But I'm set with the goal of 50 deaths and 100 is just too much.


It was fun altogether.
And I guess I stuck with Soul and Maka.

Thank you for the support!
Especially to my classmates who were the first readers! XD

And now, I'm about to say something.
Something hopefully important.
Or interesting at least.

Here it is.
Read on.

1.) Suicide (Jumping Off the Railing)

2.) Zombie Bite (He was Actually a Zombie)

3.) Death For Being ASYMMETRICAL
4.) Hunger (I Love Coffee)
5.) Mad/ Zombie Professor Stein
6.) Hitting A Tree
7.) Zombie Ragnarok
8.) Suicide (Cutting Herself)
9.) Suicide (Drown With an Anchor)

10.) Time Bomb
11.) Fire
12.) Infected Milk
13.) Electric Fence
14.) Armed Zombies
15.) Alligator
16.) Killing a Zombie "Friend"
17.) Waterfall
18.) Revenge (is Bittersweet)
19.) Suicide (Knife; Maka's Letter)
20.) Illness
21.) Kill For Money
22.) Death of Giraffe the Dog
23.) Wrecking Ball
24.) Accidentally Hung
25.) Broken Brakes

26.) Killed by Girlfriend (Grr...)
27.) Train
28.) Land Mine
29.) "Dying" Heart (Lame xD)
30.) Euthanasia
31.) Lightning
32.) Punishment – Electrocution
33.) Crucifixion
34.) Trapped by Avalanche
35.) Tsunami
36.) Mad Death (Mocked by a Zombie)
37.) Sinking Apartment
38.) Muriatic Acid
39.) Hit by a Jealous Person's Motorcycle (xD)
40.) Sharks
41.) Jumping from a High Place
42.) Heart Attack
43.) Sandstorm
44.) Zombie Dog
45.) Falling Building
46.) Cement Mixer
47.) Accidentally Shot
48.) Blood Loss
49.) Earthquake
50.) Rock Slide

That was a long list! =)
Feel free to read any story once again!

This is my fanfiction with the highest number if chapters so far!
And the longest title! XD

Anyway, I realized I like writing short stories or one-shots.
So I like collections, too!

It may take a while for me to have another story up for Soul Eater but I'll be here.

My mind wouldn't stop with its imagination and ideas.
I love me and my mind.
I love you too! XD

Enough of this.
Another fanfic done.