"Yes, Carly, I made sure I turned off the oven this time," Spencer said to the phone that was in between his shoulder and ear.
It had already been more than a year since Carly left and every night it was just her checking on Spencer to make sure he hadn't burned down the apartment yet or forgot to do what he was supposed to ever night before going to sleep.
Spencer told Carly that if she loved Italy, then she should stay and go to college. Carly made it all the way there and she needed her dad in her life – Spencer would always be in Seattle waiting for her to come back. She said she was to return come for summer vacation in May, so he was counting down the days.
"No, I haven't tried cooking anything. Yes, I remember what happened when I tried opening my own bread business. Must you always bring that up! This is why I told you I can't lie to Mrs. Benson!"
Spencer was talking to his little sister on the phone in the elevator. He just came back from the post office with another box from Carly and their father from Italy. It was all new props for her and the gang to use whenever she got back and be able to decorate the whole place with. Carly was so excited with her new life she had no idea what was going on back home. No one had the heart to tell or nor did anyone want to for they knew she would have taken the next flight home to make everything right. For the past year it was just Spencer avoiding the whole situation that took place as soon as she left, and he was still trying to avoid telling her.
In a way everyone wanted to be separated for a while because with so many years being non-stop together it was time for a break. Maybe that's why the gang let Carly go without a fight. Everyone was growing up and they live in such a huge world.
The ding was heard from the elevator doors and they lifted up. Spencer was still on the phone hearing another story of Carly's adventures while walking into the iCarly studio, but he stopped when he saw Freddie on the floor hugging a beanbag chair while scrolling through old videos of the trio back when iCarly first started.
Spencer slowly let down the box next to the elevator before hanging up the phone to pay more attention to what Freddie was doing. Carly would probably be pissed because Spencer hung up mid-ramble, but somehow Spencer would make up for it later. He had an emergency in front of him.
A best friend emergency.
"What are you doing, Kiddo?" Spencer asked, walking up to take a seat next to Freddie.
"Watching iCarly," Freddie mumbled into the beanbag, not taking his eyes off of the television.
"When you guys were fetuses?" Spencer joked, seeing Sam's long hair and Carly's baby face close up on the screen as they were making a bunch of funny faces.
"It was back when no one had a crush on anyone and-."
Spencer snorted. "That was such a lie you were madly in love with Carly since the day we moved here."
Freddie couldn't help, but smile too, "Puberty messes you up, okay?"
"Sure, let's just blame it on Mother Nature and her doings."
Freddie shook his head. "Anyways. It was back when we all promised we would stick together no matter what. When we didn't know what was coming in the future and we didn't care as long as we were together."
"Freddie, you guys were kids, you didn't know what was going to happen. Carly didn't believe she was going to see her dad again, you thought you were going to be stuck with your mom forever, and Sam thought no one would have ever loved her more than a friend."
Freddie smirked, looking down at his hands. He could still feel the warmth of her hands when she would hold onto his. And the softness even though she probably never washed after every punch she threw to a guy even in her heels. It was great seeing her in dresses and heels rather than her normal jeans and high tops – she grew up and as much as Freddie would have loved her long hair, her short hair had her smile stand out too.
"Why are you still here?" Spencer asked, looking at the web show. "With Carly in Italy and Sam in LA why don't you randomly leave Seattle?"
"Well, my mother is reason A, and reason B I don't think I'd be able to leave all this behind," Freddie honestly told the truth. "As much as I always said I wanted to just get up and find a new life, I never could actually do it – I love the past too much and who I am today. I loved having Sam in my arms and Carly accepting I didn't have feelings for her anymore, I loved having Gibby as my best guy friend and the girls behind jealous of how hot I've gotten, and I love always hanging out here and hearing you say no one is supposed to be in the apartment except for Carly because the rest of us don't live here."
This kept Spencer quiet. The more Carly brought home the more he would have gotten upset, but he loved Freddie, Sam, and Gibby just as much as he loved Carly. Spencer was more than happy to let them come over and even stay the night if they had to because they didn't want to go home for whatever reason.
"Spencer...I want to find Sam," Freddie randomly said when seeing a short clip of her doing the Random Dancing on film. "I need to ask her to come back."
