Summary (Read this, it includes background information):

Amber and her mother were aboard a merchant ship, sailing to England when a fire broke out among the vessel. In the turmoil of the burning ship from which the two escaped, they became separated from another lifeboat that the last living crew members were on. Drifting out to see, on a not-so sturdy rowboat, they only were able to bring a trunk full of books, clothing, and a large bottle of fresh water. After days afloat, they arrive and are stranded on a lush tropical island. The mother, assumes the responsibility for caring for the small child, teaching her how to behave, how to forage for food, everything she needed to know about womanhood. An unspecified amount of time passes and 'Moma' eventually gets sick and dies. Amber, now alone, buries her mother in a flower patch on the opposite side of Rumrunners. She had to survive solely on her resourcefulness, and the bounty of her remote paradise. Years pass and she grows tall, strong and beautiful. She lives in a self-constructed treehouse and spendsher day's fishing, swimming, and visiting her mother's grave. Pirates were such an interest for Amber, she wondered what it would be like; to be free out on the open sea. She often found bodies of passed pirates, washed ashore, she buries them; it's the right thing to do. One day, the ten-year old meets a Pirate Captain, Captain Teague, he teaches her everything and supplies her with much knowledge about life and its expectancies. He talks about his son, around Amber's age, he was a blooming sailor as well, which only made Amber more curious.

Time passes, the very beautiful sixteen year old is the same curious girl, venturous as well. It was the day where a man gets stranded on her Island is where our story will begin.

Disclaimer: As much as I wish I do, I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean. *sigh* P.S Authors note at end of the page, enjoy.


In the middle of the Caribbean sea is an island not known to many. Also known as Rumrunners Isle, is Amber's Island. Named by the only human living on the small spit of land. Amber, now twenty three years of age, has been on the Island all by herself since she was six. Marooned as a child with her dying mother, she learned everything she needed to know about life's expectancies before her mother died. Everything about womanhood, cooking, cleaning herself, even about men and all the things she would be required to do to make 'Little Angels', as her mother would say.

Amber grew up to be an amazingly beautiful woman, long dark brownish red hair, perfectly shaped face, sun kissed skin, and her beautiful amber eyes - the reason why she was named Amber. Her eyes were beautiful, accompanied by thick eyelashes, top and bottom, giving the illusion of kohl lined eyes. Being sixteen, she was mature yet very bright for a girl alone.

She was taught a lot about Pirates, she found it all to be amazing, never thought she'd meet a living one. From time to time a body would wash up on the shore of Rumrunners, dead sailors. Amber, being the bright woman she is, collected all their clothes and belongings, and then buried the bodies in her little 'Garden of the Dead'. Being not exposed to much humans, gave her this wild, bright personality, full of curiosity.

She'd always wish to get off the Island, Amber did have a small rowboat she could use, in which she would use, if she was brave enough.

Amber felt very hostile on being on Rumrunners, theres not much danger, if you don't include the strange monkeys who steal every single bit of food.

She didn't just live out in the open, in the middle of the small jungle, there sat her treehouse. On one of the only trees that wasn't a palm tree. It was built by her mother, which was another reason for Amber's emotional connection.

She didn't learn everything from her mother. Amber was ten when she came face to face with the first live Pirate.

It was sunrise, another beautiful day. Amber had woken up already and had climbed down her treehouse to gather fruits and fresh water from the small lagoon in the middle of the Island. After her morning meal which consisted of various berries and bananas, she filled up her glass bottle with not-so-clean water, which she was used to.

To follow her daily routine, she picked flowers while on her usual morning hike to her 'Garden of the Dead' where she buried her mother and other people found or washed ashore. It wasn't the longest nor the shortest of walks, but it was enough to keep the now young girl who is starting to become a woman fit.

The 'garden' was just a ring of flowers and bushes in the far side of the island, it wasn't so special, but it was somewhere where Amber could speak to her mother, and pay her respects.

With the flowers she picked, she put a single flower on each of the patches of dirt where bodies rested underneath, and then walked over to her mothers grave which was the most special of them all. It was the only grave that had a tombstone, well just a piece of driftwood with the word "Moma" carved into it.

After spending a good half an hour at her mothers grave, she was to walk back to her treehouse, but walk along the beach instead. Which was longer, but it was worth it - Especially on this day.

She was kicking the soft warm sand underneath her feet, in her soft cotton dress that her mother packed away while packing for the trip - in which caused the marooning - Thankfully, her mother was very petite, Amber easily fit into her attire with no issue.

Her hair flew with the soft breeze, covering her eyes from time to time, but this didn't bother her. It was a somewhat relaxing lifestyle, there wasn't usually anyone around to impress nor to worry about.

She looked up at the horizon, it was usually a bare open sea line connected to a beautiful cloudless sky. But, no. On this day, there was a fairly large speck of darkness. Not a storm cloud, smaller than that. Not a body, bigger than that. It was a ship, a Pirate ship. A beautiful one of that.

Amber was amazed, excited.

"Real life Pirates, real living Pirates!" She spoke to herself, like she spoke to the various small animals on the Island.

She wove her hands around, hoping they could see her from such a distance. She looked basically like a maniac, but it was worth it.

The vessel spun around, facing the Island.

Minutes later, The Troubadour was yards away from shore, but small rowboats were distributed with what looked like built men whom were rowing to shore.

The first boat had arrived,

"Hello! Hello!" Amber greeted, shyly but politely.

