started, it always ended with the blonde's blood on her hands.

"Emma" the name left the brunette's lips as she tossed and turned on the bed, as another nightmare plagued her. And for the next moments the name of the one loved most – after her little prince, of course – never left her lips, followed by hurtful groans and sleep filled tears.

"Emma" the blonde heard her name being cried by the other woman, as she entered the mansion; the despair in the brunette's voice drove her faster up the stairs and having reached the main bedroom, she ran to the mayor's side once she saw the way the woman tossed and turned around the bed.

"Regina, hey, it's me" she called softly, slowly sitting on the bed trying not to startle the sleeping woman.

"Emma," the former queen answered, still clearly in a state of unconsciousness, though this time calmer than before, perhaps it was the sheriff's presence.

"I'm here. I'm right here, Gina, just wake up and you'll see." the blonde soothed as she gently began running her fingers through black locks trying to comfort the petite woman and a few seconds later, the mayor finally began waking.

"You're here." the brunette murmured, voice lacked with sleep.

"Yes, I am." Emma answered, a small smile on her lips as she kept running her fingers through the other woman's hair.

"I'm sorry for everything I said to you. I never meant to hurt you, but I was just so hurt and angry myself that the only thing I wanted was to take it out on someone, but I never wanted you to be that person and only after you told me you gave up on me and left was that I realized how I had fucked things up and how much I missed you. And what I said? I was lying. You're special and unique, I have never met someone quite like you, and you don't mean anything, you mean everything. You're my only friend, please don't abandon me." the brunette blurted out before she could even think about it.

After all those nightmares long gone were the thoughts of keeping distance from her son's other mother; she needed the woman near her and since she kept reaching out to Regina, the mayor would not refuse her friendship anymore.

Emma could not stop herself from leaving a feather like kiss on the brunette's forehead before replying to the woman's apology, "I'm sorry too. I should have never talked to you that way either, and for as much as I tried, I couldn't be angry at you. I was hurt for sure, but after finally getting my mind in place I knew you were lying, with you I always know, but hearing you say those things broke me so much that I ignored it and hurt you back. You're not soulless or cold, or careless about other's feelings, you are the only who actually cares about what I really feel. I haven't given up on you. I will never abandon you, I promise."

She pulled the brunette closer and without thinking twice embraced her and immediately Regina hugged her back.

"I missed you so much", Emma whispered

"I missed you too, more than you know," Regina whispered back, before apologizing once more "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Shh, it's okay. Now go back to sleep." The blonde soothed.

"You'll stay?" the question took Emma by surprise, even though she had been planning on staying would the other woman want it or not, although she wouldn't lie that the request warmed her heart.

"Of course I will" the 'always' remained stuck midway but she hoped the other woman could still hear it.

"You know, when I was a kid I used to always sleep with the lights out, but once I begin living by myself I was never able to get a decent night's sleep without at least one light on" Emma spoke after minutes of silence had passed since they had woken up - after having fallen asleep against each other.

The easiness between them went back to normal enough, so that the brunette was able to reply without even having to ask what the younger woman had meant, "After coming to Storybrooke there was not a night I allowed myself to turn off the lights, so yes I know exactly how it works, although I'm not afraid of the dark, I have never been, I am darkness after all, but I just… I guess it brings back bad memories."

At the woman's statement about herself the blonde reached for the mayor's hand and began to slowly trace random patterns with her thumb as she replied,"Regina you are not darkness, I know it must be hard to believe in it when all your life you were treated and, I admit it, acted as such, but it doesn't define you. You are many things, but darkness is not one of them. I do agree with you, though, it seems to remind me of things I wish to forget."

There were countless seconds of silence before the sheriff asked the one question Regina wished she hadn't, "How come we were able to sleep last night, then? Was it because we were together?"

"I don't know" the former queen answered and immediately Emma's sense went off.

She lied.

"What?" the brunette in the apron asked as a short and somewhat shy laugh escaped her lips at her best friend continuous stares.

"Nothing" the blonde shrugged.

"You're staring, Emma, you never stare." the mayor said, but still the other woman wouldn't budge.

"It's nothing, really." once more Emma shrugged, and by that Regina knew it most definitely was not nothing.