"You already did the day before Carly left," Spencer reminded, getting up from the floor, "Remember how well that went? You with your manpurse or whatever it was. What difference will it make a year later?"
Freddie got up from the floor and fixed his shirt. "Yeah, well, that was when my head wasn't screwed on right because I was trying to help Gibby keep his on. This time I'll make sure to do it right."
"And how will you possibly do that?" Spencer asked. "If you've forgotten Sam is in a different state with some girl named Cat-"
"Didn't we sing with her and that girl Tori we went after because she and Carly were sharing a boyfriend?"
"Yes, the red head that I saw first."
"You did not I totally saw her first."
"Not the point here!" Spencer yelled, reminding Freddie that he was trying to think of a way to get Sam back not her new roommate. "The point is you want to get Sam back. Now, do you even know where she is?"
"Hollywood?" Freddie asked.
"No like, her exact address!"
"If it's like Seattle, she must be popular after killing enough people there," Freddie said as he patted Spencer's shoulder and made his way back downstairs, leaving Spencer sitting in the beanbag to laugh.
Freddie walked backwards back into the room and Spencer looked at him.
"You are coming with me, right?" Freddie asked.
"Do I have anything better to do?" Spencer asked with his hands out.
"Not since you graded high school," Freddie smiled, giving him two thumbs up before exiting the attic once again.
Sam sat on the couch of her apartment as Cat was in the kitchen wanting to cook something special for the two of them to eat. It was another boring day for their babysitting service, and just another boring Friday to begin with.
"Caaaat," Sam groaned from the couch, "Where's my smooooothie?"
"Coming!" She yelled, pressing the button on the blender and laughed as the contents of the smoothie swirled around. When the machine stopped and she went to pour two glasses for her and Sam she asked, "Hey, so, do you have any plans for this week?"
"Not that I know of, why?" Sam asked.
"Well," Cat brought over the two smoothies and took a seat next to Sam on the couch, "Isn't this Tuesday your friend's birthday?"
"What friend?"
"The friend that you circled in the calender kept in your closet that I didn't look at one day."
Sam went quiet. She looked to the side. She then set her smoothie down on the coffee table and ran to the bedroom. Cat shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of her smoothie, watching the television and when Sam let out a blood-cold scream, it cause Cat to dump her smoothie onto her lap from the sudden jump in fear.
"WHAT?!" Cat screamed, getting up from the couch and running to the bedroom. "What is it?!"
"AW CHIZZ!" Sam yelled, holding onto the calender in her hands. "I completely forgot about Freddie's birthday coming up!" She paced back and forth looking down at the calendar, "How could I forget Freddie's birthday?"
"Well, it does come once a year," Cat said, walking to her closet, "You can't really blame yourself."
"Cat, all birthdays are once a year," Sam mentioned, placing a hand on her forehead to try and relax the headache she was already having.
"So?" Cat asked, closing the closet door so she could change out of her smoothie outfit. "I can't believe you made me ruin such a perfect outfit over a birthday."
"Cat, you don't understand," Sam said, leaning against the closet door. "This is Freddie we're talking about. The only boy I ever loved."
Cat opened the closet door and took a step outside with a towel wrapped around her body. "What did you just say?"
Sam nodded her head and played with the corner of the calender. "This is why it meant a lot to me that I didn't forget, but I did with the whole 'moving to LA' thing."
"Well, Sam, it's not too late," Cat took her hands. "There's still time for you to do something."
"Yeah, what?" Sam asked, turning her head to the side. "What could I possibly come up with in a matter of four days?"
Cat raised her eyebrows and it took Sam a second before she figured out what Cat was thinking.
"You really think that could work?" Sam asked and Cat nodded her head.
"Of course. If I ran off to another state I would get Robbie whatever shirt that state had!" Cat said and Sam smacked her forehead.
"No, you Bimbo, I thought you meant that I should go back to Seattle to see him."
Cat thought for a minute, looking at the ground. She gasped, looked up and starting jumping up and down. "That's the perfect birthday gift!" She stopped jumping and looked to the floor. "Why didn't I think of that?"