"Are you hear alone my dear?" The man who looked like the Captain spoke, his eyes black with kohl

"Yeees.." She said awkwardly, cupping her sweaty hands together.

"What is your name love?"

"Amber, are you a pirate?"

"Well indeed I am, my name is Captain Edward Teague. Do not forget the Captain title." He said with a polite smirk, Mother always told Amber that all Pirates are bad, infact, Amber's father is a pirate, or was.

"Very nice to meet you. It's so exciting meeting a living pirate."

"Why are you on this Island alone? Tell me everything, I'll let you stay aboard if you like."

"Oh, I would love to stay aboard with you. I really would. But, I'd rather stay here, with my moma."

"You said you were alone?"

"I am."

"Wheres your mother?"

"In the Garden of the Dead." Amber said, strangely enough she didn't frown nor cry, she was calm about it. She knew her mother was there, watching over her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Amber."

"It's not your fault, she's watching over me, anyways. Would you like to see where I live?" She said with a smile, her white teeth glimmered in the sun. She had white teeth because her mum was all about hygiene, even if she loved to travel aboard merchant ships, her mother showed her a special fruit that cleaned your teeth, it was called a Strawberry, or so Amber thought.

"It would be an honour." Captain Teague said, his husky weathered voice ended with a smile, showing off his golden teeth. A few other pirates followed, the rest were scoping out the Island.

Amber replied with a smile and turned around, walking off the beach and into the small jungle, since Amber came from the Garden, she were around halfway to the treehouse - equivalent to where the lagoon was.

It was a silent walk, there was no need to doge any trees or bushes considering Amber travelled the same path a number of times. She stopped at the beautiful blue lagoon.

"This is where I get my water, its not salty like sea water." She said, pointing at the lagoon.

"It looks a little dirty." Teague commented.

"It does the trick, though."

"I can teach you a trick to make it not dirty, if you want."

"That would be wonderful."

It went silent from there, as Amber continued to walk towards her treehouse.

Once they arrived, she smiled and turned to the man.

"Here, this is where I live."

"This tiny thing?"

"Yes, it's not that small. I'm only a small girl, of course."

"It's not fit for a princess." Teague smiled, and the ten year old giggled. "I'll get my crew to help you out a little, we can teach you a couple of things in order to survive out here. We will also make your little hut a bit better, aye? How does that sound?"

"Oh my goodness gracious!" Is all she said, she knew that Pirates were somewhat good.

Teague's crew stayed at the Island for a total of two days, teaching her everything there is to know about survival, all the things mother didn't tell Amber. She now knew how to make water more fresh by boiling it, and she knew how to catch 'fishies'. She was told many Pirate stories, Teague also spoke about his son that was actually three years older than Amber. He was aboard another ship, building up his hours at sea so he could work for the navy and sail under his own command. The boy was only thirteen yet he already knew how to kill a man with something as simple as a rope, which was amazing to Amber. She asked Teague if he could teach her how to handle a sword, which she picked up quite quickly. In return, he gave her a sword that he made himself when he was a Blacksmiths apprentice when he was only ten himself. It was beautifully crafted, fit for Amber as the gold complemented her eyes.

Although, eventually the lovely Pirates had to leave. Teague offered that Amber could sail with them a numerous amounts of times but she kindly refused. So, they said their goodbyes and left.

It was all wonderful, Amber kept doing the same routine everyday. First, she would go on the walk to the Garden, Secondly, now that she is a woman she requires herself to bathe everyday, Third, she would practice sword fighting, Fifth, she'd re-read books that Teague had given her. Now that she was fully grown, she was full of curiosity, wonder. Amber had often thought about rowing out onto the open sea, getting picked up by lovely Pirates, living a free life. But, what if she wasn't picked up? What if she died out there? Sure, she would be reunited with her mother in Heaven, but Amber had to much to live for. So much more to explore.

She also often thought about men, will she ever meet a man worthy of her love? She had never met a man her age, she had hardly any experience with any form of contact with men other than when she was ten.

Mother used to say that when Amber met her 'Soul-mate' then there would be sparks, magical tingles. She often used to talk to the small monkeys who hung around her, for company. But, she imagined real life company, what it would be like.

"Off you go." Spoke the man, his face weathered and his eye whites tinted yellow.

Another, younger looking man stood on the edge of the plank. Dreadlocked hair tucked underneath a pale red bandana accessorisedd with a leather three pointed hat, he had a moustache and a goatee, with parts of a beard that was braided, small beads and trinkets were tucked into his unruly hair.

"I'll have the hat." Barbossa added, the man on the plank turned around with a dull expression on his face. "Hand it over." The Sparrow slowly pushed the hat off his head, and threw it to the new Captain.

"We could possibly negotiate-" Jack's offer was obviously declined, Bo'Sun, a larger man pushed the plank down hard with his heavy leg, the vibrations caused Jack to fall off and into the water.

"Here, have this." Hector Barbossa threw a pistol into the water, loaded with a single bullet.

Soon enough, the Black Pearl was already headed away from Rumrunners, to Tortuga.

It wasn't a long swim to the isle, Ex-Captain Jack Sparrow got there in no time.

End of Prologue.

A/N: Hello my lovelies! Nice of you to join me on our journey. Amber will meet our Captain Jack Sparrow in Chapter one and that is where our story will begin, that I will post if you review!

Please do review, tell me what you think, I recommend it as I will only update if I get feedback! Love it? Hate it? You tell me xx