"C'mon, you know you can tell me anything. So, spill." the mayor pressed a little further.

"I was just… thinking" the sheriff dismissed as if it was no big deal.

"Thinking about…?" Regina pressed just a bit more and finally the woman gave in.

"Us" simply and straight to the point, was Emma's answer.

The answer had Regina taken aback and right at the moment she felt the air around them change. Quickly she turned her attention back to her previous activity and sooner than she would have liked she had finished her apple pie, and there wasn't many things she could find to occupy herself with – in fact there was none.

Once she had untied the laces of the apron and discarded it, she tried to be as smoothly as possible in getting out of Emma's sight, but the sheriff was not going to let that go. As she attempted to get out the blonde blocked her way and out, and looking into green eyes she could tell what all this was – and would be – about.

"Emma, don't" the short woman asked.

"No Regina, I'm going to talk and this time you'll listen to me." The savior stated; she was determined to fix this up for real. It had been six months since they had went back to normal, since they went back to being everything the other needed. She was tired of all this dancing around.

"When we argued that night, I've had never felt so hurt and betrayed, not even by Henry's father, and honestly it wasn't so hard to figure why. I knew why. I spent those two weeks thinking and rethinking, just to be sure that I wasn't jumping to conclusions. I knew I wasn't. When I'm with you everything is better, and when I'm not I miss you, and I missed you so much those days and knowing we were not in good terms was so damn agonizing I didn't know what to do. I felt like the little girl I was once: lost and afraid. With you, though, I feel safe and complete, I feel at home. And you know just as much as I do that the only reason we were able to sleep in complete darkness together was because we know we will be okay in each other's arms. That not a thing in this world can hurt us, and this is only possible because I love you and you love me. And don't try denying it because I know you do."

Hearing Emma's confession made Regina's heart skip a few beats, and at the same time recoil with fear. Such occasion was the reason why she had tried pushing away the younger woman, and she was ready to dismiss it all by denying it, but her words went out faster than what her brain could work with, "So yes I love you, but that doesn't change the fact that we are two different people that apart from sharing a son have nothing in common."

A humorless laugh left the blonde's lips as she answered, "You have got to be kidding me, right? All I did in this past few months was discover how much alike we are, how much in common we have."

"Emma, please, just let it go." the shorter woman begged as she stared into the eyes she loved so much.

"No, I won't. I know you're scared, I am too, but we can't keep running forever." the blonde answered and taking a chance she slowly wrapped her arms loosely around the other woman's waist bringing her even closer.

"You could have any man or woman you want, so why me?" the former queen asked in a whisper.

"You're right, I probably could, I don't know and I don't want to find out, because I don't want anyone else but you. I love you, with everything I have, Regina, that's why." the fierce determination in her voice was overwhelmed by her love and she could see it reflected on her loves eyes.

"I love you, too, so much, but I'm afraid, Emma. Everyone I have loved always ended up hurt, look what happened to Henry before the curse broke. I don't want to see you hurt, or worse. Please, please, don't love me." the older woman pleaded, her voice lower than ever before, and her head hanging low, eyes focusing anywhere but Emma.

"You can't ask me that. Besides, you won't see me hurt or worse, but if you keep me away from you then you'll be hurting us both." the savior said as she gently reached for the brunette's chin and lifted her head up, their eyes meeting.

And it was in that moment that Regina finally understood what it was really all about. For the first time in a long time she had allowed someone to see her, to truly see her, and Emma didn't run, she did everything but. The blonde woman showed her that she was capable of being a better person, that she was capable of loving someone else other than her son. But most importantly, the young woman showed her that she didn't have to fear darkness; she didn't have to fear herself.

The sheriff showed her what love was really about. Emma gave her hope and dreams, but above everything else the Charming's daughter gave herself to Regina: body, soul and heart. Unconditional love. And looking into her eyes at that moment she realized that no matter what could happen, if she took the chance and chose them, they could – and would - face everything for each other.

"Okay", Regina answered as a small smile graced her lips and she leaned into her savior's awaiting lips.

And when the town ran out of power later that night and the lights went out they knew they could finally sleep – peacefully – in complete darkness, as long as they would have each other

The End!