AN: For those, like me, who still need their sleep: Good night! For those who are awake enough to enjoy: Enjoy! Currently I am editing all the previous chapters.

I repeat myself so here comes the last chapter of Daddy knows best.

"Hey Daddy?"

"Yes Sweetheart?"

"What is this?" His daughter pointed at the back of his hand.

"This? This is a reminder of one of the best days I've ever had." Deeks replied smirking.

"What happened?"

"Your mother screamed and shouted at me and while she wasn't doing that, she cursed me and broke my bones while she threatened me to...castrate me."

She looked at him with her forehead creased.

"It was the day of your birth," he cleared, looking in her eyes. "I-"

"Tell her about it before she gets her own kids and she'll be an only child."
Kensi casually walked in and unwrapped the bandages from her hand, not looking at Deeks and their daughter as she threw the boxing gloves on the tea-table before slumping onto the couch.

"What do you mean 'own kids'?"

Kensi only looked up at him, telling him wordlessly not to be stupid.

"As in, 'being knocked up' by a man?" Deeks had stood up and was slowly approaching Kensi.

"No, I mean like taking home a weasel and call it 'Marty'," she said sarcastically.
"Of course I mean like going into labour after being pregnant with a human child!" She said rolling her eyes.

Deeks turned white. But not nearly as white as the day Kensi said this one sentence to him.

w-_-w "My water broke."

Deeks was cuffing the suspect on the ground, reading him his rights as he did.
Kensi stood behind him, her weapon drawn.

Under normal circumstances an eight months pregnant woman should neither be carrying a weapon nor should it be necessary to do so.

But Kensi and 'normal' was nothing that fit into one positive sentence and being pregnant didn't keep her from anything else but tying her shoes.

That's why she wore flip-flops to her SIG.

"Just a second then we'll buy you a new bottle." Deeks was struggling to pull the man into a standing position.

"I don't think she meant that." Sam said, walking over to take the suspect. Deeks blew the hair out of his face and looked at Kensi. When he saw her horrified expression, he scanned her from head to toe. Which he found in a puddle.

From one moment to the other his face turned white, his ears heard nothing but a beep and his vision went blurry.

"Great," Kensi said as she saw Deeks' eyes rolling back in his head and his form slumping to the ground.

"Kensi, get in the car, I take Deeks. We'll get you to the next hospital," Callen kept his cool and planned the next steps.

For once, Kensi did as told without asking quesitions. Callen picked up Deeks and carried him to Kensi's SUV.

As soon as the everybody sat in the car, Kensi bit her lip. Hard.

A wave of pain rushed throught her lower belly and back, taking her breath away and numbing her senses. She refused to cry though. She had taken bullets, got stabbed and kicked more times than she could count, why should she start screaming because of a little pain?

The 'little pain' was not going unnoticed by her teamleader as he started the car and called Hetty and Sam simultaniously.

Hetty picked up sooner, after the first ring.

"Mr Callen-"

"Code Green," Callen pointedly said.

Sam had picked up too, so he repeateded the phrase.

"I'll bring the suspect to the station, meet you at the hospital." Sam hung up.

"I will inform Mr Beale and Ms Jones about the happenings. We will arrive along with Mr Hanna. Until then, good luck Agent Callen." Hetty hung up too.

From the second being informed that Kensi was pregnant Callen had formed a plan in his head. In the seconds it took to tell her team that it was Deeks' child the plan was flawless. After that the plan involved risks and unknows x's. Nell and Sam being the ones with families and having experiences with babies and births -Sam more with the latter than Nell who had multiple nieces but never been with a woman in labour- brought in their knowledges. After a few hours and even more confusion about the codename, the different scenarious were worked out. Except for the colour red they had every shade of the rainbow for however the situation when Kensi's water broke looked like.

Kensi being healthy but out on a mission and Deeks passing out was named green. Like 'with the mother everything is alright' but also as in 'the father's face turned green, he's sick'.

Callen put on the lights and horn speeding towards the hospital cursing the traffic all along, but being thankful for being able to drive outside the city to avoid the heavy afternoon traffic.

"Open the gloves department," he told Kensi in a soft voice that betrayed his stress.

Wincing slightly she did so. In her current situation she wasn't able to hold back the few tears of alleviation as she saw the Twinkies that were stashed there.

