AN: Well, I've written this story because I'm curious. Nothing much about Kuroko's home life had been really mentioned (aside from a dad, mom, and grandmom) and since it had been stated that he took after his mother in appearance, I thought, it was actually a good chance to have his father not look like him. And I wanted to write a story about a grown up Vongola Famiglia anyway. I haven't updated Providence and Instantaneous Winds yet because I'm still fixing the chapters since I'm not satisfied yet with the way they turned out, so please be patient.

Warning(s): A little OOC.

Pairing(s): None as of yet.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke or Katekyo Hitman Reborn.




[Chapter 1: Growing Up]

"How about your house, Kuroko-kun?" Riko asked curiously with a tilt of her head.

The team had taken a week off after their exhausting and gruelling match with Rakuzan. It was also the first time that they had played very long with an overtime. So, Riko had allowed her players some reprieve by having the week to relax. After that, it would be back to training rigorously. Even after winning the title, they also couldn't let their guard down. Reminding them that they barely won was sufficient motivation, it was enough to keep the whole team's ego in check.

Still, even with the break granted, the team had still ended up hanging out together, especially with the holidays so near.

While they had seen most of the other members' houses before already, Riko would have to admit that she hadn't been to Kuroko's yet. She had been wondering the reason behind that when Furihata had told her that Kuroko refused to invite them.

That just wouldn't do. And she was especially determined to get to know their youngest player better.

"I have to apologize, Aida-san," Kuroko blankly replied, eyes fixed at some point above her head. "But, my father will be having guests today," He elaborated quietly when it seemed like Riko was about to blow a gasket.

"Is that so?" Riko hummed thoughtfully.

"What exactly does your father do, Kuroko?" Hyuuga questioned with interest. She understood why. Kuroko had never mentioned his parents before.

"He's part of… the family business," The teal haired teen answered and they didn't miss the slight pause in his sentence.

And, judging from how Kuroko was growing awkward at the turn of conversation, it was also safe to say that he wasn't comfortable talking about them either. It made Riko suspicious. Why was Kuroko so averse in speaking about his family? Was he hiding something? Is his relationship with them that bad? Or was there something going on?

"Family business?" Kagami had a doubtful look on his face.

"I apologize but I can't talk about it," Kuroko deadpanned bluntly.

"It's fine, Kuroko," Kiyoshi was quick to placate. "We were just curious is all,"

The five of them were the only ones who were able to meet up today since the others apparently had some prior plans. Kiyoshi had suggested hanging out at the street courts and Riko tagged along to make sure that nothing unprecedented happened. It just went without saying that the day she gave them a break would still result in them going back to basketball. It was especially true in her current companions' case.

"Well, what about your mother?" Kagami asked as he absently dribbled a ball.

"She's working overseas," Kuroko responded swiftly, sitting on the bench.

"Mou, you're purposely being vague about this, Kuroko-kun–" She was cut off by a loud honk to their right. She whirled her head around and watched as a black Lamborghini Gallardo parked itself just beside the street court they were currently hanging out at.

The window at the driver's seat rolled down to reveal a fairly handsome young man. He had slightly long curly hair that reached the nape of his neck and mesmerising green eyes. If Riko had to estimate, the other was around his early twenties. The fence between them that surrounded the court made it hard to particularly distinguish anything from the man but they could still see the bored shift written on every line of his face.

"Ah, he's here," Kuroko reacted impassively.


"Oi, Tetsu-tan!" The man exclaimed loudly, voice somehow still suave and serene despite the increase in volume.

If she hadn't been looking at Kuroko closely, she would've missed the way his eyebrow twitched at how the man had addressed him. It was clear that not only the Generation of Miracles had the habit of giving Kuroko nicknames.

"Oi, Kuroko, who the hell is he?" Kagami demanded with red eyes narrowed suspiciously at the stranger.

"And what's up with that nickname?" Hyuuga wondered incredulously.

"Were you expecting him?" Kiyoshi asked kindly, looking at the man curiously.

"Hai," Kuroko sighed almost inaudibly as he picked up his bag and stood up. "He's a friend of my father's. I'm sorry that I have to cut this short. I am expected at the house before evening so I will have to go ahead of senpai and Kagami-kun,"

"Eh? Already?" Riko gasped before running to the fence to get a good look at the man.

After all, this was the first time that she had seen someone related to Kuroko's family.

