I am terribly sorry for my abscence. And the worst part is that this is a relatively short chapter, only just over 1000 words instead of the nearly 3000 of my other chapters. I hope to be updating more frequently from now on though, the problem was that I just had a major writer's block, and could not find it in me to write more than a few words before hitting a brick wall. But anyway here's the next chapter.

Percy's POV

The trip had been going smoothly for nearly 30 minutes, not one monster had attacked us yet. Which had to mean something big and bad was going to attack us at any moment. And knowing my luck it will be something nearly impossible to kill, or the minotaur.

Unless, of course, Leo's bad jokes didn't do us in first.

"I swear, if he tells one more faun joke, I'm going to turn him into a jack-a-lope." Artemis muttered.

"I might just let you." I replied quietly.

"I've heard Apollo tell better haikus." Thalia whispered, and she was probably right. The next few minutes were filled with no jokes, thankfully, before Carter broke the silence.

"Okay," he said, "I have a question, Lady Artemis." Artemis looked at him and I saw the poor guy flinch under her gaze.


"Why does Percy get to sit over there when you won't let us to sit over there." Artemis smiled smugly.

"Because you are boys."

"But so is Percy!" Leo objected.

"No, he is a man." She then directed her gaze to Leo, "And he doesn't try to flirt with my hunters all the time." Leo smiled sheepishly and Thalia smirked. I saw Grover wince, Artemis probably hadn't forgot all the stalking he had done before Juniper.

I saw Sadie smirk, "Guess that means I'm better than you lot." The others nearly argued, but thought against it with Artemis in the car. And I soon fell asleep, careful to not accidentally lean against Artemis.

-Several Hours later-

I woke up when the vehicle stopped suddenly and I ended hitting my head.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Annabeth had to stop for gas." Grover explained and I nodded. I stood up and got out, stretching my arms above my head.

Outside I could see everyone else doing something. Leo was fishing through his toolbelt. Carter and Sadie had their wands things out and were playing rock paper scissors, with actual rocks, papers, and scissors. Thalia seemed to be fiddling with her bow. Grover was munching on a soda can. And Annabeth was putting the gas in. But where was Artemis.

My question was soon answered when she stormed out of the gas station, her hand red as if she had just hit someone.

"Stupid, no good male." I heard her mutter. I felt bad for whoever had earned her wrath. I looked through the door of the gas station to see the man running the cash register slumped over the counter, a large bump on his head.

Do you remember how earlier I said that something bad was bound to happen. Well it happened.

A city bus pulled into the station and I tensed.

"Annabeth!" I shouted, "Finish up!" She looked at me strangely before noticing the bus. She nodded.

"Everyone get back in!" I commanded, they hurried in but Artemis stopped.

"What is it?" She asked. I pointed to the bus.

"Usually if a bus shows up on a quest I'm on, bad things happen." I explained, "So I plan on buying you guys some time so you can get far away from here."

"You're not doing this alone, I'm going to help you."

"Keep that up, Arty, and I might just think that you like me."

"Don't push your luck." And then it happened. From behind the bus, a monstrous form appeared. It was large and serpent like, with a crest on it's head and three tongues flickering out if it's mouth. Yep, buses and me do not get along well. The others took off down the road as Artemis pulled her bow out of thin air.

"That's the Colchian Dragon." She informed, "It used to guard the golden fleece back in the old days. And..."

"Let me guess, child of Echidna." She nodded. I uncapped Riptide. Artemis launched three arrows which bounced off it's scales like a rubber ball. I charged in and swung my sword at it's belly but it turned it's body so I hit it's tail and no damage occurred.

"The Mother wants your blood!" It hissed. I narrowly dodged being bitten by it, rolling across the ground just in time.

Artemis ran over and helped me up.

"How are we going to beat this thing. I can't see any way through it's defenses." Suddenly an idea formed in my head.

"I have an idea," I quickly added, "A stupid idea. Get as many fart arrows as possible." I ran inside and grabbed a lighter. I jumped out the door and saw that Artemis had at least fifteen fart arrows. Perfect.

I told her to notch a regular arrow and she did. I lit that arrow on fire and said to wait for my signal. I took the fart arrows and ran towards the dragon. I grabbed its tail and it picked me up and held me over its head. It opened its mouth.

I hurled the fart arrows into its mouth and they exploded into a noxious stink cloud inside it's mouth. It dropped me as it began to spasm.

"Now, Arty!" I shouted and began to run as she let go of the bow string. The arrow flew into the dragon's mouth, where the gas cloud caught fire and the serpent exploded from the inside out.

And in the pile of golden dust that it left behind was a single scale. I picked it up and gsve it to Artemis since she was the one who dealt the killing blow.

"I must admit that was a nice plan." She said begrudgingly.

"Sometimes my male brain comes in handy." She then stared at me intently.

"Just so you know, taking orders from you was a one time deal." I placed my hands up in surrender.

"Got it... So you're the dominating type, I'll keep that in mind." I teased and watched as her face lit up like Rudolph's nose.

"Why do I put up with you!?" She exclaimed and I began to laugh. Then I realized we needed a ride, luckily I knew just who to call. I concentrated all my willpower and within minutes I felt myself being tackle to the ground.

I opened my eyes and stared up at black eyes. Mrs. O'Leary. I smiled, it had been a while since I had last seen the friendly hellhound. Artemis had notched an arrow on her bow and was nearly ready to fire, so I told her that Mrs. O'Leary was friendly. And she was also going to be our ride.

I swung onto the hellhound's back and then reached to grab Artemis' hand. She didn't take it and hopped on behind me.

"You might want to hold on." I commented as we ducked into a shadow. I heard her scream and felt a pair of arms snake around me. I didn't have to use Mrs. O'Leary's shadow travel abilities, but there was the benefit of having Artemis holding onto me for dear life.

Next stop... Florida!