"Thank you," she said with a trembling voice before she took a bite. It really helped as she relaxed visibly.

Callen smiled. Sam had pointed out that when going into labour a reassuring scent or flavour did wonders. Michelle had pressed a shirt of his to her nose all the way to the hospital.

Lost in thoughts, Callen didn't see the truck coming at them without decreasing the speed.

The last thing before he passed out in the wreck was "At least I stuck us into a tree".


Sam was about to get behind the wheel when he heard the crash. A few streets down he saw a truck closing the whole street. Next to it was a silver SUV, the front left side of the car almost replaced by the tree the driver had crashed against.

Acting purely on instinct, Sam began spriting to the collision.

Upon coming closer his heart dropped to his stomach. The silver SUV was Kensi's silver SUV. The same one Callen had driven when they parted.

The first thing moving by the wreck was one of the rear doors. A mop of blonde hair was the next thing.
Suddenly said mop moved very quickly to the passenger door. "Kensi!" Deeks shouted.

Sam ran towards him, helping him get the woman out of the car and placing her on the grass next to the street.
She was unconscious, but didn't look as if she had more than a few scrapes from the shattered windshield.

Deeks kneeled on the ground with her head on his lap and let his hands glide over her, checking for any broken bones or open wounds.

Being somewhat reassured, Sam scurried over to the driver's side. The door was not to open. Not having the patience to wait for the emergency team to arrive, he opened the door behind the driver's door, using all his strenght and the one the adrenaline gave him to get the damaged door open.

Seeing his partner unconscious with his face bloody from the shards of glass and his left arm sticking out an unnatural angle, his breath hitched. "Okay G, we have the first team-baby ever and you're not gonna sleep through it." He tilted the seat back and used his knife to cut the seatbelt. Then he checked if Callen's legs were alright before carefully pulling his partner over the back of the seat and out of the door behind the passenger, the one Deeks had left open.

"Kensi seems alright, as soon as she comes through, how's Callen?" Deeks asked, fear prominent in his voice and eyes.
Sam laid Callen on the grass beside Kensi and looked him over. "Has a pulse and breathes. He'll pull through too."

"Kensi," repeatedly calling her name while patting her cheek, Deeks tried to wake her. Every minute the baby was about to come and she was unconscious and without any medical help.

Sure, Callen had them all learn how to help Kensi give birth to the baby, but the process usually involved her being awake and able to help.

Before long sirens were heard, as Hetty had immeadiately called and ambulance after hearing the crash.

The medics rushed over to Callen and Kensi, the one by the latter asking Deeks how far along the woman was. "Eight months, we were on our way to the hospital-" he sobbed, the tears flowing freely. "She-she...her water broke and I passed out and-"

"Sir, you need to calm down. We'll do everything we can to save mother and child."

The next minutes went by as in fog. Someone asked Deeks some questions, he anwsered them without processing. His only hope was for his girls to make it.

He relived the day Kensi had shut him up as he rambled about the pros and cons of knowing the baby's gender when the doctor wanted to tell them. "I hate surprises and after four months I wanna know with what I have to walk around the next five." And the discussion was ended and Kensi was told she was going being the mother of a baby girl.

"Deeks!" Someone shook him violently. "Deeks, come on!" Nell's voice pulled him from the fog to reality.
He looked down at her. "She's awake." Then she pointed to the woman laying next to him. Until now he hadn't realized that they had transferred them to an ambulance and two medics working on Kensi, who's hand he had held the whole time.

"Twenty-eight, healthy, thirty-four weeks along. The man besides her is her husband and the father of the child." He listened to Nell mixing real information with some made up to allow Deeks to be beside the woman he loved so dearly. He had yet to tell her though.

"Kensi?" He asked, his own voice thin and cracked.

She said nothing, but squeezed his hand.

Deeks heard Nell say Kensi's name too, maybe because medics always asked to be able to talk to the patient.

The woman turned to her patient "Kensi, I need you to tell me if you're strong enough to push. Other wise we need to make a C-section to get the baby."

Kensi swallowed, but took all the strenght she had inside her to tell that she would push.

"Okay." Deeks saw the second medic checking if she was ready. He knew that if Kensi had her way she would give birth to the child all alone, not going to a hospital, not having strangers lift her skirt when they had to get her panties off of her.

