
This story idea was born from a photo I saw and loved, where the man screamed Scott to me. I hope you like it,

credit goes to Darkflames Pyre for the title, thank you so much, honey.

Chapter one

Scott Tracy lay in his bed in the hotel suite,unable to sleep. For the first time ever,he was not simply awake due to insomnia. Normally,a very light sleeper he was currently exhausted. Right now,he was so tired that he would fall asleep if that dratted monitor on the bedside table would just shut up long enough for him to do so.

Wearily he swung his feet out of bed and padded across the room to the suite's second bedroom door. Gently he pushed it open and the sound of the noise increased in volume as the baby in question shrieked at the top of very healthy lungs, he hurried to pick him up,cradling him gently as he settled him in his arms. He turned to go back to his part of the suite,glancing into the hired cot again as he did so. He breathed a sigh of relief as he carried his little son out of the room. At least the boy was the only baby awake this time!

Scott switched the bottle warmer on,and surprisingly dealt quite quickly with changing the child into a clean diaper and a brand new sleepsuit. The corners of his lips turned up, it had been just over twenty years since he had done diaper duties and he had to be honest he hadn't missed that job at all! But right now it did feel good that he obviously hadn't forgotten how to do it because frankly he was going to need every bit of baby knowledge he could possibly muster.

He picked the bottle up,raising it toward a wailing little mouth when he stopped himself. His Grandma's words of years ago when he helped to bottle feed motherless baby Alan, floated through his head "no matter how tired or rushed you are,ALWAYS test the bottle before giving it to him!"

"Sorry,Buddy." He murmured, as he shook a few drops onto his wrist, then upended the teat into a willing mouth. As the baby sucked hungrily,Scott looked down at him,taking in the dark silky looking hair on his head,the little,long fingered delicate looking hands and long legs.

"Have to think of a proper name for you soon." he murmured softly, "and tell your Grandpa and uncles all about you guys. Gotta break the news that you're coming to live with them too. Now Daddy's not a coward, Bud ,but he sure isn't looking forward to explaining your existences and why I never married your mother before you were born,to your Grandpa. No Sir, I'm not!"

The baby dozed,teat still in mouth, Scott gently extracted it and put it aside. He carried 'Bud.' back to the cot and gazed down at the sleeping inhabitants, as he laid the baby back in, and gently covered him with a soft blue blanket.

He rubbed his heavy eyes and gazed around the room, taking in all the new equipment and paraphernalia he had purchased in the last couple of days. At least they would be going home in Tracy 1, the main jet of the family fleet of aircraft. Or they would be in 3 days time, when one of his little brothers made the journey from their South Pacific island home to come and pick him up here in England.

Scott yawned widely, not bothering to try suppress it. He looked at the clock, 02:45 am,with any luck he could get a couple of hours sleep now. Time enough to think about all this later. Right now, there was a bed in the room that he felt was mentally calling him, he was that tired. He crawled into it and lay back on the pillow. May as well nap while the babies were sleeping. He shut his eyes and slept.