"Riko, what the hell are you–"

"Ssh!" She shushed Hyuuga with an impatient wave of her hand. "We won't hear!"

They all watched as Kuroko trudged slowly, too slowly, to the man's car. The teal haired teen eyed the ride as if it would leap up and attack him without shifting his stoic expression. But, he did stop in front of the man's window.

"Why did tou-san send you, Lambo-san?" Kuroko questioned, his eyes intensely staring.

"Yare, yare," The man sighed exasperatedly. "You talk as if it's a bad thing. Would you rather Ryo-nii be the one sitting behind the wheel?" He drawled lazily with a yawn.

Nothing in Kuroko's expression changed. But his shoulders stiffened.

"I understand," He merely replied before whirling around to face the older teens and the redhead still inside the street court. "And, it was nice spending the day with senpai. Please take care of yourselves. I have to go," With that, he bowed at them respectfully.

"Take care of yourself too, Kuroko," Kiyoshi waved good-naturedly while Kagami and Hyuuga merely nodded with a wave.

"Invite us sometime, Kuroko-kun!" Riko yelled with a mischievous glint in her eye.

At the female coach's statement, Kuroko eyed her as if she had just gone overboard with her absurdity. With powder blue eyes staring discretely at Lambo and seeing the man's curious amusement, Riko saw him purse his lips in slight displeasure.

"Well, why don't you invite your team over tomorrow, Tetsu-tan?" The man wondered aloud with a smug smirk. "Besides, your mother just arrived and will be staying for the week," He further disclosed as his green eyes twinkled.

Kuroko brightened at the last statement and Riko didn't even have to look too closely to see it.

"That's good news," The teal haired teen remarked lightly. "But, please, stop addressing me with such a name, Lambo-san," He reprimanded lightly with a small frown.

"Always so formal, Tetsu-tan," Lambo sighed exasperatedly, obviously ignoring the request as he eyed the second years and Kagami with a grin. "And, send word to the whole of Seirin Basketball Club. The family's quite curious about the little guy's friends ever since Tetsu-tan disappeared for a while after middle school. And I'm sure his father would be thrilled to meet you," His grin suddenly had an edge to it and his earlier laziness didn't seem to be present at the moment.

"Eh? Disappeared?" Hyuuga exclaimed in surprise as he glared at Kuroko incredulously.

"I'm going," Kuroko muttered as he went in and sat on the passenger seat beside Lambo.

Before they drove away, Lambo eyed them speculatively.

"And, I hope you aren't like those Generation of Miracle brats," Lambo commented seemingly pleasantly but they stiffened, remembering when Kuroko had finally told them the story behind Teikou's separation and broken friendship. "And, be here at around ten in the morning. I'm sure the family's going to be glad to meet your acquaintance," With that, he restarted the engine of the car and drove away before Riko or even Kuroko could put in a word edgewise.

"Tetsu-chan! I've missed you! Did you receive my gift last month?" Kuroko Senna gushed as she hugged the teal haired boy as soon as he entered the house.

Though, to the boy's chagrin, the teal haired woman was taller than him by a good two inches. He didn't seem to have inherited his height from either of his parents but he understood that his weak constitution was due to being born prematurely. Still, it was always a blow when he realized that even his mother was taller than him while most boys his age had outgrown their own mother's stature. His mother was currently wearing a tight sleeveless black dress that reached her knees and black heels with straps which helped in making it looked like she was towering over him.

Remembering his mother's 'gift' though, he cringed a little.

"Yes," He quipped back dryly. "Though, I don't think I'd ever really have any use for a dagger, kaa-san," He remarked with a bit of exasperation.

His mother was an assassin. He had known that since he was five. It was also one of the reasons why she was mostly out of the country. His parents were never married, his father had confirmed as much. It had been an on-going affair between them which had lasted for about five months before they had him. Even if they avoided talking about it, it was very obvious to Tetsuya that they never planned to have him. It just didn't mean that they loved him any less.

He had taken after his mother's name not just because she was his mother but also because her name was unknown in the underground circle. Which couldn't be said the same for his father who was practically one of the known top tiers in that world by being part of the strongest mafia Famiglia.

"Nonsense!" The woman exclaimed with an incredulous expression. "It was for Tetsu-chan's protection! You can never be too sure with all the brutes out there! But if anyone's giving my boy some trouble, just tell me, I'll personally bury a bullet to their head," She promised with a tight hug as if commenting about harming people was completely natural.