"We're ready. When I say 'now' you push with all you've got, but before you pass out, you squeeze my hand and we'll stop, alright?"
Kensi nodded and took the woman's hand. Her collegue angled the gurney to have Kensi half-sitting, half- laying on it.
Deeks rubbed the back of her hand. He had never been so scared and excited as now.
"Come on Kens, I'm here, we'll make this together." For the first time she neemed to notice that Deeks was with her.
"You!" she growled, looking at him with a glance that could kill him. "This is all your fault! You knocked me up, you idiotic-"


With a wince she pushed with all she had in her.

"Stop!" The medic haltet her. "Take a breath. Short ones..."

Kensi did as told, Deeks too.

"And now long, deep breaths. Very good."

Deeks beamed. They were 'very good'. They would totally be the best at giving birth. He knew the competitive Kensi loved winning every contest. Even if she now looked as if she liked to be best in beating Deeks to pulp.

"Dumbhead," she finished her former sentence. "I swear, as soon as I get my hands on you, I will-"


Deeks couldn't even feel his hand anymore she was squeezing so hard, but somehow that didn't matter.
This was the greatest moment of his life! How could he care about profanities like limbs?

This time Kensi was able to push harder.

Cursing Deeks seemed to give her strenght.

"We're almost there, Fern, you're doing great." He reassured her, pushing back some strands of hair from her face, which were stuck there because of the sweat and blood.

Again she breathed as told, before she turned to him once again to finish her threat.

"I will make sure that you never again will be able to do such a thing. I will make this child your last, I will rip-"

Again she had to push and the patteren repeated. She would push, breathe, curse and start the circle all over.

Deeks just beamed next to her, taking all her threats and curses in as if she told him just a funny story.

Unbeknownst to the pair the medics changed glances every now and then, smirking at the creativity of the ways the woman said she would kill her husband.

"...and than I will rub fresh meat all over you, so the hyenas will have something delicious when they rip you off the cactus-"

Again she had to push and this time it was longer and more hurtful than all the other times.

She felt as if she was being ripped in two, as if someone used their most brutal method of torture on her.

"There's the head!" The medic exclaimed happily.

Kensi heard herself screaming to the top of her lungs, felt light-headed, but fought the nausea with the strenght she didn't need for pushing.

Deeks heard a cracking noise somewhere in the distance. When the medic lifted the baby up, he felt fresh tears well in his eyes.

The first thing Kensi felt was relief. Finally it was over and the baby was here.
But something was off.

Something was not right.

The deafening scream from her had left the vehicle.

Now it was quiet.

Awfully quiet.

The baby was quiet.

"Is she-" Deeks whispered in shock.

"Scissor!" The medic barked to his collegue.

Kensi tried to breathe normally, but she couldn't.

Her daughter wasn't screaming.
She wasn't making any sound.

She was a newborn without a voice.

But she didn't sleep.

What she saw next almost made her go after the female medic. She took the baby's ankles with one hand, turned it around and clapped rather forcefully on her back.

Deeks was about to jump up but the other medic held him back.

Before he could draw his weapon on the man, he heard it.

The scream of his daughter was probably the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard in his life.

"She's alright, just needed a bit help," the female medic smiled and handed Kensi the little human being now careful as if she was handing a glass figurine over.

She held her daughter to her chest and looked at her. She was stunned. This little person had been inside her until just a few seconds ago? This was the result of her and Deeks throwing all caution in the wind? This was what her future looked like?
So tiny...

Before his brain could register what he did, Deeks pulled his shirt over his head and gently wrapped it around the baby. That Kensi still held her and he wrapped her arm too was nothing important.
He could only so much as stare at the little bundle.
The days he had watched Kensi change her routine and behave strangely.
All the hours his mind needed to comprehend if Kensi really could be pregnant.
The minutes it took for the test to show the result.
The few seconds she broke down after reading it positive.

The following day waiting for her to notice him.
The hour she told him she wanted to keep it.
The minute he needed to process the thought.
The second he realized he was going to be the father of Kensi Blye's child. For real.

All that seemed to have led to one thing being as clear daylight to him.

"I love you," he whispered.
"And I love you," Kensi said, but she didn't talk to him.

