A/N: So, here it is, my new fanfic! This is set with Matt Smith as the doctor and Clara as his companion. Also, for the bits set in the future, the defenders will all be somewhere between 27-34 years old (except Thorne since he's time travelling) Also, there will possibly be some of my OC's along the way but I'll let you know if there is! Oh, one last thing- Xencryory is not a real chemical, I made it up! Anyways, on with the story!


A small cloud of smoke erupted out of the test tube Thorne was holding. The alchemist coughed and wafted the smoke away. He nervously glanced at the contents in the glass tube and was happily surprised to find a green-blue liquid in the bottom. He probed it cautiously with a finger and realised that, in fact, he had created a new type of slime.
Now wouldn't it be cool if it glittered... he thought. But that was impossible. The only chemical that he could think of that would work without a colossal explosion was Xencryory (of course it was quite explosive if handled wrong)- something that had run out on Earth hundreds of years ago. Well never mind, I could always raid Ballista's make-up for something sparkly...

He was about to start work on a new formula when there was a bang from above him.
"Kook!" Thorne rolled his eyes and removed his protective goggles. He left the lab and walked up the stairs in order to find the bird. On his way, he passed the kitchen and stopped for a snack.

In the warm room he found Shaiden making a coffee.
"Oh hi Thorne, I was just about to bring this down to you... Um, are you alright? Why are you angry this time?" the blue ninja asked.
"What? How do you know I'm angry?"
"Your Mohawk's sticking up more than usual, that's how I know!" she grinned
"Really? Whatever, its Kook he seems fixed on annoying me!" Thorne explained angrily.
"Ah just try to ignore him," Shaiden passed him the mug.
The British siblings simultaneously took a sip from their drinks and Shaiden burst out laughing.

Suddenly, an unmistakeable whooshing sound drifted into the room.
"That's not possible..." Thorne murmured placing his mug on the table creating a 'chink' sound.
"Thorne, are you ok?" his sister asked.
"Fine, but I'm going to kill that bird," the alchemist left the room with Shaiden following.

The siblings eventually found Kookaburra in the main room with Tinkor and Ballista.
"KOOK!" Thorne marched into the room.
"What's he done now?" Ballista asked barely looking up from her phone.
"Kook, you've got to stop pranking me! And watching my Doctor Who episodes with the volume up!"
"What? I haven't pranked you since... Well... Actually it was Yesterday..." Kook replied sheepishly.
"Don't act like you don't know!"
"Thorny, mate, I have no idea what you're talking about!" the bird said seriously.
"You, you don't?"
"No, I really don't," Kook shrugged.

Once again the whooshing sound floated through the air.
"So... So that means..." Thorne rushed to the window just in time to see a royal blue box materialise out of thin air. "No... Way..." he quickly left the room with Shaiden following.
"Thorne wait!" she gasped.
"Shaiden, wait here, please."
The blue ninja stopped, obeying her brother's request as she watched him leave the castle.

Thorne sprinted across the grounds to the TARDIS that had in fact just landed. He placed a gloved hand on the door handle before pulling it open and walking inside to where he found the doctor running around the TARDIS control panel which was smoking. Standing to the side was a dark haired girl wearing boots and a short floral dress who could only be Clara Oswald.

"Ugh! Why won't this thing work!" The Doctor exclaimed.
"No way..." Thorne whispered.
Just then, Clara turned to face him. "Um... Doctor, who's that?"
The Doctor looked up from the console. "Not a clue, but he has a Mohawk! Mohawks are cool!" he exclaimed.
"Bow ties are cool!" Thorne replied.
"Oh, I like this guy!" The doctor grinned rushing over to Thorne to shake his hand. "Hello there, I'm..."
"The Doctor," Thorne finished.
"Yes... And this is..."
"Clara Oswald." the alchemist replied.
"Doctor, how does he know who I am?" Clara asked walking over.
"I don't know... Who are you?"
"I'm Thorne."
"And how do you know us?"
"Well, your adventures are all over TV!" the alchemist explained.
"Really? Well if you know so much why don't you tell us something about ourselves," The Doctor asked.
"Ok, well Clara you're a nanny for Artie and Angie and your favourite book is 'Summer Falls' by Amelia Williams," Thorne stated.
"How did you know that..." she whispered.
"Wait; did you just say Amelia Williams?" The Doctor asked.
"Yes, why? Oh wait, yeah you've only just lost Amy and Rory," Thorne replied.
"Amy and who?" Clara asked.
"Ah, good old Ponds," the doctor half smiled. "They were my companions before you. They... Were sent back in time by a weeping angel..."
"A weeping angel?" Clara asked.

"Anyway, Thorne, all of time and space... What do you want to see?" The Doctor grinned.