Tetsuya was perturbed by the thought that he was completely immune to his mother's words.

"You don't need to go to such extremes," He found himself replying wryly.

"Is that so?" Senna pouted. "I don't know where you inherited it but Tetsu-chan is so formal and polite. Your father is quite oblivious to these kinds of things so I'm rather sure that you didn't get that from him," She remarked with a shake of her head.

"Well, it certainly is good to hear that you think so highly of me," A deep voice cut in a little sarcastically.

Both of them looked behind them just to see Lambo and an older dark haired man approaching them. Even at his mid-thirties, the man certainly looked young. In fact, Tetsuya remembered how many people had mistaken his father to be in his late twenties instead. Not that he could fault them as he stared at him. Yamamoto Takeshi was tall at six foot and four inches but he didn't look too imposing with that wide grin on his face. He was dressed in a dark suit with a blue dress shirt underneath.

Lambo just sighed from beside the man.

"Takeshi," The smile on his mother's face had frozen. "Do you always have to cut in with my alone time with Tetsu-chan?" She groused as she let go of the teen.

There was also the fact that ever since then, for some reason, his parents never got along well. Or, at least, his mother always seemed annoyed whenever the man was around. That was because every time she was here in Japan to visit, his father always asked her to get settled with Tetsuya. And, Senna was too free-spirited and loved her freedom and independence too much to even think about it. While Tetsuya, himself, preferred having her around as well, he couldn't take away what made his mother happy.

"Ohayou, Senna-san," Lambo greeted lethargically with a yawn.

"Yo, Senna, long time no see!" Takeshi greeted with a beam. "It's been… what? Six or five months since we've last seen you," He casually commented with a rather rueful shake of his head.

"Actually, four months and three weeks," Senna deadpanned as her blue eyes narrowed.

"Tetsuya!" His father strode forward and calmly sidestepped his mother and gave him a tight hug. "Your last match was great! I was watching it with Hayato and you were absolutely remarkable! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to congratulate you at the first opportunity but there was an urgent business that we needed to take care of," He apologized with a small smile as he let go of the small teen.

"Eh?" Senna's eyes widened as she stared. "Eh? How come I never heard of this! Tetsu-chan…" She looked at her son accusingly.

"I sent you an email," Tetsuya merely answered.

"Well, if you're around more often then maybe you would know these things," The man merely commented, ignoring the teal haired woman's darkening aura. "So, how's your stay in California? I heard that you did some job there," Takeshi mentioned casually but his eyes narrowed at her.

"I eliminated three high-profile targets. They were ruthless men who conducted human trafficking and slavery," Senna replied curtly. "Scum like them don't deserve to live,"

Why am I so used to this conversation? Tetsuya wondered as he looked at his mother. How could she be so blasé in mentioning this matter in his presence? While he understood that she was an assassin, it was actually another thing to know that your mother had actually killed people.

"Not in front of Tetsuya," Takeshi reprimanded as if he had read the teal haired teen's mind.

"Tetsu-chan already knows about my job," Senna countered darkly.

"Not in front of Tetsuya," His father repeated, his laid-back smile being replaced with a frown. "Even I'm more careful than that,"

There they went again. Tetsuya was getting quite exasperated by this.

"It's good to see kaa-san and tou-san getting along," Tetsuya deadpanned with a flat stare.

Lambo sent him a wide-eyed incredulous look.

Takeshi laughed.

"We do, don't we?" He mused as a grin crept on his lips. "Your mother's always been quite stubborn so don't stress about it if it looks like we're fighting. And I'm sure that she's just very glad to see us," His amber eyes flickered to the woman for a moment.

"I'd rather prefer seeing Tetsu-chan," She huffed as she crossed her arms.

"And I'll believe you when you actually stop keeping tabs on me," He quipped back with a raised eyebrow. "You're not very discreet," He mentioned with a knowing grin.

"I am not keeping tabs on you!" She denied with a scowl.

Takeshi merely raised his other eyebrow.

"So, Lambo told me about inviting your friends over," Takeshi suddenly stated with a wide smile as he slung an arm around his quiet son's shoulders. "That's great! Tsuna and the others would be arriving this evening and they'll also get to meet them tomorrow," His amber eyes sparked mischievously.

Tetsuya flinched at the way his mother's eyes zoomed on him.

Certainly, tomorrow's going to be quite a long day. There was no doubt about it.