Examining these little fingers closely, she was completely in awe with her daughter.

So Deeks tried again. He put his hand on the gurney and leaned in. Before he could utter anything else, the door to the ambulance was opened and some doctors and nurses called some things.

The gurney was lifted out of the ambulance, leaving Deeks behind. His body didn't want to move. He just couldn't anymore. With tears running down his face, staring at the spot where the doors of the hospital had closed behind Kensi, he simply sat there.

He was a father.
u-_-u "Deeks?"



He looked up, seeing Eric sitting opposite him in the ambulance.

"How are you-"

"You dazed out a few minutes. I saw you sitting here and thought...y'know...helping a friend?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
The truth was that as soon as Nell had pulled up the Challenger Sam was about to drive before the accident behind the ambulance, Eric saw his way to escape the dreaded feeling of being in a hospital a bit longer.

"Callen?" Deeks pulled himself together, taking a few deep breaths and trying to focus on reality.

"Concussion and a broken arm. Some scrapes and bruises, surprisingly nothing heavy," Eric assured him.

"Wanna go in?"

"The faster we go, the faster Kensi can kick your butt for leaving her side." Now he smirked.

As they scrambled out of the vehicle, Eric pointed at Deeks' hand. "You got hurt in the crash?"

"Huh?" Deeks looked down. His left hand was looking somewhat strange, some on the bones stuck out under the skin in a rather hurtful looking way. "Didn't notice..." he mumbled.

"Come on, we'll get that some attention too."

"Deeks! Where have you been?!" Nell ran towards him and took a hold of his hand. His left hand. Deeks hissed and she let go.

"What- Not important. Kensi is asking for you!" Taking his arm, because she didn't have a sleeve to pull the man on behind her, Nell made her way to the room the agent was in.

Knocking with an unexpected softness on the door, she pushed the handle for him, before shoving him into the room.

Deeks came to a stumbling halt between the door and the bed Kensi laid in.

She seemed exhausted but nevertheless happy.

The setting sun coming throught the window cast her in a golden light. Deeks breath caught. He had seen her look stunning and beautiful in various situations, but the one thing making this moment so unique was the small carrier beside her.

"Hey," he whispered, hardly able to speak around the lump in his throat.

Kensi turned her head from the carrier to him. "Hi."

Not knowing what to do Deeks stood rooted to the place, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I promise not to shoot you," Kensi whispered softly.

"Because someone has to change the diapers?" Deeks laughed nervously.

Kensi nodded, unable to keep her eyes open for long.

"C'mere, so I don't have to get up to slap you." Her voice was still husky and calm.

"Is she..?" He pointed to the carrier.

"Nell took watch as they washed and weighed her...I still have to feed her once she wakes up."

Deeks shuffled his feet towards the comfortable chair beside the bed.

Hetty had managed to get Kensi a private room almost as comfortable as a hotel. If it weren't for the tubes and wires connected to mother and daughter, some would've missed that this was still a hospital.

Feeling clumsy, Deeks stood in front of the carrier.

For the first time he took the chance to look properly at the little baby.

"She is so small..." then he remembered something. "Is she alright? I mean, she's a preemie, isn't she?"

Kensi's forehead creased. "They assured me, she's okay, just a bit of an early bird not a preemie, no..." As soon as she had gathered half of her senses this had been her first question too.

"But the..." Deeks gestured around the nasal tube and the wires, which vanished under the blanket the baby was wrapped in.

"To monitor her heart rate and breathing, nothing big."

"Okay, that's...that's fine, that's good, I mean, she's...she's healthy and just an early bird and healthy-"

"Deeks. Stop rambling. You're not allowed to pass out again, got it?" Kensi chastised with her smile still in place.

"Yeah, right sorry." Stopping himself before his fingers could touch the little girl, he took hastly some steps back.

Immediately Kensi worried.

What was wrong?

Was it too much?

Was the view of his daughter too scary for him?

Would he break his promise and leave her? Leave them?

He couldn't go, he wouldn't he had been with her all along the pregnancy, now he couldn't flee!

But he didn't run for the door he came in, but for the second door in the room.
Kensi heard the water of the faucet being turned on in the en-suite bathroom.

Her heart wandered back to its original place in her chest for it had dropped when she saw him running.

The cool water soothed his nerves.

