Hey there! I'm back.

So, this is my new SQ fiction. It was inspired - and in a few moments based on, too - by two songs: "Boy and The Ghost" by Tarja Turunen and "Twin Flames" by Epica. It's placed somewhere after 'Queen Of Hearts' (Season 2, Episode 9), although there's no Neal nor Cora and Hook getting to Storybrooke. But the first 4 chapters though are a background of Emma and Regina's life before Storybrooke.

It'll be something like maybe 5-6 chapters, not sure yet.

I really hope you guys like it!

When The Lights Go Out

Author: Dark Wings Of Imagination

Beta: Ryl

Genre: Drama/Romance

Rating: M

Summary: Emma Swan and Regina Mills. Two women haunted by their pasts that find in each other the most unlikely source of comfort. Rated 'M' for graphical rape, suicidal thoughts, violence and language.

Chapter 1 – The Night All Angels Cry

The screams echoed through the house causing the girl to jolt awake from her sleep, as the sounds became louder, she ran to the bedroom's wardrobe and hid inside. She had never feared darkness, for it was her only refuge when she needed to run from her abusive 'Mom' or 'Dad'.

Emma Swan was fourteen years old, but had more life experience than many adults do. In her short life the little blonde girl was tossed away, from foster home to foster home. Unfortunately she never seemed to be lucky enough to end up in a good foster home, the ones where she had lived previously either had too many kids - and because of that she almost starved to death - or the foster parents were extremely abusive, just like the one she happened to be in.

For years she had hoped someone would come and save her from whatever hellish 'home' she was in – and dare she even hope that maybe the people to come and rescue her would be her real parents. They would tell her they were sorry and that they had never meant to abandon her, it was just that at the time she was born they couldn't keep her but now they could, and they would all live happily ever after. She just wanted someone to rescue her from the nightmare that her life was, but no one ever came, and after some time she just stopped believing they ever would.

As she sat inside the wardrobe she could hear the heavy footsteps of the father getting closer and closer to the bedroom. Her heartbeat rapidly increased, her palms began sweating and her insides began to tremble.

The tall man flung the door open; anyone within a mile radius could smell the strong scent of cheap whiskey and vodka. The alcohol in his system made it harder to walk straight, causing him to trip over his own feet a few times. Unlike his limbs, his vision worked perfectly and once he searched the room and didn't find the small blonde right away he went mad.

"Where are you?" he yelled and waited for an answer. When none came he asked it again, getting angrier by the second. Once more no sound could be heard other than his own heavy breathing and footsteps.

"Where the fuck are you?" he kept asking, as he moved around the bedroom.

'Please, don't let him find me. Please don't' Emma repeated it over and over like a mantra in her mind as she heard his unsure movements get closer and louder as he approached the wardrobe door. For a moment there was silence and she dared to think he had given up and went away, but he didn't... He never did, and before she could react the door was yanked open and she was pulled out of there.

"So you thought you could hide from me, your little whore?" he said as she threw her against the nearest wall, causing her to hit her head and fall down to the floor.

He bent down and grabbed a fistful of blonde hair as he pulled her up and threw her onto the bed.

"You thought I would go to sleep tonight without having a little taste of you?" his slurred words echoed through the bedroom as he clumsily began running his hands over her small body.

"No. Please, not tonight!" Emma begged as his hands stopped right between her legs, forcing them open.

She continued to cry and begged him not to continue as he slowly undressed her - first her panties and then her night gown.

Her cries were both driving him mad with sickening desire for her and irritating him to no end.

Without warning she felt a strong fist connect with her white porcelain skin, and there was no way of quieting the yell of pain which left her mouth.

"Shut up!" He yelled at her delivering one more painful punch at her face. This time she did her best not to scream.

As she finally quieted down, he unzipped his pants and threw his boxers away; climbing on top of her he forcefully kissed her as one hand moved to one of her breasts and the other grabbed at her hair, pulling it so hard she was sure it was being yanked from her scalp.

She could feel his hands everywhere on her body, the tip of his hardened member every now and then making contact with her center, the feeling made her nauseous. She just wished she could disappear before it got worse.

The more displeased she looked, the more turned on he got and when he finally got tired of his foreplay, he spread her legs impossibly wider and with one single painful move he penetrated her, making her scream in agony - thought if anyone asked him he would say it was a yell of pleasure.

"I know you want this! I know you spent the entire day waiting for me to get home to fuck you, to make you cum so hard you'd think you're high."

His words made Emma even more nauseous and her want to vomit just kept growing. As she felt bile raising her throat for millionth time that night she pushed it down, for she knew it would be even worse if she happened to puke on him.

For someone who was drunk his movements were quite steady and the painful expression on the small blonde's face just made him ride her with more conviction, transforming his fast short moves into long and more aching ones.

After what seemed like forever he finally reached his climax and came while still inside the girl. Once he was finished with her he clambered off the bed, grabbed his clothes, and left as if nothing had happened.

Emma lay still on the bed, she couldn't bear to move as the pain between her legs was excruciating. Her head was throbbing and the nausea still hadn't gone away, if anything, the desire to vomit was growing. She felt as if she had gone to hell and back – and in all honesty, she had. The tears were making their way down her face and dripping onto the bed. She didn't know how much of this she could take.

As another wave of nausea hit her she managed to turn on her side to at least not vomit on the bed. Her vision began blurring, and as the nausea began decreasing, her throbbing head only worsened as well as the aching between her legs. Her body was in so much pain she thought she'd die – and maybe, she thought, it would have been better if she had.

The torturous increasing pain eventually led her to unconsciousness, and it was the only reason the girl managed to get some sleep that night.