Until the moment he reached for the baby he hadn't realized the sweat and blood on his hands and head.

These little things were fragile, and even if their child was just an early bird, he would treat her with the utmost care.
Not take the risk to infect her with something.

He splashed water in his face, fighting the rising feeling of nauseousness as he did.

Oh goodess, this was it. This was the start of a new life. This was just so normal: having a woman and a child, living in a house with a garden and a dog to take for long walks on the beach.

Unbelievable the day had started with chasing a suspect and dodging bullets.

The corners of his lips pulled up.

His life was a mess he wouldn't trade for the world.

Even if he still waited for the right moment to tell Kensi that he loved her.

What they had gone throught since they knew each other, when they were on their own, the nights when she had second thoughts about being a good mother.

He was there for her, and if she let him, he would be until they took their last breath.

But before he thought about death, he should think about life.

He turned the faucet off and dried his hands.

Pushing the door open with his elbow, he went back into the room.

He found that Kensi had closed her eyes and her breathing was even. He could sense tough that she was not sleeping.

Coming to stand in front of the transparent carrier again, he hesitated. Never before had he held a newborn. What if he hurt her, what if he broke something? What if he dropped her?

"'S not that difficult," Kensi spoke up. She had sensed his fear, as it was her own so many times before.
"Pull," she ordered and stretched out her hands for Deeks to help her sit up. While she handed him the remote for the bed to elevate it, she reached into the carrier and put her hands under the baby. Slowly, she pulled her up and took her to her chest. As soon as the bed was comfortably angled to sit in, she nodded for Deeks to sit down on it, next to her.

"But my pants...the grass and the dirt and-"

"Deeks. Rambling. Stop it." Words she had used so often the last months.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly and refrained from scratching his neck for he wanted to keep his hands clean.
He sat beside Kensi, ducking under the wires and tubes not to jostle something.

"We've read what to do. Now it's time for the field work," she smiled and searched his gaze. When she was sure he would listen, she said quietly. "You can do this," and arranged his arms and hands to lay the baby in.

The moment Kensi let go of the bundle and Deeks felt the light weight of the newborn in his arms, he wasn't able to hold back the tears.

Once he was sure to hold her properly, he relaxed and leaned a bit more into the matress.

The little one opened her eyes and let her gaze wander. She felt someone new was holding her.

Deeks' breath caught. Baby blue eyes met the baby's blue eyes. This was his daughter. This was the result of the one night he had with the woman he loved.

A pure and literal love child.

"She's perfect," he breathed. "She'" He couldn't bring his brain to function, the tears were running down his cheeks, he faught hard not to sob, afraid of jostling the baby.

Kensi reached out her hand and stroked his cheek. "Deeks..."

"Yeah?" he couldn't bring himself to tear his gaze away from the miracle in his arms.

"I love you," Kensi whispered.

He turned his head so fast he was afraid to pass out again.


Kensi chuckled.

"I said, I love you." Her eyes were sparkling, as she locked them with his. "but don't tell me that's news for you."

"Yeah, no, no of course not, I mean..." he stopped rambling as she chuckled again. "I love you too." He took a breath as deep as possible without jostling their daughter. "I meant you, you know, in the ambulance, when we first held her- I meant you Kensi."

"I know," Kensi simply said before closing the small gap between their lips with one oh so sweet kiss.

Over her pregnancy they have shied away from getting closer than they already were, keeping their boundaries to the thing between friendship and something much more like they always have.

When they pulled back, Deeks mumbled "You broke my hand."

"Then go and get a cast, we'll wait here for you."

For Deeks didn't feel anything but pure bliss in this moment, he decided that his hand could wait a bit longer.
He closed his eyes, feeling the two most important people next to him. Kensi had her head on his shoulder, her hand on his tight; and his daughter, their daughter, had fallen asleep in his arms.

In this moment, Marty Deeks felt as if nothing could become any better.

AN: so this is it, as Michael said. I hope you enjoyed the story, and crave for more. It is to come, but good things come to those who wait (and are notified).

I don't have anything more to say regarding the story, for it speaks for itself, I think (hope). Thank you for the kind and understanding reviews, for staying with my pace of updates, and for hopefully leaving some more reviews (if you have questions, out with them too:-) .

Until next time,